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General Forums => The O' Club => Topic started by: wrag on October 24, 2006, 08:05:30 AM

Title: Illegal Immigration? Oh Really???
Post by: wrag on October 24, 2006, 08:05:30 AM

This may be the reason our government is NOT enforcing immigration laws.

Seem to recall reports of a semi secert treaty (not exactly constitutional BTW) that changed many things.

Says our government can't enforce immigration laws against Mexico or Canada?
Title: Illegal Immigration? Oh Really???
Post by: Chairboy on October 24, 2006, 08:09:39 AM
If by 'enforce against mexico' you mean "launch a military attack against them", then that's not really a change.  The border enforcement seems to be directed against the actual illegal immigrants themselves, not the country they come from.

BTW, there's a lot of illegal immigration from Canada too, but I don't see any talk about a 'wall' up there.  It's the darndest thing....
Title: Illegal Immigration? Oh Really???
Post by: JB88 on October 24, 2006, 08:12:28 AM
well, there does'nt seem to be a massive social disturbance when the average ontario born alien sets up shop in hometown usa either.
Title: Illegal Immigration? Oh Really???
Post by: storch on October 24, 2006, 08:15:15 AM
that's because the predominantly irish illegals coming through canada are far more welcomed than the brown illegals from coming from central and south america.  everyone wants a white maid and gardener, especially in trendy south florida, it's tres chic n'est pas?
Title: Illegal Immigration? Oh Really???
Post by: wrag on October 24, 2006, 08:38:31 AM
Originally posted by Chairboy
If by 'enforce against mexico' you mean "launch a military attack against them", then that's not really a change.  The border enforcement seems to be directed against the actual illegal immigrants themselves, not the country they come from.

BTW, there's a lot of illegal immigration from Canada too, but I don't see any talk about a 'wall' up there.  It's the darndest thing....

Nope didn't mean nothing even vaguely like military attack.  To my knowledge there is NO call for such activities against either country contained on the site.

Sounds very much like you didn't read any of the information............


if you actually read some of it.......................
Title: Illegal Immigration? Oh Really???
Post by: Chairboy on October 24, 2006, 09:05:26 AM
I'm making a citizens arrest against you for excessive use of trailing periods, wrag.  There are children in asia who would be grateful if they could even get just two trailing periods after open-ended questions.
Title: Illegal Immigration? Oh Really???
Post by: Maverick on October 24, 2006, 11:07:03 AM

I had no idea you were so interested in periods. Did you lose one of yours recently???

Perhaps you have found your Finnish side......... Would one of these be in your future???

:p :lol  :t
Title: Re: Illegal Immigration? Oh Really???
Post by: Maverick on October 24, 2006, 11:11:24 AM
Originally posted by wrag

This may be the reason our government is NOT enforcing immigration laws.

Seem to recall reports of a semi secert treaty (not exactly constitutional BTW) that changed many things.

Says our government can't enforce immigration laws against Mexico or Canada?

Since that link lists a significant number of articles, can you point out the specific one that spawned this thread?
Title: Illegal Immigration? Oh Really???
Post by: eddiek on October 24, 2006, 11:58:24 AM
Look on the lefthand side and click on the link "Minuteman project exposes White House coverup"
Title: Illegal Immigration? Oh Really???
Post by: cav58d on October 24, 2006, 12:11:45 PM
I dont give a watermelon if you are coming here illegally via Canada or Mexico...Regardless if you are black or white, red or brown...Mexican or Canadian, British of Indian, Iraqi or Turkish....I DONT WANT YOU.  Stop breaking our laws and infringing on our soverignity!  Stop taking away from the nation...Come here LEGALLY and love America and you shall be my brother or sister.  Come here ILLEGALLY and you are nothing more than a common criminal who I have zero tolerance for....

I am actually in the process of building a website with the theme along the lines of, "Operation sign a brick".  We are a group of American Citizens that are sick and tired of our politician's ignoring the problem of illegal immigration, and buy signing our petition, you will essentially be signing a brick for the wall we would like to have built...Once I finish everything and get her up and running I will post in here....

***When you have a leak in your roof during a rain storm, you plug the leak, before trying to clean out the water....same applys to illegal immigration***
Title: Illegal Immigration? Oh Really???
Post by: x0847Marine on October 24, 2006, 12:47:35 PM
Originally posted by Chairboy
If by 'enforce against mexico' you mean "launch a military attack against them", then that's not really a change.  The border enforcement seems to be directed against the actual illegal immigrants themselves, not the country they come from.

BTW, there's a lot of illegal immigration from Canada too, but I don't see any talk about a 'wall' up there.  It's the darndest thing....

Compare Tijuana (3rd world slum banana republic) to Vancouver (cleaner than Los Angeles w/legit .gov) and  the answer is somewhere in between.

Better yet, take a vacation to lovely North Hollywood, aka North Tijuana... then ask "why?". BTW if you happen to know of any town on the US thats been taken over by Canadians, let me know so I can move there.

The damage done to the US by terrorists is a farce relative to that done by Mexican citizens. It's a-ok to kill US Citizens off a few at a time, drain our resources and leave a steaming loaf of crap on our laws while laughing... as long as it's not on TV in the name of a 'jihad'.

