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General Forums => Aces High General Discussion => Topic started by: Guppy35 on January 13, 2008, 12:26:06 PM

Title: Has the LA7 regained it's throne...
Post by: Guppy35 on January 13, 2008, 12:26:06 PM
as the favorite ride of the masses?

Seems like I'm seeing them more and more after what seemed to be a bit of a down swing.

Most if not all seem to be firing from 1K+ out and going light speed too.

Seemed to be nothing but LAs, N1Ks and Spit 16s yesterday.
Title: Has the LA7 regained it's throne...
Post by: Saxman on January 13, 2008, 12:31:58 PM
I dunno, I saw a pretty balanced variety at the A4 furball last night in LWB.
Title: Has the LA7 regained it's throne...
Post by: DoNKeY on January 13, 2008, 12:48:50 PM
Hmm I definitely saw a lot of LA's last night, but then again our squad and some others were attacking 48 I think it was, so it was like a point defense type of thing.  Lots of LA's and Il2's hehe.  


PS:  Wouldn't mind if people were trading in their spit's for la's.
Title: Re: Has the LA7 regained it's throne...
Post by: 1Boner on January 13, 2008, 12:51:56 PM
Originally posted by Guppy35
as the favorite ride of the masses?

Seems like I'm seeing them more and more after what seemed to be a bit of a down swing.

Most if not all seem to be firing from 1K+ out and going light speed too.

Seemed to be nothing but LAs, N1Ks and Spit 16s yesterday.

I keep hearing about all the La7s.

But the planes i see the most of are P-51s and 109/190s

And of course if you climb up into outerspace  thats where you see the elitists in the heavy perk planes (temps,262s etc.)

They must be up that high to find a "good fight".
Title: Re: Re: Has the LA7 regained it's throne...
Post by: DoNKeY on January 13, 2008, 12:57:02 PM
Originally posted by 1Boner
I keep hearing about all the La7s.

But the planes i see the most of are P-51s and 109/190s

And of course if you climb up into outerspace  thats where you see the elitists in the heavy perk planes (temps,262s etc.)

They must be up that high to find a "good fight".

Honestly, I havn't even seen that many pony's this tour.
Title: Re: Re: Has the LA7 regained it's throne...
Post by: RumbleB on January 13, 2008, 01:06:22 PM
Originally posted by 1Boner
I keep hearing about all the La7s.

But the planes i see the most of are P-51s and 109/190s

And of course if you climb up into outerspace  thats where you see the elitists in the heavy perk planes (temps,262s etc.)

I fly temps lower than I fly p51s 109 190s (there's a reason for this, can you guess)... I'm pretty much never above cloud cover in either of them so.

For every la7 newbie who retires into a different plane there's another one to take his place. Don't worry hehe.
Title: Has the LA7 regained it's throne...
Post by: Fulmar on January 13, 2008, 01:07:36 PM
Honestly, I still see more Spitdweebs than LaLaLas under 3k.  I see the game as quite different the higher off the ground and farther away from the base you get :lol
Title: Re: Has the LA7 regained it's throne...
Post by: Husky01 on January 13, 2008, 01:09:24 PM
Originally posted by Guppy35
as the favorite ride of the masses?

Seems like I'm seeing them more and more after what seemed to be a bit of a down swing.

No clue, I haven't been in the main arena for a lil over a week now. I wouldn't be at all surprised if the La7 is back to being the favorite ride of the masses.
Title: Has the LA7 regained it's throne...
Post by: Emu on January 13, 2008, 01:09:58 PM
I do see a lot of Ponys lately.  Dont think so about Las, unless a horde is attacking a base.  Other than that, lots of 109s and Spits (VIII, IX, XVI).
Title: Re: Re: Re: Has the LA7 regained it's throne...
Post by: bparker on January 13, 2008, 01:25:37 PM
Originally posted by RumbleB
I fly temps lower than I fly p51s 109 190s (there's a reason for this, can you guess)... I'm pretty much never above cloud cover in either of them so.

For every la7 newbie who retires into a different plane there's another one to take his place. Don't worry hehe.

I totally agree with the continual influx of LA7 pilots, but if these noobies really wanted to learn to fly they would train in A6Ms where its learn ACM or die. Unfortunitly there is no one to tell them that so they just up the fastest lamest plane they can get without perks.
Title: Re: Re: Re: Re: Has the LA7 regained it's throne...
Post by: Fulmar on January 13, 2008, 01:53:56 PM
Originally posted by bparker
but if these noobies really wanted to learn to fly they would train in A6Ms where its learn ACM or die.

I'm not so sure about that.  95% of all pilots that enter the game for the first time ever have one ACM.  It's called:  PULL ON THAT STICK AS HARD AS POSSIBLE IN A CIRCLE.  The Zero will only promote this ACM for new pilots.
Title: Has the LA7 regained it's throne...
Post by: BaldEagl on January 13, 2008, 01:54:49 PM
For the past 6 months (what I have data handy for):

Month  July   Aug   Sept   Oct   Nov   Dec
K+D (La-7) 56,096   64,997   63,328   60,972   59,641   63,328
K+D (all)  1,422,087   1,431,208   1,406,843   1,350,128   1,415,132   1,406,843
% of all (La-7)  4%   5%   5%   5%   4%   5%
Title: Has the LA7 regained it's throne...
Post by: SuBWaYCH on January 13, 2008, 01:56:20 PM
Flying something like a P-38/P-47 will really force you to use ACM.
Title: Has the LA7 regained it's throne...
Post by: crockett on January 13, 2008, 01:56:44 PM
The only time LA's that  tick me off is when they climb for ground level to 6k with no issues at all.  There are very few times I really worry about an LA7, unless my plane is damaged or I'm out numbered.

The plane I hate the most, is the Nikki.. Not because it's that great of a plane, but because 99% of the dweebs that fly them do "nothing" and I mean "nothing" but HO. It's almost a given if you see a Nikki that he will try to HO you. Rams and HO's are about the only ACM most nikki pilots know how to do, it's sad too because the plane turns pretty well and there is almost no reason to HO in it.

LA's in most cases are so easy to out turn, the only time I really consider them a threat, is if I'm out numbered or if my plane is shot up.  If it's a 1 on 1, I'm rarely ever worried about an LA. Simply because 9 out of 10 people who fly them have no clue how to use the plane. So in most cases, soon as you get on their six, they run away like a little school girl.

Spit 16's don't even bug me at all, I typically look at any spit as a easy kill, simply because it's so easy to knock the wings off them.
Title: Has the LA7 regained it's throne...
Post by: Stang on January 13, 2008, 02:07:25 PM
Corky don't flip cause you saw me land kills in one last night.

Title: Has the LA7 regained it's throne...
Post by: Anaxogoras on January 13, 2008, 02:07:40 PM
LA's in most cases are so easy to out turn

What are you flying?  In my experience, the only La-7's that don't turn well are trying to turn in the horizontal, and are going way too fast.  The plane handles like a dream.
Title: Re: Re: Re: Re: Has the LA7 regained it's throne...
Post by: crockett on January 13, 2008, 02:14:57 PM
Originally posted by bparker
I totally agree with the continual influx of LA7 pilots, but if these noobies really wanted to learn to fly they would train in A6Ms where its learn ACM or die. Unfortunitly there is no one to tell them that so they just up the fastest lamest plane they can get without perks.

A6m's don't really need good ACM to fight. The plane will out turn just about anything, short of a Huri 1, so you really need no real ACM skills to avoid other pilots. You don't have to worry amount E management and can almost turn blindly in a fight.

The plane that really helped me out was flying the Huri 1.  Simply because it teaches you to maintain your E and you really have to almost fly it perfect.  It also teaches you gunnery skills being it only has .303's.

Huri 1 turns good enough to keep a noob out of trouble, but with the carburated engine and .303's it still makes for a very fun plane to fly for the experienced.  With that said the Spit 1 is likely the bigger challenge as personally when flying a H1 I almost feel sorry for the other guys.


I just totally disagree on A6m teaching ACM.. It's just far too easy to fly and requires very little skill. Personally when I had my stint in A6m's I think it hurt my flying more than it helped it.


just checked my stats this tour..

I've been killed 6 times by LA7's but I've killed 23 of them.

I've been killed 6 times by Nikki2's but I've killed 19 of them

Adding all spits together I've only died 5 times by any sort of spit. but I've killed 41 spits.

granted both LA7 and Nikki2's have the most kills on me at a tie of 6 each. Only thing that has more, is a total of 10 kills by Ostwind..  Perk the Ostwind!!!!!

btw the P51D has 6 kills on me as well but I have 19 kills on it.

Most of my kills this tour come from the 190 A8, but I did start flying the 190 D9 yesterday.
Title: Has the LA7 regained it's throne...
Post by: KONG1 on January 13, 2008, 02:21:21 PM
I've found the Pony and Dora flyers to be dweebiest; all boom, zoom and run (can't say I blame 'em). The 109k and the LA7 are great fighters and can hold their own against any plane in a fight. Granted they're also fast, so if you want to play hit and run you certainly can. I just find that a K or 7 will actually engage more frequently than a Pony or Dora.

And let's face it, there's nothing dweebier than the I-never-leave-the-horde guys. There are some players you will NEVER have a fight with (regardless of advantages and plane) because they will only flock. This includes I'm-leet-cause-I-fly-old-planes-in-late-war-but-only-in-a-big-group guys.

Planes aren't lame, players are lame.
Title: Has the LA7 regained it's throne...
Post by: Fulmar on January 13, 2008, 02:48:14 PM
Originally posted by KONG1

Planes aren't lame, players are lame.

But lame players make their planes lame.
Title: Has the LA7 regained it's throne...
Post by: Guppy35 on January 13, 2008, 03:50:50 PM
Originally posted by KONG1
I've found the Pony and Dora flyers to be dweebiest; all boom, zoom and run (can't say I blame 'em). The 109k and the LA7 are great fighters and can hold their own against any plane in a fight. Granted they're also fast, so if you want to play hit and run you certainly can. I just find that a K or 7 will actually engage more frequently than a Pony or Dora.

And let's face it, there's nothing dweebier than the I-never-leave-the-horde guys. There are some players you will NEVER have a fight with (regardless of advantages and plane) because they will only flock. This includes I'm-leet-cause-I-fly-old-planes-in-late-war-but-only-in-a-big-group guys.

Planes aren't lame, players are lame.

Jeez, I'm gonna agree with Kong :)

That was the other thing we were noticing last night in particular.  High, fast, packs of planes that only engaged when you were busy.

The most even fight I was in was 3 vs 4 and it was 2 38Gs and a J vs 4 Spit 16s that came in higher then we were.  That didn't last though as their help arrived even higher and came roaring through.

The other noticable thing was how any time it was a nose to nose merge of any kind they were shooting from 1K+ out for the HO.  I know the night before I counted 2 encounters where the merge wasn't a HO, all the rest were.  

I understand that's the way of the AH world.  I had thought for a brief time it was swinging back towards more of an ACM environment, but that seems to have stalled.  I consider myself average at best in a turn fight, but I know at this point if I can get the other guy to turn at all, I'll be fine, which is not a good sign for the quality of the cartoon fighter drivers in the MA :)
Title: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Has the LA7 regained it's throne...
Post by: Guppy35 on January 13, 2008, 03:57:50 PM
Originally posted by crockett
A6m's don't really need good ACM to fight. The plane will out turn just about anything, short of a Huri 1, so you really need no real ACM skills to avoid other pilots. You don't have to worry amount E management and can almost turn blindly in a fight.

The plane that really helped me out was flying the Huri 1.  Simply because it teaches you to maintain your E and you really have to almost fly it perfect.  It also teaches you gunnery skills being it only has .303's.

Huri 1 turns good enough to keep a noob out of trouble, but with the carburated engine and .303's it still makes for a very fun plane to fly for the experienced.  With that said the Spit 1 is likely the bigger challenge as personally when flying a H1 I almost feel sorry for the other guys.


