Aces High Bulletin Board

Squadron Forums => Squadrons => Topic started by: louman on May 23, 2007, 08:36:36 PM

Title: Evenhaim answer
Post by: louman on May 23, 2007, 08:36:36 PM
This isn't "some country" Evenhaim It is still america!  We are hated all over the world because we are free and predominatly Judeo/Christian!  Also because we are strong and fight for the little guy.  God bless america...and thank God for Jesus Christ.  we still have a republic....if we can keep it
Title: Evenhaim answer
Post by: evenhaim on May 23, 2007, 09:11:18 PM
Title: Evenhaim answer
Post by: megadud on May 23, 2007, 09:25:03 PM
Title: Evenhaim answer
Post by: Angry Samoan on May 24, 2007, 12:06:48 AM
Originally posted by megadud

:rofl :rofl

Posted response by  evenhaim from a punted thread way back in 2003

because not all players are christians and i find this bordering on racism/ exculsion of any race
This thread should be closed immediatly as it promotes the exclusion of anyone not a christain(which is technicly illegal in many countries) and altougt u may claim freedom of speech would u allow this iff a group of neo nazis came ingame and posted a similar thread for excluding races and promoting their own??? think about it

:t :t
Title: Re: Evenhaim answer
Post by: Geary420 on May 24, 2007, 05:37:03 AM
Originally posted by louman
and thank God for Jesus Christ.  

You are most welcome.
Title: Evenhaim answer
Post by: Odee on May 24, 2007, 05:58:40 AM
Steps up to bat...

Originally posted by Angry Samoan
..because not all players are christians and i find this bordering on racism/ exculsion of any race...
First off, I'd suggest you educate yourself about difference between Ethnicity and Race.

Second, if it offends you then don't participate.  You have the ultimate power to turn off the tube, radio, forum and thus not only be free from annoyance... but at the same time freeing us from your display of ignorance and intolerance.  

FYI - Your rights end where ours begin.  Figure that out and you're halfway to being civil.

God bless the FREE WORLD.  May He keep us safe from the ignorant masses.
Title: Evenhaim answer
Post by: Angry Samoan on May 24, 2007, 07:35:26 AM
Oopsy  I edited my thread reply wrong.

The above is not my quote it was evenhaim's

Personally I choose not to voice my opinion on religion nor politics. I just like to watch the righteous.

Title: Evenhaim answer
Post by: Xargos on May 24, 2007, 08:31:50 AM
You also have the right not to join a squad if you don't like what they stand for, no one is forcing you to join.
Title: Evenhaim answer
Post by: Major Biggles on May 24, 2007, 09:21:52 AM
evenhaim is from israel, perhaps why he posted his thoughts, which will of course be different to those in the west.

evenhaim, it hink what the whole christian thread thing was about was not exclusion, but advertising their particular squad as a group of christians that fly together, and having space for any likeminded pilots who wanted a christian bunch to fly with. they were not trying to exclude peopel who weren't christian, but inviting those who were, and wanted to fly with likeminded people.

if you're getting into an argument about exclusion, surely you're being hypocrytical, stating that people cannot fly with those of their own religion. if anyone was wrong in that thread, it was you matey ;)
Title: Evenhaim answer
Post by: Odee on May 24, 2007, 09:36:29 AM
Originally posted by Major Biggles
...but advertising their particular squad as a group of christians that fly together, and having space for any likeminded pilots who wanted a christian bunch to fly with. they were not trying to exclude peopel who weren't christian, but inviting those who were, and wanted to fly with likeminded people....
Exactly... and Amen!

Angry Samoan...
 My apologies, it was the way you presented the quote that confused me.  I have researched the item, and found the original from Evanheim in xTERNEx's locked recruiting thread.

