Aces High Bulletin Board
General Forums => Aces High General Discussion => Topic started by: Guppy35 on February 06, 2007, 01:26:31 PM
Got word from Shifty of 880 FAA squadron that his son Thomas lost both his legs in an IED explosion in Iraq.
His son was serving with Delta 1-5 of the 1st Cavalry. Seven other soldiers were also wounded in the attack
At this point Shifty's son has been flown to Germany. Shifty and his oldest son will be flying there to be with him. The word from the Army is that Thomas is in stable condition.
Hopefully in time Shifty will be able to let us know where we can send cards and well wishes for Thomas. Obviously things are a bit crazy for the family at this point.
At this point all the prayers, best wishes, karma etc are needed to speed Thomas's recovery.
With that in mind all best wishes for a speedy recovery from the 80th Headhunters.
Hang in there Shifty and family.
Ahh man that sucks.
Sorry shifty, you have my best wishes :(
My thoughts are with them.
Damn. Thoughts and prayers otw. Let me know if there's anything we can do or help with. :(
Damn :( . Karma otw.
My familys thoughts and prayers for Thomas, Shifty, and family
Salute to he that loses life and limb that we may sleep in our beds with no fear.
My Families thoughts and prayers are with yall. God Bless Thomas and Family.
My thoughts and prayers are with him.
god bless you thomas and family.
Best wishes
Tragic. So sorry to hear this. I have a family member over there and I worry a lot about her suffering a similar fate. Not the praying sort, but best wishes to Thomas, Shifty and family. I hope he pulls through.
to all our men and women who put themselves in harms way for us.
Sorry to hear this Bad News.
Our thoughts and Prayers go out to All of his Family.
<> and Get well from 364th ChawksFG and all The CHawks
Prayers and Peace to Shifty, his son and their family and friends
prayers, best wishes and god bless from the 65th and families...
Hang in there Shifty and family.
Thanks Corky for bringing this to the Community's attention,
Prayers/Good Thoughts & Wishes otw from the DAG and families.........
as noted above, let us know if there is anything we can do
~SALUTE~ Thomas, you are admired by alot for your volunteered Duty, Sir....
Sorry to hear
Very sorry to hear that, I wish he and his family the strength needed at this time. If there is anything I can do let me know!
From my family to yours, I wish you all the strength, and best recovery from this tragedy.
Lots of people frown on the war in Iraq, but its still to be fought.
Thomas for the job to be done, best recovery. A HUGE from me.
and I'm sorry to hear of this. Let me know how I can help.
> shifty and <> our guys r in my thoughts and prayers
definatly keep us informed on how shiftys son is doin.
Sorry to hear this. My best wishes to Shifty and his family too, and a speedy recovery and adjustment to his new situation to his son.
Guppy, if theres anything I can do to help Shifty while hes over here in Germany, please let me know and ill PM you contact info.
shifty- my families thoughts and prayers are with your son. A huge to your son for his service to our country. We all need to be reminded that freedom isn't free. to all our soldiers, sailors, and airmen in harms way securing our freedom from those who would take it from us by force.
Tango, XO
412th FS Braunco Mustangs
Originally posted by TequilaChaser
Thanks Corky for bringing this to the Community's attention
Dan, if Shifty needs anything, let us know please.
- oldman
shifty hang in there my thoughts are with u
the price of freedom sometimes is high, often for the families of those lost or injured it may seem too high.
i hope Thomas has a speedy recovery and wish Shifty and the rest of the family my best wishes
My best wishes to Shifty, for what they're worth, and thoughts for his son and the rest of the family in the tough times ahead.
truely sad news, my prayers go out to him and his family.
Thoughts and Prayers:(
First off. Thank all of you very much from me and my family.
Guys I've talked to the Army at least ten times today. I was fortunate enough to talk to the nurse caring for him. Commander Mort, US Navy. She told me he was in very stable condition and reacting well to stimulus test . Besides the loss of his legs, he has some superficial burns to his hands, and fighting a fever. She informed me the fever was expected due to the bacteria in Iraq, and that they were controlling it. If he continues without any furthur complications they are planning to evac him to Ft Hood Texas Friday. So Travis and I hopefully will not be going to Germany, instead we'll just have a three and a half hour drive to Ft Hood. She said he is a strong young man, and they expect him to pull through this. Her final words to me were I know you're his father, but now he's my son too, and I'll take good care of him. I don't know where they find these people, I'm just glad they do.