I just totally disagree on A6m teaching ACM.. It's just far too easy to fly and requires very little skill. Personally when I had my stint in A6m's I think it hurt my flying more than it helped it.


just checked my stats this tour..

I've been killed 6 times by LA7's but I've killed 23 of them.

I've been killed 6 times by Nikki2's but I've killed 19 of them

Adding all spits together I've only died 5 times by any sort of spit. but I've killed 41 spits.

granted both LA7 and Nikki2's have the most kills on me at a tie of 6 each. Only thing that has more, is a total of 10 kills by Ostwind..  Perk the Ostwind!!!!!

btw the P51D has 6 kills on me as well but I have 19 kills on it.

Most of my kills this tour come from the 190 A8, but I did start flying the 190 D9 yesterday.

Stats don't tell the complete story though.  How do you fly the 190?  Do you go in and mix it up or do you hang above and wait for an opening?

I'm guessing there isn't a lot of ACM involved :)
Title: Has the LA7 regained it's throne...
Post by: Guppy35 on January 13, 2008, 04:06:39 PM
Originally posted by Stang
Corky don't flip cause you saw me land kills in one last night.


LOL, well it's not just you:)  I've been giving Kappa a hard time when i see him landing bunches in an LA, lots of good sticks finding a justification to thump the newbs in it.

A lot of 'name' players spend a lot of time in late war uber birds, which is their perogative, but many of those same guys (not you Stang that I can see) also gripe at the newbs for not fighting.

New guy comes in and starts to learn who the 'good' sticks are, and he's seeing them land 10 kills in a Tempest, 8 in a F4U-4 or 1C, 11 in a 262, etc, what's the motivation to learn anything else but go fast and hit em with cannon?

In the end, I don't really care, but it's a very mixed message in the MA for anyone new coming in.

It won't work though.  I'm not getting out of my 38G :)
Title: Has the LA7 regained it's throne...
Post by: Motherland on January 13, 2008, 04:17:03 PM
My friend reported to me today that he saw not one but TWO Aces High commercials on the Military channel last night...
That may be the source of some of this noobery.
Title: Has the LA7 regained it's throne...
Post by: Viking on January 13, 2008, 04:31:26 PM
I don't think the La-7 ever was on the throne. The P-51 is the most used plane in AH.
Title: Has the LA7 regained it's throne...
Post by: Lusche on January 13, 2008, 04:46:25 PM
Originally posted by Viking
I don't think the La-7 ever was on the throne. The P-51 is the most used plane in AH.

It has been much more popular than the P-51 two years ago (along with the Spit XVI). I will elaborate on this in a few days ;)
Title: Has the LA7 regained it's throne...
Post by: Banshee7 on January 13, 2008, 04:57:11 PM
I have seen in my AH experience that newbies just HAVE to fly the P51 because they've seen Dogfights a few times too many.  Once they realize it's not that easy of a plane to fly they move to spits and LAs.  Me personally, I hate LA7s and the only time I fly them is for base defense.  LA5's aren't that much of a problem.  And the only Spits that give me a problem are the Spixteens.  They seem to be able to dive, turn, name it (same with the LA)

All in all,  I think the LA7 has regained it's popularity and become the dweeb ride of all dweebs and newbies alike.


Title: Has the LA7 regained it's throne...
Post by: Gixer on January 13, 2008, 05:00:33 PM
Dunno, like everyone I always see more of the usual newbie/dweeb rides Niki's & Spit16's and of course the ever popular Ponies and other speed demons. Tend to see more La7's if you hang around enemy airfields but that's expected.

Title: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Has the LA7 regained it's throne...
Post by: crockett on January 13, 2008, 05:14:47 PM
Originally posted by Guppy35
Stats don't tell the complete story though.  How do you fly the 190?  Do you go in and mix it up or do you hang above and wait for an opening?

I'm guessing there isn't a lot of ACM involved :)

A mix of both.. I normally come in high with a heavy fuel load, but almost always end up on the deck. The A6 don't hold it's E very well, so it's not like it's the best BnZ plane in the world. It's almost a struggle to keep any alt advantage in it over the average AH spit, la and nikki dweebs.

The D9 on the other hand climbs a bit better so it's much easier to BnZ with, yet it also handles it's self pretty well on the deck.

Doesn't matter what plane I fly, I always start high when heavy on fuel and end up on the deck as the fuel load gets lighter. As a side note, if the enemy doesn't know how to manage their E it's not my fault that if I can.

I'm not going to lose all my E in a co alt fight just cause some noob can't fight a 1 on 1. If we start a fight co alt and he ends up on the deck low and slow, meanwhile I still have alt and E.. Is that still lame BnZ's? No it's out flying the other guy. You should always do everything you can to maintain your E.

That's what flying the Huri 1 taught me more than anything else, maintaining my E.
Title: Has the LA7 regained it's throne...
Post by: FireDrgn on January 13, 2008, 05:21:02 PM
Perk the La7 so when you see one you KNOW your going to DIE!!!
Title: Has the LA7 regained it's throne...
Post by: Rino on January 13, 2008, 05:31:46 PM
tsk tsk Corky..shame on you for starting a whaa whaa thread :D

Remember you are the one who fights low in a 38G and doesn't expect to
come least not in one piece.:lol
Title: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Has the LA7 regained it's throne...
Post by: bparker on January 13, 2008, 07:02:16 PM
Originally posted by crockett
A6m's don't really need good ACM to fight. The plane will out turn just about anything, short of a Huri 1, so you really need no real ACM skills to avoid other pilots. You don't have to worry amount E management and can almost turn blindly in a fight.
You've completely missed the point. The A6M is not a good trainer because of what CAN do but because of what it CANNOT do. Its not fast, it can't dive, and it has mediocre guns at best. The fact that it is slow mean E managment is a MUST. If your gonna make kills on BnZ planes, you've got to master the merge. I used to fly the A6M religiously and have had High Profile sticks whine about my "Super Zeke" out climbing there K4s. Of course this is just my opinion. I could be wrong.:aok
Title: Has the LA7 regained it's throne...
Post by: Masherbrum on January 13, 2008, 07:06:25 PM
Originally posted by crockett
The only time LA's that  tick me off is when they climb for ground level to 6k with no issues at all.  There are very few times I really worry about an LA7, unless my plane is damaged or I'm out numbered.

The plane I hate the most, is the Nikki.. Not because it's that great of a plane, but because 99% of the dweebs that fly them do "nothing" and I mean "nothing" but HO. It's almost a given if you see a Nikki that he will try to HO you. Rams and HO's are about the only ACM most nikki pilots know how to do, it's sad too because the plane turns pretty well and there is almost no reason to HO in it.

LA's in most cases are so easy to out turn, the only time I really consider them a threat, is if I'm out numbered or if my plane is shot up.  If it's a 1 on 1, I'm rarely ever worried about an LA. Simply because 9 out of 10 people who fly them have no clue how to use the plane. So in most cases, soon as you get on their six, they run away like a little school girl.

Spit 16's don't even bug me at all, I typically look at any spit as a easy kill, simply because it's so easy to knock the wings off them.
You've obviously encountered noone who can turn the La7 well.    THIS is a funny post.
Title: Has the LA7 regained it's throne...
Post by: Guppy35 on January 13, 2008, 07:14:51 PM
Originally posted by Rino
tsk tsk Corky..shame on you for starting a whaa whaa thread :D

Remember you are the one who fights low in a 38G and doesn't expect to
come least not in one piece.:lol

That's the essential point :)
Title: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Has the LA7 regained it's throne...
Post by: crockett on January 13, 2008, 07:31:12 PM
Originally posted by bparker
You've completely missed the point. The A6M is not a good trainer because of what CAN do but because of what it CANNOT do. Its not fast, it can't dive, and it has mediocre guns at best. The fact that it is slow mean E managment is a MUST. If your gonna make kills on BnZ planes, you've got to master the merge. I used to fly the A6M religiously and have had High Profile sticks whine about my "Super Zeke" out climbing there K4s. Of course this is just my opinion. I could be wrong.:aok

No I didn't miss your point, I'm disagreeing with your point and stating why I disagree with it. I know the zeek is very slow, the Huri 1 is also very slow. The difference in the two is the A6m is one of the best climbers in the game and will pretty much out turn anyone and you really need no skills to do it.

On the flip side the Huri 1 will also out turn just about anything in the game, but it climbs like a brick compared to a zeek. Also the H1 takes a bit more "proper" ACM tactics to manage your E.

The point I was making is the A6m takes really zero knowledge of ACM or E management abilities. Which is the reason I think it's not a very good trainer, simply because it's very easy to pick up bad habits in it.

Again I didn't miss your point, I just disagree with it.
Title: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Has the LA7 regained it's throne...
Post by: crockett on January 13, 2008, 07:31:12 PM
double post
Title: Has the LA7 regained it's throne...
Post by: crockett on January 13, 2008, 07:34:24 PM
Originally posted by Masherbrum
You've obviously encountered noone who can turn the La7 well.    THIS is a funny post.

Did I say no one can turn in the La7? No I didn't I said most of the players whom fly it, have no clue how to fly it. Yes I've had my butt kicked by good pilots in the LA7, but those pilots are few and far between.

I know you don't like me Mash.. but quit trying to start a flame in every topic, it gets old..
Title: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Has the LA7 regained it's throne...
Post by: Stang on January 13, 2008, 07:35:47 PM
Originally posted by bparker
You've completely missed the point. The A6M is not a good trainer because of what CAN do but because of what it CANNOT do. Its not fast, it can't dive, and it has mediocre guns at best. The fact that it is slow mean E managment is a MUST. If your gonna make kills on BnZ planes, you've got to master the merge. I used to fly the A6M religiously and have had High Profile sticks whine about my "Super Zeke" out climbing there K4s. Of course this is just my opinion. I could be wrong.:aok
If you need a hand patting your own back, let Adonai know.  I'm sure you two could mutually satsify each other.
Title: Re: Has the LA7 regained it's throne...
Post by: E25280 on January 13, 2008, 07:48:01 PM
Originally posted by Guppy35
as the favorite ride of the masses?

Seems like I'm seeing them more and more after what seemed to be a bit of a down swing.

Most if not all seem to be firing from 1K+ out and going light speed too.

Seemed to be nothing but LAs, N1Ks and Spit 16s yesterday.
IMO what has happened is this . . .

The DGS campaign is over, and people are slowly returning to old rides.

When DGS was announced, I noticed a very large upswing in P-51, 109 and 190 usage.  This was maintained for quite some time.  Now the numbers of P-51s I see seem to be slowly tapering off.  In my case, they seem to be replaced more by spitfires of various types rather than LAs, but YMMV.
Title: Has the LA7 regained it's throne...
Post by: E25280 on January 13, 2008, 07:52:44 PM
Originally posted by crockett
The plane I hate the most, is the Nikki.. Not because it's that great of a plane, but because 99% of the dweebs that fly them do "nothing" and I mean "nothing" but HO. It's almost a given if you see a Nikki that he will try to HO you. Rams and HO's are about the only ACM most nikki pilots know how to do, it's sad too because the plane turns pretty well and there is almost no reason to HO in it.
It's a conspiracy, I tell you!!  I fly my N1K at an enemy con, wanting him to turn so I can use my maneuverability to its full extent, but all they want to do is HO!!  How dare they negate my uber-ride's abilities and awesome 1337 ACM skills by not turning away!!!!


If you are constantly getting HOed, you are doing something wrong.
Title: Has the LA7 regained it's throne...
Post by: crockett on January 13, 2008, 07:56:01 PM
Originally posted by E25280
It's a conspiracy, I tell you!!  I fly my N1K at an enemy con, wanting him to turn so I can use my maneuverability to its full extent, but all they want to do is HO!!  How dare they negate my uber-ride's abilities and awesome 1337 ACM skills by not turning away!!!!


If you are constantly getting HOed, you are doing something wrong.