Again, my apology for making the mistake
Title: Evenhaim answer
Post by: Shifty on May 24, 2007, 09:41:04 AM
Originally posted by Major Biggles
evenhaim is from israel, perhaps why he posted his thoughts, which will of course be different to those in the west.

evenhaim, it hink what the whole christian thread thing was about was not exclusion, but advertising their particular squad as a group of christians that fly together, and having space for any likeminded pilots who wanted a christian bunch to fly with. they were not trying to exclude peopel who weren't christian, but inviting those who were, and wanted to fly with likeminded people.

if you're getting into an argument about exclusion, surely you're being hypocrytical, stating that people cannot fly with those of their own religion. if anyone was wrong in that thread, it was you matey ;)

Well said. :aok
Title: yeah yeah yeah
Post by: Vortex01 on May 24, 2007, 10:08:23 AM
ok it looks to me that everything has been said on this topic. It apears to me that we all agree on the fact that a squad is going to be a group that has simmilar intrests and get along well. It then follows that if a neo-nazi group started up I am all for it, but I would not fly with them as I would not like to listen to any rasist remarks that might (by them ) be considered normal, just as I would most likely not want to fly with any religion based squad, since I do not thank the lord for my last kill. (just kidding there, kinda).  But just to be clear that does not mean that I would exclude either one from joining my squad so long as they did not offend others in my squad.

Everyone have a great day and remmember that if we all kept our opinions to ourselves then there would be no progress.
Title: Re: yeah yeah yeah
Post by: Shifty on May 24, 2007, 10:38:24 AM
Originally posted by Vortex01
Everyone have a great day and remmember that if we all kept our opinions to ourselves then there would be no progress.

True statement. However, over-reaction, and unneceassary hand wringing, also impede progress.:)
Title: Evenhaim answer
Post by: louman on May 24, 2007, 06:39:41 PM
Ah ok ...Israel...that explains a lot.  Well,  just let me say this and I will quit....God bless Israel too    I have the utmost respect for the Isralies....and I support  our support of them...even if it means that the arabs hate us as much or more than  Israel!  I also respect their airforce...even tho ours is better  :)  I see no problem here...unfortunatly the Jews do have ONE blind spot....they can't accept the FACT that the "messiah" has come...Thank you God....and they cringe whenever the name Jesus is mentioned...for obvious reasons.  I asked my mother once when I was a little kid...Mom, "Why does everyone hate the Jews?" she answered "because they killed Jesus"  Let me say this last thing....who ever killed Jesus ...they have been forgiven.....but those who reject him....they are lost...thankyou....Lou
Title: Evenhaim answer
Post by: Angry Samoan on May 24, 2007, 10:41:11 PM
Ty Odee  carry on sir
Title: Evenhaim answer
Post by: Major Biggles on May 25, 2007, 04:25:42 AM
well, i personally think it's very silly to blame the jews for jesus's death, seeing as it was meant to happen right? if god had sent jesus to be a sacrifice or whatever, it's hardly fair that jewish people get the rap for technically doing what they were meant to do...

all religions have huge weaknesses, even christianity, with the enforced catholic dogma and segregation that jesus himself detested (ala the veil being broken at crucifiction, etc.), which the jews also slipped into during the roman era. and well, islam has had some pretty bad things done in it's name too.

the fact of the matter is, when someone is controlled by their religion so tightly that their faith is not their own, but the religion's that they so willingly follow, religion is a bad thing. people forget what it's all about and use it as an instrument of power.

if you've got faith in god, great, but let it be your own, and never persecute those with their own faith too. it's hardly 'what jesus would do'.
Title: Evenhaim answer
Post by: megadud on May 25, 2007, 06:54:24 AM
mmm stake and beer i love this
Title: Evenhaim answer
Post by: Major Biggles on May 25, 2007, 10:30:55 AM
Originally posted by megadud
mmm stake and beer i love this

chuck me a cold one dud :)
Title: Evenhaim answer
Post by: Stang on May 25, 2007, 01:39:21 PM
Jews were persecuted and hated long before Christ ever came along.  

Anyone have a Ham's for me?

Title: Evenhaim answer
Post by: louman on May 25, 2007, 04:06:16 PM
"people forget what it's all about and use it as an instrument of power." AMEN!  Religion is what you are left with when the real "man of God" is no longer around.  People write down what he said....but don't really understand  the meaning anymore.... because there is no direct connecton to that person that was connected to God from within himself. People parrot verse and chapter ....but do not understand what they are saying when they are saying it.  Bud Anderson....a great fighter pilot  described a famous dogfight that he had.  He said most of the German pilots were after the bombers....they didnt want to mix it up with the american fighters...normally.  But that day they came in ...four ME109's and they wanted to fight!  What insued was one of the greatest dogfights of the second world war and the most difficult one of Andersons career.  The leader of the german pilots was obviously an experienced vet....and had guts.  Anderson said he always wondered if someone got on his 6 if he would run or fight....he fought...he said "you don't have it all figured work it out as you go along".  Takes a lot of faith in yourself and in your airplane.  That day  he was the best pilot in the best plane and he won the struggle over life and death.  In a dogfight or in can't read a book or listen to have to keep it real......and find the Truth within yourself.
Title: Evenhaim answer
Post by: RATTFINK on May 25, 2007, 04:48:31 PM
you are a tool louman

