Aces High Bulletin Board

General Forums => Aces High General Discussion => Topic started by: stantond on November 26, 2006, 07:05:58 AM

Title: Single 20mm cannon round takes off wing
Post by: stantond on November 26, 2006, 07:05:58 AM
Repeatedly, in EW and MW a single 20mm cannon round takes off a wing.  Spitfires, Zeros, F4F's, F4U's, all planes are vulnerable.  On the other end of the spectrum, 50 cals take a 1/2 second burst (about 20 rounds) to take off a wing.  I have plenty of film.

Either change the eny for cannon equipped planes, or lower the lethality of cannons.    Six 50's can't compare to a single cannon, and that's just wrong.


Title: Single 20mm cannon round takes off wing
Post by: Ghosth on November 26, 2006, 07:45:43 AM
First off how do you know that only 1 20mm hit? No really, how can you prove your point without proving this first?

Second, 4 - 8 20mm rounds at convergience  SHOULD take off your wing.

1/2 second of .50's x 6 should shred your wing, fill it full of holes, but are not likely to blow it off. You need to concentrate all your fire at one spot for a longer period of time in order to cause a catastrophic failure.

There really are not that many 20mm armed AC in early & mid war.  Secret is don't let them get a good guns solution on you.
Title: Single 20mm cannon round takes off wing
Post by: SlapShot on November 26, 2006, 08:39:50 AM
What Ghosth said.
Title: Single 20mm cannon round takes off wing
Post by: storch on November 26, 2006, 09:19:19 AM
malta, all those times I killed you were multiple 20mm hits.  I was slightly annoyed that you didn't go *poof* as they were all cockpit shots.  I hope that helps.
Title: Single 20mm cannon round takes off wing
Post by: B@tfinkV on November 26, 2006, 10:20:00 AM
i have often shot at someone and seen multiple hit sprites, only for them to say 'you only got one ping on me'

i think what you see/hear hitting you and what the other person sees is very different.
Title: Single 20mm cannon round takes off wing
Post by: bj229r on November 26, 2006, 10:28:14 AM
That is why I largely avoid EW--- H2C and Spit hizookas kill ya with 1 or 2 fortunately-placed pings--- the 50 cal planes need ever so many more, and without the extra horsepower (which my limited skills require:furious ) to angle for a better shot
Title: Single 20mm cannon round takes off wing
Post by: Lusche on November 26, 2006, 10:32:02 AM
The Guys here are all right,
remember that the decision if, where & how often you are hit is always made on your opponents computer, and that what you see is not always what your enemy sees. People tend to forget or simply ignore that.
Title: Single 20mm cannon round takes off wing
Post by: stantond on November 26, 2006, 11:34:14 AM

I am relying on film, and the number of shots fired.  Fuselage shots w/20mm are different from wing shots.   Also, in a snap shot there's no way more than one shot could have hit the wing.  I totally agree about what my front end sees is different from the other persons.  Collisions are proof of that.  

If the consensus is that film cannot capture enemy shots and hits, then I'll accept that these snap shot one hit 20mm wing blow off's are not what they seem.  Anyone want to see the films?


Title: Single 20mm cannon round takes off wing
Post by: Nomak on November 26, 2006, 01:23:23 PM
Originally posted by stantond

I am relying on film,

Good, post some screen shots of the hit sprites.

Originally posted by stantond

Fuselage shots w/20mm are different from wing shots.

How so?  I am not sure what you are saying here.

Originally posted by stantond

  Also, in a snap shot there's no way more than one shot could have hit the wing.  

Why?  The cyclic (sp?) rate of some cannons can be quite high.  I have landed multiple cannon rds on an opponet during a snapshot in the DA.  I know they were all cannon rds because I wanst firing MGs.

Just my thoughs

Title: Single 20mm cannon round takes off wing
Post by: FrodeMk3 on November 26, 2006, 02:31:33 PM
This is dangerously close to posting a whine. Normally, I would'nt be like this, but there comes a point in the time that everybody plays AH, that you have to admit that you simply got beat. You will get some feedback on why it happened, but you have to admit that the guy did get hits on you, therefore whatever happened next was inevitable.
Title: Single 20mm cannon round takes off wing
Post by: stantond on November 26, 2006, 02:32:02 PM
Here are two films.  The first is myself in a Hurri 2C, the second is N7 gunning me down.  N7 did a fine job, btw.