I didn't say I "get" Hoed.. I said they "try" to Ho. :aok
Title: Has the LA7 regained it's throne...
Post by: E25280 on January 13, 2008, 07:58:01 PM
Originally posted by crockett
I didn't say I "get" Hoed.. I said they "try" to Ho. :aok
Title: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Has the LA7 regained it's throne...
Post by: bparker on January 13, 2008, 08:02:33 PM
Originally posted by Stang
If you need a hand patting your own back, let Adonai know.  I'm sure you two could mutually satsify each other.

Yeah figures you would have another constructive comment. Why dont you troll some other post for attention
Title: Has the LA7 regained it's throne...
Post by: Xasthur on January 13, 2008, 08:09:07 PM
Originally posted by crockett
I didn't say I "get" Hoed.. I said they "try" to Ho. :aok

I'm with Crockett on this one, I always begin an evasive maneuver very early on if I end approaching a N1k head-to-head. It's a safe bet that they will take a HO shot if you leave it open (hoping for a guns-dry first pass).

Given that I fly 109s a lot..... evade and go up. If they try to turn back around.... keep going, flaps out, keep going, roll back down and drop the hammer..
Title: Re: Re: Has the LA7 regained it's throne...
Post by: Lusche on January 13, 2008, 08:13:10 PM
Originally posted by E25280
IMO what has happened is this . . .

The DGS campaign is over, and people are slowly returning to old rides.

When DGS was announced, I noticed a very large upswing in P-51, 109 and 190 usage.  This was maintained for quite some time.  Now the numbers of P-51s I see seem to be slowly tapering off.  

They are not. P-51 still being the plane with most "usage", there is no notable change yet.

Current tour plane usage (based on all planes):

1. P-51D, 6.2%
2. La-7, 5.6%
3. Spit 16, 5.4%
4. N1K, 4.8%

Also DGS hat only a minor, if any, influence on MA plane usage:

( (
Title: Has the LA7 regained it's throne...
Post by: stodd on January 13, 2008, 08:20:14 PM
was waiting for lusche to whip out one of his neet charts:D
personally i havent noticed a change in amount of la's that i see.
Title: Has the LA7 regained it's throne...
Post by: Masherbrum on January 13, 2008, 08:46:27 PM
Originally posted by crockett
Did I say no one can turn in the La7? No I didn't I said most of the players whom fly it, have no clue how to fly it. Yes I've had my butt kicked by good pilots in the LA7, but those pilots are few and far between.

I know you don't like me Mash.. but quit trying to start a flame in every topic, it gets old..
I'm not the one who "doesn't like the other".   I don't carry "baggage" nor "grudges".    ANYONE who knows me over the last 6 years can back it.   I may bust balls on 200 and vent from 200 from time to time.   BUT, I have apologized to ANYONE that I have vented too.    

Don't "assume" some folks hate you because you aren't "more clear" in your posting.
Title: Re: Re: Re: Has the LA7 regained it's throne...
Post by: E25280 on January 13, 2008, 08:59:57 PM
Originally posted by Lusche
They are not. P-51 still being the plane with most "usage", there is no notable change yet.

Current tour plane usage (based on all planes):

1. P-51D, 6.2%
2. La-7, 5.6%
3. Spit 16, 5.4%
4. N1K, 4.8%

Also DGS hat only a minor, if any, influence on MA plane usage:
And then there is this thing called "observer bias."

Title: Re: Re: Re: Has the LA7 regained it's throne...
Post by: Guppy35 on January 13, 2008, 09:16:26 PM
Originally posted by Lusche
They are not. P-51 still being the plane with most "usage", there is no notable change yet.

Current tour plane usage (based on all planes):

1. P-51D, 6.2%
2. La-7, 5.6%
3. Spit 16, 5.4%
4. N1K, 4.8%

Also DGS hat only a minor, if any, influence on MA plane usage:


I'm guessing the 51 has more to do with name recognition for newbies then anything else.   I also think there are a group of dedicated Mustang drivers out there and squads based on those.

The other three I have to believe are much more performance based and cannon dependant.

That and the 51 goes like a bat outahell if they're coming in with alt :)
Title: Has the LA7 regained it's throne...
Post by: Saxman on January 13, 2008, 10:47:36 PM
I love the Pony drivers who think they'll out-zoom my Hog. :D
Title: Has the LA7 regained it's throne...
Post by: bparker on January 13, 2008, 10:53:34 PM
Originally posted by Saxman
I love the Pony drivers who think they'll out-zoom my Hog. :D

AMEN Bother:aok
Title: Has the LA7 regained it's throne...
Post by: BaldEagl on January 14, 2008, 12:40:20 AM
Originally posted by crockett
Huri 1 turns good enough to keep a noob out of trouble, but with the carburated engine and .303's it still makes for a very fun plane to fly for the experienced.  With that said the Spit 1 is likely the bigger challenge as personally when flying a H1 I almost feel sorry for the other guys.

Personally, I find the Spit I much easier to fly and get kills in than the Hurri I but I'm a long-time Spit dweeb so I guess that makes sense.

Originally posted by KONG1
And let's face it, there's nothing dweebier than the I-never-leave-the-horde guys. There are some players you will NEVER have a fight with (regardless of advantages and plane) because they will only flock. This includes I'm-leet-cause-I-fly-old-planes-in-late-war-but-only-in-a-big-group guys.

I fly those planes in LW occasionally although I don't claim elite status.  I do it almost exclusively in base defense against equal or higher numbers, usually coming in with alt/E advantages.  Who wants to double their time to a fight only to find there's no way out?  At least in defense home is close by.  I don't think I've ever seen a hoarder in an EW ride in LW.
Title: Has the LA7 regained it's throne...
Post by: Anaxogoras on January 14, 2008, 12:57:36 AM
Some interesting considerations have been made about who flies the P51.  Lots of newbs, and some really good pilots, too.  That explains why I've been running into P51s that try to stall fight me after blowing all their e, and others who blow off my wing on their first guns pass.:eek:  There seems to be little middle ground.

La-7's aren't so troublesome because I do my best to fly above 10k ft.  If you're frustrated over the La-7, it's time for an altitude adjustment (like my pun?:lol).  Every time I've flown an La-7 I made it a point to climb to no more than 6-7k ft, and then rocket into a low altitude furball at 400mph.:p
Title: Has the LA7 regained it's throne...
Post by: Guppy35 on January 14, 2008, 01:13:29 AM
Originally posted by BaldEagl
Personally, I find the Spit I much easier to fly and get kills in than the Hurri I but I'm a long-time Spit dweeb so I guess that makes sense.


I fly those planes in LW occasionally although I don't claim elite status.  I do it almost exclusively in base defense against equal or higher numbers, usually coming in with alt/E advantages.  Who wants to double their time to a fight only to find there's no way out?  At least in defense home is close by.  I don't think I've ever seen a hoarder in an EW ride in LW.

That's cause the message those guys in the non-uber rides are sending, is that they want to fight and they won't run :)

And of course with that great pink Spit I skin that Kev did, how can you not take a Spit I? :aok
Title: Has the LA7 regained it's throne...
Post by: VansCrew1 on January 14, 2008, 06:53:58 AM
I think spit's are becoming more common now. After reading this topic i would mark down how many "dweeb" rides i would see just over the base. About 50% were spitfires. 20% were LA's. and the rest 30% was a mix of nik's and other planes.
Title: Has the LA7 regained it's throne...
Post by: MajIssue on January 14, 2008, 10:36:33 AM
Originally posted by SuBWaYCH
Flying something like a P-38/P-47 will really force you to use ACM.

Yea... Limit the fighter planeset to SuBWaYCH approved models only... Flying "Winnabagos" will teach those spitdweeb newbtards a thing or two about REAL cartoon flying. Forget about choice, forget about those clueless new guys having a little fun and maybe subscribing to AH. The Workers must control the means of production and the capitalist exploiters at HTC do not need to make obscene profits at the expense of the AH elite like SuBWaYCH. The Elites will FORCE you to learn ACM according to the standards set by Politburo member SuBWaYCH.

---"Lighten up Francis"
         SFC "Big Toe" Hukla in the film "Stripes"

:rolleyes: :lol :rolleyes: :lol :rolleyes: :lol
Title: Has the LA7 regained it's throne...
Post by: Ghastly on January 14, 2008, 11:31:46 AM
MajIssue - I think perhaps I'm getting a glimmer of where your name came from {grin}???

I *believe* that all he was trying to say is that if you try to win the maneuvering portion of the fight in those aircraft that are less maneuverable, you're margin of error is thinner, and you'll learn much more quickly from your mistakes.

I could be wrong though... I'm not a mind reader.   But I pretty obviously didn't read it as a you must have.

Title: Has the LA7 regained it's throne...
Post by: Shuffler on January 14, 2008, 11:44:29 AM
I've put several LALAs on the throne then pulled the handle and flushed them away.
Title: Has the LA7 regained it's throne...
Post by: Tilt on January 14, 2008, 12:05:49 PM
I enjoy fighting La7's..... and I dont see them in any great numbers compared to Spits and P51's......................(Euro times)

To me there are loads of Spits...cant tell which type till I'm up close so they are all Spits to me..................
Title: Has the LA7 regained it's throne...
Post by: 68ROX on January 14, 2008, 12:10:56 PM
Originally posted by Guppy35
That's cause the message those guys in the non-uber rides are sending, is that they want to fight and they won't run :)


As for the "throne" for the run-dweebs in their LA7's...


Title: Has the LA7 regained it's throne...
Post by: waystin2 on January 14, 2008, 12:20:44 PM
Originally posted by MajIssue
Yea... Limit the fighter planeset to SuBWaYCH approved models only... Flying "Winnabagos" will teach those spitdweeb newbtards a thing or two about REAL cartoon flying. Forget about choice, forget about those clueless new guys having a little fun and maybe subscribing to AH. The Workers must control the means of production and the capitalist exploiters at HTC do not need to make obscene profits at the expense of the AH elite like SuBWaYCH. The Elites will FORCE you to learn ACM according to the standards set by Politburo member SuBWaYCH.

---"Lighten up Francis"
         SFC "Big Toe" Hukla in the film "Stripes"

:rolleyes: :lol :rolleyes: :lol :rolleyes: :lol

Yea what he said!   :rofl :rofl :rofl
Title: Has the LA7 regained it's throne...
Post by: bongaroo on January 14, 2008, 01:26:42 PM
1v1 an la7 is going to get it, its just when they come in flocks that trouble is to be had.  you can only dodge so many n00bs before they've slowed you down enough to pick you.

i'd just like to not have to chase around 51s at 15-20k four sectors for them to only turn and fight when it looks like i've given up the chase.  seriously, what a waste of his and my time
Title: Has the LA7 regained it's throne...
Post by: MajIssue on January 14, 2008, 01:51:25 PM
Originally posted by Ghastly
MajIssue - I think perhaps I'm getting a glimmer of where your name came from {grin}???

I *believe* that all he was trying to say is that if you try to win the maneuvering portion of the fight in those aircraft that are less maneuverable, you're margin of error is thinner, and you'll learn much more quickly from your mistakes.

I could be wrong though... I'm not a mind reader.   But I pretty obviously didn't read it as a you must have.

I got it ghastly... I couldn't resist the opportunity to spout communist propaganda when I read the word "force", in SuBWaYCH's post. The way I see it, the only way to learn about the game is to get "tooled" your first few dozen sorties... A new guy is usually inexperienced (as we all were at some point) and will see: "[insert veteran player name here] shot you down" on every MA sortie the first few times they log on during the 2 week trial. In my case Fester alone killed me at least 2 dozen times in the first week I played in 2001. It really doesn't matter what ride a "nugget" selects, inexperience, lack of SA and upping into a cap or furball will usually result in the same outcome... "SoAndSo shot you down". So if a noob ups an aircraft he or she might have heard of before [i.e Pony, LaLa or Spit]... no big deal, they will get their 6 waxed soon enough, just like we all did.
Title: Re: Re: Re: Re: Has the LA7 regained it's throne...
Post by: Ack-Ack on January 14, 2008, 02:12:40 PM
Originally posted by bparker
I totally agree with the continual influx of LA7 pilots, but if these noobies really wanted to learn to fly they would train in A6Ms where its learn ACM or die. Unfortunitly there is no one to tell them that so they just up the fastest lamest plane they can get without perks.

