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General Forums => Wishlist => Topic started by: Saxman on December 26, 2006, 08:22:32 PM

Title: Reduced Ammo
Post by: Saxman on December 26, 2006, 08:22:32 PM
Ok, yeah, mentioned before but hasn't been brought up in a while:

How about that (documented) reduced ammunition option in the F4Us?

Also, what about this for an option in the F4U-1A:

When flying the 1A Corsair from a land base you have the option in the hangar to fly it as one of the "land based" aircraft produced by Vought and Goodyear with the arrestor gear and wing folding mechanisms removed to eliminate extra weight. This option would ONLY be available if you're flying the 1A off a land base and not aboard the CVs.
Title: Re: Reduced Ammo
Post by: RAIDER14 on December 26, 2006, 09:10:36 PM
Originally posted by Saxman
Ok, yeah, mentioned before but hasn't been brought up in a while:

How about that (documented) reduced ammunition option in the F4Us?

Also, what about this for an option in the F4U-1A:

When flying the 1A Corsair from a land base you have the option in the hangar to fly it as one of the "land based" aircraft produced by Vought and Goodyear with the arrestor gear and wing folding mechanisms removed to eliminate extra weight. This option would ONLY be available if you're flying the 1A off a land base and not aboard the CVs.

I like it:aok
Title: Reduced Ammo
Post by: stantond on December 30, 2006, 06:42:37 PM
Others have (myself included) have brought up this suggestion.  Other than modifying the flight model weight, since depleting ammo doesn't change the plane weight, it may be fairly simple.  Then again, it may not.  Since I am not in a position to know, I'll not judge whether this is something that really has to be implemented or not.

One thing I have control over is a AH2 pilots guide for the F4U planes I have been writing.  Normally, I would not release a guide due to the criticism (what I call crap) from that sort of activity.  With all the work the AH team has done on the F4U series, incorporating a reduced weight lower loadout "light fighter" option would compel me to deal with the unplesantness of submitting a F4U pilots guide.  For whatever that is worth.


Title: Reduced Ammo
Post by: Krusty on December 30, 2006, 08:51:00 PM
Originally posted by stantond
Others have (myself included) have brought up this suggestion.  Other than modifying the flight model weight, since depleting ammo doesn't change the plane weight,


AH models the weight of the rounds. Less rounds = less weight. Fire off 90% of your ammo and you weigh less.
Title: Reduced Ammo
Post by: bozon on December 30, 2006, 11:19:26 PM
I would love an option to remove guns and ammo from a plane. For example, taking a 109G2 without the 7.62 mm mg, or a mosquito without the 0.303 mg.
Title: Reduced Ammo
Post by: Stoney74 on December 31, 2006, 12:05:38 AM
I think the first idea is good.  Be able to choose ammo amounts in case you don't want to carry a full load.

As far as taking off the CV equipment on the Hog...well, I'd like my razorback jug to have 80 inches of manifold and a paddle blade prop like Johnson had, but I think "field" modifications are a bit dicey to manage for gameplay...  For whatever its worth.
Title: Reduced Ammo
Post by: Saxman on December 31, 2006, 12:58:35 AM
Not entirely a field modification, many F4U-1As were built that way in the plant (primarily those manufactured by Goodyear).
Title: Reduced Ammo
Post by: BaldEagl on December 31, 2006, 01:49:39 AM
Originally posted by Stoney74
I think the first idea is good.  Be able to choose ammo amounts in case you don't want to carry a full load.

Take off and fire half your rounds on climb-out.  Same thing.

Used to do it all the time in AW with the A-26 which had a crazy high pilot fired forward gun load-out.
Title: Reduced Ammo
Post by: okiebob on December 31, 2006, 03:04:08 AM
Yea i would take out the 303s on the mossie alot and just have the cannons and i love the jugg idea that be the shizz. but most of all I WANT THE BOMBER MOSSIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Title: Reduced Ammo
Post by: stantond on December 31, 2006, 07:19:07 AM
All things considered, this definately falls into the "nice to have" category since the weight reduction would be ~500 lb for 1200 rounds of 50 BMG.  Kind of nice to remove 500lb of weight, but it's not such a big deal either.  The main performance increase would be in climb rate, which isn't going to be significantly improved with that weight loss (based on the pilots manual).

I wish we could just shoot the rounds off and lighten the plane.  That would work for me.


Title: Reduced Ammo
Post by: Krusty on January 01, 2007, 11:39:33 AM
As I replied ^^ up there, and as BaldEagl said, you can just fire the rounds off.

Weight of the ammo is modeled into AH. Fire your guns and you will weigh less.

Now, as for F4us, well it's a 12,000+ plane. Losing a piddly 500lbs will do jack. You'll burn up more GAS than that before you get to combat, so IMO keep the ammo.