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Help and Support Forums => Help and Training => Topic started by: TheBigO on April 29, 2007, 06:26:45 PM

Title: The Map Legend
Post by: TheBigO on April 29, 2007, 06:26:45 PM
On the map, you can pull up a legend. It says what each icon is.
My question is, what does it matter ?
If I go blow up the command post or radar factory, does that mean the enemy cant see anything on the map or they cant make missions anymore ?
Or is it just for show?

Thanks. :huh
Title: Re: The Map Legend
Post by: Lusche on April 29, 2007, 06:36:19 PM
Originally posted by TheBigO
On the map, you can pull up a legend. It says what each icon is.
My question is, what does it matter ?
If I go blow up the command post or radar factory, does that mean the enemy cant see anything on the map or they cant make missions anymore ?
Or is it just for show?

Thanks. :huh

If you take down HQ, enemy won't have any radar for a time, or until he does resupply it. However, taking out another country's HQ is quite difficult and usually can't be done by one pilot alone.

Attacking the other strategic targets like ammo & fuel factories has some, but quite minor effect on gameplay... usually its not even noticeable. But that shouldn't keep you fromattacking factories if you think it's fun to you ;)

You can read more about strategic targets here (
Title: The Map Legend
Post by: Rolex on April 29, 2007, 06:37:50 PM
Hi there, Big O.

The help file (Link >> ( explains all that. Check the Game Play section.
Title: The Map Legend
Post by: zorstorer on April 29, 2007, 09:12:54 PM
Originally posted by Rolex
Hi there, Big O.

The help file (Link >> ( explains all that. Check the Game Play section.

Rolex that link just takes you to the home page ;)  Not sure if you wanted to link the training portion of the site...just a FYI :D
Title: The Map Legend
Post by: Rolex on April 29, 2007, 11:23:19 PM
Sorry, I didn't spell it out and forgot about the frames... :)

The home page has a menu on top. Mouse over the far right menu, "Community, " and click the first entry, "Help."

The Game Play Section is in the left frame.
Title: The Map Legend
Post by: Serenity on April 30, 2007, 01:08:49 AM
Oooh! My specialty!

Bomb the following in this order for the following reasons:

AAA- Most points per building destroyed. Makes it take longer for base ack to come back.

Radar- second most points. Makes radar take longer to come back.

City- least points, but makes all other strat things take longer to come back, which means that the things they extend take even LONGER.

Fuel- Makes fuel take longer to come back. Nothing like leaving those poor Spitfire and La-7 pilots stranded due to fuel shortages... (Also leaves a VERY pretty fire!)

Ammo- Makes ammo take longer to come back, and nothing like leaving people without ordenance to fly their precious lanc-stukas!

HQ- Absolutely useless. Just fun to set on fire.
Title: The Map Legend
Post by: Lusche on April 30, 2007, 05:54:06 AM
Originally posted by Serenity
Oooh! My specialty!

HQ- Absolutely useless. Just fun to set on fire.

Of all targets you listed, the only one not nominated for being "most useless target in AH2" is in fact the HQ.
It's the only target which has an immideate and noticeable impact if destroyed - a whole country has no radar, including all friendly contacts. A severe disadvantage.
Title: The Map Legend
Post by: Serenity on April 30, 2007, 06:07:14 AM
Originally posted by Lusche
Of all targets you listed, the only one not nominated for being "most useless target in AH2" is in fact the HQ.
It's the only target which has an immideate and noticeable impact if destroyed - a whole country has no radar, including all friendly contacts. A severe disadvantage.

I dont think it is that much of a disadvantage. For the most part, you KNOW where the enemy is. The dar-bars are still there, so its not much of a mystery. At least the other have the ability to prevent you from taking fire, and things like ordenance and fuel can actually prevent certain aircraft from taking off. Its easier to search a 25 mile by 25 mile grid, than it is if you cannot fly your spitfire (Or other high-burn aircraft) or cannot launch a bomber to attack or defend a base without fighter hangars. I judge importance as actual damage as opposed to potential damage. HQ provides the greatest potential damage in my oppinion, but removing FLAK or aircraft from the sky provides the greatest actual damage. Just my personal oppinion though.
Title: The Map Legend
Post by: The Fugitive on April 30, 2007, 06:20:06 AM
Taking out ammo factory doesn't stop a plane from taking off with bombs, it slows the automatic re-supply of a damaged field. You still have to take out the ammo at the fields.

