Aces High Bulletin Board

General Forums => Axis vs Allies => Topic started by: TheBug on May 04, 2007, 07:44:22 AM

Title: <S>JG54 and friends
Post by: TheBug on May 04, 2007, 07:44:22 AM
Saw some excellent 109 and 110 flying last night.  Had a good time.  Thanks to everybody for showing up. :aok

I hope we get a similiar turn out next week even though it is PTO.

See you guys next Thursday night.
Title: <S>JG54 and friends
Post by: Eagler on May 04, 2007, 07:53:57 AM
Bug, it was enjoyable
Title: <S>JG54 and friends
Post by: Oldman731 on May 04, 2007, 08:22:59 AM
Thanks to all of you for doing this.

- oldman
Title: <S>JG54 and friends
Post by: KONG1 on May 04, 2007, 10:13:09 AM
Good fun, good plane match ups, good fights.

Good day
Title: <S>JG54 and friends
Post by: scottydawg on May 04, 2007, 10:22:45 AM
Last night was the first time I heard anyone say 'horde' on 200, and I was pretty disappointed.  9 players on one side, 11 on the other.  Not a horde.

When I see things like that going on in AvA, where I kind of expect it to be a little more civilized (err... unless storch is on), I'm gonna split.  You may not care, because I may not be a 'leet' pile-it like you and have flawless ACM and SA, but I'd say that, looking at attendance numbers in AvA, if you want to actually have adversaries to fight in there, it might be worthwhile to avoid the 'MA ego-mouth' habit if at all possible.

Note that the 'you' is rather generic in nature in my post, however certain 'pile-its' may feel like I am directing this towards them.  If you feel that way, you're probably right.

I usually really enjoy the AvA, even though a lot of the time I'm hopelessly outmatched, but when it gets MA-style stupid, it really kills it for me.
Title: <S>JG54 and friends
Post by: Larry on May 04, 2007, 11:24:03 AM
Was fun sept for that warpy JD guy. There was a horde in there last night 20people fighting in a  15mile radius is conseterd a horde in there.
Title: <S>JG54 and friends
Post by: dedalos on May 04, 2007, 01:14:57 PM
I guess I was not on at the same time but for a while it was me and slash vs 8 and as always, no respect for a 1 vs 2.

Lots of fun though with Kong and asw
Title: Re: <S>JG54 and friends
Post by: storch on May 15, 2007, 10:05:11 AM
Originally posted by TheBug
Saw some excellent 109 and 110 flying last night.  Had a good time.  Thanks to everybody for showing up. :aok

I hope we get a similiar turn out next week even though it is PTO.

See you guys next Thursday night.
this is markedly different from what you posted on your squad forum bug.  machiavellian duplicity??  say it ain't so!!!!
Title: <S>JG54 and friends
Post by: storch on May 15, 2007, 10:05:42 AM
er.... make that top six
Title: Re: Re: <S>JG54 and friends
Post by: TheBug on May 15, 2007, 10:26:31 AM
Originally posted by storch
this is markedly different from what you posted on your squad forum bug.  machiavellian duplicity??  say it ain't so!!!!

Quarrel and prediction had nothing to do with you or JG54.  It was completely individual based.  I'm pretty certain I have been proven correct.

See you tonight 9pm EDT
Title: <S>JG54 and friends
Post by: storch on May 15, 2007, 10:33:25 AM
no you haven't and no you won't.  the only time you are correct sir, is when you think you are mistaken.
Title: <S>JG54 and friends
Post by: TheBug on May 15, 2007, 10:38:21 AM
Aw.. come on you ninny.  Practice what you preach and don't concern yourself with what other BS people type.

See you at 9pm EDT :aok
Title: <S>JG54 and friends
Post by: FX1 on May 15, 2007, 10:58:13 AM
Last night was fun. Didn't see anything bad and people were keeping out of the 1v1 in the middle. Got jumped a couple of time next to the base but that's why we play the game.

Did have one guy talking mad fat to me but after his third death he started acting real nice....
Title: <S>JG54 and friends
Post by: Soulyss on May 15, 2007, 12:23:35 PM
Was great fun FX, especially that little tussle with you in the 38.   Made me a little sad to shoot at a perfectly good 38 like that. :)

Title: <S>JG54 and friends
Post by: Guppy35 on May 15, 2007, 02:20:08 PM
Originally posted by Soulyss
Was great fun FX, especially that little tussle with you in the 38.   Made me a little sad to shoot at a perfectly good 38 like that. :)

Not to worry. FX1 was blowing me out of the sky over and over and over and over again :)
Title: <S>JG54 and friends
Post by: Dichotomy on May 15, 2007, 03:16:11 PM
Frankly the AVA is my favorite arena.

Granted there are some !#$ talkers and chest thumping going on almost everywhere but most of the regs get my sense of humor, can fly circles around me, and are willing to pass on some real time knowledge.  I never feel bad side switching to even things out even if one or two of my regular squad mates are on the other side.  

Flying with or against Shifty, Bug, Storch, Guppy, Soulyss, Storch, Kong, etc is always a pleasure and will get me a bit of an adreneline rush no matter what.

I can come in there tired beyond all belief  knowing I'm going to die and have a few laughs at myself and, on the rare occassion, I actually do shoot down a reg it feels really good and I can end my night on a high note.

So to all you regs in the AVA a huge and thanks for taking me in.