Aces High Bulletin Board
General Forums => Wishlist => Topic started by: feejeean on August 18, 2006, 12:28:53 PM
I am new - so bear with me :D could HiTech consider creating options for combat trim i.e. with the objective of making this "game" less of a game and more of a simulation. There was no such thing as "combat trim" back in those days and how you set up the aircraft trim wise back depended a lot on an individuals experience. Obviously the aces i.e. pilots with a significant amount of kills were doing something right with the aircraft to be able to survive sortie after sortie.
Could HiTech consider creating an option whereby those pilots who decide to switch off combat trim during flight get more perkies or are rewarded in someother fashion.
Could Hitech also make it an option that you must decide whether you want combat trim on or off prior to T/O and that once airborne you cant change the setting until the next flight.
Holy multiple posts, Batman!
LOL - how do I delete the "excessive" multiple posts :lol
There should be a delete box after you hit the edit button
Free...There was also no such thing as spits fighting mustangs...Tigers ACTUALLY DID DIE, when a 1000 pound bomb was dropped near it! In RL when an aircraft landed off runway, but on the confines of his base he was still awarded a "sucessful" landing...=)
Theres a lot of these "no such things" in the game, and im sorry, but your "no such thing" about the combat trim hardly denotes a perk bonus
Well you have now surpassed goldelks quintuple post . <
> To the new king. :aok :D
Problem is that in reality it is much easier to feel trim asyou just trim until there is no pressure on the stick. In the game it doesn't work nearly that intuitively.
Do to the way gaming joysticks function, there is no way to accuratly simulate trim. Triming in game manualy is much more difficult than the real thing. Combat trim is just your choice, it has both advantages and disadavantages. All combatbat trim does is simply set trim tabs to a preset position for a given speed.
So the answere is NO it will not be changing.
If you have auto combat trim de selected, you can't enable combat trim after you take off. That's how it is. I maybe able to still hit Control X and I'll see the light come on for combat trim, but the trim tabs will not move.
You can enable combat trim in flight even when you don't have it selected in the in flight options.
Originally posted by Kermit de frog
If you have auto combat trim de selected, you can't enable combat trim after you take off. That's how it is. I maybe able to still hit Control X and I'll see the light come on for combat trim, but the trim tabs will not move.
This is incorrect. You can turn combat trim on and off and it will still function normally.
My regards,
ok your new so i'll put this in a way thats not too harsh for u...NOOOOOOOOO we r playing a awsome "game" not another crappy "simulator" :D
Netaces.Org Auto Trim Explained INDEPTH Worth The Read (
Net Aces By Hammer <-- If you want to know how GO HERE (
if u want the game to be more realistic, request that they get rid of the stall limiter, i have played in rooms wit it off and u see alot of spit16s and la7s fliping end over end to the ground.
BKBandit I don't think the stall lmiiter does what you THINK it does.
Basicly it prevents a new pilot from pulling so hard on his joystick that it stalls the plane. As such it can be a major hindrance to flying, but that is the
only help it is. It does help keep new pilots from overcorrecting into a stall.
Much like Combat trim, it is there to help new pilots learn & adjust.
Serious pilots gain NO advantage from useing it. Indeed its a fairly serious disadvantage in any turnfight or manuver engagement.
i noe what it does, it lets u slam the stick all the way when u got no air speed and turn, i have fought in rooms wit out it and nothin but flyin dweebs, then the fight is about control and acm not just raw turn rate of the plane. It helkps u adjust but turning it off i fly makes no difference, i have had guys use there stall to get away from me, doesnt work because now i am on top of u.
I understand people want realism, i do to but like cav58 said in a real sceniro spit and mustang wont be fightin, and i wont be shootin down lacs in a hellcat.
What Ghost is trying to say (I think you're missing it) is that if you have the stall limiter off, and the other guy has it on, you're going to be able to get much more performance out of your aircraft then he ever will. Your "raw turn rate" will actually be better (assuming you are decent at riding the edge).
Go ahead and test it out. Find a guy with comparative skills to you. Fight a few duels with your stall limiters both off. Then land, and turn yours on, while he keeps his off. He *should* beat you every time. After that, land again, and you try with it off, with him having it on.
Anyone who has any interest in improving at this game will turn their stall limiter off. Not everyone's like that though.
Originally posted by bkbandit
i noe what it does, it lets u slam the stick all the way when u got no air speed and turn, i have fought in rooms wit out it and nothin but flyin dweebs, then the fight is about control and acm not just raw turn rate of the plane.
Just do the smart thing and disable the stall limiter in your flight options and kick the little arses of those that are using the stall limiter. Easy solution. They'll never be able to out maneuver you with it on.
Speaking of stall limiter, what does it do? AS in, what happens if i yank the stick? Even when I was an uber noob, i never used it. And in the end, the guy who can trim still wins. Ive flown many times next to someone who doesnt know how to manual trim. Ive dove right next to them, and laughed when they thought I was cheating, just because I could pull up. Basically, if they rely on auto trim, it will eventually get them killed.
noe what it does, it lets u slam the stick all the way when u got no air speed and turn
What it does is limits your elevator even thow you pulled the stick all the way. Also do not confuse H2H with the main arena, there is an arena setting that determans where the stall limit is. And it has nothing to do with speed, but wrather Degrees from max aoa.