Aces High Bulletin Board
General Forums => Wishlist => Topic started by: sparow on January 17, 2007, 03:21:54 PM
Hi all!
Another idea: troops that return fire when attacked, fire at other ground troops if in their way or light vehicles. That try to hide from tanks and wait before running for the map room.
Platoons with movements and formations controlled by a human player on foot or from the transport vehicle.
I can imagine troops dropped to capture a field and everyone dumping troops from m3 in the city for defense! LOL!
249 Sqn RAF "Gold Coast"
but we have airplanes..... rkt and bombs= boom
its kinda pathetic when i can stand with my lil dude with his lil gun and wipeout a line of enemy soldier and they dont shoot back:D
This feature has been requested by many, including me. But before we can ask for this new feature, we need to see some effect of the gun's recoil when we shoot it.
at least make an effort, shoot a few round in the right direction at you, i bailout next to them and kill them
how about something better then a look-a-like BB gun:lol
y not a tompson SMG:D
yea, somthing that actually might freakout a m3
or a jeep:furious
you can kill jeep with .45
but jeeps can kill u faster with their 50cal Mg:p
i like to p/o jeep ppl with m16, 2 shots and dead
i like to p/o tiger drivers with the jeep 2:cool:
thats noobish.....not calling you one but......try to really "fight" for your kills
i dont kill him just shoot off one of his tracks and zoom off:D
try to do it before he
1) sees you
2)trys to turn pintle at you
4)kills you
ithey dont seem to care about a enemy jeep around them >.> ( well for me)
Well, let's upgrade our handguns to a lightweight 30 pound GE XM214 MiniGun which fires 166 rounds per second.
Now what did the warning label say about the recoil?
now they might cause they know jeep kills tiger!!
Spikes, I said handgun not 50 cal machine gun.
Didnt take long for the hijack!
Originally posted by macleod01
Didnt take long for the hijack!
Anyone else think these two are the same person?
Spikes and wes?
also, i think the paras should occasionally stop & take a dump on something, cauz thats is how they wood do it in RL
You think they would need to take a dump when they just upped less than 20 minutes ago? Oh come on, in real life they would be warned ahead of time to empty themselves or sit on corks!
Not sure what would be considered fighting, but troops could make a bomb sub, being that one troop normally carried enough to take out a building. So maybe dropping troops on a town could have the effect of 1 troop=1building.
Cause once you even consider the thought of letting troops actually fight, then people will start crying about how they do shoot on planes from the back of lvts and m3s. The troop per building effect would require lil change as opposed to the fighting soldier.
No, I believe we want them to start fighting when dropped. Because you never see them on the backs of M3's and LVT's.
Originally posted by Denholm
You think they would need to take a dump when they just upped less than 20 minutes ago? Oh come on, in real life they would be warned ahead of time to empty themselves or sit on corks!
they were in a long ride in a plane with no bathrooms.
have u evar been in a plane with no bathroom for a long time???
it can reely sux
how about 5 of them carry mgs. 2 carry grenades,2 carry TNT, and other one carry this(look below)
No titanic, that's a picture of what's about to happen to Iran.
sum1 shood hav 1 of thees
Actually lots of pilots had "relief hoses". I remember reading about a P-51 pilot using one on a 6 hour milk run.
World WarII online is currently the most compreheinsive WWII simulation and would probably dominate the market if it had a decent air to air model.
HTC would seriously upgrade their users if they added a more intensive ground combat simulation.. anyone who has played or seen WWII online knows their ground combat simulation is not at all sofisticated.. HTC could duplicate or "simulate" this very easily.
Infantry battles would be a welcome addition to the game.
Originally posted by zorstorer
Anyone else think these two are the same person?
Spikes and wes?
zorstorer, we not, lol
Originally posted by skycaptn
HTC would seriously upgrade their users if they added a more intensive ground combat simulation.. anyone who has played or seen WWII online knows their ground combat simulation is not at all sofisticated.. HTC could duplicate or "simulate" this very easily.
Perhaps, but you have to remember that they're more focused on CT than the actual AH flight / ground / water models.
Originally posted by Debonair
also, i think the paras should occasionally stop & take a dump on something, cauz thats is how they wood do it in RL