The issue I am bringin up is that this is not a 'fluke' or 'inernet lag', or even difficult to repeat.  Normally, I fly planes with 6x50 cals.  The difference between 2 cannons and 6 x 50 cals is like night and day.  Maybe the wing root has been weakened in the damage model, I really can't say.  All I can say is that it's really easy to take a wing off with a cannon round.  Fuselage shots aren't so critical.    

I'll fly the Hurri 2C around awhile and make more films.  Here are two films:

Hurricane vs Spitfire ( shed.ahf)

109F vs F4U1 ( shed.ahf)

Normally, I only save films where I lost the fight to learn what I did wrong.  Since a whine about why I got shot down is not the point of this thread, I'll keep those to myself and just show films where I can shoot someone's wing off with just one cannon round.


Title: Single 20mm cannon round takes off wing
Post by: mussie on November 26, 2006, 02:57:09 PM
Originally posted by Ghosth
Secret is don't let them get a good guns solution on you.

I agree %100 with Ghosth on that statement... :)

But I would like to see cannon armed planes perked... I just happen to like  my dogfights a bit more drawn out... and that is usually accomplished with MG's.....

On a side note: Douglas Bader resisted the use of cannons for attacking Buff's... He said that they were not needed... (The dude was a legend IMO)

Title: Single 20mm cannon round takes off wing
Post by: Schatzi on November 26, 2006, 03:14:36 PM
Originally posted by Nomak

Why?  The cyclic (sp?) rate of some cannons can be quite high.  I have landed multiple cannon rds on an opponet during a snapshot in the DA.  I know they were all cannon rds because I wanst firing MGs.

Being the owner of said wing (or should I say having been) i can attest to that. ;)

Snap shot doesnt neccessarily mean a quick rake over the enemy, especially not at slower speeds. Maybe the number of hit *sounds* just doesnt coincide with the number of hits actually taken?
Title: Single 20mm cannon round takes off wing
Post by: mussie on November 26, 2006, 03:26:24 PM
Originally posted by Schatzi
Being the owner of said wing (or should I say having been) i can attest to that. ;)

Snap shot doesnt neccessarily mean a quick rake over the enemy, especially not at slower speeds. Maybe the number of hit *sounds* just doesnt coincide with the number of hits actually taken?

I think you right schatzi.... I doubt that the number of hits on the targets FE would match the Shooters FE... (Lag). After all the hits are recorded by the shooters FE arnt they ? So the Targets FE is just giving you some sound effects to let you know your stuffed....

Perhaps a way to test this is to get two planes in the TA and have both pilots film the encounter....
Title: Single 20mm cannon round takes off wing
Post by: Schatzi on November 26, 2006, 04:30:48 PM
Originally posted by mussie
I think you right schatzi.... I doubt that the number of hits on the targets FE would match the Shooters FE... (Lag). After all the hits are recorded by the shooters FE arnt they ? So the Targets FE is just giving you some sound effects to let you know your stuffed....

Perhaps a way to test this is to get two planes in the TA and have both pilots film the encounter....

I can tell you without testing that they will differ. When Schutt and I still had our comps on same desk and wed fly in same area (or against each other!), there was always a difference. Also, film isnt always what was displayed in game either (film viewer uses raw data to rebuild the film, its not a frame-by-frame movie).

Also, i didnt neccessarily mean the difference between the two FE (which are undoubtedly there). I meant on his FE, recorded hits and replayed number of hit sounds might not be the same.
Title: Single 20mm cannon round takes off wing
Post by: Ball on November 26, 2006, 04:46:10 PM
theoretically if a 20mm cannon shell hit an aircraft in the wingspar whilst it was pulling a high G maneuver, then it should take the wing off?
Title: Single 20mm cannon round takes off wing
Post by: Apar on November 26, 2006, 05:11:03 PM
Malta, I checked the films, the hurri vs Spit is not 1 single 20mm hit:


That looks like 2 full 20mm hits.

The other film I can't make out any hitsprites, dunno what's up with that.
Title: Single 20mm cannon round takes off wing
Post by: mussie on November 26, 2006, 05:14:44 PM
Originally posted by Schatzi
I can tell you without testing that they will differ. When Schutt and I still had our comps on same desk and wed fly in same area (or against each other!), there was always a difference. Also, film isnt always what was displayed in game either (film viewer uses raw data to rebuild the film, its not a frame-by-frame movie).