Speaking of these kind of people. Thomas's Commander a Lt Col called me from Baghdad this afternoon. He couldn't go into great detail and I hope to get more info. The patrol was hit with an IED and came under small arms fire. The Lt Col told me a soldier went above and beyond at risk to himself to get to Thomas and stop the bleeding. He stated it's very doubtful Thomas would have made it had it not been for the actions of this young soldier. I hope I can find out the name of this young man in the next few days. I want to thank him and his family, from all of our family. Like I said I don't know where they find these people, but I'm glad they do.
I'll keep you folks posted as best I can.
Again thank each and everyone of you very much. The entire Vandeventer family appreciates it.
My most heart felt thoughts are with you and your family. <<
My prayers are with your son and family bro
to you and your son.
I will pray for your son and family.
the soldier who came to your son's aid is a true hero, as is your son.
i wish you god speed in the search to thank him, the man deserves a medal.
to your son, we owe him his legs and our freedom, may he find the grace to forgive us the injury our saftey has cost him.
They find them here at home.
I'm glad your son is going to come home. My son is at Al Asad.
Shifty when you get an address and your son is able please post an address for a personal thank you and hopefully some encouragement. I never was a prayer person until my son deployed. I will pray for you ,yours,and mine.
I shall pray for Thomas and I shall pray for you and your family. I can only imagine how you all must be feeling right now.
God bless you Thomas for the sacrifice you made. God bless your family.
Shifty, your family is im my prayers. <
The price paid by some of those who serve shocks me, and I've tremendous respect for them because of that. Shifty himself summed it up pretty well. "I don't know where they find these people, I'm just glad they do. " Best wishes to all involved.
Shifty and family.....
My families prayers and thoughts are with you, my son is currently in the Tikrit area for the second time. I am happy for you in that your son is coming home. Let me know if there is anything I can do for you....even if it's just an ear to tug at.
Sorry to hear that. My brother is over there.
Best wishes for a speedy recovery. Thoughts & prayers for the family.
Dan....thanks for posting. thoughts and prayers for a speedy recovery is on the way.
War.....believing we are the most intelligent life form on earth is sometimes hard to believe. After all the years that "mankind" has been the most dominant species on earth because of it's so called would think we'd have found a better way to settle our differences besides sending our youngest and brightest to kill one another.
rant for another time.
God speed to all who are forced into harms way.
sorry to hear this.. my famly sends out prayers and the best karma for thomas shifty and their family.. god bless my friends.. : (
John, if you need help with anything at all let me know. I'll PM you my number and feel free to call anytime day or night. Hang tough bro, my thoughts and prayers are with your family.
Best Wishes to Shifty's Son.
I know how proud you are of you sons and that one was wounded before. I am at a loss for words here. Such brave men do there mother proud.
I and my family hope for a fast recovery for him and hope that you and the Frau are OK. Give me a call if there is anything I can do to help.
All my best.
Also, if you find out who this young man was that saved him, please see if you can get an email address for him. I would like to thank him also.
From my family to yours, our prayers for a speedy recovery and God bless those that serve!
Best wishes Shifty. If you're who I think you are, we had a chat a few years ago about your son's training at Fort Knox. I'm very sorry to hear about this and wish you and your family the best.
Best wishes to Thomas and the whole family (extended to all our brave soldiers in harms way)!
I am so very sorry to hear this. Best wishes to Thomas, Shifty, and family.
I am so sorry to hear that Shifty.
The word 'hero' gets used too often, but whomever that soldier was that risked his life for your son, deserves that title.
Best wishes for your son's continued recovery and safe trip back to FT. Hood.
Best wishes and prayers toward your son's recovery, and the ever important strength and support of his loved ones.
Thank you to your sons for choosing to serve. I'm truely sorry the personal cost was so high in this instance.
