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Help and Support Forums => Help and Training => Topic started by: Condor on March 31, 2007, 04:32:38 PM
I have been using TIR for 6 months with few problems. I am using the latest drivers and am using an adaptatiojn of Mace's profile. Homeboy called attention to what he calls "lap snap". i have experienced that but not frequently. I see it as only a minor irritanr since re-centering TIR restores the normal view.
In the last week I have been experiencing a more serious problem. Sometimes the degree to which I can direct my view seems suddenly to be limited. Usually, when it happens, I move my head to look down and the view does not track. This may occur 1/2 hour into a flying session during which TIR has worked properly. In a P-51, for example I can normally move my head to look down at the ammo count or at the ground over the side of the cockpit. When the problem occurs I move my head to look down and the view doesn't track. I am srill able to look side to side, up, and back. It seems like it just cuts off below a level sight line. I have checked to make sure my reflectors are not blocked and the TIR unit has not shifted and find nothing out of the ordinary. Re-centering does not correct the problem. Sometimes pausing and restrarting TIR resolves the problem and it works properly again for some time. Sometimes pausing does not fix it and I need to minimize the game and open the TIR software. I then bring up the tracking view and it looks as it should. I go back into the game and TIR works fine again until the problem recurs.
Has anyone else experienced this?
I've seen the "lap snap" (good term BTW) but not what you're describing. It sounds like you've covered all the troubleshooting bases but what version of TIR software are you using? 4.1.030 is the latest non-beta and there's a 4.1.030 B beta version for Vista. I'm using 030, you may try switching back to that. If that doesn't work I'd post on NP's forum and try uninstalling/reinstalling TIR. There is also a procedure on the forum where you go so far as to edit the registry to delete all traces of TIR. That seems to have helped some folks.
I had experienced similar limitations after a few months. After cleaning the TIR reflectors with some warm water and a bit of soap, everything was fine again. I hope your problem is as simple ;)
Put your TIR on its own USB hub, dont share it with other USB items, see if that helps.
make sure your wife isn't standing behind you pointing one of these at your trackIR eye :)
Eagler does have a point. Sometimes, when I use TrackIR, it will go nuts. Typically, its because "something" is reflecting against it and getting it confused. It can be the time of day with the sun reflecting on something which reflects back (in my case, it was the BBQ in the balcony causing it... i lowered the window shade) or it can be some sort of light somewhere. Hope its this simple. By the way, do you use the TrackIR clipped to a headset or a hat? I found a hat works best.
Not the computer gadget genius here but enough experience to add some input.
When bringing up your TIR screen, there his some "check" boxes for you to verify the performance. Activate those and check out the screens. Pay attention to the reflectors when moving your head position.
I had problems during certain time of day due to the sun reflection on the white wall behind me ! Purchased some better window blinds and solved the problem LOL !
Then the TIR was "snaping" once in a while. My teen son noticed that my reflectors were obstructed by my spiked thick hair ! :rofl
I'm wearing a baseball cap(backwards) since ! Solve that problem !
I know there's TIR update software releases outthere.
I stayed with the original one. Since its working fine, I don't touch !
Best of luck
My computer is in a room with no windows and I have one low intensity spot on over the computer when I fly AH. I see no red reflections in the tracking view window at any angle. If I turn the other lights in the room on I see interfearing reflections so I fly with just the single low intensity light. I had the reflector on the bill of a hat. I have since clipped them to the top of my headset so they are higher and a about 7" farther from the TIR unit. Since that change I have not seen the problem. I just look like I have antlers. :)
I did have to add a 1/2" spacer between the headset band and the base of the reflector assembly so my hair would not get in the way.
Condor, I have a similar office/computer space, which the wife-ack has dubbed “The CAVE”. I do have one window that did cause problems with sun light and good blackout shades has reduced that issue. I use the same screen cleaner on the IR Seeker head that I uses on my flat screen and I have my reflectors on a ball cap. I’ve found that basic black works best. Use no other cap color.
The IR Seeker head is mounted on my computer monitor and I am sitting back a bit so I have at least 24 maybe as much as 32 inches between the reflector and the Seeker head and the Seeker head is perhaps 10 to 12 inches higher. What I noticed through trial and error was that low level light background worked best coupled with a goose neck lamp with a 15w. light over head and well behind the IR Seeker head.
You have to remember that the IR Seeker head is a receiver and needs to capture the reflected light coming off the reflectors. So any high light levels are going to be reflecting off of everything in the room.
The only problems that I have ever had are from bright sun light or some other reflected light. Other wise the unit has worked properly right out of the box from the get go.
I was at a friends house and was showing them AH and trying to use the view keys, forgetaboutit.
I had this problem.
I installed lasted drivers and never did like them. I tried installed the old once back but it didn't help. I have a new computer and made sure to install the old drivers and I haven't had the problem since.
I use the old drivers also.. new drivers were funky.