Aces High Bulletin Board

General Forums => Wishlist => Topic started by: bkbandit on August 13, 2006, 02:40:04 AM

Title: pros and cons
Post by: bkbandit on August 13, 2006, 02:40:04 AM
.... of night time.

ur dammed if u do and dammed if u dont. Wit the night we could get the f6f night variant, f4u-n, P61(alot of people asked for this), PBY was a monster in the nite, im pretty sure mossie has a nite variant, i think the 110 had a nite variant, im reading a web page right now that shows pics of a me262 NIGHT FIGHTER, ta 154.... these are just a couple i noe of or got just now and im pretty sure theres alot more, like a spit night fighter and some russain fighters. We would have plenty of toys to bring out as soon as the sun goes down. I have flown in nite before and its a welcome change from the regular dusk dawn and day. Add some search lites or what ever other goodies to the bases for defense. And make the nite shorter then the regualr daylight, lets say the a whole day runs 30 minutes, out of the day nite would run maybe 10 minutes.

I dont see no negatives but of course there are, people will ***** about visiblity, i would assume gv'ing would be alot harder at nite, htc wont do anythin until ct(u need nite for lac raids), low cloud cover had help hide u and at the same time smash u into a side of a mountain, black outs would really suck at nite........ im freash out but im sure u guys could fill in the blanks.

Pros and cons
Title: pros and cons
Post by: red26 on August 13, 2006, 09:36:27 AM
trying to fly under the DAR would not be a good thig trees get in the way as it is. LOL CV landing would almost be imposible and so would landing at a strip it wouldnt be so bad if the landing strip had some light's on or around it and you could turn them off in a bombing raid. :aok  Kinda like when we would hit the German town's they would turn out all the light's and go to black out to keep the bombers from seeing the town.
Title: pros and cons
Post by: zorstorer on August 13, 2006, 01:34:11 PM
I have been thinking of a way to make night workable in AH.  The biggest draw back I see is gamma correction to remove the "darkness" while flying at night.  I have not worked it all out but one way to remove the gamma gaming of the game would be to black everything out past something like d400 or maybe d600.  That was even if you did up your gamma you still would not "see" anthing past d400 or d600 out.  Not quite sure how to handle the interceptions, maybe some sort of arrow to point the general direction of cons while outside of radar range.  Just a thought so far.
Title: pros and cons
Post by: The Fugitive on August 13, 2006, 01:40:59 PM
Hey Red, we use to have night. It lasted an hour or so, but too many people complained about not being able to see so HTC cut it out. It got a bit darker than the "dusk" we have now, the stars and moon lite things up well enough. A lot of people use to "cheat" and turn the gamma way up on their monitors to brighten the sky up and make things easier to see.

Landing and taking off wasn't that big a deal because it wasn't totally pitch black. The planes were tuff to spot except for the icon which showed up real well against the black sky. Flying under radar was pretty easy, and the main way to attack fields when it was dark.

I miss night in the MA :(
Title: pros and cons
Post by: red26 on August 13, 2006, 01:48:55 PM
Why dont we ahave a dark run in the AvA???? That would be cool and not to many people would gripe about that because there is never anyone in there but the guys are allways tring to get people into the AvA well now theres a way to get them there well at least some of us RIGHT?:aok
Title: pros and cons
Post by: bkbandit on August 13, 2006, 02:45:25 PM
there has to be a way to make this work. Theres so many toys we can add for night runs, bristol beaufighter, a20 had a nite variant, he219, ju88 had a nite variant, if i keep diggin ill prob find more toys that we can use.

WHen i played in the nite before i dont even remember stars, i just remember a real big moon, and u could see a planes out line against the water. The nite lancester raids where a big part of ww2, so eventually they need to bring the nite back. Dusk gets about 3/4 there anyway, why not just go all the way. People shouldnt need to mess wit the gamma levels, i didnt and i saw perfectly, u want to completle the effect turn off the lites. Watchin ur 50 cals unleash a burst of fire on a sleepy bomber  and litein him up is a very rewarding feeling.
Title: pros and cons
Post by: zorstorer on August 13, 2006, 02:58:42 PM
Originally posted by bkbandit
...People shouldnt need to mess wit the gamma levels, i didnt and i saw perfectly...

The problem with the way it worked and works now is that all you have to do to make it daylight again is to crank up your gamma.  How well do you think a dedicated night fighter would do if it could not hide?  At that point there would be no reason NOT to take up a La7 or Spit 16.  Very few folks would not crank their gamma see like they could before "night".  Do a search for the old night threads from AH1.  People will always game the game to improve their advantage over the other catoon planes.
Title: pros and cons
Post by: NoBaddy on August 13, 2006, 04:10:05 PM
Originally posted by zorstorer
 People will always game the game to improve their advantage over the other catoon planes.