Edit: oh nevermind, Bush was just on TV saying hes doing everything he can to make me safe, I'm sure everything will be fine now.
Title: Illegal Immigration? Oh Really???
Post by: Hawco on October 24, 2006, 12:58:14 PM
I still want to know why the Govt is not going after the corporations that hire Illegals, if they done that then I bet there wouldn't be so many jumping fences to get in. Call me cynical, but I bet some of these big corporate donors to BOTH parties make sure that they never get looked at.
It's a disgrace and should be stamped out.
Title: Illegal Immigration? Oh Really???
Post by: x0847Marine on October 24, 2006, 01:06:07 PM
Originally posted by Hawco
I still want to know why the Govt is not going after the corporations that hire Illegals, if they done that then I bet there wouldn't be so many jumping fences to get in. Call me cynical, but I bet some of these big corporate donors to BOTH parties make sure that they never get looked at.
It's a disgrace and should be stamped out.

If the republicans & democrats stopped behaving like crime families.. maybe. Until then, nah.
Title: Illegal Immigration? Oh Really???
Post by: cav58d on October 24, 2006, 01:15:41 PM
Originally posted by Hawco
I still want to know why the Govt is not going after the corporations that hire Illegals, if they done that then I bet there wouldn't be so many jumping fences to get in. Call me cynical, but I bet some of these big corporate donors to BOTH parties make sure that they never get looked at.
It's a disgrace and should be stamped out.

I agree...That is one, of many issue's we have to deal with in combating illegal immigration...Cut off the head of those who will provide income, and therefore take away a major incentive for the illegals to come....
Title: Illegal Immigration? Oh Really???
Post by: cav58d on October 24, 2006, 01:17:45 PM
I admit that I am extremely harsh on illegal immigration...It may be the most passionate political opinion I take...That said, I have absolutely nothing wrong with legel migration into the United States...Frankly, I endorse it, and think it is a good thing.  So do it the right way.  Respect our laws, come here legally, and love the united states, and we shall be brothers...
Title: Illegal Immigration? Oh Really???
Post by: tikky on October 24, 2006, 01:54:33 PM
I think the current requirements, the price, and the process for LEGAL immigration is TOO STIFF.  That's why many people resort to illegal immigration.  Btw US only gives out 65,000 H1B visas a year.  US should increase the cap for H1Bs to like a ten-fold if you want less illegal immigration in the US...

Also it takes like 6-8 years just to get you a GREEN CARD (Legal Residence card).  For some people it is impossible to get the Green Card because there is a limit on renewing visas.
Title: Illegal Immigration? Oh Really???
Post by: Hawco on October 24, 2006, 02:01:32 PM
If there's one thing that really, really annoys me is people coming here illegally and just walking rith over the border and going to Walmart or whatever, WE end up paying for all this, not the companies who hire them, wish I had the capacity to go down to the border, I'd stand on that fence myself if I could, where's the Senators and congressmen who want to stamp this out ? I don't care what party they're from, I just want this stopped, It's a slap in the face for ordinary American workers, a slap in the face for various agencies that are paid to protect the borders, a slap in the face to the thousands of legal people who come here to work and live, they waited in line, they paid fees and now they are paying taxes.
what's the point of having so many checkpoints at airports when all you really have to do is walk across a non existant border?
Title: Illegal Immigration? Oh Really???
Post by: Debonair on October 24, 2006, 02:28:29 PM
ya rly
no wai!!1
Title: Illegal Immigration? Oh Really???
Post by: cav58d on October 24, 2006, 02:41:48 PM
Originally posted by tikky
I think the current requirements, the price, and the process for LEGAL immigration is TOO STIFF.  That's why many people resort to illegal immigration.  Btw US only gives out 65,000 H1B visas a year.  US should increase the cap for H1Bs to like a ten-fold if you want less illegal immigration in the US...

Also it takes like 6-8 years just to get you a GREEN CARD (Legal Residence card).  For some people it is impossible to get the Green Card because there is a limit on renewing visas.

Bulox!  We need to have mininum standard's to granting citizenry (sp).  Those standard's include skilled workers, and atleast an attempt to assimiliate into our culture and nation.  We are giving these people the chance of a lifetime by granting legal status...I'm sorry, but that does not happen over night
Title: Illegal Immigration? Oh Really???
Post by: Debonair on October 24, 2006, 03:11:41 PM
Originally posted by cav58d
Bulox!  ...

go back to england:mad: :mad: :furious :furious :furious :mad: :mad:
we neeed to build a wall or ridge or something in teh middle of the altlantaic 0shen
Title: Illegal Immigration? Oh Really???
Post by: cav58d on October 24, 2006, 03:18:24 PM
Originally posted by cav58d

lmao...I have been watching A LOT of ali g
Title: Illegal Immigration? Oh Really???
Post by: Mace2004 on October 24, 2006, 03:49:03 PM
Originally posted by storch
that's because the predominantly irish illegals coming through canada are far more welcomed than the brown illegals from coming from central and south america.  everyone wants a white maid and gardener, especially in trendy south florida, it's tres chic n'est pas?