Diving to the deck at the nearest sign of trouble and doing hard flat break turns hardly amounts to ACM in the Zeke or any other plane for that matter.  Just sayin'.

Title: Has the LA7 regained it's throne...
Post by: Mus51 on January 14, 2008, 02:21:07 PM
Originally posted by KONG1
I've found the Pony and Dora flyers to be dweebiest; all boom, zoom and run (can't say I blame 'em). The 109k and the LA7 are great fighters and can hold their own against any plane in a fight. Granted they're also fast, so if you want to play hit and run you certainly can. I just find that a K or 7 will actually engage more frequently than a Pony or Dora.

And let's face it, there's nothing dweebier than the I-never-leave-the-horde guys. There are some players you will NEVER have a fight with (regardless of advantages and plane) because they will only flock. This includes I'm-leet-cause-I-fly-old-planes-in-late-war-but-only-in-a-big-group guys.

Planes aren't lame, players are lame.

Well there are a couple of pony pilots (like me) who are always up to a fight unless there are to many enemy's around. I usually turn with the pony but keep managing my E. And when the sky is really full of red guys i start the cherry picking/boom n zooming tactic.
Title: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Has the LA7 regained it's throne...
Post by: SlapShot on January 14, 2008, 02:32:16 PM
Originally posted by Ack-Ack
Diving to the deck at the nearest sign of trouble and doing hard flat break turns hardly amounts to ACM in the Zeke or any other plane for that matter.  Just sayin'.


Exactly ... it matters not the plane, what one needs to do is stick around and take a beating (I'm completely serious). You learn more from your losses than you do from your wins.

If you constantly run from the fight at the slightest notion of things aren't going your way ... you will not learn jack-squat from that. The tell tale sign of these types is when you do run them down in their "hotrod" ... they have no clue as to what to do next and basically fly flat and level or make a nice full plane form flat turn for the easy kill.

After all these years, I still can't get my arms around the mindset of the "fleeing" crowd ... what does it really accomplish in the long run. Now, I am not referring to someone who doesn't want to take on the 5 v 1 situations, it's the 1 v 1 fights, and when things start to go wrong ... off they run like a scaled cat ... all because they might "die" or, be embarrassed?

The "Corky" notion just does not register with these people.

Title: Has the LA7 regained it's throne...
Post by: BiPoLaR on January 14, 2008, 02:54:30 PM
i love to see n00blets in 5 ENY rides...means more perks for me...easy kills
Title: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Has the LA7 regained it's throne...
Post by: FrodeMk3 on January 14, 2008, 03:22:24 PM
Originally posted by SlapShot
Exactly ... it matters not the plane, what one needs to do is stick around and take a beating (I'm completely serious). You learn more from your losses than you do from your wins.

If you constantly run from the fight at the slightest notion of things aren't going your way ... you will not learn jack-squat from that. The tell tale sign of these types is when you do run them down in their "hotrod" ... they have no clue as to what to do next and basically fly flat and level or make a nice full plane form flat turn for the easy kill.

After all these years, I still can't get my arms around the mindset of the "fleeing" crowd ... what does it really accomplish in the long run. Now, I am not referring to someone who doesn't want to take on the 5 v 1 situations, it's the 1 v 1 fights, and when things start to go wrong ... off they run like a scaled cat ... all because they might "die" or, be embarrassed?

The "Corky" notion just does not register with these people.


It's not PHYSICAL death they fear. It's the death of they're standing, and they're score. They fall down a notch in l337ness. They are not as good as they say they are if they die. Thusly, they run.
Title: Has the LA7 regained it's throne...
Post by: Shuffler on January 14, 2008, 03:31:19 PM
I must have learned alot... with all my deaths :lol
Title: Has the LA7 regained it's throne...
Post by: crockett on January 14, 2008, 03:53:31 PM
Originally posted by BaldEagl
Personally, I find the Spit I much easier to fly and get kills in than the Hurri I but I'm a long-time Spit dweeb so I guess that makes sense.

Yea I don't fly spits often but when jumping from the Huri 1 to the Spit 1, I found that the Spit 1 seemed heavy.  It just didn't seem as responsive as the Huri 1 IMO.

So my personal opinion is if both pilots are equal the H1 would have the turning advantage over the S1. I also think the H1 is a bit tougher of a plane than the S1 is, as the wings don't fall off as easy.  :D

In the end it mainly comes down to the pilot in most cases.
Title: Re: Re: Re: Re: Has the LA7 regained it's throne...
Post by: Banshee7 on January 14, 2008, 03:56:41 PM
Originally posted by Guppy35
I'm guessing the 51 has more to do with name recognition for newbies then anything else.   I also think there are a group of dedicated Mustang drivers out there and squads based on those.

My squad is based on P-51s.  They are a very good plane.  And I said the same thing in my last post....EVERY noob just HAS to fly the P-51 because it's always been known as the "best fighter plane ever."  Then the find out that they are not that easy to fly and move on.


Title: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Has the LA7 regained it's throne...
Post by: Ack-Ack on January 14, 2008, 03:58:26 PM
Originally posted by FrodeMk3
It's not PHYSICAL death they fear. It's the death of they're standing, and they're score. They fall down a notch in l337ness. They are not as good as they say they are if they die. Thusly, they run.

The worst thing about that is they fail to learn why/how they got shot down because they are so focused on the score/rank that they become upset.

Yesterday I was flying in the MW over TT island, having some pretty good 3 and 2 vs. 1 fights and then later progressed to a series of 1v1 fights with a Bish Bf109E.  He would dive to the deck on merge and then pull up directly below me, like he was trying to hit my belly on a zoom climb attack.  All I would do was fly level until he got close and use a Hi Yo Yo to keep him zooming up burning his energy and then drop down for the kill.  Then he would come at me from the deck and do the same zoom thing.  Since I was at 5k, I'd wait until he was approaching d2.0 and then roll over and dive down on him, again catching him as he stalled at the top of his zoom climb.  This was done a few more times to him.  

If I was him, I start to rethink my tactics and try to figure out how to keep from dying this way instead of getting on public channel and cry about how "I was vulching him" by making him stall out and not allowing him to regain his speed and then sending PMs about how he out ranks me, yada yada yada.

Mentality like that is far more common now than it has been in the past.  

Title: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Has the LA7 regained it's throne...
Post by: Guppy35 on January 14, 2008, 04:35:18 PM
Originally posted by FrodeMk3
It's not PHYSICAL death they fear. It's the death of they're standing, and they're score. They fall down a notch in l337ness. They are not as good as they say they are if they die. Thusly, they run.

I hear a lot of guys talk about playing to 'win'.  To each his own, but I think they miss the best part of the game that way.

I remember KillnU coming on a couple weeks ago and he'd had an absolute knock down, drag out fight with a guy earlier in the day, and he was still pumped up about it.  He was back looking for another one.

To me that's the secret.  It's those kinds of fights that keep many of us coming back.  You just about break your stick and you are 'in the cockpit' for those few moments where you are really being tested.

Live or die, for me those are the 'wins'.  

Not telling anyone how to play as it is their dime.  I just wish more folks would try it out now and then.  I think they'd be surprised :)
Title: Has the LA7 regained it's throne...
Post by: Rino on January 14, 2008, 04:56:44 PM
I think I haven't gotten it yet.  What an individual flies is of no concern
to me.  I guess if I run into the cloud of high altitude fast guys, it is my
poor SA and not their tactics that is the problem.

     I also enjoy turnfighters calling B&Zer dweebs because they fight to
their strengths just like the turners do to theirs.  If some of this stuff
bothers you, maybe it's time to take a deep breath and relax for a while.

     I hate losing as much as the next guy, but name calling because you
lost is silly.

     Oh yeah, HTC put in all these aircraft to be used...if you become a plane
snob because you think it makes you more of a stud, then you are limiting
yourself for no reason.  Trust me, no one spends alot of time thinking "Boy
that Hub sure is cool..he flies Mitchells like fighters!" :D   No offense Hub,
you were just the first one I thought up.
Title: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Has the LA7 regained it's throne...
Post by: SlapShot on January 14, 2008, 05:03:17 PM
Originally posted by Ack-Ack
If I was him, I start to rethink my tactics and try to figure out how to keep dying this way instead of getting on public channel and cry about how "I was vulching him" by making him stall out and not allowing him to regain his speed and then sending PMs about how he out ranks me, yada yada yada.

Mentality like that is far more common now than it has been in the past.  


WOW ... "Stall Vulching" ... I like it !!!

I had a guy do the exact same thing to me the other night in a Hurri C ... I killed him like 5 times in a row.

I told him after his 3rd attempt, on 200, that he needs to get a little more altitude and speed before trying to climb up to me for a shot ... I never got a response and he came back for more ... I finally left cause I couldn't take it anymore.
Title: Has the LA7 regained it's throne...
Post by: SuBWaYCH on January 14, 2008, 05:38:44 PM
Originally posted by MajIssue
Yea... Limit the fighter planeset to SuBWaYCH approved models only... Flying "Winnabagos" will teach those spitdweeb newbtards a thing or two about REAL cartoon flying. Forget about choice, forget about those clueless new guys having a little fun and maybe subscribing to AH. The Workers must control the means of production and the capitalist exploiters at HTC do not need to make obscene profits at the expense of the AH elite like SuBWaYCH. The Elites will FORCE you to learn ACM according to the standards set by Politburo member SuBWaYCH.

---"Lighten up Francis"
         SFC "Big Toe" Hukla in the film "Stripes"

:rolleyes: :lol :rolleyes: :lol :rolleyes: :lol

Uncalled For!!!!

10 Yard penalty for the count I didn't deserve that!!!

All I was saying is that they do teach to use ACM.
Title: Has the LA7 regained it's throne...
Post by: Guppy35 on January 14, 2008, 07:37:59 PM
Originally posted by Rino
I think I haven't gotten it yet.  What an individual flies is of no concern
to me.  I guess if I run into the cloud of high altitude fast guys, it is my
poor SA and not their tactics that is the problem.

     I also enjoy turnfighters calling B&Zer dweebs because they fight to
their strengths just like the turners do to theirs.  If some of this stuff
bothers you, maybe it's time to take a deep breath and relax for a while.

     I hate losing as much as the next guy, but name calling because you
lost is silly.

     Oh yeah, HTC put in all these aircraft to be used...if you become a plane
snob because you think it makes you more of a stud, then you are limiting
yourself for no reason.  Trust me, no one spends alot of time thinking "Boy
that Hub sure is cool..he flies Mitchells like fighters!" :D   No offense Hub,
you were just the first one I thought up.

Who is calling people names? :)

Plane snob that I am, I get that part :aok
Title: Re: Has the LA7 regained it's throne...
Post by: Dadano on January 14, 2008, 08:05:18 PM
Originally posted by Guppy35
as the favorite ride of the masses?

Seems like I'm seeing them more and more after what seemed to be a bit of a down swing.

Most if not all seem to be firing from 1K+ out and going light speed too.

Seemed to be nothing but LAs, N1Ks and Spit 16s yesterday.

I'm flying it exclusively now. Lots of fun.
Title: Re: Has the LA7 regained it's throne...
Post by: trigger2 on January 14, 2008, 11:24:48 PM
Originally posted by Guppy35
as the favorite ride of the masses?

Seems like I'm seeing them more and more after what seemed to be a bit of a down swing.

Most if not all seem to be firing from 1K+ out and going light speed too.

Seemed to be nothing but LAs, N1Ks and Spit 16s yesterday.