It's not really a "game the game" thing if the creator tells you that tweaking the gamma controls is what he intended....and it was what he intended. :)
Title: pros and cons
Post by: RTSigma on August 13, 2006, 04:17:17 PM
Perhaps nightime should last an hour and during that time only certain rides are allowed or opened (like night fighters and such).

However this will take some time to implement, so...I'll patiently wait two weeks :D
Title: pros and cons
Post by: cav58d on August 13, 2006, 04:40:41 PM
I just wish all the haters would give the new night a freakin chance...I flew a night snapshot about 2 months ago and it is much wanna talk about eye candy?????  It was awesome...Too bad most who hate the night are already set in their ways, and wont even consider giving it a shot...(not my 15 bucks a month for night!!!!!!:( )
Title: pros and cons
Post by: bkbandit on August 13, 2006, 05:13:12 PM
wit the stars and the moon lite we will be ok.  We should have enuff intercepters to turn off regular fighters, i mean the nite fighters have radar and the regulars dont, just have to make sure the Night fighters have huge advantages over the regular plane set at nite. Yea u up a spit16 but that p61 got u before u now ur being stalked. The bombers can be left alone, i think the lacs had some type of radar but i really dont remember.

R there any other nite fighters that i forget to list. A good handful of fighters would be great for daylight runs, he111, and the pby. Pby could carry 4 1000lbs or 2 torps, it had 2 rear fireing guns, i dont remember if it had front mounted gun but im really sure the nite variant had them. PBY lands on the land and water and could be used to deliver supplies. Pby can also can into play later as a sub hunter(if we ever get them)

Anymore cons, so far all we got is people not giving the new nite a chance, people messing wit the gamma, and aces high not adding a thing.

The fact that nothin new is coming really sucks, nothin no gvs no fighters no bombers no new weapons(incedairy bombs tall boy etc). I will watch a doc on tv and see all these toys that we dont have and it sucks. I nm just geting tired of playing, WHERE IS THEY NEW EQUIPMENT.
Title: pros and cons
Post by: zorstorer on August 13, 2006, 05:26:22 PM
Originally posted by NoBaddy
It's not really a "game the game" thing if the creator tells you that tweaking the gamma controls is what he intended....and it was what he intended. :)

That was so folks who HATED night could still fly during those periods.

But to have an even night fighting time you need to ensure that everyone sees the same thing.

Does no good to up a night fighter when the guy you are fighting has gamma cranked to 2.00 and it looks like high noon to him but you are fighting the darkness ;)
Title: pros and cons
Post by: Bruv119 on August 13, 2006, 05:59:28 PM
Played night flying in other games and was in the training arena months back when an admin was messing around turning it on and off.

I have to say it is really cool.

The moonlight gives enough light to be able to dogfight ok.  I agree we should test it out in the AvA.....

Title: pros and cons
Post by: red26 on August 13, 2006, 06:17:16 PM
Is there some way to block some one from messing with the gamma?
Title: pros and cons
Post by: zorstorer on August 13, 2006, 07:09:51 PM
Originally posted by red26
Is there some way to block some one from messing with the gamma?

Thats why I was talking about limiting the view distance. Even if you messed with the gamma it would only make things inside your "view bubble" brighter, it would not effect how well you would see things outside that distance.
Title: pros and cons
Post by: bkbandit on August 13, 2006, 07:41:37 PM
i would really like to now wat htc thinks of this, yes if theres a way to stop people from tuning the gamma to cheap all we need is some nite fighters and then its fun time. There wasnt many differences between f4u regualr and nite fighter(i think one of the guns were replaced wit a radar pod).
Title: pros and cons
Post by: NoBaddy on August 13, 2006, 08:54:44 PM
Originally posted by bkbandit
i would really like to now wat htc thinks of this, yes if theres a way to stop people from tuning the gamma to cheap...

Stop people?? Heck, HT wrote the gamma controls into the game.:rofl
Title: pros and cons
Post by: Flayed1 on August 14, 2006, 08:32:32 AM
After reading this post I went offline and did some testing and I can see no reason why night should not be enabled.   I left my gamma set at 1 like it always is and had no problems picking out the drones at a distance or a cv sitting just in visual range. Maybe I couldn't pick out the details of the planes/CV as well but hey it's night right?  There was still a fairly easy to identify shape of a plane in the distance that would be plenty to shoot at.  I even landed on the CV with no problem it was not hard at all to see.