Also, i didnt neccessarily mean the difference between the two FE (which are undoubtedly there). I meant on his FE, recorded hits and replayed number of hit sounds might not be the same.

Yah Schatzi... thats what i ment by
"So the Targets FE is just giving you some sound effects to let you know your stuffed...."
Title: Single 20mm cannon round takes off wing
Post by: SlapShot on November 26, 2006, 07:16:24 PM
I watched both films ... both are believeable and acceptable.

You have got to remember that not ALL rounds fired are tracer rounds.

Hurri film ... you shot 1 or 2 20mm cannon rounds on the horizontal plane of his wing, from what we can see (who know how many non-tracer rounds hit) ... god knows what kind of damage they did ripping all the way thru the horizontal wing plane ... plus he is pulling a high-G zoom climb ... totally acceptable.

F4U film ... again ... you ALL rounds fires ARE NOT tracer rounds ... I heard at least 3 good pings on you and you presented the most favorable target in all of Aces High ... a slow, full profile target. Again ... very believable and acceptable.

Why do some constantly have to challenge the fact that they got beat and need to try and alleviative their shortcomings by trying to blame fault on some software model. We all fly the same model ... so if you lose ... well so be it ... the other guy would have suffered the same consequence had the shoe been on the other foot.

The F4U film ... you truly had the upper hand and should have killed him within a 45 seconds into the film.  Had you done a gently spiral climb, inside his climb, he would have stalled way before you which then you pop flaps and drop his arse.
Title: Single 20mm cannon round takes off wing
Post by: stantond on November 26, 2006, 10:24:52 PM
Here is yet another film with a one ping wing removal.  I know, because I was firing the guns.  Two bursts were fired, with as momentary of a press on the trigger as I could manage.  The first few rounds fell behind the mossie. On the second, one round hit the wing, another the canopy.

Mossie Wing Shed ( shed.ahf)

I tried getting some other films tonite to show this, but none were quite so clean.  No one else has ever seen this before?  Wow.


Title: Single 20mm cannon round takes off wing
Post by: palef on November 26, 2006, 11:04:14 PM
Originally posted by mussie

On a side note: Douglas Bader resisted the use of cannons for attacking Buff's... He said that they were not needed... (The dude was a legend IMO)

He was also repeatedly and demonstrably wrong about many issues.

Like a great many exceptional people he failed to understand that he may be able to close with a buff and destroy it with MGs, but not everyone else was as capable, talented, or skilled. Despite the loss of legs he had YEARS of flying experience over the men he was leading and often wrote off a lack of success in someone as cowardice, when the reality was that 12 hours solo in high performance fighter was really just getting to grips with the differences between a Tiger Moth and something that could flip on its back at low speeds if you used the throttle injudiciously.

Cannon rounds are a whole different ball game to solid projectile MGs. Unfortunately what you'd like to happen and what actually happens can be wildly divergent from what you'd expect from a pixellated virtual reality.
Title: Single 20mm cannon round takes off wing
Post by: TequilaChaser on November 26, 2006, 11:34:27 PM
regardless of what any of you think, Malta is a top notch person, who has in past years proved his worth in other sims, helping others learn the games mechanics, trained them/ actually trained many  people who fly this flightsim/game, and has tested the differences in planes...........he is no different than Soda/Widewing/Badboy/Hammer/Silat/Ren/Murdr/humble/BigMax/Drano/Schatzi/Me or any other long time flying sim player

why is it that most people jump to freaking conclusions thinking someone is trying to find an excuse because he might of got beat?

I do not think this thread constituted any type of whine or excuse,  I believe the thread starter had a ligetimate question / concern and he provided film to get others views/ which I am sure he appreciates some of the replys.....

~SALUTE~ to those who offered a non-bias opinion/explanation.........
Title: Single 20mm cannon round takes off wing
Post by: SkyRock on November 27, 2006, 12:02:49 AM
The fact the EW has hurri2c unperked is laughable!  CHOG perked in LW but hurri2c not perked in EW???????  Every time I go in there its every third or fourth plane is hurri2c HOing away!:rolleyes:
Title: Single 20mm cannon round takes off wing
Post by: mussie on November 27, 2006, 12:18:53 AM
Originally posted by palef
He was also repeatedly and demonstrably wrong about many issues.