JFK (Kennedy, not Kerry) said: "Belief in myths allows the comfort of opinion without the discomfort of thought."  You must be quite comfortable Storch.
Title: Illegal Immigration? Oh Really???
Post by: storch on October 24, 2006, 04:37:14 PM
no myth it's a fact.  perhaps your quote applies to you?
Title: Illegal Immigration? Oh Really???
Post by: tikky on October 24, 2006, 05:06:44 PM
Originally posted by cav58d
Bulox!  We need to have mininum standard's to granting citizenry (sp).  Those standard's include skilled workers, and atleast an attempt to assimiliate into our culture and nation.  We are giving these people the chance of a lifetime by granting legal status...I'm sorry, but that does not happen over night

I checked the requirements for H1B visa (for those who want to work and settle in the USA)

It says it requires you to have some sort of bachelors degree.  Obviously this is going to shut off the people comming from Mexico or spanish-speaking countries.  East Asians (2nd most people who come to USA from Philippines, Taiwan, Vietnam, China, etc) are not affected by this since most of them come in bulks with Bachelors/Masters degree...

I think if USA government achieves 100% secured border on US-Mex and US-Canada I think they should return favour by granting more H1B visas AND streamline the GREENCARD (Legal Residence) process.
Title: Illegal Immigration? Oh Really???
Post by: wooley on October 24, 2006, 05:30:30 PM
Originally posted by cav58d
Bulox!  We need to have mininum standard's to granting citizenry (sp).  Those standard's include skilled workers, and atleast an attempt to assimiliate into our culture and nation.  We are giving these people the chance of a lifetime by granting legal status...I'm sorry, but that does not happen over night


The immigration process for The States is slow, bureaucratic and in many ways both insulting and degrading. If you haven't been through it, I don't think you are qualified to say otherwise. For many, the level of bureaucracy is such that the process is impossible to complete. And that's just to gain 'permanent resident' status. We're not talking about citizenship here. That would take at least another five to ten years after gaining a green card.

In no way am I justifying illegal imigration, I'm just saying the legal process is a complete shambles.
Title: Illegal Immigration? Oh Really???
Post by: 1K3 on October 24, 2006, 05:39:52 PM
Originally posted by wooley

The immigration process for The States is slow, bureaucratic and in many ways both insulting and degrading. If you haven't been through it, I don't think you are qualified to say otherwise. For many, the level of bureaucracy is such that the process is impossible to complete. And that's just to gain 'permanent resident' status. We're not talking about citizenship here. That would take at least another five to ten years after gaining a green card.

In no way am I justifying illegal imigration, I'm just saying the legal process is a complete shambles.


The borders AND Legal Immigration process are broken.  Both should be fixed

Title: Illegal Immigration? Oh Really???
Post by: wrag on October 24, 2006, 06:41:28 PM
Originally posted by Hawco
I still want to know why the Govt is not going after the corporations that hire Illegals, if they done that then I bet there wouldn't be so many jumping fences to get in. Call me cynical, but I bet some of these big corporate donors to BOTH parties make sure that they never get looked at.
It's a disgrace and should be stamped out.

Well may be they signed a treaty that says they MUST let people from Mexico come here????????????????????

And if they enforce the immigration laws they will be BREAKING the treaty?
Title: Illegal Immigration? Oh Really???
Post by: DREDIOCK on October 24, 2006, 06:51:53 PM
No matter what boarder they are comming across. No matter the nationality
If they are sneaking in

I've said it before and some probably think I am joking.
 I am not

Anyone caught trying to sneak across our boarders. Man, Woman or child. should be shot on sight. No judge, no Jury. Just a bullet
Title: Illegal Immigration? Oh Really???
Post by: JB88 on October 24, 2006, 06:58:26 PM
wonder why they didnt think of that before they let your family in.

Title: Illegal Immigration? Oh Really???
Post by: Mace2004 on October 24, 2006, 07:23:53 PM
Originally posted by storch
no myth it's a fact.  perhaps your quote applies to you?

I'm sorry, you must have some proof, maybe some hard data....or....maybe it's just your opinion.  Your opinion, stated as a "fact" is as substantial and persuasive as a myth.  May be better if you presented a legitimate argument or actual facts instead of a somewhat prejudiced and tired old canard.
Title: Illegal Immigration? Oh Really???
Post by: cav58d on October 24, 2006, 07:37:26 PM
Originally posted by DREDIOCK
No matter what boarder they are comming across. No matter the nationality
If they are sneaking in

I've said it before and some probably think I am joking.
 I am not

Anyone caught trying to sneak across our boarders. Man, Woman or child. should be shot on sight. No judge, no Jury. Just a bullet

When our soverignty (sp) has been threatened, we have used this practice before lol...
Title: Illegal Immigration? Oh Really???
Post by: JB88 on October 24, 2006, 08:21:32 PM
Originally posted by Mace2004
I'm sorry, you must have some proof, maybe some hard data....or....maybe it's just your opinion.  Your opinion, stated as a "fact" is as substantial and persuasive as a myth.  May be better if you presented a legitimate argument or actual facts instead of a somewhat prejudiced and tired old canard.

he said canard.

ya. like...that broads got some big canards.  

huh huh...heh...huh..hehheh hehe...huh huh...
Title: Illegal Immigration? Oh Really???
Post by: RAIDER14 on October 24, 2006, 08:44:50 PM
Originally posted by JB88
well, there does'nt seem to be a massive social disturbance when the average ontario born alien sets up shop in hometown usa either.

