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General Forums => The O' Club => Topic started by: JB88 on April 12, 2007, 03:30:15 AM

Title: google earth highlights attrocities in darfur
Post by: JB88 on April 12, 2007, 03:30:15 AM
article (,0,699039.story?coll=la-home-headlines)


would love to see more technologies being applied this way.
Title: google earth highlights attrocities in darfur
Post by: Pooh21 on April 12, 2007, 04:58:56 AM
US holocaust museum? How many Americans were killed anyway? Enough to warrant their own museum?
Title: google earth highlights attrocities in darfur
Post by: Shifty on April 12, 2007, 07:43:49 AM
Originally posted by Pooh21
US holocaust museum? How many Americans were killed anyway? Enough to warrant their own museum?

Don't be so quick to jump to conclusions. It's not a museum dedicated to Americans, it's dedicated to all the Holocaust victims. You've got a point though, maybe it would be more appropiate in the Fatherland.
Title: google earth highlights attrocities in darfur
Post by: lazs2 on April 12, 2007, 08:05:59 AM
If we aren't going to do anything then why even look?

Sending letters to the UN and asking for them to send a strongly worded letter is nothing...

If we send soldiers..  half the Americans will get bored and angry if we don't "win" after 3 years and beg us to come home saying that the warlords were not such bad guys in the first place.

Title: google earth highlights attrocities in darfur
Post by: Viking on April 12, 2007, 08:24:25 AM
Originally posted by Shifty
Don't be so quick to jump to conclusions. It's not a museum dedicated to Americans, it's dedicated to all the Holocaust victims. You've got a point though, maybe it would be more appropiate in the Fatherland.

There are numerous Holocaust museums and memorials in the "Fatherland" ... and Austria and Poland etc...
Title: google earth highlights attrocities in darfur
Post by: Shifty on April 12, 2007, 09:22:22 AM
Originally posted by Viking
There are numerous Holocaust museums and memorials in the "Fatherland" ... and Austria and Poland etc...

There should be.
Title: google earth highlights attrocities in darfur
Post by: Ripsnort on April 12, 2007, 09:49:47 AM
The UN doesn't care.
Title: google earth highlights attrocities in darfur
Post by: Viking on April 12, 2007, 09:50:58 AM
Originally posted by Shifty
There should be.

Title: google earth highlights attrocities in darfur
Post by: Viking on April 12, 2007, 09:52:29 AM
Originally posted by Ripsnort
The UN doesn't care.

Why should they? There's no oil there.
Title: google earth highlights attrocities in darfur
Post by: Ripsnort on April 12, 2007, 10:01:21 AM
Originally posted by Viking
Why should they? There's no oil for food program there.

Fixed your post above ;)

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The United States will impose tough new measures against Sudan, likely within days, to try to force it to change course on Darfur and aims to pressure Khartoum militarily by helping rebuild forces in the south, U.S. officials said.

U.S. State Department, Defence, Treasury and other U.S. officials, who spoke on condition of anonymity, said the goal was to "tighten the screws" on President Omar Hassan al-Bashir and have him accept an international force in the vast western province.

A White House announcement on sanctions and a further limit on dollar transactions was expected very soon, a U.S. State Department official said.
Title: google earth highlights attrocities in darfur
Post by: Shifty on April 12, 2007, 10:01:31 AM
Originally posted by Viking

To honor the victims, and to remind the people living there today.
Title: google earth highlights attrocities in darfur
Post by: Viking on April 12, 2007, 11:08:39 AM
Originally posted by Ripsnort
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The United States will impose tough new measures against Sudan, likely within days, to try to force it to change course on Darfur and aims to pressure Khartoum militarily by helping rebuild forces in the south, U.S. officials said.

U.S. State Department, Defence, Treasury and other U.S. officials, who spoke on condition of anonymity, said the goal was to "tighten the screws" on President Omar Hassan al-Bashir and have him accept an international force in the vast western province.

A White House announcement on sanctions and a further limit on dollar transactions was expected very soon, a U.S. State Department official said.

So basically you sent them a harshly worded letter. How UN of you :aok
Title: google earth highlights attrocities in darfur
Post by: Ripsnort on April 12, 2007, 11:15:15 AM
Originally posted by Viking
So basically you sent them a harshly worded letter. How UN of you :aok
Its better than what the UN has done. ;)

Title: google earth highlights attrocities in darfur
Post by: Viking on April 12, 2007, 11:18:50 AM
Originally posted by Shifty
To honor the victims, and to remind the people living there today.

I agree, and the Germans have done that. Now if this kind of morality were to extend beyond the borders of Germany to say … the United States of America, wouldn’t one expect to see similar memorials of the various indigenous peoples that were all but exterminated? And there are such memorials! However, unlike in the US, what you don’t find in Germany are memorials of the criminals that perpetrated the slaughter. So while the SS bastards get no statues or memorials, American butchers like Custer do.

So before you point the finger at the Germans, check your own history.
Title: google earth highlights attrocities in darfur
Post by: Viking on April 12, 2007, 11:20:55 AM
Originally posted by Ripsnort
Its better than what the UN has done. ;)

You mean the the nothing the US has done is better than the nothing the UN has done? I beg to differ.
Title: google earth highlights attrocities in darfur
Post by: Shifty on April 12, 2007, 11:25:55 AM
Originally posted by Viking
I agree, and the Germans have done that. Now if this kind of morality were to extend beyond the borders of Germany to say … the United States of America, wouldn’t one expect to see similar memorials of the various indigenous peoples that were all but exterminated? And there are such memorials! However, unlike in the US, what you don’t find in Germany are memorials of the criminals that perpetrated the slaughter. So while the SS bastards get no statues or memorials, American butchers like Custer do.

So before you point the finger at the Germans, check your own history.

