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Help and Support Forums => Help and Training => Topic started by: df54 on February 12, 2007, 05:15:13 PM

Title: zeke killin
Post by: df54 on February 12, 2007, 05:15:13 PM
there should be a forum devoted exclusively to zeke killin. They get way too many kills for such a crappy little plane. Nobody(including me) knows how to deal with them. effectively. Anybody got any zeke killin' films.
Title: zeke killin
Post by: McDeath on February 12, 2007, 05:25:03 PM
boom and zoom buddy
Title: zeke killin
Post by: Lusche on February 12, 2007, 05:25:46 PM
Easy. Just don't turn with them.
Title: zeke killin
Post by: Karnak on February 12, 2007, 05:45:57 PM
Well, your first error is underestimating it by thinking it is crappy.  It is actually quite capable, within its performance envelope.

Just stay out of that envelope.
Title: zeke killin
Post by: trotter on February 12, 2007, 05:46:39 PM
in all honesty, and im not trying to brag or make you sound stupid, but I find zekes one of the easiest planes to kill in the game. just look at em wrong and they light up like a yule log. I'm not quite sure what you're getting you mean they are manueverable? Just take that into account when calculating your shots, and dont get into a turn fight with them.

edit- this got me curious, and I checked up on my kill stats against zekes this tour. I did a lot worse against them than I thought. Sneaky little buggers.
Title: zeke killin
Post by: trotter on February 12, 2007, 05:48:46 PM
and yes, karnak is right, within their abilities they are quite capable. just very outclassed by later war planes.
Title: zeke killin
Post by: Mace2004 on February 12, 2007, 07:11:01 PM
There's no plane that can turn with it and it's got decent guns.  B&Zers are not much of a problem as long as you see them and you have half-way decient's the pickers.  

So, how do you kill one?  Some guys who say they're doing B&Z are really just picking the Zeke when he's latched onto someone else's six...the usual place for a Zeke.  Pure B&Z takes lots of time against an aware Zeke, you'll probably run out of paitence because it's very hard to beat a Zeke down to parade rest.  If you have a plane that works the vertical than use a good vertical e-fight.  Staying fast across the bottom to keep him from getting a guns solution works but be careful of trying to rope him, Zeke's climb real well.  If he's on your six at altitude dive away because over about 300 mph the Zeke really stiffens up and then tends to roll right so dive, do a hard, nose-high pull to the left and barrel roll into him if you can get the overshoot.  If you're in a phone booth with him and absolutely got to kill him then sell everything for a shot (it doesn't take but a couple of rounds)  but you'll probably lose a straight flaps down turnfight.  If you sell everything and still don't get him you're best choice is to run like....errrr..."extend".
Title: zeke killin
Post by: Karnak on February 12, 2007, 07:47:35 PM
Another point I would make is that people often engage an A6M expecting a replay of the Marianas Turkey Shoot, but forget two key factors in that event, the American Pilots and the Japanese Pilots.  The Japanese veteran pilots had suffered heavy losses and our well trained boys were going up against Japanese pilots with minimal training.  When we did meet a Japanese veteran the A6M was still a very difficult oponent.

How does this relate to AH?

Well, in AH, on average, the pilot skill in the A6M and the pilot skill in the opposing fighter are more or less even, eliminating a huge factor in the Marianas Turkey Shoot and denying the AH player the ability to slaughter A6Ms wholesale.
Title: zeke killin
Post by: Hazard69 on February 13, 2007, 10:12:34 AM
I have always said the following about zekes:
"better to have one on your six thats falling, than to have one in your sights as you are turning".

The thing is, whilst the zeke is an awesome turner, and is pretty damn cant do both at the same time.......
Im usually in a P38, and if I am going at 300+ with the zeke trailing me at about 1.5K-2K, I will actually begin turning cause my instantaneous turn rate is on par if not better. Once that speed drops to about 250, I will start a slight zoom climb at about 3K-4Kfps.
The slow zoom really seems to suck the E out of the zeke. At about 200mph start making your zoom mor n more vertical. If the zeke follows you hes dead, cause when you stall out and ram back down, hell be pretty helpless.
Its called a rope a dope. And almost everyone falls for it once in a while.

If you see that the zeke doesn't take the bait, then youve got a smart foe. Be wary and use superior speed or zoom climbs to eventually suck the E out of him.
Never turn if u have a smart bandit in a zeke. Toughest pairup is a P40 vs a A6M. Now thats a good fight....LOL!
Title: zeke killin
Post by: titanic3 on February 14, 2007, 06:41:43 PM
here's an idea who doesn't need any shooting or hard manuvering. wait until zeke is at ur 6' but make sure ur not in his gun range,1.5k will do. If ur flying a plane with strong airframe and ok turning read the following.(also u have to be at 10k or more to do this)

   once he's 1.5k behind you, dive down straight, if he's stupid enough to follow, keep diving straight. after like 20 seconds his wing would just rip apart because of weak airframe. if he doesn't, pull up, head straight to any friendly planes for help (for noobs). if ur a expert, do watever you do to kill it.

(8 out of 10 times, he would lose it flimsy wings)
Title: zeke killin
Post by: Rolex on February 14, 2007, 07:23:19 PM
I think the M5 is a fun little plane to fly, if you're in the mood to frustrate other players, and is a good platform for improving SA. Everyone will think you're an easy kill, so you'll have plenty of targets to track.

