Aces High Bulletin Board

Special Events Forums => Special Events General => Topic started by: folkwufe on May 22, 2007, 10:53:55 AM

Title: special events
Post by: folkwufe on May 22, 2007, 10:53:55 AM
if my squad co doesnt sign up for them, how can i participate in them? ive always wanted to.
Title: special events
Post by: Krusty on May 22, 2007, 11:48:49 AM
If it requires a sign-up by a CO (such as FSO) then you must ask another squad that's signed up if you can fly with them. Sometimes you can get there early and ask around, but this may or may not result in your invitation to fly with "squad X"

If it's something like a scenario or a snapshot, you do not need to sign up as a squad. You can sign up individually for scenarios, and snapshots require that you only show up and participate.

What, specifically, were you thinking of doing? There's a whole bunch and they usually have different rules
Title: special events
Post by: Roscoroo on May 22, 2007, 01:29:18 PM
FSO  (Friday night) is the only event thats Squad based .
But as Krusty said if you show up and Ask someone you know or a participating squad if you can fly with them ...  Theres ussually a few extra spots they'll let you fill in.

I myself have been doing this for over a year as for there isnt enough players in my MA squad that have interest in fso to warrant me getting a Official Place .

For the other events Like scenario's  I always liked flying with other people and getting to know them .
Title: special events
Post by: Easyscor on May 22, 2007, 02:10:51 PM
Walk-ons are welcome in most events but the two you'll be most comfortable in to start with are the Wednesday Night Snapshots (or Thursday in Europe) or Close Escort on Sunday afternoons (starts up again a week after Memorial Day.) Also, there's the Air racing league on Tuesday Night.

Check the Calendar button at the top of this page.
Title: special events
Post by: folkwufe on May 22, 2007, 07:23:09 PM
scenarios and snapshots mainly. thanks for the info
Title: special events
Post by: folkwufe on May 22, 2007, 07:27:46 PM
so for pain in the neck tomorrow night, all i have to do is show up?
Title: special events
Post by: Brooke on May 22, 2007, 07:30:00 PM
Originally posted by folkwufe
scenarios and snapshots mainly. thanks for the info

If you want to fly in scenarios, all you have to do is register to guarantee a spot.  There is, in fact, one coming right up in June.  If you don't know your schedule in June and can't commit to showing up, you can show up as a walkon before the start time for the event.  If there's room (and there usually is), you'll get to play.

Here is more info:
Title: special events
Post by: folkwufe on May 22, 2007, 07:35:35 PM
ok thanks
Title: special events
Post by: Easyscor on May 22, 2007, 08:24:57 PM
Originally posted by folkwufe
so for pain in the neck tomorrow night, all i have to do is show up?
Title: special events
Post by: folkwufe on May 23, 2007, 10:47:08 AM