 Also I took up a flight of Lancs and was quite pleased with the default night skin it has. anyone looking from above them could see them quite planely but they are next to invisible from the underside. So I would feel fairly safe other than the dot dar or if an NMY was in icon range. I might fly them if night were back in the MA it would make up for the poor guns on them.
  Compair that to most of the B-17 skins.... They almost glow in the moon light lol and would be easy targets for fighters.
  Oh and also in AH2 it's actually light enough that I could see the bomb sight very well compaired to the black on black of AH1.

 Also Night makes having the right goon skin worth toying with, it's much harder to pick out a goon with the british green skin against the trees.

 I took a panzer out and had a look. While it was somewhat harder to spot ground targets I don't think it would effect game play that much other than I think that like the lancs and goon, skins would play a more important role and GVing would become a bit more of a cat and mouse game in the dimness. :)

  There were a couple things that were a bit buggy though....   The lights in the cockpit seem a bit bright and make the entire front end of the plane glow. The way they are now you have to have gear up, no auto pilot lights and combat trim turned off to be real stelthy. This really presents a problem when I landed a goon on some farm land. While the skin did a great job of helping me blend in the gear lights made the front of the engins have a shiny green tinge like I had a green signal flair lit under the plane.  

  Similar situation for the lanc with it's night skin, if I was in auto pilot the front of my lead plane was glowing green and was even worse with the combat trim light on.

  Also HiTech I must ask exactally how big is the moon and how low is it in orbit around our AH world???    While examining the lancs if I put them between my view and the moon the moon would block my view of the plane.
  It reminds me of a real old b rate movie on tape at my moms house.  At one point the actors were on some alien world with twin moons hanging in the sky.  One guy fires his laser gun and hits the ground, a large cloud of smoke rises into the air and passes behind the moon. :lol

 But over all I say give night another shot in the AH world.
Title: pros and cons
Post by: red26 on August 14, 2006, 09:24:12 AM
Hey here ya go just make a night arena? So if someone dosent want to fly in it then they dont have to and the others get to Then the problem would be solved YEEAAA!!!! OK HiTech watcha think sir Please give the night back PLEASE?? >=):aok
Title: pros and cons
Post by: bkbandit on August 14, 2006, 02:04:37 PM
if u can see wit a regualr fighter great, but there has to be an advantage to useing a true night fighter, maybe great range, or a small radar screen in the cockpit. u would have to cut down the range on a regular fighter, instead of a target comin into ur range at 6.0k it has to comin way closer, maybe a 1000 900, the true nite fighter will be equiped to see 6.0k far out. I really want this, stalk a sleepy set of lacs, jump out from behind see clouds, BAM cut a wing off and disappear into the nite. Im about to go offline and trun the lites out right now, i havent seen the nite for a while.
Title: pros and cons
Post by: Ack-Ack on August 14, 2006, 02:16:11 PM
Until they model an accurate night time that would prohibit you from turning up your gamma levels and able to model an accurate airborne radar system, night fighters would be useless.

Title: pros and cons
Post by: doogan on August 15, 2006, 04:23:52 AM
i really hope that night flight will be implemented in CT, somehow.  for instance, long range Mosq/Lanc missions intercepted by 110s and 88s.  that's the night time i wish for.
Title: pros and cons
Post by: bkbandit on August 15, 2006, 04:29:55 PM
yea those nite lac raid were big, the nite will have to be added anyway, they just have to work everything out wit the addition of nite fighters to make it work. Maybe in 2 weeks.
Title: pros and cons
Post by: Yeager on August 15, 2006, 06:01:53 PM
HTC sure modeled the Credit Card charging system accurately :aok
Title: pros and cons
Post by: doogan on August 15, 2006, 07:41:09 PM
Originally posted by Yeager
HTC sure modeled the Credit Card charging system accurately :aok

how's that?
Title: pros and cons
Post by: zorstorer on August 15, 2006, 10:59:16 PM
Originally posted by Yeager
HTC sure modeled the Credit Card charging system accurately :aok

This might be a "Leave if you don't like it" reply, just guessing though.
Title: pros and cons
Post by: Ack-Ack on August 16, 2006, 09:26:59 AM
Originally posted by red26
Is there some way to block some one from messing with the gamma?

All a player would need to do is crank up the gamma in the video settings in Windows to bypass anything that HTC codes into the game to prevent it.

Title: pros and cons
Post by: red26 on August 16, 2006, 11:06:50 AM
No matter what we get a new plane a new tank a new battle ship Even if we get a H bomb there will always be the ones that cry because they dont get there way. So let turn up the gamma on the moniter or in the game that just mean's they dont want relistic flight. Let them cry the cru enough over day maps why not go ahead and put a night map in. This is just IMO.:aok