Could you show me some documentation of this I would find it interesting reading...

Originally posted by palef
Like a great many exceptional people he failed to understand that he may be able to close with a buff and destroy it with MGs, but not everyone else was as capable, talented, or skilled.

I never said he was right I said he was a legend it had nothing to do with the cannons in AH... like I said SIDE NOTE

Originally posted by palef
Despite the loss of legs he had YEARS of flying experience over the men he was leading and often wrote off a lack of success in someone as cowardice

Again if you could provide me with some documentation on this I would like to read it... I never knew the man, and have only read a few things about him, but I just dont see him as being so stupid as to ignore the fact that his pilots were inexperienced. I mean it was his inexperience that cost him his legs, surely he would have lernt from that....

Originally posted by palef
Cannon rounds are a whole different ball game to solid projectile MGs. Unfortunately what you'd like to happen and what actually happens can be wildly divergent from what you'd expect from a pixellated virtual reality.

Really I thought that we had solid cannon balls in the planes just like the sailing ships of old and I did not know that the game is different from real life....
[SIZE=12]NO DUH!!!![/SIZE]

Sorry for the last comment palef...  but your response put my nose outta joint...... Never the less I would be interested in where you got you information on Bader.

Like I said The Man Was A Legend

Legend n "Any person of extraordinary accomplishment."
Title: Single 20mm cannon round takes off wing
Post by: Oleg on November 27, 2006, 02:59:49 AM
Originally posted by stantond
The difference between 2 cannons and 6 x 50 cals is like night and day.

Well, i flew F4U-1 alot and i say 6x12 MORE powerfull then 2x20 hispano. You just need to concentrate your fire with 12mm guns, but 20mm dont require it.
And i got many snapshot kills with 12mm.
Title: Single 20mm cannon round takes off wing
Post by: B@tfinkV on November 27, 2006, 04:35:07 AM
Originally posted by stantond
Here is yet another film with a one ping wing removal.  I know, because I was firing the guns.  Two bursts were fired, with as momentary of a press on the trigger as I could manage.  The first few rounds fell behind the mossie. On the second, one round hit the wing, another the canopy.

Mossie Wing Shed ( shed.ahf)

I tried getting some other films tonite to show this, but none were quite so clean.  No one else has ever seen this before?  Wow.



another thing you have to remember.

what has the mossie been doing till you saw him?

did he already get 5 big holes in that wing from someone else?

did he panic when you hit him and rip the wing off through Gs?

and another thing, HT has said in the past that '1 hitsprite does not = 1 hit'

if 5 of your 20mmm rounds hit the same spot, or very close to each other you would not see more than one  hitsprite, more a slightly longer lasting single sprite.

3rd: i have often shot at people and not seen any hitsprites at all, and they die.

i put this down to graphics bugs.

i have found that at full graphics settings on the sliders, i lose hitsprites somehow.

not arguing against you, just throwing some thoughts out there #

Title: Single 20mm cannon round takes off wing
Post by: Nomak on November 27, 2006, 06:54:08 AM
Originally posted by TequilaChaser
regardless of what any of you think, Malta is a top notch person, who has in past years proved his worth in other sims, helping others learn the games mechanics, trained them/ actually trained many  people who fly this flightsim/game, and has tested the differences in planes...........he is no different than Soda/Widewing/Badboy/Hammer/Silat/Ren/Murdr/humble/BigMax/Drano/Schatzi/Me or any other long time flying sim player

why is it that most people jump to freaking conclusions thinking someone is trying to find an excuse because he might of got beat?

I do not think this thread constituted any type of whine or excuse,  I believe the thread starter had a ligetimate question / concern and he provided film to get others views/ which I am sure he appreciates some of the replys.....

~SALUTE~ to those who offered a non-bias opinion/explanation.........

Regardless of your feelings for/about him TC he is simply way off base with his post.  I dont think anyone was ruthless or brutal with him.  However, his post he been shot full of 20mm rds  :lol

Repeatedly, in EW and MW a single 20mm cannon round takes off a wing.

He lost me right here.  Insinuating (sp?) that the damage model was somehow fubar in these 2 arenas.  Those of us who have been around for a spell know that this type of thing is very very rare and is usually the product of someone getting shot down when they think they shouldnt.