<> E
Title: Evenhaim answer
Post by: evenhaim on June 12, 2007, 05:46:04 PM
i dont know where you learn history but those books might have a flaw, and know we dont have a blindspot you do, that is towards accepting others beliefs >end rant

all and good night
Title: Evenhaim answer
Post by: louman on June 13, 2007, 03:29:23 PM
First of all.....Jesus was a Jew......He was brought before the Jewish religious and civil rulers....falsely charged and found guilty.  The Jews being a conquered nation at the time could not put him to death legally....Only the Roman authoritys could....and did!  It is the Romans who killed jesus....but only because they wanted to passify the Jews...and maintain order.  This does  not excuse the Jews....Who when they face the judgement day will have to answer for his blood!  One last thought.  God forgives everyone ......even you Evenhaim.......But He saves only those who believe that Jesus is the Messiah.  May God grant you someday to see that fact....for only then will you obtain the grace by which you will be able to enter into the kingdom of God.
Title: Evenhaim answer
Post by: Stampf on June 13, 2007, 03:37:18 PM
Originally posted by RATTFINK
you are a tool louman

<> E

and there's the proof.  :huh
Title: Evenhaim answer
Post by: megadud on June 13, 2007, 03:37:52 PM
Originally posted by louman
First of all.....Jesus was a Jew......He was brought before the Jewish religeous and civil rulers....falsely charged and found guilty.  The Jews being a conquered nation at the time could not put him to death legally....Only the Roman authoritys could....and did!  It is the Romans who killed jesus....but only because they wanted to passify the Jews...and maintain order.  This does  not excuse the Jews....Who when they face the judgement day will have to answer for his blood!  One last thought.  God forgives everyone ......even you Evenhaim.......But He saves only those who believe that Jesus is the Messiah.  May God grant you someday to see that fact....for only then will you obtain the grace by which you will be able to enter into the kingdom of God.

:rofl :rofl :rofl
Title: Evenhaim answer
Post by: megadud on June 13, 2007, 03:38:47 PM
:furious <- louman

:rofl <- me & evenheim
Title: Evenhaim answer
Post by: evenhaim on June 13, 2007, 03:40:07 PM
lolz mega lolz:lol
Title: Evenhaim answer
Post by: RATTFINK on June 13, 2007, 04:13:28 PM
Originally posted by louman
First of all.....Jesus was a Jew......He was brought before the Jewish religeous and civil rulers....falsely charged and found guilty.  The Jews being a conquered nation at the time could not put him to death legally....Only the Roman authoritys could....and did!  It is the Romans who killed jesus....but only because they wanted to passify the Jews...and maintain order.  This does  not excuse the Jews....Who when they face the judgement day will have to answer for his blood!  One last thought.  God forgives everyone ......even you Evenhaim.......But He saves only those who believe that Jesus is the Messiah.  May God grant you someday to see that fact....for only then will you obtain the grace by which you will be able to enter into the kingdom of God.

So are you saying that "E" (Evenhaim) will go to Hell??  