Yup, seems like that's what people fly...
Title: Has the LA7 regained it's throne...
Post by: trigger2 on January 14, 2008, 11:31:07 PM
Originally posted by MajIssue
I got it ghastly... I couldn't resist the opportunity to spout communist propaganda when I read the word "force", in SuBWaYCH's post. The way I see it, the only way to learn about the game is to get "tooled" your first few dozen sorties... A new guy is usually inexperienced (as we all were at some point) and will see: "[insert veteran player name here] shot you down" on every MA sortie the first few times they log on during the 2 week trial. In my case Fester alone killed me at least 2 dozen times in the first week I played in 2001. It really doesn't matter what ride a "nugget" selects, inexperience, lack of SA and upping into a cap or furball will usually result in the same outcome... "SoAndSo shot you down". So if a noob ups an aircraft he or she might have heard of before [i.e Pony, LaLa or Spit]... no big deal, they will get their 6 waxed soon enough, just like we all did.

Yes, very true, the thing is though now instead of learning a plane (take me and my p40 for example :] ) they hop in a spixteen or a lala or a n1k looking for the easy kills, when we all know who's gonna win the tours


That's the way it always seems to be.
Hop in a plane that takes some experiance, take the time to learn it, get shot down some, rather than hopping in a spixteen and cherrypicking like no tommorow.  I have no problem with new people flying a spitfire, I reccomend it cause it's a brilliant LEARNER plane. Once you got the basics down, it's time to switch.
Title: Has the LA7 regained it's throne...
Post by: Rich46yo on January 15, 2008, 06:05:47 AM
Yeah I think there are more LA-7s in the air. But even more so then Ponys Im seeing more Jugs in the air. At least in base attacks.
Title: Has the LA7 regained it's throne...
Post by: Gixer on January 15, 2008, 06:20:06 AM
Originally posted by Rino
Oh yeah, HTC put in all these aircraft to be used...if you become a plane
snob because you think it makes you more of a stud, then you are limiting
yourself for no reason.

I agree Rino with what you were saying and also this comment. But keep in mind that some find flying the top tier rides rather boring. I know the Spit16 is a great plane but flying it is just plain dull.

Hence some just prefer the challange of something that requires more concentration and skill to do well. The fact that they could probably do even better in one of the dweeb or perk rides doesn't interest them.

Title: Has the LA7 regained it's throne...
Post by: NCLawman on January 15, 2008, 06:51:18 AM
Just out of curiousity.........

For all those that are commenting about the lack of training and skill of the "nuber" pilots, how many of you are AH Trainers?

I keep reading comments about how one newbie or another flew straight into combat and got 'vulched', 'picked', 'roped', etc.. 5 times in a row.  "I guess he should start to rethink his tactics rather than just upping the next uber plane."  

Just for discussion sake (and this is NOT a dig at anyone) after you roped/ stalled/picked the same guy 5 times on the same flight, does that not at least show the newber has the dilligence and desire to engage.  Why not then send a message and take him/her to the TA and show him how/why he keeps getting beat rather than pointing to the HANGER LIST and telling him to pick the next one. (Though I expect it is great for score when they do it this way.)

New guys are NOT going to learn ACM (like everyone seems to want) by just picking a different plane.  They learn ACM, flight - fight tactics, and 'ethics' from the vets who take the time to teach them.  Rather than just telling him to pick a non-uber plane.  Tell him to pick the hurri-1 and then teach him to fly it.  

Want to get rid of HOs and rams?  Teach the newb an option other than HO and ram.  To many, that is their only weapon or defense.  Some of you forget that you are a relative '10th degree black belt' going against a white belt.  Does it then surprise you that the 'white belt' then tries to bring anything to the fight that will earn a kill (skilless or not).  If you take some of your '10th degree Black Belt' knowledge and impart it on the newbie, his/her skills will improve, fights will improve, and your enjoyment of the game (as you describe it) will improve.

Sure, eventually we will all learn something or other, but the faster we teach the newer players, the faster they improve and the faster the game improves for all of us.

to all and espeically the AH Trainers.

(Side note.... can I get my lesson soon?  I am tired of getting schooled the old way.)  :lol     It gets tiring walking back to base. :D
Title: Has the LA7 regained it's throne...
Post by: 68ROX on January 15, 2008, 09:37:43 AM

Title: Has the LA7 regained it's throne...
Post by: MajIssue on January 15, 2008, 10:13:38 AM
Originally posted by NCLawman
Just out of curiousity.........

For all those that are commenting about the lack of training and skill of the "nuber" pilots, how many of you are AH Trainers?

I keep reading comments about how one newbie or another flew straight into combat and got 'vulched', 'picked', 'roped', etc.. 5 times in a row.  "I guess he should start to rethink his tactics rather than just upping the next uber plane."  

Just for discussion sake (and this is NOT a dig at anyone) after you roped/ stalled/picked the same guy 5 times on the same flight, does that not at least show the newber has the dilligence and desire to engage.  Why not then send a message and take him/her to the TA and show him how/why he keeps getting beat rather than pointing to the HANGER LIST and telling him to pick the next one. (Though I expect it is great for score when they do it this way.)

New guys are NOT going to learn ACM (like everyone seems to want) by just picking a different plane.  They learn ACM, flight - fight tactics, and 'ethics' from the vets who take the time to teach them.  Rather than just telling him to pick a non-uber plane.  Tell him to pick the hurri-1 and then teach him to fly it.  

Want to get rid of HOs and rams?  Teach the newb an option other than HO and ram.  To many, that is their only weapon or defense.  Some of you forget that you are a relative '10th degree black belt' going against a white belt.  Does it then surprise you that the 'white belt' then tries to bring anything to the fight that will earn a kill (skilless or not).  If you take some of your '10th degree Black Belt' knowledge and impart it on the newbie, his/her skills will improve, fights will improve, and your enjoyment of the game (as you describe it) will improve.

Sure, eventually we will all learn something or other, but the faster we teach the newer players, the faster they improve and the faster the game improves for all of us.

to all and espeically the AH Trainers.

(Side note.... can I get my lesson soon?  I am tired of getting schooled the old way.)  :lol     It gets tiring walking back to base. :D

Agreed... good post.

My ACM skills could use some brushing up as well.

But I WILL up a Spixteen to try to break up a cap on a base... Say what you want, with the combo of 20mm Hispanos, the turn radius of a vespa, and the climb rate of a "rocket", I am hard pressed to come up with a better ride to engage in low level combat "on the runway". I rarely fly the LA because of the limited endurance, and the pony turns like a Mack truck low and slow...:aok
Title: Has the LA7 regained it's throne...
Post by: The Fugitive on January 15, 2008, 10:17:46 AM
By looking at some of these "faces behind the names" threads going you can see that quit a few of the players are kids. Kids are to much into the "need it now", and "I know everything" to take kindly to advice. Most, like ROX said "Hop in one of the UBER-RIDES and HO EVERYTHING in sight."

While I'm no "ace", I don't have a problem with anyone asking me questions. If I can help, I will. If I think what they are asking is over my head, I'll try to point them in the right direction to find good help. But trying to suggest something to one of these guys.... well you might as well kick their puppy and call their mother a ho for the response you get from most of them.

Is the game doomed??? no, but we will have to put up with these kinds of attitudes from time to time.  The game is what YOU make of it. Another thread had someone crying about "all these mustangs that just dive out and run". Well its up to you, if you like chasing them up in fast planes, if you don't, don't chase them! Not to tuff to figure out. Some guys/kids are talking trash about how good they are, and challenge everyone but the skilled player to DA. More power to them, I know how to squelch   :D

Play the game, have fun, ignore the crap that floats to the surface now and then.
Title: Has the LA7 regained it's throne...
Post by: Hawk55 on January 15, 2008, 10:26:58 AM
Originally posted by Anaxogoras
What are you flying?  In my experience, the only La-7's that don't turn well are trying to turn in the horizontal, and are going way too fast.  The plane handles like a dream.

I agree!  :aok
Title: Has the LA7 regained it's throne...
Post by: SlapShot on January 15, 2008, 11:19:29 AM
Originally posted by NCLawman
I keep reading comments about how one newbie or another flew straight into combat and got 'vulched', 'picked', 'roped', etc.. 5 times in a row.  "I guess he should start to rethink his tactics rather than just upping the next uber plane."  

Just for discussion sake (and this is NOT a dig at anyone) after you roped/ stalled/picked the same guy 5 times on the same flight, does that not at least show the newber has the dilligence and desire to engage.  Why not then send a message and take him/her to the TA and show him how/why he keeps getting beat rather than pointing to the HANGER LIST and telling him to pick the next one. (Though I expect it is great for score when they do it this way.)

I know you said ... "and this is NOT a dig at anyone" ... but I can't help but to respond because the "meat" of the above references the post that I made.

I did say in my post that I sent a message on 200 ... that he needed more speed and altitude before trying to engage me.

That was my introduction to him to start a conversation to further discuss, if he wanted. I have sent similar messages to people and have be told to stick it where the sun don't shine.

I didn't get any response ... maybe he didn't have 200 tuned ... I don't know. I have done this with many people that I have engaged that exhibited behavior that told me ... "He is new" ... and some chose to respond back inquiring what else needed to be done, and I then spent time helping them.

On the other hand, how many times are you going to put your hand on a hot stove element ? ... 5 times before you realize that it burns/hurts ? I don't think so.
Title: Has the LA7 regained it's throne...
Post by: crockett on January 15, 2008, 12:39:48 PM
Originally posted by NCLawman
Just out of curiousity.........

For all those that are commenting about the lack of training and skill of the "nuber" pilots, how many of you are AH Trainers?

I keep reading comments about how one newbie or another flew straight into combat and got 'vulched', 'picked', 'roped', etc.. 5 times in a row.  "I guess he should start to rethink his tactics rather than just upping the next uber plane."  

Just for discussion sake (and this is NOT a dig at anyone) after you roped/ stalled/picked the same guy 5 times on the same flight, does that not at least show the newber has the dilligence and desire to engage.  Why not then send a message and take him/her to the TA and show him how/why he keeps getting beat rather than pointing to the HANGER LIST and telling him to pick the next one. (Though I expect it is great for score when they do it this way.)

New guys are NOT going to learn ACM (like everyone seems to want) by just picking a different plane.  They learn ACM, flight - fight tactics, and 'ethics' from the vets who take the time to teach them.  Rather than just telling him to pick a non-uber plane.  Tell him to pick the hurri-1 and then teach him to fly it.  

Want to get rid of HOs and rams?  Teach the newb an option other than HO and ram.  To many, that is their only weapon or defense.  Some of you forget that you are a relative '10th degree black belt' going against a white belt.  Does it then surprise you that the 'white belt' then tries to bring anything to the fight that will earn a kill (skilless or not).  If you take some of your '10th degree Black Belt' knowledge and impart it on the newbie, his/her skills will improve, fights will improve, and your enjoyment of the game (as you describe it) will improve.

Sure, eventually we will all learn something or other, but the faster we teach the newer players, the faster they improve and the faster the game improves for all of us.

to all and espeically the AH Trainers.

(Side note.... can I get my lesson soon?  I am tired of getting schooled the old way.)  :lol     It gets tiring walking back to base. :D

I've been flying a little over a year now and not once have I spent any time with a trainer. Just lots of getting my butt kicked, tought me what not to do and it's still teaching me today.

Losing is your best teacher and being willing to lose and not give a dam about score is the best thing a noob can do.
Title: Has the LA7 regained it's throne...
Post by: FALCONWING on January 15, 2008, 01:37:29 PM
Originally posted by Banshee7
I have seen in my AH experience that newbies just HAVE to fly the P51 because they've seen Dogfights a few times too many.  Once they realize it's not that easy of a plane to fly they move to spits and LAs.  Me personally, I hate LA7s and the only time I fly them is for base defense.  LA5's aren't that much of a problem.  And the only Spits that give me a problem are the Spixteens.  They seem to be able to dive, turn, name it (same with the LA)

All in all,  I think the LA7 has regained it's popularity and become the dweeb ride of all dweebs and newbies alike.



Do you post in here because you are too young for a MySpace page???

Your comments are drivel and lack any sense of reality...your observations are superficial and your analysis of aforementioned observations reveals a cluttered mind...

Perhaps the reason many folks fly La-7s and Spits is because they dont have wingmen or lots of experience and enjoy staying alive as long as they can...

