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General Forums => Films and Screenshots => Topic started by: Xasthur on October 30, 2007, 12:00:50 PM

Title: Tricky landings
Post by: Xasthur on October 30, 2007, 12:00:50 PM
I was just knocking around in the MA and took a bit of damage...

I ended up losing my rudder and both elevators.

I managed to egress to another field.

This probably the most fun I've had trying to get a bird down.

Sorting out approach speeds:

I struggled to get my flaps out and gear down due to the low speed deployment on the 190s:

On my first approach I nailed it... It wasn't even a rough landing:

Post your screenies of tough landings due to battle damage or whatever, here.
Title: Tricky landings
Post by: Xasthur on October 30, 2007, 12:04:55 PM
109 K4.... in the DGS scenario.

I took a radiator hit from a gaggle of P51s a long way out from a friendly field.

I just got it back to a friendly field.

Gear damaged, 1 wheel out.

Touch down just short of the field

Jusssst made it.
Title: Tricky landings
Post by: MjTalon on October 30, 2007, 12:19:26 PM
Arch your one lucky S.O.B. LOL :rofl :eek:
Title: Tricky landings
Post by: Spikes on October 30, 2007, 06:01:25 PM
Nice job with the DGS landing.
Title: Tricky landings
Post by: croduh on October 30, 2007, 06:14:57 PM
Barely:) I was just hanging on there, didn't fall, landed successfully:)

Title: Tricky landings
Post by: Redlegs on October 30, 2007, 06:47:58 PM
I dont have any pictures but this happened: I was in a H2H room where and was rtb after taking a goon to a base from a cv. (h2h thing, and yes its possible)  But, i fudge up the landing and come in to far near the tower and guns. I hit my right wing and collide into it. I lose both wings and my tail. I'm sliding near the edge, I end up stopping on the elevator with about half my plane leaning offtwo sides.
Title: Tricky landings
Post by: K-KEN on November 18, 2007, 02:08:57 AM
I have an old screenie of me trying to land on a CV during the Scenario "Okinawa" in 2004 where every landing was on my Prop!  :)  I think I did this like 3 times. I don't do it often now, but I still have a frantic moment on occasion! :D  
"Any landing you can walk away from is a good landing!"


High Flight ( | Tequila Benefits (
Title: Tricky landings
Post by: Jappa52 on November 18, 2007, 01:15:40 PM
This was probably the toughest landing I have ever made.  It was a one shot deal as I was able to maintain just enough altitude to make it home with the few control surfaces I had remaining.  During the longest 25 miles I have ever flown I tried everything to get more control out of the a/c.  Shutting engines down, feathering props, deploying flaps (but that didn’t work cause I only had em on the left wing).  Finally I came in sight of the field and was lucky enough to be set up perpendicular to the runway.  I eyeballed it and released ever so slightly on the rudders, elevator and aileron…it banked hard to the right and slipped onto the runway perfectly.  I know it doesnt look like much but that lanc did not want to stay airborne.


Landing this spit wasn't that hard but I was suprised when I saw just how much of the wing was missing.
Title: Tricky landings
Post by: Latrobe on November 18, 2007, 01:26:58 PM
Originally posted by Xasthur
Jusssst made it.

No no no no, your prop is juusssstt off. :p
Title: Tricky landings
Post by: B@tfinkV on November 18, 2007, 01:41:55 PM
here is a film of my friend and squad mate Cbizkit landing perfectly without elevators in a ki84.  

shows some very skilled throttle work and aircraft control.
Title: Tricky landings
Post by: DoNKeY on November 18, 2007, 05:06:06 PM
Originally posted by B@tfinkV
here is a film of my friend and squad mate Cbizkit landing perfectly without elevators in a ki84.  

shows some very skilled throttle work and aircraft control.

How does he land on water, and does he land successfully?
Title: Tricky landings
Post by: AWwrgwy on November 19, 2007, 09:59:13 AM
Originally posted by DoNKeY
How does he land on water, and does he land successfully?

I haven't seen it yet, so I'm just assuming....  If you don't have the map they are flying on, all you see is water.  I guess that's what the land tiles are built on.

It must be an older map that hasn't been up since you installed AHII.

Title: Tricky landings
Post by: SteffK on November 19, 2007, 10:45:47 AM
Originally posted by B@tfinkV
here is a film of my friend and squad mate Cbizkit landing perfectly without elevators in a ki84.  

shows some very skilled throttle work and aircraft control.

Have you got the film of Solar (I think) landing the Lanc with both outer section of its wings missing?
Title: Tricky landings
Post by: B@tfinkV on November 19, 2007, 02:21:38 PM
not me steff, unfortunately. i think he has them hosted on his site though!
Title: Tricky landings
Post by: Avaro on November 21, 2007, 12:53:26 AM
I've landed lanc's with no wings, b26's with no wings, and a 262 with no wings. :D  No screens though.. Just thought I'd toss this in.:aok
Title: Tricky landings
Post by: Xasthur on November 21, 2007, 01:38:10 AM
This was a result of my dear old friend, the windows key, and a spiking joystick.

Both wings pulled off with full fuel still onboard.