He then claims that "A change needs to be made"  Based on what?  His claim that wing damage was caused by a single 20mm?  The fact that it  was more than 1 hit was proven later in the thread by Apar.  Dont you think he should have reviewed his own film and realized it was more that one hit before comming here and insinuating the damage model was bad and that "Changes had to be made".

Does this answer you question TC?.  Shall I continue?  No need to.  I am not trying to flame him.  Again, if you come to the BB and make claimes like this ..... the waters are going to get a bit choppy.  This shouldnt be a suprise to anyone here.

Title: Re: Single 20mm cannon round takes off wing
Post by: stantond on November 27, 2006, 03:54:05 PM
Originally posted by stantond
Repeatedly, in EW and MW a single 20mm cannon round takes off a wing.  Spitfires, Zeros, F4F's, F4U's, all planes are vulnerable.  On the other end of the spectrum, 50 cals take a 1/2 second burst (about 20 rounds) to take off a wing.  I have plenty of film.

Either change the eny for cannon equipped planes, or lower the lethality of cannons.    Six 50's can't compare to a single cannon, and that's just wrong.



The EW and MW arenas are where the film comes from and I see this happening.  This probably happens in the LW arenas too, but I haven't been in those arenas much.  I expect the damage model is the same in all arenas.  Taking the position that what I am really seeing is two cannon rounds and not one, is that more plausable and makes everyone more comfortable?

A valid question remains as to what is my point?  I made a 'demand' to change the eny or lower the lethality of the cannons.  How about taking that as a suggestion?

How about questioning the damage model?  Also, to show how easy it is to take out a wing with one cannon round.  That's not much firepower to knock a plane out of the sky.

Someone show me I'm wrong.  Disagreement is fine, and I can and will provide more evidence because it's not difficult to get.  I consider myself a rational person and will not stick by an absurd argument.

Speaking of TC, I appreciate his comments, and think he knows my intentions here.  I am not trying to 'stir the pot', or make some wild claim to rial people up.  However, I know some people will be upset that I am pointing out how a single 20mm (or maybe two) can drop a wing in an instant and exactly how to exploit the game by doing that.

I still hold with my original statement that one cannon round can take off a wing.  It takes a plan form or front quarter shot for one cannon round to remove the wing. From the rear, two or three are needed.  As stated above, I am always open to someone showing me how what I am seeing is not true.  



p.s. Yes, I know a lot of crap will be thrown my way.  I have been in this postion before.  Don't question the status quo, it upsets people.
Title: Single 20mm cannon round takes off wing
Post by: hitech on November 27, 2006, 04:09:35 PM
I am pointing out how a single 20mm (or maybe two)

I still hold with my original statement that one cannon round can take off a wing

Which is it? Might want to at least get some real facts first. And its not the status quo that people are debating with you it is your claim of facts that do not seem to be supported by your data.

Title: Single 20mm cannon round takes off wing
Post by: BugsBunny on November 27, 2006, 04:13:16 PM
Problem is that you don't hear every round that hits you.  The one ping you hear may be 5 or more 20s
Title: Single 20mm cannon round takes off wing
Post by: gusman on November 27, 2006, 04:20:02 PM
Like I said The Man Was A Legend

Legend n "Any person of extraordinary accomplishment." [/B][/QUOTE]

I think Bader was concerned about the Cannons jamming. At the time cannons were in their "beta" stage and Bader wanted weapons that he knew he could count on.

Title: Single 20mm cannon round takes off wing
Post by: TequilaChaser on November 27, 2006, 04:21:37 PM
Originally posted by Nomak

Does this answer you question TC?.  Shall I continue?  

no need at all almighty one

#1- I never pointed any single individual out, or pointed a finger directly at anyone in this post

#2- I guess the shoe must of fit, huh Dave?  you spoke up 1st

#3- Nomak, your "EGO" really does have an ugly side at times, is a shame really
Title: Single 20mm cannon round takes off wing
Post by: hitech on November 27, 2006, 04:29:26 PM
and I looked at the films.

Hurri you hit him with 2 rounds, plus you have no way of knowing if he was damaged before.

In the f4 you took 15 hits.


Repeatedly, in EW and MW a single 20mm cannon round takes off a wing

You make statements like this, and then provide no proof to back the claim up.