You speak like your a vet but I have no idea who you are?  Your k/d in fiters over the last 4 tours has never gotten to 2:1..same with your Attack score?

Your later post actually illuminates the fog you exist choose to fly mostly play a game with 20+ fiters to choose from and limit yourself to no suprise you "hate" a plane that is faster and a better turner than the one you espouse...

(p.s. you can lie about your age on myspace):D
Title: Has the LA7 regained it's throne...
Post by: hubsonfire on January 15, 2008, 01:49:09 PM
Careful, Falc- his dad is the "squad enforcer", and he'll have words with you if you don't back off. :rofl
Title: Has the LA7 regained it's throne...
Post by: FALCONWING on January 15, 2008, 01:51:40 PM
Originally posted by hubsonfire
Careful, Falc- his dad is the "squad enforcer", and he'll have words with you if you don't back off. :rofl

ruh-roh...i take it all sucks.....spits suck....please continue....

oh yeah...Gooo 51's!

Title: Has the LA7 regained it's throne...
Post by: gpwurzel on January 15, 2008, 02:15:53 PM
I *mostly* fly the spits - normally the 5 and 8 - recently however, I've gone into the La7/La5n - basically because I'm trying out new planes each tour - slowly but surely.

The LA7 is a beast of a machine - but it doesn't improve my k/d ratio on its own (for that matter, none of the other planes do either). The LA5N, is another sweet plane to fly - yet, given the choice, I'll stay in the Spit5.

Think its a case of horses for courses with me, if the field i'm trying to up at is getting semi vulched (less than 3 or 4 attackers), I'll up an LA - gives me a greater chance of getting at least a little alt before being slapped. If the field I'm at is getting fully vulched - I aint upping - its osti time (assuming the VH is up etc).

I need way more acm skills to even consider hanging with some of the other guys posting in here - but I'll always do the best I can - I prefer not to ho, and normally wont - unless I have no other option due to just being up etc and being slow.

I have no idea what I'm really no points to make - other than, its your 15$, fly what you like, when you like - but please please please - shoot me down gently (I'll have just had my plane washed and waxed etc etc)..


(Still having fun and dying some)
Title: Has the LA7 regained it's throne...
Post by: Getback on January 15, 2008, 03:55:01 PM
Just checked my sorry stats. For the first time since I can remember the P51 and LA7 are not #1 and #2 on my fighter kill list. They did tie for #3 along with the Mossie. Seems # 1 is a Hurricane IIC and followed by the N1K.

I've flown la7s, spits etc. My preference depends on what I am going to do and what sounds like fun to fly. I see no problem with flying all the planes. Heck that's why they are there.
Title: Has the LA7 regained it's throne...
Post by: NCLawman on January 15, 2008, 09:10:16 PM
Originally posted by SlapShot
I know you said ... "and this is NOT a dig at anyone" ... but I can't help but to respond because the "meat" of the above references the post that I made.


Looking back at the posts, I see your point.  I apologize for giving the appearance I was singling you out.  I had no intention of making reference to you or any one person; nor, trying to insult anyone as a group.

I do agree with your statement as well regarding the way some offers to help are received.  I would not continually invite someone to question my parental lineage either.

I read numerous posts, to include other threads, where folks were re-hashing how they stomped one player or another over and over.   Then come to the boards and complain when the 'newb' Ram-tard-HOs.  I merely point out that to some, that is their ONLY means of scoring.  Maybe they are not taking to the time to understand the full bigger picture; but, can you blame them for at least wanting to taste a hint of victory once in a while?

I still recall my first experiences in AH, it was very frustrating.  I wish that someone would have taken me to the side and taught some of the ACMs (in fact, I still do -- there are people who can make their toon-planes do unfathomable things.)  

This is what I remember of the AH early months:

- Try to up... drive left off the runway, hit ack gun and crash.
- Try to up some more .. Learned to use rudder to keep plane straight, get vulched on runway.
- Finally up a different base, get in the air.... first contact, blaze away from 2.0K out, can't figure why those basstages aren't dying.  :lol
- Fly closer but now out of ammo... bad guy does a loop and smokes my hindparts.
- Finally, someone is kind enough to trust me with the game's secret...  Speed is life.  
- Up the Uber fast plane (wannabe Jet-Jock)... still dying, but hit the ground at higher speed.
- Secret two... Alt and speed are E and E is life. * ding, ding ding * FLY HIGHER!  wooo whoooo, I am hot now... Lets get some kills.  
-  Fly in from 15K, line up for a pick.... compress and auger.
-  Try again.... overshoot and take cannons up the wazoo.
-  Start working on diving in at light speed, fly up the rear of bad guy and fire off burst.... overshoot due to barrell roll manuver, don't hit chit, and take MG fire up the wazoo.
(Note:  Can you see the frustration building?)
-  Get ticked off, cuss on 200 ... get muted. :D
-  Realize speed and alt aren't the life that everyone keeps claiming ... pick new uber plane with cannon and learn to HO.
-  Begin trying to learn ACM, get out turned and out-fought by a pregnant elephant.  ...  Next lesson, flaps.  Use flaps to turn.
-  Learned that flaps are important.... Realized that no one explained when to engage and disengage flaps to make plane do uber stuff.... continue to get killed by someone dogfighting in their Lancs.:eek:
- Grab uber cannon bird and revert to only tactic that worked, HO... land a 2 kill sortie -- get cocky.
-  Shining on success of HO, grab a 110 and HO some more. :lol
-  Finally getting kills ... join a GHI mission and learn the tactic of "vooolch"
- Realize, horde works, fly in groups of 30 or more ... get cherry picked for not paying attention above me.

My point is this... are we perpetuating that which we despise by only sharing bits and pieces of knowledge?  Are we actually creating the HO-misers by continuing to kick them into the dirt when they try to fly?  

Imagine the frustration when you finally learn that Alt is life only to find out (after climbing around the moon) that you are still going to get smoked.  Someone must have lied!!!  Well, not really, they just didn't share everything.  Same goes with flaps, speed, rope maneuvers, etc...  By only sharing a piece of the knowledge, newbs still get killed and get frustrated.  They resort to the fastest cannon bird they can afford to fly.  

As for me... I still have a lot to learn and would love to be able to analyze situations.  I get beat and would love to be able to go back and learn from the encounter.  However, I do not have the skills (or haven't been taught) how to understand and analyze how I lost the encounter.  I can watch the film and see I lost, but I don't see how I was beaten.

Anyway... just my thoughts for conversation.  And again, I apologize Slapshot for appearing to single you out.  
Title: Has the LA7 regained it's throne...
Post by: TheDudeDVant on January 15, 2008, 09:40:22 PM
Actually, i've been tryin to get all my muppets to fly the La7 ONLY..  I figure if we did it would go a long way in getting the thing perked.. hehe

Normally though, if I up a Lgay7 it's not a fair fight for my side..  I prolly up a Lgay 1 outta 20 times in a fair fight.. 8)

Lgay7 is the best TnB plane in the set..  faster than 90% on the deck, will out-turn spits slow and nikis can't climb with it.. it needs some small perkage ....
Title: Has the LA7 regained it's throne...
Post by: Guppy35 on January 15, 2008, 09:41:57 PM
Originally posted by TheDudeDVant
Actually, i've been tryin to get all my muppets to fly the La7 ONLY..  I figure if we did it would go a long way in getting the thing perked.. hehe

Normally though, if I up a Lgay7 it's not a fair fight for my side..  I prolly up a Lgay 1 outta 20 times in a fair fight.. 8)

Lgay7 is the best TnB plane in the set..  faster than 90% on the deck, will out-turn spits slow and nikis can't climb with it.. it needs some small perkage ....

I worry about you sometimes Kappa :)
Title: Has the LA7 regained it's throne...
Post by: Citabria on January 15, 2008, 10:40:39 PM
la7 is for the skill impared.

it is so fast that it can completely screw up any maneuver and run away after losing its advantage.

the general mode of operation for la7 morons is to make a headon pass guns blazing then if they survive but miss go for another ho or use their super torque free 2000 hp lightweight airframe zoom climb to get above normal planes which will spin out while the la7 remains completely stable as it noses over ready to fire as its nose drops. and when the idiot flying it screws all this up he is free to run away at any time without much trouble.

it is free of all compromises save endurance.

it dives like a p51, turns like a spit, climbs like a 109 and nothing is faster on the deck that isn't perked.

why it isn't perked is beyond me.
Title: Has the LA7 regained it's throne...
Post by: gpwurzel on January 15, 2008, 10:50:20 PM
Wait, did you just call me skill impaired:D  Finally, some recognition that I suck......:aok

Sadly its true, oh well, back into my shiny, freshly waxed Spit V for me then.....

:aok :aok

Title: Has the LA7 regained it's throne...
Post by: FALCONWING on January 16, 2008, 02:40:07 AM
Originally posted by TheDudeDVant
Actually, i've been tryin to get all my muppets to fly the La7 ONLY..  I figure if we did it would go a long way in getting the thing perked.. hehe

Normally though, if I up a Lgay7 it's not a fair fight for my side..  I prolly up a Lgay 1 outta 20 times in a fair fight.. 8)

Lgay7 is the best TnB plane in the set..  faster than 90% on the deck, will out-turn spits slow and nikis can't climb with it.. it needs some small perkage ....


what spit can it outturn???

Look, i use the La-7 alot for attack and base defense.  There is no la-7 i worry about running into as i can beat them in my la-la.  (and for those out there who keep saying "the la-5 is not a threat"...the la-5 is a better turner than the la-7 and is only marginally slower)  

But spits/nikkis/a6ms/very skilled 38 pilot can outturn the same skill level pilot in a lala.  

So a la-7 is a better overall plane then the higher eny rides or low eny/big cannon birds that many "pickers' like (p-51, 190s, f4u-1c, tempest).  But it is the last plane i take up if i think im going to be doing slow ACM.
Title: Has the LA7 regained it's throne...
Post by: FALCONWING on January 16, 2008, 02:50:25 AM
Originally posted by Citabria
la7 is for the skill impared.

it is so fast that it can completely screw up any maneuver and run away after losing its advantage.

the general mode of operation for la7 morons is to make a headon pass guns blazing then if they survive but miss go for another ho or use their super torque free 2000 hp lightweight airframe zoom climb to get above normal planes which will spin out while the la7 remains completely stable as it noses over ready to fire as its nose drops. and when the idiot flying it screws all this up he is free to run away at any time without much trouble.

it is free of all compromises save endurance.

it dives like a p51, turns like a spit, climbs like a 109 and nothing is faster on the deck that isn't perked.

why it isn't perked is beyond me.


"turns like a spit"????   which spit can it outturn??...and i mean outturn...not the ol' lets go to the da where i can e-manage better then you trick...i mean im in a spit behind you and your in a lala co-e in a flat turn....please show me that data...

"climbs like a 109"????  you mean it can outclimb a g-14 or k???  will someone please pull the engine data cause last i checked any of the later model 109s are much better climbers...

"dives like a 51"???  well both of them point their noses down when they dive...but an La-7 with same e-state as a p-51 doesnt catch the 51 in a dive AND...

"nothing is faster on the deck"???  AND it definitely doesnt close the same pilot in a p-51 who trims after diving from the same e-state nor does it easily catch a 190-d9 in the same situation...

your post was a troll right? please say it was a troll....
Title: Has the LA7 regained it's throne...
Post by: Urchin on January 16, 2008, 10:15:34 AM
La-7 has a turn radius similar to a Spit 9 IIRC.  Easy enough to check it.  Going to the fighter comparison site confirms that the La-7 as test has a turning circle identical to that of the Spit 16 with flaps down.  It is actually probably within the margin of error for the Spit 9 as well.  With flaps up it nearly identical to the Spit 9, and a bit inferior to the 16.

La-7 is the fastest unperked plane in the game on the deck.  It is faster than the Spit 14 by a large margin, and I believe it is faster than the F4U-4.

La-7 can climb with a 109K-4 at slow speeds, I think the 109 outclimbs it by a hair at optimum climb speed.