Title: Tricky landings
Post by: Gianlupo on November 22, 2007, 06:58:53 AM
Archaius, how the hell did you manage to land that 190 without elevators and rudder? I've tried myself to land a Ki84 without elevators, working with throttle to control pitch, but I never got to have the fine control required to land it... so, how THE HELL did you do that???? :confused: (if you have the movie, please, post it)
Title: Tricky landings
Post by: Xasthur on November 22, 2007, 10:36:06 AM
It was mostly dumb luck. It took me a few aborted 'mock' approaches at a forgiving altitude to figure out how I was going to do it.

Once I figured out what sort of glide slope I was working with I just lucked it in.

Flaps are a big part of it, having full flaps made it much easier but it's all in the throttle control. Hammering it on and engaging WEP.... then easing it off a bit... and so on.

Try lowering the RPM too if you've got enough speed to maintain the glide, that should help you flatten out your approach a bit.

I just aimed for the end of the runway and hoped for the best.

I'll see if I can find the film. It's burried somewhere.
Title: Tricky landings
Post by: Spikes on November 22, 2007, 10:43:33 AM
Well, I have to dig up the screenie, but:

I was on a bombing mission in 17s. It was way back, on the map with all the islands (LOTS of them) And a TT in the middle.

I took off from a 7K base and I leveled out 7K all the way to the target. I bombed the base. I pulled up and ripped my wing tips off. I flew 3 sectors to the same 7K base and landed.

Will have to look up the screenie.

EDIT: Alrighty:

Title: Tricky landings
Post by: Gianlupo on November 23, 2007, 02:10:40 PM
Originally posted by Xasthur
It was mostly dumb luck. It took me a few aborted 'mock' approaches at a forgiving altitude to figure out how I was going to do it.

Once I figured out what sort of glide slope I was working with I just lucked it in.

Flaps are a big part of it, having full flaps made it much easier but it's all in the throttle control. Hammering it on and engaging WEP.... then easing it off a bit... and so on.

Try lowering the RPM too if you've got enough speed to maintain the glide, that should help you flatten out your approach a bit.

I just aimed for the end of the runway and hoped for the best.

I'll see if I can find the film. It's burried somewhere.

Well, next time I'll try it, I'll make human sacrifices to the Goddess of Luck: she never really loved me. :D

Thanks for the answer, sir.
Title: Re: Tricky landings
Post by: Overlag on November 29, 2007, 07:17:03 PM
Originally posted by Xasthur
I was just knocking around in the MA and took a bit of damage...

I ended up losing my rudder and both elevators.

I managed to egress to another field.

This probably the most fun I've had trying to get a bird down.

Sorting out approach speeds:

I struggled to get my flaps out and gear down due to the low speed deployment on the 190s:

On my first approach I nailed it... It wasn't even a rough landing:

Post your screenies of tough landings due to battle damage or whatever, here.

done the same in 17s once (a bit easier i guess)... was at 19k, at max speed when a 190 popped my tail well good before loosing a wing to my defensive fire.

due to speed my plane instantly started going up and i had to cut to stop it seasawing... I dumped my ord, which landed half a tile away from target, not bad considering my damage lol... played with the plane as you said on the way back to the field to learn how it would react.

Found a pefect 1000fpm decent speed, and kept it at that untill long final when i started playing with the flaps. Worked out great, and landed with all 3 drones (why didnt i bail out i hear u say...well the plane was still flying :p)
Title: Tricky landings
Post by: Xasthur on November 29, 2007, 09:06:02 PM
Awesome job.

Getting beaten up planes home is almost as fun as a good fight, I reckon, so I always try to get back home.
Title: Tricky landings
Post by: Xasthur on November 29, 2007, 09:45:06 PM
I could have sworn that someone asked me to show a 109 landing with half a wing missing somewhere.

I jumped offline for a bit and rammed the B 24 to get the damage

Not only did it take my wing off but rudder and tailwheel too.

Unfortunately, I forgot to put my gear down and belly-landed it before I realised but for all intents and purposes this does the same job. Had the gear been down it would have been a good landing on concrete.




Flaps are the key, in my opinion, when landing a clip-winged 109. At your earliest oppertunity get your flaps out 100% (try and climb to lower your airspeed rather than scrubbing it all with the rudder and decreased throttle). This will give you far greater stability and seems to cancel out some of the lift lost on the left side (It probably shouldn't make a difference as the flaps on the other side are creating the same amount of lift on a functional wing, but I'm not complaining).

Don't forget to trim your aileron right out to help counter the wing damage ('M' and ',' if i'm not mistaken)

Rudder trim can also help too, if your rudder is still attached.

Now that you've got your flaps out, you can spot your landing and get your approach happening, come in nice and slow so as to keep your flaps down, but not so slow that you're riding the stall.

Use your rudder, if applicable, to help keep it steady and go easy on the throttle.... then you should have no trouble getting the 109 down.
Title: Tricky landings
Post by: 68ptdapp on December 03, 2007, 07:14:00 AM
Here is one I just did no too long ago
bent prop and tore wing off. but successful landing
here is one of squaddie landing on carrier (
Title: Tricky landings
Post by: Spikes on December 03, 2007, 07:33:48 AM
Originally posted by 68ptdapp

hehehe...that one's great!