Any memorials in Norway to the Britains that were exterminated by the Vikings? Typical of you never pass up a chance to bash America or Americans.:rofl

There were memorials to the Nazis in Germany by the way. They were there until Russian, British, and American soldiers removed them.

By the way where did I point a finger at Germany?
Title: google earth highlights attrocities in darfur
Post by: Xargos on April 12, 2007, 11:26:56 AM
The UN is the problem, not the cure.
Title: google earth highlights attrocities in darfur
Post by: Viking on April 12, 2007, 11:36:41 AM
Originally posted by Shifty
Any memorials in Norway to the Britains that were exterminated by the Vikings?

Name one people that were exterminated, or almost so, by the Vikings. You can’t, because that’s not what the Vikings did.

My point is that while some (like you) seem to blame today’s Germans for the actions of the Nazis, I do not. Nor do I hold today’s Americans responsible for the atrocities their forefathers did. However your hypocrisy in blaming the Germans is rather amusing.

Originally posted by Shifty
Typical of you never pass up a chance to bash America or Americans.:rofl

Do I know you?

Originally posted by Shifty
There were memorials to the Nazis in Germany by the way. They were there until Russian, British, and American soldiers removed them.

The Russians, British and Americans also removed the people that made the memorials, so why do you blame today’s Germans for the crimes of their forefathers?
Title: google earth highlights attrocities in darfur
Post by: Viking on April 12, 2007, 11:37:12 AM
Originally posted by Xargos
The UN is the problem, not the cure.

Then leave the UN. You can you know, and the UN would be better from it.
Title: google earth highlights attrocities in darfur
Post by: Shifty on April 12, 2007, 11:46:02 AM
Originally posted by Viking
Name one people that were exterminated, or almost so, by the Vikings. You can’t, because that’s not what the Vikings did.

My point is that while some (like you) seem to blame today’s Germans for the actions of the Nazis, I do not. Nor do I hold today’s Americans responsible for the atrocities their forefathers did. However your hypocrisy in blaming the Germans is rather amusing.

Do I know you?

The Russians, British and Americans also removed the people that mad the memorials, so why do you blame today’s Germans for the crimes of their forefathers.

Point out where I bashed Germans, or Germany. My answer to pooh wasn't a bash of Germany. It was an answer to the opinon he had that America had a Holocaust Museum that was dedicated to American victims. I have to agee with him it would be more appropiate in Germany. You seem to be the finger pointer. I'd also like to point out the Americans of the 1800s had far more in common with their European and Scandinavian ancestors than they do todays modern Americans. Where do think they learned the art of colonialzation?

No you don't know me, but that's your loss and my gain.
Title: google earth highlights attrocities in darfur
Post by: Viking on April 12, 2007, 11:55:56 AM
Originally posted by Shifty
I'd also like to point out the Americans of the 1800s had far more in common with their European and Scandinavian ancestors than they do todays modern Americans. Where do think they learned the art of colonialzation?

So what you’re saying is that it’s Europe’s fault that Americans butchered the Indians because the Americans were really European immigrants? Ok, but then the Vikings are your forefathers too and anything bad you can find on them also reflects badly on Americans. Funny how that works. However you are right about one thing: Modern Americans are nothing like the brave and honorable Americans that created your great nation. Nothing like them at all.

Originally posted by Shifty
No you don't know me, but that's your loss and my gain.

If you think so highly of yourself I’m rather sure it is no loss of mine.
Title: google earth highlights attrocities in darfur
Post by: Viking on April 12, 2007, 11:59:15 AM
I'm logging on to fly a bit now. If you'll join me we can duke it out in the MA instead of pestering all the good folk here on the bbs. Would be much more enjoyable for us all.
Title: google earth highlights attrocities in darfur
Post by: Shifty on April 12, 2007, 12:12:04 PM
Originally posted by Viking
So what you’re saying is that it’s Europe’s fault that Americans butchered the Indians because the Americans were really European immigrants? Ok, but then the Vikings are your forefathers too and anything bad you can find on them also reflects badly on Americans. Funny how that works. However you are right about one thing: Modern Americans are nothing like the brave and honorable Americans that created your great nation. Nothing like them at all.

If you think so highly of yourself I’m rather sure it is no loss of mine.

Now their brave and honorable? Your previous post potrayed them as as ruthless pracitioners of genocide.

You said.. "Nor do I hold today’s Americans responsible for the atrocities their forefathers did."
Then you say. "Modern Americans are nothing like the brave and honorable Americans that created your great nation. Nothing like them at all."

So which is your opinon? Do you even know? Are you so caught up in your zealous attempt to accuse me of being anti German you've gotten lost in your own mental composte heap?

You still have not answered my question... Where did I bash Germans or Germany? In fact where have I called anybody names. Again you're the one tagging people with labels.
If your so worried about morality, maybe you need to start with yourself first.

JB88 I apologize for my part in the highjacking the thread.
Title: google earth highlights attrocities in darfur
Post by: Pooh21 on April 12, 2007, 12:14:19 PM
Originally posted by Shifty
To honor the victims, and to remind the people living there today.
Where is the museums for Native Americans, or Armenians? Oh thats right they dont have the nev4r ferget!!!1 industry.
Title: google earth highlights attrocities in darfur
Post by: Ripsnort on April 12, 2007, 12:19:30 PM

its good to be king! :lol
Title: google earth highlights attrocities in darfur
Post by: Masherbrum on April 12, 2007, 12:21:12 PM
Originally posted by Xargos
The UN is the problem, not the cure.

Agree 100%
Title: google earth highlights attrocities in darfur
Post by: Masherbrum on April 12, 2007, 12:21:54 PM
Originally posted by Ripsnort

its good to be king! :lol

It's GSholz Rip.