The Canadian illegals are civilized unlike the others...
Title: Illegal Immigration? Oh Really???
Post by: DREDIOCK on October 24, 2006, 08:49:28 PM
Originally posted by JB88
wonder why they didnt think of that before they let your family in.


My family came here legally.
I have no problem whatsoever with anyone that comes here legally.

Anyone who doesn't come here legally should be treated the same way as if they broke into Laz's house.
Shoot em.

It's the same principle.
I dont mind if I let you in my house and you come in.
Its when you sneak in uninvited that I get upset

Lets say you have a much nicer house then I do.
How about I decide to move into your house without your permission.
Hey. All I want is a better life.
Just like the illegal's.


Oh and BTW. The next day your going to wake up and find I also decided to bring the rest of my family too. Cause hey. I want a better life for them too yanno.

And while were at it. You can learn to talk like me. Cause. I dont understand you so well sometimes. and If I get sick you can take care of me, on your dime.

Oh and dont forget to stock up the fridge, cause you get to feed me us as well as the money I make I'll be sending back to the rest of my relatives so they can also move in next week.

I know you will be ok with this cause hey. We're just looking for a better life for ourselves.
and thats just fine with you right?
Title: Illegal Immigration? Oh Really???
Post by: DREDIOCK on October 24, 2006, 08:54:49 PM
Originally posted by cav58d
When our soverignty (sp) has been threatened, we have used this practice before lol...

Isnt it?

The foreign-born population of the United States is currently 33.1 million, equal to 11.5 percent of the U.S. population. Of this total, the Census Bureau estimates 8-9 million are illegal immigrants.  Other estimates indicate a considerably higher number of illegal immigrants

Center for Immigrations studies (

We currently have more undocumented immigrants in this country then any other nation in the world.

There may not be much in the way of armed conflict involved. But make no misake.
We ARE being invaded
Title: Illegal Immigration? Oh Really???
Post by: wetrat on October 24, 2006, 08:58:42 PM
Originally posted by tikky
I think the current requirements, the price, and the process for LEGAL immigration is TOO STIFF.  That's why many people resort to illegal immigration.  Btw US only gives out 65,000 H1B visas a year.  US should increase the cap for H1Bs to like a ten-fold if you want less illegal immigration in the US...

Also it takes like 6-8 years just to get you a GREEN CARD (Legal Residence card).  For some people it is impossible to get the Green Card because there is a limit on renewing visas.
My family lived in the US for under 3 years, and my parents had green cards :huh
Title: Illegal Immigration? Oh Really???
Post by: DREDIOCK on October 24, 2006, 09:13:07 PM
Originally posted by tikky
I think the current requirements, the price, and the process for LEGAL immigration is TOO STIFF.  That's why many people resort to illegal immigration.  Btw US only gives out 65,000 H1B visas a year.  US should increase the cap for H1Bs to like a ten-fold if you want less illegal immigration in the US...

Also it takes like 6-8 years just to get you a GREEN CARD (Legal Residence card).  For some people it is impossible to get the Green Card because there is a limit on renewing visas.

Same source as above

Approximately 1 million people receive permanent residency annually. In addition, the Census Bureau estimates a net increase of 500,000 illegal immigrants annually

1 mill a year

And you think we should increase it by 10?

I think 1 mil per year is plenty
Title: Illegal Immigration? Oh Really???
Post by: cav58d on October 24, 2006, 09:13:10 PM
Originally posted by DREDIOCK
My family came here legally.
I have no problem whatsoever with anyone that comes here legally.

Anyone who doesn't come here legally should be treated the same way as if they broke into Laz's house.
Shoot em.

It's the same principle.
I dont mind if I let you in my house and you come in.
Its when you sneak in uninvited that I get upset

Lets say you have a much nicer house then I do.
How about I decide to move into your house without your permission.
Hey. All I want is a better life.
Just like the illegal's.


Oh and BTW. The next day your going to wake up and find I also decided to bring the rest of my family too. Cause hey. I want a better life for them too yanno.

And while were at it. You can learn to talk like me. Cause. I dont understand you so well sometimes. and If I get sick you can take care of me, on your dime.

Oh and dont forget to stock up the fridge, cause you get to feed me us as well as the money I make I'll be sending back to the rest of my relatives so they can also move in next week.

I know you will be ok with this cause hey. We're just looking for a better life for ourselves.
and thats just fine with you right?