I'm a christian myself & I do not agree w/ all of your opnions;  But if that is what you perceive right, as Evenhaim's relgion perceives as what they
think is right, then by all means say what you want.   To each his own.
Title: Evenhaim answer
Post by: evenhaim on June 13, 2007, 04:48:44 PM
lol ratt he is a total tool dont bother
Title: Evenhaim answer
Post by: louman on June 14, 2007, 03:44:06 PM
Evenhaim.....your so eloquent "hes a total tool" "believe" your a Christian....I "know" I'm a Christian....going to a church building and learning verse and chapter from the bible dosen't make you a makes you sound like a Christian.  Being born in a so called Christian nation ...dosen't make you a Christian....and no I haven't sent Evenheim to hell....I said he wasn't saved yet if he hasen't come to the realization that Jesus is the messiah....among other things.  God is our I dont judge anyone....but I can perceive what is before me without judgement.
Title: Evenhaim answer
Post by: Major Biggles on June 14, 2007, 05:45:22 PM
I too am i christian, and a lot more faithful than others, but don't really allign myself to a denomination or belief.

the fact is that god never created religion, people did, often as a way of controlling other people. unfortunately this is still the case for a lot of people, who generally don't find their own faith, but follow the words of others completely.

when you read the gospel, the teachings of jesus, which are really awesome, have so little in common with much of christianity nowadays, especially the catholic church and the conservative chritian right in america and to a lesser extent other western nations.

i find it quite silly when people take the bible literally word for word (or any other holy text), seeing as it is a 4000 yr old book written over 1000s of years by different people, not god. sure, it may have been inspired by god, but people have a habit of not only making mistakes, but twisting things to benefit themselves. so to take it totally literally is a recipe for disaster. i'm sure god would rather have a relationship with you, and for you to listen to him, than for you to take all your faith from the combined writings of dozens of men of many years.

so don't follow the sheep, form your own faith in god, it'll mean far more to you that way. by all means use books like the bible as a source of spiritual wisdom, but be wise in your interpretation, god gave you a brain and a heart, so use 'em! :)

the gospels are by far the most important part of the bible, and you can see in what jesus said, what god really feels. jesus hated the holier-than-thou'ers, he associated himself with people that others hated. he really believed in forgiveness, not in rules laid down in old books by controlling men. the essence of god right there. i feel sorry for the crazy far right conservative christians, who believe than anyone but themselves is going to hell, especially gays, 'sinners' etc. the whole point in christianity is forgiveness and freedom, not rules and hate.

whole world's going crazy right now :)

i had something intellectual and spiritual to say but i forgot what it was, so i wrote a load of garbage instead, please excuse my messy text wall :D
Title: Evenhaim answer
Post by: Odee on June 14, 2007, 07:56:30 PM
Originally posted by evenhaim
lol ratt he is a total tool dont bother
Trolls... that's all you three, Biggles, Ratt and Evanheim are.  Doesn't matter that Lou was accurate, or right in his posts, you three just toss a little more gas on the fire to see who'll get burned.

"Contemptable" is too kind a description for you three.
Title: Evenhaim answer
Post by: Major Biggles on June 15, 2007, 04:00:57 AM
Originally posted by Odee
Trolls... that's all you three, Biggles, Ratt and Evanheim are.  Doesn't matter that Lou was accurate, or right in his posts, you three just toss a little more gas on the fire to see who'll get burned.

"Contemptable" is too kind a description for you three.

not trolling at all. i don't see why someone else's opinion is taken over another's, and the others considered trolling.

louman is right, going to church and acting holier than thou certainly doesn't make you a christian. look what happened to the jews that did that in jesus's time, he hated it, and the veil was torn down at the crucifiction. surely that shows what god thinks of the segregation and forced religions and beliefs imposed by man, not god... unfortunately a lot of christians believe this, and i don't think it's right.

a lot of tards wear what would jesus do things, but they very rarely think about it. i'm sure jesus wouldn't be telling people that they're wrong, he'd be showing them what's right, and he did. he allied himself with the sinners, the lowlives, and forgave them of everything. he rarely associated himself with the jerks who thought they were right and told everyone else they were wrong, so don't be like that.

i remembered what i was going to say though.... science versus religion:

how many of those in this thread totally believe in creationism? they seem to fear any evidence of anything but what the bible says, and seem to think it's a test... LOL. i'm a scientific guy, and i have to say, the big bang and the age old universe, the mechanism of evolution and life, all those 'wrong' theories, are far more amazing than creation. the big bang to me is far more proof of power and awe than little old god with some modelling clay.

you know E=mc^2?

take all the mass in the universe ( pretty much infinitely heavy), and times it by 300000000^2 that's a lot of energy. that's like bilions of times MORE than infinite, and all that energy came from an explosion smaller than an atom. surely that is more amazing, and far more provable than creation?

fearing scientific discovery because it conflicts with the bible is totally silly. are you so unsure in your faith that you're scared that one little detail you thought was true might be wrong? that's true faith, and the 'right' religion right there LMAO, people to weak in their faith to have anything contested.

science doesn't have to disprove god, so don't be scared of it...
Title: Evenhaim answer
Post by: Odee on June 15, 2007, 04:13:51 AM
Sorry Biggles.  I meant MegaDud, not you...  

