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General Forums => Aircraft and Vehicles => Topic started by: cav58d on February 11, 2007, 06:48:00 PM

Title: Yak-u
Post by: cav58d on February 11, 2007, 06:48:00 PM
I think the YAK-U looks like a fun airplane to learn.  What are its strength's and weaknesses offensively and defensively?
Title: Yak-u
Post by: Krusty on February 11, 2007, 08:04:12 PM
You've been around for a long time. You've probably flown it in this time.

You will already know its strengths and weaknesses if you fly it for just 1 sortie.
Title: Yak-u
Post by: Serenity on February 11, 2007, 08:28:13 PM
Originally posted by Krusty
You've been around for a long time. You've probably flown it in this time.

You will already know its strengths and weaknesses if you fly it for just 1 sortie.

Uhhh... I flew it for 3 or 4 and ive got no clue what its good or bad at... But then again I am an idiot.
Title: Yak-u
Post by: nirvana on February 11, 2007, 09:52:46 PM
It can flat turn and not lose too much E, it's got fairly good armament with little convergence since they are all nose mounted, dives pretty well.  It's also one of the faster planes in game.

It's main con for me is the lack of ammunition.
Title: Yak-u
Post by: DYNAMITE on February 11, 2007, 10:16:51 PM
A tough tough bird... the Yak 9 U is a great ride...
Be sure that you're a good shot though as it's armament isn't the most potent in the game and it doesn't hold much ammo.

Best under 15K, the Yak is good in the horizontal and vertical... you can out turn and occasionally run down an La7. It's got great visibility in the cockpit, and definitely doesn't have a glass jaw.

Some cons are it's limited range, high alt performance, and limited fire power...

All in all a fun bird that not many people fly... an advantage to you if you master it though as most people don't know how to counter its moves... :aok
Title: Yak-u
Post by: stephen on February 11, 2007, 11:03:44 PM
Yak's are junk, you may get 2 kills, 3 if all you have to do all day is fly, no bomb load, no range, lousy 20mm trajectory...basicly i better be in a 190, with no E or yaks are cooked......danger, : they do however have a nasty habit of catching up to alot of planes when climbing with less E than youd think,,,stay hi, dont get suckerd, and they are toast :aok
Title: Yak-u
Post by: Krusty on February 11, 2007, 11:18:04 PM
Yeah, okay for Serenity's sake and for others that don't notice when they fly it:

Good high speed retention after dives. Can dive well. Basically has a P51 engine in a frame half as heavy. Can turn great,

However, it's got VERY light ammo load (despite this I still claimed 3 bombers and a fighter in 1 sortie not too long ago), it bleeds E like mad so don't try and rope anything, and don't flat-turn it because once it gets to a certain point the low-speed handling goes to pot. Use E-retaining manuvers (high turns, yo-yos, whatever) as best you can and work for the angle rather than the turn fight.

Oh and never take it up in the MA without 100% fuel. Shorter legs than the C205.
Title: Yak-u
Post by: NitroFish on February 12, 2007, 08:04:53 AM
And no WEP.

Soda's YAK-9U (
Title: Yak ATTACK!
Post by: Dadano on February 12, 2007, 08:45:41 AM
The yak does about 390 at 6.5k.

It will dive with just about anything.

Turns on a dime at speed.

It's a small target like the LA...but you dont feel like a total sweetheart flyin it.

It's pop guns are nose mounted great within 250 yds.

Kinda sucks super slow sustained turning...Crazed slap stalls.

Not much rudder so reverses are a trick.

All around fun arse ride.
Title: Yak-u
Post by: Tilt on February 12, 2007, 10:36:48 AM
Interesting fighter interceptor between 11 and 17K
Title: Yak-u
Post by: VERTEX on February 12, 2007, 03:59:38 PM
Everything Dano said, also get it uo to 300 after take off and will climb at 3000 ft/min and hold 300mph, only a few planes will do that.