The La-7 may or may not dive away from a P-51, I honestly don't know.  I do know that if I were in the La-7 I'd never feel the need to dive away from a P-51 though.

EDIT:  Looking at your kill stats I can understand your confusion... it appears the only planes you fly are the Spit 16 and the La-7.  You've probably been outflown by better pilots in the 109K-4 or the P-51.  That doesn't mean the La-7 isn't the best prop plane in the game though, it just means you were outflown by a better pilot in a worse plane.
Title: Has the LA7 regained it's throne...
Post by: MajIssue on January 16, 2008, 10:20:24 AM
Originally posted by Masherbrum
You've obviously encountered noone who can turn the La7 well.    THIS is a funny post.

It is obviously YOUR fault that the LA-7 is a poor turning aircraft at 400 kts!!!:lol
Title: Has the LA7 regained it's throne...
Post by: kozhedub on January 16, 2008, 11:14:46 AM
La 5FN/7 are good planes.
Title: Has the LA7 regained it's throne...
Post by: FALCONWING on January 16, 2008, 12:08:17 PM
Originally posted by Urchin
La-7 has a turn radius similar to a Spit 9 IIRC.  Easy enough to check it.  Going to the fighter comparison site confirms that the La-7 as test has a turning circle identical to that of the Spit 16 with flaps down.  It is actually probably within the margin of error for the Spit 9 as well.  With flaps up it nearly identical to the Spit 9, and a bit inferior to the 16.

La-7 is the fastest unperked plane in the game on the deck.  It is faster than the Spit 14 by a large margin, and I believe it is faster than the F4U-4.

La-7 can climb with a 109K-4 at slow speeds, I think the 109 outclimbs it by a hair at optimum climb speed.

The La-7 may or may not dive away from a P-51, I honestly don't know.  I do know that if I were in the La-7 I'd never feel the need to dive away from a P-51 though.

EDIT:  Looking at your kill stats I can understand your confusion... it appears the only planes you fly are the Spit 16 and the La-7.  You've probably been outflown by better pilots in the 109K-4 or the P-51.  That doesn't mean the La-7 isn't the best prop plane in the game though, it just means you were outflown by a better pilot in a worse plane.

Im assuming you were responding to me though you seem fairly confused about what i typed.  I was responding to 2 posters (whose kill stats you should enjoy reporting on as well) who were saying that the la7 deserved to be perked...

they said it turned like a spit...and i said i disagreed...i would be happy to DA anyone in a spit of my choosing with them in a la7 and i think most vets would as well.  You choose the two fastest spits to compare it to (fudging a bit) but ignore the other 3 who are much better turners.  Convenient.

They said it climbed like a assuming they were talking about the g-14..anyone who flies would have as choose to pick the K and even then the K has an advantage.

Can you tell me what sites your getting your speed info from please...a website would be fine..the good ones have it broken down by altitude...i have trouble believing the la7 is faster at all alts then ALL unperked planes.

The La-7 is the strongest all around plane but it is not the BEST in most categories...the folks who whine about it are typically the "pick" guys who like to fly 109's/190's/tempests/f4u1-c's and dont like a fast maneuverable plane showing up...IMHO.  

I fly mostly base defense so spit16 with 50% fuel is great and a La-7 with alt is a nice cap buster...most of my offensive sorties are in 110's or mossies or 51's...guess you didnt notice the other planes i fly...convenient:huh
Title: Has the LA7 regained it's throne...
Post by: Tilt on January 16, 2008, 12:17:59 PM
Originally posted by Citabria
la7 is for the skill impared.

it is so fast that it can completely screw up any maneuver and run away after losing its advantage.

the general mode of operation for la7 morons is to make a headon pass guns blazing then if they survive but miss go for another ho or use their super torque free 2000 hp lightweight airframe zoom climb to get above normal planes which will spin out while the la7 remains completely stable as it noses over ready to fire as its nose drops. and when the idiot flying it screws all this up he is free to run away at any time without much trouble.

it is free of all compromises save endurance.

it dives like a p51, turns like a spit, climbs like a 109 and nothing is faster on the deck that isn't perked.

why it isn't perked is beyond me.

Except for it out diving a P51d fester is absolutely correct...........

Actually the general mode of use of many aircraft chosen by those of lesser skill is to HO .............the fact that such players  choose the La7 from time to time is not the fault of the La7.

The La7 zoom is a function of free power hence it will not zoom with many heavier ac which have a higher component of inertia.......   (Hog/Jug).

It will not sustain turn with the super turners IMO (lower Spits, N1K2 and Zeke etc) but it will be able to dissengage if flown with caution.

It is the nemisis of all axis aircraft.

It is not perked because it does not dominate the arena. It merely "levels" it.
Title: Has the LA7 regained it's throne...
Post by: Stang on January 16, 2008, 12:22:01 PM
With it's rediculous thrust to wieght, the La7 can utterly dominate a spit even in a low speed fight.  Keep the fight going up and the spit has no prayer, even at stall speeds due to its rediculous acceleration.

Even if you do mess up, as Fester said, just point the nose down and you're outta there.
Title: Has the LA7 regained it's throne...
Post by: crockett on January 16, 2008, 03:20:58 PM
Originally posted by FALCONWING

what spit can it outturn???

Look, i use the La-7 alot for attack and base defense.  There is no la-7 i worry about running into as i can beat them in my la-la.  (and for those out there who keep saying "the la-5 is not a threat"...the la-5 is a better turner than the la-7 and is only marginally slower)  

But spits/nikkis/a6ms/very skilled 38 pilot can outturn the same skill level pilot in a lala.  

So a la-7 is a better overall plane then the higher eny rides or low eny/big cannon birds that many "pickers' like (p-51, 190s, f4u-1c, tempest).  But it is the last plane i take up if i think im going to be doing slow ACM.

A LA7 should never be used as an Attack aircraft.. It's a limp wrist ride IMO and should be limited to base defense.  Fortunately most good sticks don't fly them so it's left in the hands of noobs in most cases, so the plane isn't as deadly as it "could" be.

The plane should be limited on it's fuel load to 50-75% so it could only be used as a defensive plane, which is what it was designed to be.  There was only 5,700 of them built in the war so it wasn't a heavy production plane like say the 15k P51D's .

In the hands of a good pilot the LA7 is one of the most deadly planes in the game, simply because it lacks any real drawbacks. The only reason it doesn't do better in the stats is because so many noobs fly it. Otherwise Im' sure it would easily dominate the kill stats.

Hell, if I see a raid coming to a base, I'll up a LA7 in a heart beat because I know it's the best plane to use, if I'm out numbered on the deck. If I want to clear out a bunch of vulchers again LA7 is the quickest plane at take off.
It was designed as a defensive fighter and it does that job extremely well, but it should be limited to that by it's fuel load-out IMO.
Title: Has the LA7 regained it's throne...
Post by: Ghastly on January 16, 2008, 03:41:22 PM
It was designed as a defensive fighter and it does that job extremely well, but it should be limited to that by it's fuel load-out IMO.

At a 2 to 1 multiplier and with no drop tank available, it pretty much is.  Unless you are planning a one way trip...

Title: Has the LA7 regained it's throne...
Post by: crockett on January 16, 2008, 03:56:58 PM
Originally posted by Ghastly
At a 2 to 1 multiplier and with no drop tank available, it pretty much is.  Unless you are planning a one way trip...

I see guys flying them to other bases and returing home quite often. You don't have to fly at full power there and back. It's far from a 1 way trip in this game.
Title: Has the LA7 regained it's throne...
Post by: Lusche on January 16, 2008, 03:58:35 PM
Originally posted by crockett
I see guys flying them to other bases and returing home quite often. You don't have to fly at full power there and back. It's far from a 1 way trip in this game.

But how often you see it? Depending on map layout, the sight of enemy La-7's over my own base is a quite rare one.
Title: Has the LA7 regained it's throne...
Post by: crockett on January 16, 2008, 04:26:56 PM
Originally posted by Lusche
But how often you see it? Depending on map layout, the sight of enemy La-7's over my own base is a quite rare one.

It just depends if it's a Bish school night or not.. :lol
Title: Has the LA7 regained it's throne...
Post by: Stang on January 16, 2008, 05:14:32 PM
You can throttle back the rpm's for most of the time except when you are fighting and get almost 40 minutes out of it.  Only a clueless noob flies around in a lala pedal to the medal.
Title: Has the LA7 regained it's throne...
Post by: Tilt on January 16, 2008, 05:45:01 PM
Originally posted by crockett

It was designed as a defensive fighter and it does that job extremely well, but it should be limited to that by it's fuel load-out IMO.

Like most VVS fighters of Soviet origin during the GPS it was an air superiority  fighter... designed to intercept and maintain air superiority over the battle field....

When not over the battle field its role was to hunt LW fighters and jabos or sometimes provide escort for for the likes of Il2's, IL10's, Petalovs and (some times)Tupalovs...... always close to or just behind enemy lines always at low to medium altitudes.

On the eastern front there was no (or only very little) war above 15k and VVS ac were designed to be  best at the altitudes where they were needed most.
Title: Has the LA7 regained it's throne...
Post by: crockett on January 16, 2008, 06:17:06 PM
Originally posted by Tilt
Like most VVS fighters of Soviet origin during the GPS it was an air superiority  fighter... designed to intercept and maintain air superiority over the battle field....

When not over the battle field its role was to hunt LW fighters and jabos or sometimes provide escort for for the likes of Il2's, IL10's, Petalovs and (some times)Tupalovs...... always close to or just behind enemy lines always at low to medium altitudes.

On the eastern front there was no (or only very little) war above 15k and VVS ac were designed to be  best at the altitudes where they were needed most.

That's kinda the point I'm getting at. It was designed as a low alt power house to be used over it's own territory in most cases. It was was very good at that job, I don't think anyone can argue with that.

In this game most of the other fighters are built for higher alt fighting to a certain degree. Yet because this is a game, most of the fighting takes place at much lower alts than in real life, which is why the LA7 is kind of a "uber plane" and is disliked by so many.

Just seems to me giving it shorter legs or perking it, would make things a bit more realistic granted we aren't' fighting at realistic alt in most cases.
Title: Has the LA7 regained it's throne...
Post by: Anaxogoras on January 16, 2008, 06:35:23 PM
I can't see the logic in perking a plane with rapidly declining performance above 9 or 10k ft.  If it didn't have a weakness, then sure, but the La-7 definitely has a weakness.

Other pilots not flying their aircraft to their strengths is hardly reason to punish those who do.  I admit that it's kind of an accident or luck that poor pilots instinctively fly the La-7 at its correct altitude, but it's up to you whether you reward them for it.  If I had a nickel for every time I see my countrymen blow all their e to join a gang-bang on a low altitude bad guy near the enemy base, only to see them all die to intercepting La-7s and SpitXVIs...

AH gameplay would change dramatically if we saw more level bombers with escort at altitudes of 20k ft and more, but most lack that kind of attention span.  The weapon is always there for those with patience.
Title: Has the LA7 regained it's throne...
Post by: 1Boner on January 16, 2008, 07:30:59 PM
Ok, lets say the La7 is perked.

How long until the usual suspects start whining about another "uber" unperked plane?

What would the next one on the hit list be? (and there would be one)

Something from the 109 family maybe?

Then once that is perked maybe we could perk one of the yaks?

Been listening to this La7 whinefest for a while now and think it is unfounded.

The Lalas high alt performance is ok at best, has comparatively limited range and its guns really kinda suk.

But it is fast, so lets perk it.


What would the lowly "skill less dweeb" do to compete with the high scoring guys in their C-Hogs and Temps etc.

The La7 fits that nitch quite well.

Lets put more realistic perks on the planes that deserve it.

Lets see how many 200 perk  C-Hogs or 500 perk 262s we would see.

Or better yet--lets un-perk everything to REALLY level the playing field.

Someone said earlier in this post that the La7 doesn,t dominate the game ,but it helps level the playing field.   Well said.

I've been flying it for 2 sessions now, and really like it.