Dunno how your name stuck in my mind instead. :o
Title: Evenhaim answer
Post by: Major Biggles on June 15, 2007, 05:10:45 AM
Originally posted by Odee
Sorry Biggles.  I meant MegaDud, not you...  

Dunno how your name stuck in my mind instead. :o

Title: Evenhaim answer
Post by: megadud on June 15, 2007, 07:10:08 AM
Originally posted by Odee
Sorry Biggles.  I meant MegaDud, not you...  

Dunno how your name stuck in my mind instead. :o

well you smell and everyone hates you :aok
Title: Evenhaim answer
Post by: evenhaim on June 15, 2007, 01:04:45 PM
i am not trolling simply stating my beliefs and that i would not like this conflict to advance any more than it already has...

altought i definatly disagree with you lou this fight ends here
Title: Evenhaim answer
Post by: Major Biggles on June 15, 2007, 05:42:28 PM
Originally posted by Odee
God bless the FREE WORLD.  May He keep us safe from the ignorant masses.

just to quote this if you'll allow me odee...

parts of america aren't the 'free world'. it's a country heavily influenced money and greed/greedy people.

there are no free countries, just free people. personally i wouldn't put america anywhere near the top most genuinely religious countries in the world. i think that belongs to a lot of africa. the problem with a lot of american christians, is i feel they miss a lot of the point. some people fail to see the true meaning in the bible, and in jesus. not all of course, but some, and i think increasingly in america, that 'some' is getting larger.

good thread though, this one, even with the crap, always an interesting and heartfelt discussion, religion...
Title: Evenhaim answer
Post by: SuperDud on June 16, 2007, 11:10:12 PM
Originally posted by louman
Evenhaim.....your so eloquent "hes a total tool" "believe" your a Christian....I "know" I'm a Christian....going to a church building and learning verse and chapter from the bible dosen't make you a makes you sound like a Christian.  Being born in a so called Christian nation ...dosen't make you a Christian....and no I haven't sent Evenheim to hell....I said he wasn't saved yet if he hasen't come to the realization that Jesus is the messiah....among other things.  God is our I dont judge anyone....but I can perceive what is before me without judgement.
I find the fact that you come on here with your higher than thee attittude offensive. That's great that you've found something to believe in but I don't want to hear about it. This isn't a church board. I don't think the messiah has come or that he ever was. I think you're an idiot for believing a good person, who doesn't believe what you believe in, is going to hell. If that's the way it is then I never want to belong to something like that.
Title: Evenhaim answer
Post by: louman on June 17, 2007, 07:35:59 AM
superdud....what started all of this was a guy wanted to start a squad and announced it here....which is the place to do it.....unfortunatly he made the mistake of stating his desire to have "christians" in the squad.  He didn't say if you wern't a christian you couldnt be in his squad...only that he preferred christians.  Well a big fuss was made about it.  If he had said he wanted to make a squad of people from iceland who belonged to the viking club it would have been ignored.  Too bad if you don't want to hear what I have to say....fortunatly it is still a free country and I can state the truth...for now anyway.  I belong to no orginized religion....nothing you can join.....but I know what I know and I speak the truth as I know it.  Again....I have judged no one and sent no one to does not go to hell for any other reason  than..... not doing what he was created for
Title: Evenhaim answer
Post by: Yknurd on June 25, 2007, 12:19:46 PM
If you were a really good Christian, Lou, you would use paragraphs.

God doesn't allow people into heaven who do not know how to use paragraphs.

Remember, a cluttered post is a sign of a sinful mind!

Humility, thou name is not Lou.
Title: Evenhaim answer
Post by: Bosco123 on June 25, 2007, 01:25:55 PM
what is this god now sends you to hell if you dont do paragraphs i usally never paragraph nor am i a christan so who cares if he does not paragraph or not