You hit the nail on the head dreid.....Unfortunately no one in new jersey, or anywhere in this general neck of the woods will agree with us
Title: Illegal Immigration? Oh Really???
Post by: RAIDER14 on October 24, 2006, 09:16:17 PM
If they are gone who will mow our lawns?:confused:
Title: Illegal Immigration? Oh Really???
Post by: Mace2004 on October 24, 2006, 09:16:41 PM
Originally posted by tikky
I checked the requirements for H1B visa (for those who want to work and settle in the USA)

It says it requires you to have some sort of bachelors degree.  Obviously this is going to shut off the people comming from Mexico or spanish-speaking countries.  East Asians (2nd most people who come to USA from Philippines, Taiwan, Vietnam, China, etc) are not affected by this since most of them come in bulks with Bachelors/Masters degree...

I think if USA government achieves 100% secured border on US-Mex and US-Canada I think they should return favour by granting more H1B visas AND streamline the GREENCARD (Legal Residence) process.

So, if I'm reading you right....the US is being forced to spend millions and millions (probably more accurate to say "billions") of dollars to secure our borders.....and then we're to "return [the] favour" by allowing more immigrants in?  I'm not clear on this, who exactly are we returning the favour to?  The illegal aliens we're fencing out?  Or, the nearby governments who are dumping their poor on the us?
Title: Illegal Immigration? Oh Really???
Post by: cav58d on October 24, 2006, 09:17:31 PM
Originally posted by DREDIOCK
Same source as above

Approximately 1 million people receive permanent residency annually. In addition, the Census Bureau estimates a net increase of 500,000 illegal immigrants annually

1 mill a year

And you think we should increase it by 10?

I think 1 mil per year is plenty

Again your damn right......10 Million a year!  Are you out of your mind!  If we followed that practice, in 30 year's we will have doubled our population simply because of immigration.....not here buddy, sorry
Title: Illegal Immigration? Oh Really???
Post by: cav58d on October 24, 2006, 09:19:34 PM
Aside from a physical barrier, I think we need to invest more into the CBP.  Treat it like a 6th branch of the military, and begin mass recruiting ads....10,000 more agents cant hurt....10,000 well trained, and well armed agents would be incredible =)
Title: Illegal Immigration? Oh Really???
Post by: JB88 on October 24, 2006, 09:23:54 PM
Originally posted by DREDIOCK
My family came here legally.
I have no problem whatsoever with anyone that comes here legally.

Anyone who doesn't come here legally should be treated the same way as if they broke into Laz's house.
Shoot em.

It's the same principle.
I dont mind if I let you in my house and you come in.
Its when you sneak in uninvited that I get upset

Lets say you have a much nicer house then I do.
How about I decide to move into your house without your permission.
Hey. All I want is a better life.
Just like the illegal's.


Oh and BTW. The next day your going to wake up and find I also decided to bring the rest of my family too. Cause hey. I want a better life for them too yanno.

And while were at it. You can learn to talk like me. Cause. I dont understand you so well sometimes. and If I get sick you can take care of me, on your dime.

Oh and dont forget to stock up the fridge, cause you get to feed me us as well as the money I make I'll be sending back to the rest of my relatives so they can also move in next week.

I know you will be ok with this cause hey. We're just looking for a better life for ourselves.
and thats just fine with you right?

you dont need to lecture me about the difficulties of immigration.  if you know anything about me, you know that i have been dealing with this problem in a very real and very difficult way.

i still say.   if we are gonna punish people, punish the employers who know better.
Title: Illegal Immigration? Oh Really???
Post by: Mace2004 on October 24, 2006, 09:28:40 PM
Originally posted by JB88
you dont need to lecture me about the difficulties of immigration.  if you know anything about me, you know that i have been dealing with this problem in a very real and very difficult way.

i still say.   if we are gonna punish people, punish the employers who know better.

Wholly agree that punishing those that knowingly employ illegal aliens is long past due.
Title: Illegal Immigration? Oh Really???
Post by: storch on October 24, 2006, 09:30:27 PM
Originally posted by RAIDER14
If they are gone who will mow our lawns?:confused:
I will, and gladly too.  I like to serve people.
Title: Illegal Immigration? Oh Really???
Post by: DREDIOCK on October 24, 2006, 09:34:02 PM
Originally posted by JB88
you dont need to lecture me about the difficulties of immigration.  if you know anything about me, you know that i have been dealing with this problem in a very real and very difficult way.

i still say.   if we are gonna punish people, punish the employers who know better.

Dont come in ILLEGALLY and wqe wont have to worry about the employers.
Actually I say punish em both.
There aint any innocent parties there.

If your here ILLEGALLY  your a criminal Period.
As is anyone who is doing something illegally.

And as such. Should not be entitled to ANYTHING this country has to offer. Including freedom

BTW Just showed my son this thread. He likes the idea of moving in with you.
We figger you can pay for his college education too.
That'll save us 10s of thousands! ;)
Title: Illegal Immigration? Oh Really???
Post by: DREDIOCK on October 24, 2006, 09:36:24 PM
Originally posted by RAIDER14
If they are gone who will mow our lawns?:confused:

Same ones that used to do it before.
Highschoolers looking to actually EARN money instead of having everything given to them as many are now.

Hell. when was the last time most of you  saw a kid delivering newspapers even?
Title: Illegal Immigration? Oh Really???
Post by: JB88 on October 24, 2006, 09:38:35 PM
Originally posted by DREDIOCK
Dont come in ILLEGALLY and wqe wont have to worry about the employers.
Actually I say punish em both.
There aint any innocent parties there.