Thoughts and prayers are with you and your son Shifty, as well as your family. And a hearty
. I thank your son's service and sacrifice. Our soldiers, sailor's, marines, and airmen are our greatest asset.
I also have a son serving in Iraq, and I cannot even imagine what you are going through.
Thank God he survived the attack, and thank God that there was another brave soldier to risk his life for the sake of another brave soldier.
Prayers and thoughts otw!!
God Bless!
The Flying Circus
My Families thoughts and prayers are with yall. God Bless Thomas and Family.
I am so sorry to hear of your son's tradgic injury, my families thoughts and prayers are with you and yours.
I have no doubt that your son is strong and proud and I pray he will recover from this and your heart will burst with even more pride than you have for him already.
From what you say it truly sounds as though he is in the best hands possible. You have delt with us all for a long time and I'm sure you know that you just say the word and all of the people in this community will rally to your family's aid.
2851 (Mike)
Our family is really touched by all the support you guys are giving. It's really uplifting to hear from my old flying buddies, like Bear76,Slash27,Telstar,Jaekart, and 2851. Plus newer friends like Guppy, MVJester, Gary26, Eagler, I can go on and on. I just want you people to know we appreciate each and every one of you.
I'll try and keep this update readable, I'm still not sleeping much and I tend to ramble on a normal day so bear with me.
Thomas is very stable and off the breathing machine. He is concious now and I spoke with him twice yesterday. His nurse stated that he is strong and stubborn. She said he wants to do everything for himself, and is not accepting aid in anything he is able to accomplish on his own. She told me that this is the attitude he's going to need to get through recovery and rehab, so we are very thankful. When we spoke yesterday he was very groggy and weak sounding the first time I talked with him. The second time we spoke he also got to speak to one of his brothers that had stopped by and my wife.
He told my son Donald that he was okay, but he was having phantom pains , where his feet or lower legs would itch or hurt and out of habit he would just use the other foot to scratch or whatever and remember he didn't have ethier one. He stated it was a little weird but just one of the things he'd have to get used to.
In typical Thomas fashion he told my wife he was worried about me, and to take care of the old man. He is scheduled to evac out of Germany Friday to Ft Hood , or another military hospital in the San Antonio area. We'll be there to greet him.
I appreciate all the offers, to be honest there has been nothing I could do all week. I've never felt as helpless, or worthless in my life. Once I have a firm address for him in Texas I will post it. If you folks have the time to send cards or letters to him at that time I would greatly appreciate it. Although he's displaying a lot courage right now, there are many rough days ahead for him, and any words of encouragement you guys can offer will be a tremendous help to him and all of us.
This is a tragedy for our family. However each and everyone of us feel blessed we still have our son and brother. I noticed yesterday another Soldier and a Marine were killed in Iraq. Compared to what those familys have to endure we got off lucky. We ask you keep the other seven soldiers that were wounded along with Thomas in your thoughts and prayers as well. We still don't have the name of the Soldier that was instrumental in saving Thomas's life. Once I do however I will shout it from the roof tops.
Again my family and I are deeply moved by all of the support and well wishes. To all of you who have posted here that have family and friends still over in Iraq, or Afghanistan. We send out our prayers, graditude, and love to each and every one of them.
My deepest thanks to each of you.
Nothing to say that hasn't been said Shifty.
It's not much to offer in light of what he suffered, but offer him my thanks for his service and sacrifice.
Your family will be in my thoughts and prayers.
My prayers are with him and your family! I'm an old 1st Cavalry man myself (545th MP company) but about 34 years ago but we still feel the pain. I suspect he's at Landstuhl as it's one of the best medical facilities around. He has my deepest respect.
All the Best...
My condolences Shifty. I'm glad to hear that he's stable. May you all find the strength to deal with this tragedy.
I hope for quick recovery.
Thanks for the update Shifty.
I think I can speak for the crowd when I say we're honored that you'd feel like you could look to us for support and be willing to share Thomas's and your families story.
And I do think I'm safe in saying that if there is anything we can do to help your family and Thomas during the recovery time ahead, please ask.
Hang in there.
Prayers for all.
Dominus Vobiscum,