Title: Single 20mm cannon round takes off wing
Post by: weazely on November 27, 2006, 05:03:33 PM
WOOT WOOT HiTech that was words of smartness:p :aok
Title: Single 20mm cannon round takes off wing
Post by: Nomak on November 27, 2006, 07:14:03 PM
Originally posted by TequilaChaser
no need at all almighty one

#1- I never pointed any single individual out, or pointed a finger directly at anyone in this post

#2- I guess the shoe must of fit, huh Dave?  you spoke up 1st

#3- Nomak, your "EGO" really does have an ugly side at times, is a shame really

I didnt think that you were pointing me out in particular.  I just felt that your post defending him overlooked the fact that his post was in left field.

Are my points incorrect TC?  Can you point out where I am in error in my judgement on the original post?  

If you honestly feel that I am out of line here than I will appoligize to you and him.  I honestly dont feel that I am out of line here.

Not sure where the "Ego" thing fits in.  I stated my opinions based on the statements made by Malta.  Judging on the other responses to the thread I am not alone in my assesment.

Title: Re: Re: Single 20mm cannon round takes off wing
Post by: Oleg on November 28, 2006, 01:44:15 AM
Originally posted by stantond
I still hold with my original statement that one cannon round can take off a wing.  It takes a plan form or front quarter shot for one cannon round to remove the wing. From the rear, two or three are needed.  As stated above, I am always open to someone showing me how what I am seeing is not true.

If hitech's words is not enough for you, fly one cannon planes a bit and dont use MGs. You will realize your mistakes quickly.
Title: Single 20mm cannon round takes off wing
Post by: stantond on November 28, 2006, 07:14:53 AM

Well, I realized this morning that the Hurricane 2C has four cannons instead of two.  I suppose most people who fly it much know that.  I saw the single barrel on either side of the wing and didn't see the other gun until I was watching more films.  I'ts clearly shown in the hangar as well.  Whoops.

Regarding planes in the films, I don't believe any damage was done to the planes since I engaged them alone, flack wasn't there, and I had not fired any round into them.  However, I now think two cannon rounds were certainly put into the spitfire and the Mossie took four, two to the wing and two in the fuselage.  A canopy shot exploded the Mossie.

Again, this is something I noticed while 'popping' off wings and was compelled to point it out.  I kind of expected a response of "yea, a couple of cannon rounds will take out any wing".  Instead, the response was something entirely different.  I wish 50 caliber rounds were 1/3 as effective, but they don't seem to be in my experience and I can live with that.

Since this thread was flawed from the onset, as pointed out, I will stop  posting any more films.  I intend to investigate this further, but I'll use a single cannon plane and have more film before I make any more subject statements.  My apologies, and in the famous words of Emilly Latilla, "Nevermind".



p.s.  Can someone explain how can you tell the F4U in the film took 15 hits?  That might just stop all these types of posts.
Title: Single 20mm cannon round takes off wing
Post by: B@tfinkV on November 28, 2006, 08:51:01 AM
 you can slow down the film viewer to 0.1% speed, this will almost show frame by frame. i think it shows 1 frame out of every 4 frames from the game or something. anyhow, by slowing it down you can much more clearly see the hit sprites that did record.

a very quick a simple way of testing your theory would be to go offline, fly a 109F with the single nose cannon, and see how many rounds it takes to shoot down the offline drones.

20mm are after all 'high explosive' rounds.   i will hazard that it will take you between 2 and 10 hits to down a plane.

hit 2 perfectly in the same area, wing comes off.

hit 10 all over aircraft, its going to fly away with minor damage most likely.

Another very important factor is range.

fire 10 cannon rounds into someones wing from 800yrds, you'll be lucky to get a kill.

fire 2 cannon rounds into that same wing from 50yrds, the wing will almost always come off.

plus to this the hispano cannons (spit, Chog, hurricane, mossy, etc) are the most powerfull in the game as far as 20mm  goes.
Title: Single 20mm cannon round takes off wing
Post by: BugsBunny on November 28, 2006, 09:27:25 AM
Originally posted by TequilaChaser

why is it that most people jump to freaking conclusions thinking someone is trying to find an excuse because he might of got beat?