Same with ack and fuel factories. Taking out the HQ on the other hand does destroy ALL radar including the dar bars, at least it use to. Made it very difficult to fight, unless you were working a furball some place. Many a time I've been part of the massive resupply of an HQ to get dar back.
Title: The Map Legend
Post by: Lusche on April 30, 2007, 06:20:44 AM
Originally posted by Serenity
I dont think it is that much of a disadvantage. For the most part, you KNOW where the enemy is. The dar-bars are still there, so its not much of a mystery. At least the other have the ability to prevent you from taking fire, and things like ordenance and fuel can actually prevent certain aircraft from taking off. Its easier to search a 25 mile by 25 mile grid, than it is if you cannot fly your spitfire (Or other high-burn aircraft) or cannot launch a bomber to attack or defend a base without fighter hangars. I judge importance as actual damage as opposed to potential damage. HQ provides the greatest potential damage in my oppinion, but removing FLAK or aircraft from the sky provides the greatest actual damage. Just my personal oppinion though.

There are NO dar-bars of any kind when your countries HQ is destroyd. You have no indication of any enemy or friendly contatcs around other than a flashing base.  You don't know if there are none or one hundred enemies in a sector you flying into, you don't know if there are other friendly cons around or inbound. Every black dot you spot could be an an enemy, for you can't even check map to see if it's possibly a friendly.  That's an disadvantage as huge as it can get in this game...

On the other hand, to have a real effect for the other strat targets, you first have to destroy the city, then the strat target, and then you have to pork the individual fields. That needs a huge coordinated effort and effectively removes a lot of players from the "frontline" for extended time.
If you just bomb a strat like AA factory as a  single player, the results are clearly negligible...
Title: The Map Legend
Post by: Serenity on April 30, 2007, 08:22:41 AM
Originally posted by Lusche
There are NO dar-bars of any kind when your countries HQ is destroyd. You have no indication of any enemy or friendly contatcs around other than a flashing base.  You don't know if there are none or one hundred enemies in a sector you flying into, you don't know if there are other friendly cons around or inbound. Every black dot you spot could be an an enemy, for you can't even check map to see if it's possibly a friendly.  That's an disadvantage as huge as it can get in this game...

On the other hand, to have a real effect for the other strat targets, you first have to destroy the city, then the strat target, and then you have to pork the individual fields. That needs a huge coordinated effort and effectively removes a lot of players from the "frontline" for extended time.
If you just bomb a strat like AA factory as a  single player, the results are clearly negligible...

Really? I remember still getting a dar-bar, but its been such a long time since an HQ raid succeded...

As far as nailing the strats, it really only takes 6 people. With the proper skill and saturation, 3 people can take out the city, with 3 more on any other strategic target. Alone I can bring AAA down to 40% with B-17Gs. If I were in Lancasters... And porking the base is quite easy. A heavy P-38L will do the trick. Again, im just saying that from my perspective. As a bomber, I play to points game, how many points per building, and the HQ is like a CV. A lot of effort, a lot of danger, requires a LOT of luck, and gives you 5 points, where as AAA gives you upwards of 20.
Title: The Map Legend
Post by: hammer on April 30, 2007, 08:47:39 AM
HQ down = no dar bar or dot dar


Title: The Map Legend
Post by: BaldEagl on April 30, 2007, 10:39:18 AM
Serenity,  Think about the chain of supply.

If you take out HQ all radar is gone for that country.  All you see is a map with maybe a few flashing bases.  No dots.  No Darbar.  Just the map.  There is no supply chain to HQ other than the trains/convoys.  HQ can't be taken down by a single player though.

With the other strats work out from the field.

If you take something down at the field it's down for say 15 minutes.

If you take something down at the field plus take down the strat that suppplies it it's down for lets say an hour.

If you take something down at the field plus take down the strat that supplies it plus take down the city it's down for let's say three hours.

If you work that plan the other way it does nothing until the "something" at the field is down.

That said if you like to bomb strats then by all means go ahead.  It just might help as long as there's people out at the other end working the fields.
Title: The Map Legend
Post by: The Fugitive on April 30, 2007, 01:24:43 PM
Originally posted by Serenity
........I play to points game, how many points per building, ......

I think this part of his statment explains it all :D  Stratigy is not the top of his list.
Title: The Map Legend
Post by: Serenity on April 30, 2007, 06:42:00 PM
Originally posted by The Fugitive
I think this part of his statment explains it all :D  Stratigy is not the top of his list.

