Aces High Bulletin Board
General Forums => Aces High General Discussion => Topic started by: BMathis on November 11, 2007, 02:25:14 PM
Two Me-262s go out on a hunt....
Me-262 Movie (Stage6 - High Quality) (
Me-262 Movie (Youtube) (
LMK what ya think!
oh you suck I was gona make a 110 vid with this song.. :furious :furious
Nice vid though. btw just use one set of guns at a time in the 262 and you can hunt longer. :D
LOL! I'd like to see that 110 film. You can still use that song... That was Kermits Idea btw.
One thing I didn't like was Kermit changed skins on the second sortie, so he's killing people in one skin then landing in another :)
Originally posted by bnasty
Two Me-262s go out on a hunt....
Me-262 Movie (Stage6 - High Quality) (
Me-262 Movie (Youtube) (
LMK what ya think!
Very cool man! great vid, well done!
Originally posted by bnasty
LOL! I'd like to see that 110 film. You can still use that song... That was Kermits Idea btw.
One thing I didn't like was Kermit changed skins on the second sortie, so he's killing people in one skin then landing in another :)
That's Because Kermit is really Crazy Frog..... :D