Gets you to the target fast at a good climb.

I usually climb to 6500 and level off.

With limited ammo forces you to get in close, when you fly other planes you feel like you have unlimited ammo.

Good luck.
Title: Yak-u
Post by: Oldman731 on February 12, 2007, 08:52:21 PM
Originally posted by Tilt
Interesting fighter interceptor between 11 and 17K
As Storch might say, flying the 9U is almost cheating.  It's a great plane, does everything well.  Just remember that you have to view your ammo load like you would with a 30mm 109, take no shot over about 250 meters, and you'll have a ball.

- oldman
Title: Yak-u
Post by: Sikboy on February 16, 2007, 06:42:45 PM
I stole this from an old thread :)

Originally Posted by Sikboy
It was a close call for me Halo. I will say that the Yak-9U is the plane I will most likely fly. It has enough speed to get out of trouble, but can fight off La-7s 1v1 fairly effectively. I feel that the flight performance of the Yak-9 makes it one of the best in the arena. The gunload out and ammo will keep most people away from it though, which is fine with me.

However, there is NOTHING I enjoy more than getting those 1 ping kills with the Hammergun. Ok, there is this ONE thing that is better. It only seems to happen to La-7s, or maybe that's the only time I notice it. If you land a 37mm on an La-7, sometimes you will see the hit sprite, but the plane will not be effected. Then about 2 seconds later the plane just explodes. uhhhhhh man that's nice... Um... excuse me, I have to have some alone time.

Ok, so I can't help but plug the 9T whenever I get a chance :)


Title: Yak-u
Post by: mussie on February 17, 2007, 04:49:06 AM
Originally posted by stephen
Yak's are junk


Love flying it, but haven't for a while

No Wep
Small Target
Awsome Manuverability
Good View
Very Responsive

Low Ammo
Poor Guns

The low ammo and poor guns 2 x .50 and 1x20 will teach you to conserve ammo.

The 9T has worse guns and is a lot slower, but it you only fire the  37mm and fire single shots you can have some fun...

I do not fire the .50 in the 9T PERIOD (ok I will use it to bluff an enama off the tail of a friendly).

I have one film where I get a snap shot on a spit manuvering at about D600, and a second where I nailed two guys in one flight, because your firing single shots, even if you miss they usually dont notice the single  tracer that goes by.

All in all I have scored 21 Kills in the 9T and 27 in the 9U

EDIT: when I see a yak, I worry
Title: Yak-u
Post by: Xasthur on February 19, 2007, 03:42:35 AM
The Yak is a great aircraft. I'm used to flying a 109 G or K with the 30mm, so the 120 rounds of ammo seems luxurious to me. If you set all 3 guns to converge at 200 and don't pull the trigger outside this range, you'll find that these three guns combined will break planes apart with very short bursts. If you're a decent marksman, the 120 rounds will go a long way. You should only need 15 rounds of cannon per kill (allowing for a few misses with most) so that should leave you with enough ammo for at least a 5 kill sortie comfortably.

You just can't piss your ammo away like you're flying a Jug or something with a massive ammo load.

Flying with 65 rounds has improved my gunnery to no end.

The Yak's guns are deceptively powerful, if you hit from close enough the poor ballistics won't be a problem.

DaMig and I have had some complete edge-of-your-seat duels in the MA in a 109K vs Yak9U fight.

Basically, I felt very at home jumping into a Yak out of a 109. Whilst it's not as 'strong' as the 109 in an all-round sense, in my opinion, it is a fantastic aircraft and a very enjoyable ride.
Title: Yak-u
Post by: mussie on February 20, 2007, 04:34:27 AM
Originally posted by Xasthur
If you're a decent marksman, the 120 rounds will go a long way. You should only need 15 rounds of cannon per kill (allowing for a few misses with most) so that should leave you with enough ammo for at least a 5 kill sortie comfortably.

Always thought my Gunnery SUCKED now I know it does :p