If your here ILLEGALLY  your a criminal Period.
As is anyone who is doing something illegally.

And as such. Should not be entitled to ANYTHING this country has to offer. Including freedom

BTW Just showed my son this thread. He likes the idea of moving in with you.
We figger you can pay for his college education too.
That'll save us 10s of thousands! ;)

i think that it is good for our country to have educated people...and since his dad wont pay for it, guess he will have to take out a loan like the rest of us did.  (from the government)
Title: Illegal Immigration? Oh Really???
Post by: cav58d on October 24, 2006, 09:55:30 PM
I happen to remember a professor of mine in college, who immigrated to the United States from India as a child saying that after 15 years of legal citizenship, the average foreign national income in the US is around $60,000 a year.  Thats double the average salary!  And it's great!  Good for them.  I'm glad they decided to come here LEGALLY, and they have made the best of the opportunity given to them....There is nothing wrong with legal immigration and people who genuinely want to be here and assimilate into American culture and life....I think most of us on this board would agree......

I'll be honest.  Come 2008, I dont care if the candidate is a Republican, Democrat, Libreterian (sp), Ind, or any other party...If he genuinely (sp) supports protecting our borders and fixing this immigration fiasco, he (or she) has my vote hands down
Title: Illegal Immigration? Oh Really???
Post by: RAIDER14 on October 24, 2006, 10:01:12 PM
Originally posted by DREDIOCK
Same ones that used to do it before.
Highschoolers looking to actually EARN money instead of having everything given to them as many are now.

Hell. when was the last time most of you  saw a kid delivering newspapers even?

I quit delivering newspapers after the incident with the pomeranian:cry
Title: Illegal Immigration? Oh Really???
Post by: DREDIOCK on October 24, 2006, 10:09:08 PM
Originally posted by JB88
i think that it is good for our country to have educated people...and since his dad wont pay for it, guess he will have to take out a loan like the rest of us did.  (from the government)

but if Im gonna live in your house without your permission. I want rights damnit!
And I want you to pay for everything.
Including my sons education.
BTW he will be living with us in your house also during the breaks.
And when the Viking games are shown on TV.

He has a bit of an appetite. So make sure you buy extra food for those times

Hey. Im just after a better life for me and my family;)
Title: Illegal Immigration? Oh Really???
Post by: RAIDER14 on October 24, 2006, 10:11:52 PM
simple solution to get em back across the border use the old green card on a fishing line trick:D
Title: Illegal Immigration? Oh Really???
Post by: DREDIOCK on October 24, 2006, 10:14:35 PM
Originally posted by RAIDER14
simple solution to get em back across the border use the old green card on a fishing line trick:D


I still like the idea of shooting them better.

And in addition line the bodies up along the boarder for all to see.
As someone here once said

"Nothing says deterrence, Like a head on a pike"
Title: Illegal Immigration? Oh Really???
Post by: tikky on October 24, 2006, 10:22:21 PM
Originally posted by wetrat
My family lived in the US for under 3 years, and my parents had green cards :huh

What State must that be?  In California it is notoriously loong time to get Green Cards.  I have this Filipino friend who moved from California to Alaska and he got his green card in just 3 months:huh
Title: Illegal Immigration? Oh Really???
Post by: DREDIOCK on October 24, 2006, 10:46:05 PM
Originally posted by tikky
What State must that be?  In California it is notoriously loong time to get Green Cards.  I have this Filipino friend who moved from California to Alaska and he got his green card in just 3 months:huh

I suspect in Californian your seeing supply and demand at work.

For gods sake man. tell the rest about Alaska!

Just dont tell em about the winters :D
Title: Illegal Immigration? Oh Really???
Post by: cav58d on October 24, 2006, 11:08:38 PM
LMAO reading the title makes me think of "OH REALLY FOOL" lmao....Lord Helmet!
Title: Illegal Immigration? Oh Really???
Post by: wetrat on October 25, 2006, 01:36:51 AM
Originally posted by tikky
What State must that be?  In California it is notoriously loong time to get Green Cards.  I have this Filipino friend who moved from California to Alaska and he got his green card in just 3 months:huh
South Carolina... ****ty place, but my dad was running the American division of a large textile company.. maybe that's why it didn't take long?
Title: Illegal Immigration? Oh Really???
Post by: lazs2 on October 25, 2006, 08:54:12 AM
The only solution is here.   We must jail the employers with mandatory sentances for even hiring one illegal knowingly.

We must make english the official language and not print anything that taxpayers pay for in any other language.

We must not give out any benifiets that are paid for by citizens to non citizens.

Any need for guest workers should be highly regulated and the employer should provide any health care or needs for the guest workers.

It really is a simple problem to solve but the politicians have no interest in solving it.

The democrats want millions of poor people to vote for thier socialist candidates and programs and the republicans are only about 50% better.

Title: Illegal Immigration? Oh Really???
Post by: Gryffin on October 25, 2006, 01:36:18 PM
Originally posted by DREDIOCK
1 mill a year

And you think we should increase it by 10?