:D very good question.  So why do you and the rest of the trainers do it to everyone else? :O
Title: Single 20mm cannon round takes off wing
Post by: stantond on November 28, 2006, 10:20:38 AM
Originally posted by B@tfinkV
 you can slow down the film viewer to 0.1% speed, this will almost show frame by frame. i think it shows 1 frame out of every 4 frames from the game or something. anyhow, by slowing it down you can much more clearly see the hit sprites that did record.

a very quick a simple way of testing your theory would be to go offline, fly a 109F with the single nose cannon, and see how many rounds it takes to shoot down the offline drones.


I'll try messing with the film viewer again at minimum speed.  Regarding offline shooting, I have tried that.  Offline arena gun damage settings are different than online settings.  

I can 'make' my theory come true by increasing the offline arena guns lethality, but then any films made there are even more suspect.  However, giving all the arena settings so they can be reproduced is something to think about.  Flying online and going for the one 20mm cannon wing shed is more fun too.


Title: Single 20mm cannon round takes off wing
Post by: hitech on November 28, 2006, 11:36:29 AM
I can all read see how this one will turn out.

2 Possibilities.

Possibility 1.

Stantond Tries and tries but never does get a 1 bullet wing off with 20 mm. Then Does come back and say he was wrong. But later say 3 - 6 months some one else will make the same claim do to his original claim and AH normal (myth) prorogation.

Possibility 2.
He gets a film of a wing coming off with 1 hit. I once again evaluate film, and then tell him, the plane was already damaged. and once again the myth is propagated.

At this point I'm not even sure what you are trying to prove stantond.

If you whole point is saying that 20 mm are to lethal, then I would just say we disagree with you.  

Title: Single 20mm cannon round takes off wing
Post by: FrodeMk3 on November 28, 2006, 11:52:11 AM
If 20mm's weren't lethal, who'd want 'em on their plane? :rofl
Title: Single 20mm cannon round takes off wing
Post by: Schatzi on November 28, 2006, 11:59:04 AM
Originally posted by stantond
Can someone explain how can you tell the F4U in the film took 15 hits?  That might just stop all these types of posts.

As has been stated before in this thread, number of pings, and hit sprites (even in the film viewer) arent always corresponding with the number of actual hits taken.

Hitech is the ONLY person to be able to make such claims, as he can analyze the raw data from the film. Id assume that he extracted the number of hits "recorded" - not counted the visible hit sprites.
Title: Single 20mm cannon round takes off wing
Post by: hitech on November 28, 2006, 12:14:54 PM
Originally posted by Schatzi
As has been stated before in this thread, number of pings, and hit sprites

Hit sounds are played at 1/10 sec intervals. It is easily possible for you to take more hits and die before all the hit sounds are played.

How I look at the hits in the films is to track the hits in a debug session and look at the actual information that you sent to the server or that the server sent to you.

Title: Single 20mm cannon round takes off wing
Post by: mussie on November 28, 2006, 12:33:39 PM
Ya know HT... And I am sure you have already thought of this.... but a post flight log might be helpful....

I pulled this from one of my old whish list threads (see below)

if it showed hits to the target (nothing more than the fact that a round has hit) it might help dispell this myth.....

Just a thought......

Originally posted by mussie
Hey Skuzzy HT and Pyro

I had my best ever night last night, bagged more than 20 kills in about four hours, for most of you 20 is nothing but when you consider that I only got 28 last tour its a hell of a lot for me

Now what I am getting to is that I would like to be able to view a log of what happened, the film viewer was running most of the night but it takes forever to go through it. so I was wondering if it would be possable to create a log file for AH, I was hoping for something like the below:

1- When you start AH it creates a text file named:  "AHlog_HH-mm_DD-MM-YY.txt"   IE: AHlog_06-00_17-08-05.txt

2- It would record
- Start time of AH
- Which Arena you selected, the current players and ping
- When you change fields
- When you take off
- Who you shot down (system messages that are about you)
- Damage you took (not likely I know but would be cool)
- when you landed (.ef) ditched died ect) again a system message)
- Perk changes

3- When you close AH it would put the summary at the end (see below)

I konw you guys and the rest of the team have other things on but this would be cool if you ever had the time

