Aces High Bulletin Board

General Forums => Wishlist => Topic started by: SgtPappy on December 27, 2006, 02:28:57 PM

Title: Spitfire Mk.XII
Post by: SgtPappy on December 27, 2006, 02:28:57 PM
I was looking around for some threads on tehe wishlist concerning the Spitfire Mk.XII. A few of the community has been educated about the a/c and I've decided to be the whiner I am and ask for one. I didn't know that it was such an unknown plane to everyone else! (

Guppy35's got tonnes of info the perk-to-be so I'm sure he'll lend a hand.
Title: Spitfire Mk.XII
Post by: Bruv119 on December 27, 2006, 02:50:53 PM
sure the 12 is good   if we talking perk spit lets have the 21  :))))
Title: Spitfire Mk.XII
Post by: SgtPappy on December 27, 2006, 03:21:47 PM
Well the problem is that the F Mk.21 never fought in WWII, while the Griffon IV Mk.XII entered service and fought in the war. I would personally admire the LF IX with +25lb. boost being in the game, but some say it's too good for this game :D Turns almost as good as a Mk.V with that extra boost and has regular tips to help it do that. Climbs much batter than even an LF VIII (which we have in the game, but o well, i can dream...

So let's get some votes people!
Title: Spitfire Mk.XII
Post by: Rino on December 27, 2006, 05:52:14 PM
I know you have Guppy's vote:D
Title: Spitfire Mk.XII
Post by: Krusty on December 27, 2006, 07:14:02 PM
This has been rehashed many a time.
Title: Spitfire Mk.XII
Post by: SgtPappy on December 27, 2006, 07:46:11 PM
Meh, then at the risk of being hashed again, let it be known that the Spitfire XII is one great plane and should be in the game. :D
Title: Spitfire Mk.XII
Post by: TwinBoom on December 28, 2006, 06:04:57 PM
nvm pappy krusty is the boards root of negativity
ask for what u want
Title: Spitfire Mk.XII
Post by: Saxman on December 28, 2006, 07:01:10 PM
There's six too many Spits in this game as it is.
Title: Spitfire Mk.XII
Post by: Bronk on December 30, 2006, 08:55:05 PM
Originally posted by Saxman
There's six too many Spits in this game as it is.

Can never have too many variants of any ac in a flight game.

Title: Spitfire Mk.XII
Post by: okiebob on December 31, 2006, 02:54:02 AM
bronk has a point i would love to see as many planes as possible. and different versions of planes. like with the mossie WE NEED THE BOMBER VERSION and we also need the droopsnoot/pathfinder version of the P38!!!!!!
Title: Spitfire Mk.XII
Post by: SgtPappy on January 01, 2007, 06:27:01 PM
YES droop snoot for the win! A Spit IX with additional rear-fuselage fuel would be fun too.

Anyway, Guppy, I've recently found out that Spitfire Mk.IX's, XIV's and XVI's had rear fuel tanks fitted to them beginning in 1945.

Dr.Price's book says that they had 75 Imp.Gal. fuel tanks while a cross section i found in a different book of a Spitfire F.Mk.IX (c-wing, merlin tail) had a 29 Imp.Gal. fuel tank. Any answers?