I think 1 mil per year is plenty

Originally posted by cav58d
Again your damn right......10 Million a year! Are you out of your mind! If we followed that practice, in 30 year's we will have doubled our population simply because of immigration.....not here buddy, sorry

Holy reading comprehension batman!!

He said increase the H-1B numbers tenfold. That would make it 650,000 temporary work visas a year. He said nothing about increasing the number of green cards (permanant residence).

Reread the original post carefully:

Originally posted by tikky
I think the current requirements, the price, and the process for LEGAL immigration is TOO STIFF. That's why many people resort to illegal immigration. Btw US only gives out 65,000 H1B visas a year. US should increase the cap for H1Bs to like a ten-fold if you want less illegal immigration in the US...
Title: Illegal Immigration? Oh Really???
Post by: Warspawn on October 25, 2006, 01:44:59 PM
Have they changed the laws lately regarding responsibility for illegal shipment of aliens?

I know at one point it had virtually no penalty; enforcement and penalty was directed at the aliens themselves.  I heard of one person in Sacremento who made the trip south in a rental van every year.  If he got caught, he was fined and released, his cargo deported.  If he made it accross then that $500 per head for the trip paid off handsomely.

I think he finally quit when several of the transportees in his vehicle were apprehended carrying copious amounts of narcotics in their bags.
Title: Illegal Immigration? Oh Really???
Post by: Hawco on October 25, 2006, 01:54:30 PM
Originally posted by lazs2
The only solution is here.   We must jail the employers with mandatory sentances for even hiring one illegal knowingly.

We must make english the official language and not print anything that taxpayers pay for in any other language.

We must not give out any benifiets that are paid for by citizens to non citizens.

Any need for guest workers should be highly regulated and the employer should provide any health care or needs for the guest workers.

It really is a simple problem to solve but the politicians have no interest in solving it.

The democrats want millions of poor people to vote for thier socialist candidates and programs and the republicans are only about 50% better.


Whatever Politician from any party stood for that would get my vote in a heartbeat.
Title: Illegal Immigration? Oh Really???
Post by: wrag on October 25, 2006, 04:43:59 PM
Originally posted by lazs2
The only solution is here.   We must jail the employers with mandatory sentances for even hiring one illegal knowingly.

We must make english the official language and not print anything that taxpayers pay for in any other language.

We must not give out any benifiets that are paid for by citizens to non citizens.

Any need for guest workers should be highly regulated and the employer should provide any health care or needs for the guest workers.

It really is a simple problem to solve but the politicians have no interest in solving it.

The democrats want millions of poor people to vote for thier socialist candidates and programs and the republicans are only about 50% better.


I agree BUT what if everything you prupose is not outlawed by a treaty?
Title: Illegal Immigration? Oh Really???
Post by: DREDIOCK on October 25, 2006, 10:06:09 PM
This was sent to me in one of those "Forward to  everyone you know" Emails.

Probably a BS story behind it. But the idea is 100% right on.

Oh, and you dont have to Email it to everyone you know LOL

Newspapers simply won't publish letters to the
Editor which
They either deem politically incorrect (read below) or
Which don't
Agree with the philosophy they're "pushing" on the
Public. This
Woman wrote a great letter to the editor that should
Have been
Published - but with your help it will get "published"

Subject: New immigrants

New Immigrants
From: "David LaBonte"

My wife, Rosemary, wrote a wonderful letter to the
Editor of
The OC Register which, of course, was not printed. So,
I decided
To "print" it myself by sending it out on the
Internet. Pass it along
If you feel so inclined.

LaBonte (signed)

Written in response to a series of letters to the
Editor in the
Orange County Register:

Dear Editor:

So many letter writers have based their arguments
On how this
Land is made up of immigrants. Ernie Lujan for one,
Suggests we
Should tear down the Statue of Liberty because the
People now in
Question aren't being treated the same as those who
Passed through
Ellis Island and other ports of entry.

Maybe we should turn to our history books and point
Out to
People like Mr.Lujan why today's American is not
Willing to accept
This new kind of immigrant any longer. Back in 1900
When there was
A rush from all areas of Europe to come to the United
States, people
Had to get off a ship and stand in a long line in New
York and be
Documented. Some would even get down on their hands
And knees
And kiss the ground. They made a pledge to uphold the
Laws and
Support their new country in good and bad times. They
Made learning
English a primary rule in their new American
Households and some
Even changed their names to blend in with their new

They had waved good bye to their birth place to
Give their
Children a new life and did everything in their power
To help
Their children assimilate into one culture.

Nothing was handed to them. No free lunches, no
No labor laws to protect them. All they had were the
Skills and
Craftsmanship they had brought with them to trade for
A future of
Prosperity. Most of their children came of age when
World War II
Broke out. My father fought along side men whose
Parents had come
Straight over from Germany, Italy, France and Japan.
None of these
1st generation Americans ever gave any thought about
What country
Their parents had come from. They were Americans
Fighting Hitler,
Mussolini and the Emperor of Japan. They were
Defending the United
States of America as one people. When we liberated
France, no one
In those villages were looking for the
French-American, African-American,
German-American, Irish-American and more. The people
Of France saw
Only Americans. And we carried one flag that
Represented one country.
Not one of those immigrant sons would have thought
About picking
Up another country's flag and waving it to represent
Who they were.
It would have been a disgrace to their parents who had
So much to be here. These immigrants truly knew what
It meant to
Be an American. They stirred the melting pot into one
Red, white
And blue bowl.