Um, yes it is. And when I can get Overlag or another good Strat bomber with me, we leave them feeling it hours later. Its just a matter of finding people with the patience to fly that far...
Title: The Map Legend
Post by: TexInVa on May 01, 2007, 05:35:56 AM
Originally posted by Serenity
Its just a matter of finding people with the patience to fly that far...

And high. In a bomber, altitude is life.

I just looked at your score and it looks like you might get it much lower if you landed some of your raids. 23 disco's in 18hrs. of flight in a bomber isn't good, either.
Title: The Map Legend
Post by: Serenity on May 01, 2007, 09:40:24 PM
Originally posted by TexInVa
And high. In a bomber, altitude is life.

I just looked at your score and it looks like you might get it much lower if you landed some of your raids. 23 disco's in 18hrs. of flight in a bomber isn't good, either.

Yes, ive been having connection issues. I make a point of landing every possible run, but I find that as soon as I start taking fire, or shooting myself, my computer freezes. Check some of my earlier scores, (Back before I got the new computer) those are a tad more telling ;)

And yeah, all my runs are at 18,000 feet or higher. Last night I got my CO to come with me on a 22,000 ft strat-run against the rooks. Went quite well, I think!
Title: Re: The Map Legend
Post by: Traveler on May 02, 2007, 12:16:13 PM
Originally posted by TheBigO
On the map, you can pull up a legend. It says what each icon is.
My question is, what does it matter ?
If I go blow up the command post or radar factory, does that mean the enemy cant see anything on the map or they cant make missions anymore ?
Or is it just for show?

Thanks. :huh

Because no one has attempted to answer your question , I’ll attempt to do that here.

The legend is for informational purposes only.  It identifies the different symbols on the map.   Nothing you do as far as damage to a target, any target  in the game alters the symbols on the map that you see on your clip board.  

What everyone appears to be talking about in response to your initial question is the value or lack of value of the strat targets in the game.

hope this helps
Title: Re: Re: The Map Legend
Post by: Lusche on May 02, 2007, 01:10:58 PM
Originally posted by Traveler
Because no one has attempted to answer your question  

Thats not true. I did provide a link were the exact effects are described in detail.
Title: The Map Legend
Post by: moneyguy on May 02, 2007, 03:39:13 PM
good thing they dont mark the beer factories :noid
Title: Re: Re: The Map Legend
Post by: Traveler on May 02, 2007, 04:18:09 PM
Originally posted by Lusche
If you take down HQ, enemy won't have any radar for a time, or until he does resupply it. However, taking out another country's HQ is quite difficult and usually can't be done by one pilot alone.

Attacking the other strategic targets like ammo & fuel factories has some, but quite minor effect on gameplay... usually its not even noticeable. But that shouldn't keep you fromattacking factories if you think it's fun to you ;)

You can read more about strategic targets here (

I see the link you provided.  It points to information about the Strategic targets.  His question was about the Legend on the map.  Not about the value of strategic targets.
Title: Re: Re: Re: The Map Legend
Post by: Lusche on May 02, 2007, 04:35:23 PM
Originally posted by Traveler
I see the link you provided.  It points to information about the Strategic targets.  His question was about the Legend on the map.  Not about the value of strategic targets.


He asked about the value of strategic targets and of the effects it has when you attack them :


My question is, what does it matter ?
If I go blow up the command post or radar factory, does that mean the enemy cant see anything on the map or they cant make missions anymore ?
Or is it just for show?  

And my link and the following discussion were on point.
Title: The Map Legend
Post by: EsX_Raptor on May 02, 2007, 08:08:42 PM
Title: Re: Re: Re: Re: The Map Legend
Post by: Traveler on May 04, 2007, 04:27:37 PM
Originally posted by Lusche

He asked about the value of strategic targets and of the effects it has when you attack them :

And my link and the following discussion were on point.

I think you took his quote out of context.

"On the map, you can pull up a legend. It says what each icon is.
My question is, what does it matter ? "

That's his question as he stated it.
Title: The Map Legend
Post by: BaldEagl on May 04, 2007, 05:00:31 PM
No,  Lusche is correct.  The acual qoute was:

"what does it matter ?
If I go blow up the command post or radar factory, does that mean the enemy cant see anything on the map or they cant make missions anymore ?"

Which clearly asks the value of hitting the strat targets.
Title: The Map Legend
Post by: mrshiver on May 04, 2007, 05:31:07 PM
Originally posted by moneyguy
good thing they dont mark the beer factories :noid

SSsshhhhh! Don't mention the beer factories.:D