A well flown A6M5, like the Hurri IID, can survive and succeed in a 1 vs. 3 fight.

If you use a sound file with a little less lawnmower and more rumble in it, she's even more satisfying to fly. :D
Title: zeke killin
Post by: DamnedRen on February 15, 2007, 08:18:52 AM
They have a very limited vertical. Just take em up and park on top. As you roll in you merely need to roll your wings with their turns and light em up on the pass. If you miss...take em up again, repeat, rinse....move on to the next fight.

Hope this helps.
Title: zeke killin
Post by: BaldEagl on February 15, 2007, 09:45:39 AM
I used to be wary of Zekes.  My success rate against them was poor.  Now I look forward to going head to head with them.

So far this camp I've killed 9 Zekes and been killed by only 2.  

Most of these have been in head-to-head turn fights (I did have one last night that I took while a fellow countryman roped him).  

Just bring the right plane.  I find the Hurri, Spit V and FM2 all to be capable in a turn fight with a Zeke but if you're not in one of the better turn fighters then don't play their game.
Title: zeke killin
Post by: GooseAW on February 20, 2007, 09:06:16 AM
FM2 owns the zeke! Watch out for that initial climb though!
Title: zeke killin
Post by: macleod01 on February 20, 2007, 12:49:25 PM
Originally posted by trotter
and yes, karnak is right, within their abilities they are quite capable. just very outclassed by later war planes.

Outclassed? I would never say any plane is outclassed. Youve got to learn how to handle them. Take the hurricane Mk 1 for example. Thats my main ride, even in the LW. The hurricane is more than a competent match for the LA. The main risk for me is a spit 16 might jump in ahead of me and get my kill! Dont underestimate EW planes.

Infact, the only plane im really seriously afraid of, and will either run from or ask for all the help I can get with, is a Zeke. I absolutly cak myself if one ups. Only plane that can really turn with a Hurri. REally dont underestimate them. It will be your worst mistake on that mission. But Zeke's are good planes.  Quoting from a book I have.
'It was also a singularly unpleasant shock to US and British staff which had apparantly never studied the behaviour of this fighter in China or even discovered its existance'

Beware of the Zeke....

And the hurri Mk1 !! :aok :aok
Title: zeke killin
Post by: rauchen on February 20, 2007, 04:26:46 PM
As with any plane that gives you fits, my advice is to fly it & see what you hate about it.  Then put the nme in that position.

Flying the A6M5? - I hate watching someone I lit up fly off with a 50mph advantage, or watch a slow 190 outroll me, split S and get out of cannon range.

When I fly a Zeke I like to pair up with a P-51 or something fast - then if the nme goes runnerthe 51 can chase him down & make him turn.
Title: zeke killin
Post by: Coronado on February 20, 2007, 08:47:24 PM
lol..b n z a zeke... that's good...  due to the extreme vulnerability to the HO, that's what i see most of.. weak armor is a well known weakness and most goobs prefer that tactic first..if they wanna b n z  your zeke.. run to the canyons...let the games begin.
Title: zeke killin
Post by: TequilaChaser on February 20, 2007, 09:06:03 PM
IF you know what a zeke can do performance/turning wise , and you know what your plane of choice can do performance/turning wise, you can beat a zeke, even if you are turning with one.  The idea is to turn out of plane with it, do not fight a 1 circle turn fight....when turning sometimes it is better to go wide in a turn revolution to let the quicker turning zeke become offset with you and pop out infront of your guns.........think about it like this, take 2 quarters lay them on top of each other, now both you and the zeke enter the turn from the bottom of the coin, as you come around the right side of it(turning left) take the top coin and slide it to the right about 1/2 the diameter of the lower quarter, the bottom coin is the zeke's turning circle while the  top quarter is your turning circle....the key ingredient to this 2 circle fight is TIMING, time the offset wrong and you are the prey/not the zeke!!! ..with that said, anything more than 3 to 4 turns and you going to get eat alive for the most part, if the zeke pile-it is any ounce of decent....( 1/2 the turn circle diameter is just for reference/example, it is dependent on the plane type match-up and could vary by 1/8th over lap to  2 full individual turn circles.)

geometery, geometery, geometery.........( unless the zeke is  a skilled flyer then anything is up for grabs )

do a search for 1 circle vs 2 circle fight / or ACM.......
Title: Zeke Lover
Post by: aerosaber on February 21, 2007, 11:40:08 AM
"My little hero, the Japanese Zero"

I love to fly the M5 and occasionally take up an M2 just for fun. I'm not an expert but have learned some things about this aircraft.

Pick your fights. I usually work the outside of a big furball and work "in the mud" (Down Low). I watch for the B&Z pilots that are all out of Zoom.  They will fly out of the furball under you attempting to extend. I roll down on them and that’s that.

The fact that its fragile adds to pilot  survivability. I know I'm in a paper airplane. When it catches fire, or sustains a serious hit I'm in the silk. No limping home for the Zeke. If you have a fuel leak the gas is pouring out.

The best thing about the Zeke was already mentioned. Many pilots think its a piece of junk and don’t respect it. Many kills of an La or Pony will get you a 200 message saying it was a lucky shot.

You work for your kills in this bird. No flying through a furball with 600 rounds of cannon ammo. My convergence is set at 200. Most of my kills are below that range. My machine gun is rifle ammo, so I need to do the damage with my cannons.

SABER208  ArcAngels 208th Combat Grp  The ArcAngels Website (