And here we are in 2006 with a new kind of
Immigrant who wants
The same rights and privileges. Only they want to
Achieve it by
Playing with a different set of rules, one that
Includes the
Entitlement card and a guarantee of being faithful to
Their mother
Country. I'm sorry, that's not what being an American
Is all
About. I believe that the immigrants who landed on
Ellis Island in
The early 1900's deserve better than that for all the
Toil, hard work
And sacrifice in raising future generations to create
A land that
Has become a beacon for those legally searching for a
Better life.
I think they would be appalled that they are being
Used as an
Example by those waving foreign country flags.
Title: Illegal Immigration? Oh Really???
Post by: DREDIOCK on October 25, 2006, 10:15:55 PM
Originally posted by lazs2
The only solution is here.   We must jail the employers with mandatory sentances for even hiring one illegal knowingly.

We must make english the official language and not print anything that taxpayers pay for in any other language.

We must not give out any benifiets that are paid for by citizens to non citizens.

Any need for guest workers should be highly regulated and the employer should provide any health care or needs for the guest workers.

It really is a simple problem to solve but the politicians have no interest in solving it.

The democrats want millions of poor people to vote for thier socialist candidates and programs and the republicans are only about 50% better.


I agree. But.
We must also punish those who enter this country illegally as well.
Like I said in another post. There is NO innocent parties here.

They knowingly enter this country illegally.
when you knwoingly do somethign illegal. That by definition makes you a criminal.

I detest seeing these people walking around at protests with signs "We are not ciminals"

Yes. you are.

If caught at the boarder trying to sneak in. Like I said. Shoot them. Just as you would any invading force.

OR at least shoot at them to make them turn around

If caught while in this country. Deport them with the penalty being. You will loose any future chance you may have had of entering and living/working in this country.

If caught a second time. Jail them for a period of 5 years hard labor. Then deport them back to their country of origin

I dont feel sorry for these people that come in illegally. I dont.
Particularly when there are plenty of people willing and waiting in line to do it legally.

No free passes. No free lunches.
Do NOT pass go
Do NOT collect $200
Title: Illegal Immigration? Oh Really???
Post by: moot on October 26, 2006, 12:04:14 AM
There needs to be a rule for particularly haphazard text formatting.
Title: Illegal Immigration? Oh Really???
Post by: lazs2 on October 26, 2006, 09:07:48 AM
There would be nothing wrong with building a wall at the border.. It might even help.. cut down say 30% or so of the flow on it's own.   It needs to be done in conjunction with jailing the employers tho.

You would not need to round up the illegals.... if there was no work for them and no benifiets and they couldn't communicate... they would leave.   Or..  stay in slums and be deported whenever arrested.

As for treaties?  there is no treaty that does not allow for the jailing of employers.

Title: Illegal Immigration? Oh Really???
Post by: Charon on October 26, 2006, 09:40:47 AM
The only solution is here. We must jail the employers with mandatory sentances for even hiring one illegal knowingly

Laz is correct, that is the only way. As he pointed out though, neither party wants to actually stop the problem (unlike many who actually elected them). I believe he is being a bit generous about the Republicans being "50%" -- I believe the federal republican leadership is about 110% against solving the problem, but that changes at the state level.

There would be nothing wrong with building a wall at the border.. It might even help.. cut down say 30% or so of the flow on it's own. It needs to be done in conjunction with jailing the employers tho.

I see this almost exclusively as a way to pretend to solve the problem without doing anything to actually solve the problem. The added benefit is that it resprests some amazing opportunities to waste our tax dollars on a huge pork project -- if they can get the funding. Kind of a WIN/WIN :(

If anything will shake up the Ford/Chevy - brand political cancer we have here with the two parties I think this is it.  It's hard for even the most partisan voter to ignore what they say to appease the "base" is not backed up by actual action when it doesn't suit their personal selfish agendas.

Title: Illegal Immigration? Oh Really???
Post by: lazs2 on October 26, 2006, 03:23:56 PM
charon... I also see the fence as an appeasement but it is not totaly worthless in my opinion.

It would indeed stop some 30% or so of the least desperate and... to a large extent... send a message to the mexican government and people and... to our people... the fence might make people here think it is allright to fight illegal immigration...

It might make em look at employers a little more negatively also...  it certainly won't hurt.

If the government appears to be trying to do something... the people will gain confidence and do more on their own.   This I believe.

Still... that is nothing if the government doesn't jail the employers... fines won't be enough.. only jail will work.. and that includes the beverly hills houswife who hires juanita for a maid.
Title: Illegal Immigration? Oh Really???
Post by: DREDIOCK on October 26, 2006, 06:21:27 PM
Originally posted by lazs2

As for treaties?  there is no treaty that does not allow for the jailing of employers.


And besindes. The US government isnt exactly well known for keeping its treaties.

Ask just about any indian tribe ;)