Later Guys

++++++++ EXAMPLE BELOW ++++++++

The contense would look like:
AH Started at  06:00 am 17th of August 2005
06:01 - Entered Online Arena Selection
06:01 - Selected Main Arena, 250/750 Ping 357
06:02 - Selected A13
06:03 - Left A13 in FM2
06:15 - You shot down: mussie_F4U-1C
06:21 - Your FM2 has taken damage from mussie:Rudder_Gun4_MainFuel
06:25 - Successfully landed 1 kill at A13
06:25 - Gained .7 Fighter Perks
06:26 - Selected A17
06:27 - Quit to main menu
06:27 - Quit AHII
Session Summary:
06:15 - You shot down: mussie_F4U-1C
End Kills
You have no assists  
End Assists
You have no Deaths
End Deaths
06:21 - Your FM2 have taken damage from mussie :Rudder_Gun4_MainFuel
End Damage
Session Stats
Fighter  K:1 A:0 Ob:0 S:1 L:0 B:0 Di:0 Cp:0 D:0 Dis:0 Ti:00:21
Attack K:0 A:0 Ob:0 S:0 L:0 B:0 Di:0 Cp:0 D:0 Dis:0 Ti:00:21
Bomber K:0 A:0 Ob:0 S:0 L:0 B:0 Di:0 Cp:0 D:0 Dis:0 Ti:00:21
Boat K:0 A:0 Ob:0 S:0 L:0 B:0 Di:0 Cp:0 D:0 Dis:0 Ti:00:21
Title: Single 20mm cannon round takes off wing
Post by: Xjazz on November 28, 2006, 02:27:30 PM
Hmmm {falling to the dreaming mode}

AH super CON lan party with 256 pilots in old fasioned MA with absolute minimum lag where every shot really punch in... No more 'overkill tracking shots' due lag.

'Muahahahauahuaa! Do you FEEL my .303cals now, baby!'

Bye bye net (and /or server predicting code?) farts :)

Wha?!?!? {wake up from the dreaming mode in yet another 13in12 h2h room with full of 'AFK'ers}

(huge IMHO from the person who dunno shyte about the online tech/business)
The netlag must be a MAJOR net communication challenge for the HTC.  I mean, how to handle tziljon different events in server side in 'as real time as possibe'?
Title: Single 20mm cannon round takes off wing
Post by: stickpig on November 28, 2006, 03:03:30 PM
Originally posted by B@tfinkV
i have often shot at someone and seen multiple hit sprites, only for them to say 'you only got one ping on me'

i think what you see/hear hitting you and what the other person sees is very different.

Didnt Hitech address this issue at the con?

Someone posted a recording of Hitech,or Pyro talking about it.

Anyone still have it?
Title: Single 20mm cannon round takes off wing
Post by: stickpig on November 28, 2006, 08:26:46 PM
Originally posted by Apar
Malta, I checked the films, the hurri vs Spit is not 1 single 20mm hit:


That looks like 2 full 20mm hits.

The other film I can't make out any hitsprites, dunno what's up with that.

i agree..... slowed the film all the way down

looking from the external view of both the spit and the hurri, it was 2 full hits
Title: Single 20mm cannon round takes off wing
Post by: stantond on November 28, 2006, 10:01:56 PM

Here is a film showing multiple cannon rounds not taking a wing off. All rounds fired were 20mm.  The plane was a 109F and not a Hurricane 2C.

Light up (

See!  A 20mm round (even two) can't take a wing off!  Wtf is wrong with you, come on!


Title: Single 20mm cannon round takes off wing
Post by: Stang on November 29, 2006, 12:48:13 AM
The sig is quite fitting.
Title: Single 20mm cannon round takes off wing
Post by: hubsonfire on November 29, 2006, 12:59:49 AM

On a serious note, a post flight log would be nice. Say, track some bits from the data our FE sends in- hit percentage, damage points, who we shot, who shot us, etc. I don't know if it would need to be "You put 17 50cals in stang's 262 fuselage, with 8 more on the port nacelle, and 3 cannon rounds into his fat misshapen head blah blah blah", but a simple text file that people could look at and see hits, kills, collisions, etc might eventually help dispell some of the misconceptions that people have, and also end some of the silly pursefighting over details.
Title: Single 20mm cannon round takes off wing
Post by: B@tfinkV on November 29, 2006, 02:28:20 AM
i hope youre joking hubs, you know as well as i do that the forums would die overnight if the pursefights stopped.
Title: Single 20mm cannon round takes off wing
Post by: mussie on November 29, 2006, 02:48:16 AM
Mmmmm yes Batty your right... What would I have to do here at work if the BBS went quiet..... :cry