I don't have the perks to fly the "uber perked rides"

But I think it gives me a fighting chance against the alt monkeys in their perked planes.

And enough about "skills" already!

Some of us just fly this game for fun, and are here merely to be shot down for your enjoyment.


Title: Has the LA7 regained it's throne...
Post by: hubsonfire on January 16, 2008, 09:41:01 PM
The La-7 is the bane of vulchers, and is capable of getting you back into a fight you've already lost before your killer can bug out, hence the complaints.
Title: Has the LA7 regained it's throne...
Post by: DaddyAck on January 16, 2008, 10:25:53 PM
I think most the complaints are from those that get suckered down low into a fight at altitudes where the La is best suited (field supression / low furballs).  Boom and zoom them to death and stay higher than them, there is the solution. :aok
Title: Has the LA7 regained it's throne...
Post by: TheDudeDVant on January 16, 2008, 10:35:09 PM
Originally posted by FALCONWING

what spit can it outturn???

Look, i use the La-7 alot for attack and base defense.  There is no la-7 i worry about running into as i can beat them in my la-la.  (and for those out there who keep saying "the la-5 is not a threat"...the la-5 is a better turner than the la-7 and is only marginally slower)  

But spits/nikkis/a6ms/very skilled 38 pilot can outturn the same skill level pilot in a lala.  

So a la-7 is a better overall plane then the higher eny rides or low eny/big cannon birds that many "pickers' like (p-51, 190s, f4u-1c, tempest).  But it is the last plane i take up if i think im going to be doing slow ACM.

La7 will beat any spit..

La7 will catch a co-alt/E diving p51

La7s 5min full throttle center tank can last over 12mins possibly closer to 15 and still make 300 on the deck..

La7 is the best turn and burn plane in the set..

If the La7 does not seem this way to you and you fly it often, you're not flying it right.
Title: Has the LA7 regained it's throne...
Post by: TheDudeDVant on January 16, 2008, 10:37:47 PM
Originally posted by DaddyAck
I think most the complaints are from those that get suckered down low into a fight at altitudes where the La is best suited (field supression / low furballs).  Boom and zoom them to death and stay higher than them, there is the solution. :aok

A decent stick with the La7 gets boomed maybe once or twice max.. the next boom and the attacker would die in his zoom 8)
Title: Has the LA7 regained it's throne...
Post by: DaddyAck on January 17, 2008, 03:52:06 AM
My friend you missed the other part of my quote that said "...and stay higher than them..."  The La7 while a good plane historically at low to mid altitude as well as in AHII and IL2 was never good at great altitude.  If one manages to remain and dictate that the fight occur high and the La7 pilot obliges, then it is my opinion that the La does not have the upper hand.  But I digress as pilot skill is also a big factor. :aok
Title: Has the LA7 regained it's throne...
Post by: FALCONWING on January 17, 2008, 07:02:27 AM
Originally posted by TheDudeDVant
La7 will beat any spit..

La7 will catch a co-alt/E diving p51

La7s 5min full throttle center tank can last over 12mins possibly closer to 15 and still make 300 on the deck..

La7 is the best turn and burn plane in the set..

If the La7 does not seem this way to you and you fly it often, you're not flying it right.

Once again I ask you for the data on appears to me that guys who never fly the La-7 seem to have the most opinions about what it can or cant do...

and anytime you want to duel (for fun) spit8 vs La-7...Ill take the or anyone else here can show me how a much better turner it is...

if your beating spits consistently in a la-7 then you are fighting poor quality spit pilots...

once again if someone (lushce maybe?) could direct me to where the airplane stats would end this debate nicely...I am prepared to discover I am wrong....
Title: Has the LA7 regained it's throne...
Post by: jaxxo on January 17, 2008, 08:02:06 AM
so generally the idea is that the la7 helps "lesser" pilots by evening the playing field against "ubervet" sticks and thus should be done away with or perked so people can safely vulch/gang/pick without fear of getting caught or fear of an even fight for that just as well perk the dora who never engages except to cherrypick and A:WAYS runs away after a blown attempt.
Title: Has the LA7 regained it's throne...
Post by: bongaroo on January 17, 2008, 08:34:46 AM
i wouldn't care one bit if people didn't just stick stir and run to the deck after they miss their first or second HO attempt.  what a boring way to fly!

Joker2 tried it with some added stick stir after i reversed him in my ki84.  too bad for him that he stirred or he might have gotten away :D

what a boring waste of our time.

The moral of this thread should be: LA-7s - usually they just run and thats boring.  :aok
Title: Has the LA7 regained it's throne...
Post by: wipass on January 17, 2008, 09:33:37 AM
The LA7 is great for base defence and is superb at chasing vulchers and pickers back to their own fields.

These 2 reasons should ensure that it stays unperked.

Perk the LA7 and then the clamour will be to perk the 109K and the 190D.

Above 5k the 109K and the 190D are both faster and above 7.4K the P51 is also.

Title: Has the LA7 regained it's throne...
Post by: Ghastly on January 17, 2008, 10:46:53 AM
Originally posted by wipass

Perk the LA7 and then the clamour will be to perk the 109K and the 190D.

Actually, I think the clamor would probably be for HTC to perk the Spit 16, Niki and probably even the P51D first ....

Personally, I think the perk planes are "just about right".  A player can play the game for a veeeery long time without ever jumping into a perk plane and not miss very much at all.  

This is a good thing, in my estimation. As you perk more of the higher performance aircraft, you simply decrease the variety of aircraft flown as those who can't "afford" the perk planes migrates to whatever seems "best" out of what's left.  And if you perk too much, you risk setting up a situation similar to the nonsense that drove many from WWIIOL.  The n00b pile-it has to not only take on a whole arena full of veteran pilots - some of whom can measure their experience in decades -, and he has to do so while limited to flying only the mediocre equipment.  Meanwhile, the veteran pilots can (and will) often be flying the very best.

Title: Has the LA7 regained it's throne...
Post by: Anaxogoras on January 17, 2008, 11:55:15 AM
Oh! Oh!  Perk the Spit XVI?  Is this where I can insert another good yet unpopular idea?:lol

Perking an aircraft should be only determined by how often the aircraft is used.  My guess is that even if the Spit XIV were unperked, it would still be flown less than the XVI.
Title: Has the LA7 regained it's throne...
Post by: gatt on January 17, 2008, 12:07:22 PM
Originally posted by SuBWaYCH
Uncalled For!!!!

10 Yard penalty for the count I didn't deserve that!!!

All I was saying is that they do teach to use ACM.

Are you joking? Do you call those full-flaps, on the deck, low speed maneuvers .... ACM?

There are just a few AH2 pilots able to use Ponies and Jugs the way they should. And they are deadly. The rest are furballers exploiting the FM for UFO maneuvers :rolleyes:
Title: Has the LA7 regained it's throne...
Post by: dedalos on January 17, 2008, 12:40:32 PM
Originally posted by crockett
most of the fighting takes place at much lower alts than in real life, which is why the LA7 is kind of a "uber plane" and is disliked by so many.

Pretend it was made in the US.  Looking good now doesn't it?
Title: Has the LA7 regained it's throne...
Post by: Stang on January 17, 2008, 12:45:56 PM
Originally posted by gatt

There are just a few AH2 pilots able to use Ponies and Jugs the way they should. And they are deadly. The rest are furballers exploiting the FM for UFO maneuvers :rolleyes:
Title: Has the LA7 regained it's throne...
Post by: VonMessa on January 17, 2008, 02:06:30 PM
Originally posted by Lusche
But how often you see it? Depending on map layout, the sight of enemy La-7's over my own base is a quite rare one.

Probably because they found out is was YOUR base.:rofl
Title: Has the LA7 regained it's throne...
Post by: SlapShot on January 17, 2008, 02:08:48 PM
Originally posted by gatt
Are you joking? Do you call those full-flaps, on the deck, low speed maneuvers .... ACM?

There are just a few AH2 pilots able to use Ponies and Jugs the way they should. And they are deadly. The rest are furballers exploiting the FM for UFO maneuvers :rolleyes:

Title: Has the LA7 regained it's throne...
Post by: Dead Man Flying on January 17, 2008, 02:21:50 PM
Title: Has the LA7 regained it's throne...
Post by: dedalos on January 17, 2008, 02:31:57 PM
Originally posted by Dead Man Flying

This forum is for current players only.  Go away please :furious
Title: Has the LA7 regained it's throne...
Post by: Dead Man Flying on January 17, 2008, 02:39:22 PM
Originally posted by dedalos
This forum is for current players only.  Go away please :furious

Title: Has the LA7 regained it's throne...
Post by: Urchin on January 17, 2008, 04:31:38 PM
You coming back Lev?
Title: Has the LA7 regained it's throne...
Post by: dedalos on January 17, 2008, 04:40:36 PM
Originally posted by Urchin
You coming back Lev?

From our squad forum:

Originally Posted By Dead Man Flying

Hey guys, my wife upped my allowance to $12 per month.  She also said that if I am a good boy she may give me the $14.99 that I need to play.  So, I may be seeing you all soon.  All I have to do improve my cooking and cleaning she will let me have my joystick back :)
Title: Has the LA7 regained it's throne...
Post by: crockett on January 17, 2008, 05:02:12 PM
Originally posted by dedalos
Pretend it was made in the US.  Looking good now doesn't it?

Huh? I don't fly US planes very often.. my current plane is a 190 A8 far from uber more like flying a brick with big guns.
Title: Has the LA7 regained it's throne...
Post by: Ack-Ack on January 17, 2008, 05:23:11 PM
Originally posted by Anaxogoras

Perking an aircraft should be only determined by how often the aircraft is used.  

No, the current criteria for perking aircraft is the only one that should be used, now and in the future.  The current criteria is to perk those planes that HTC feels would unbalance the game.  The La7 nor the Spitfire Mk XVI meet that criteria.

Title: Has the LA7 regained it's throne...
Post by: Anaxogoras on January 17, 2008, 06:06:34 PM
No, the current criteria for perking aircraft is the only one that should be used, now and in the future. The current criteria is to perk those planes that HTC feels would unbalance the game. The La7 nor the Spitfire Mk XVI meet that criteria.

Your argument against what I said is that you like the way it is now?  I think you can do better than that.  Calling HTC's opinion or whimsy a criterion does not make it so, just like putting  lipstick on a pig doesn't... err, well, you get the idea!:rofl  Until perking is based on something objective it will never hold up to scrutiny.
Title: Has the LA7 regained it's throne...
Post by: Rino on January 17, 2008, 06:13:12 PM
HTC doesn't need to stand up to our's their game :)
Title: Has the LA7 regained it's throne...
Post by: TheDudeDVant on January 17, 2008, 06:22:48 PM
Originally posted by FALCONWING
Once again I ask you for the data on appears to me that guys who never fly the La-7 seem to have the most opinions about what it can or cant do...

and anytime you want to duel (for fun) spit8 vs La-7...Ill take the or anyone else here can show me how a much better turner it is...

if your beating spits consistently in a la-7 then you are fighting poor quality spit pilots...

once again if someone (lushce maybe?) could direct me to where the airplane stats would end this debate nicely...I am prepared to discover I am wrong....

I have no 'data' site on the subject...  what type real world 'data' would prove anything about this game to begin with?  I'll be happy to show you.. I'd thought you'd pick the 5 though.. lol

If you can actually get the la7 slow nuff for full flaps.. it can turn inside a spit and usually easy like..
Title: Has the LA7 regained it's throne...
Post by: 2bighorn on January 17, 2008, 07:08:48 PM
Originally posted by TheDudeDVant
If you can actually get the la7 slow nuff for full flaps.. it can turn inside a spit and usually easy like..
Until spit drops flaps too... Spit 16 with flaps down turn rate is about equal to that of LA-7, with Spit being more controllable at very low speeds, therefore in slow speed fight Spit 16 has a slight edge - under assumption of equal skill. Unfortunately, Spit 16 will usually gain advantage right off the merge due to the vastly better instantaneous turn at medium and higher speeds...
Title: Has the LA7 regained it's throne...
Post by: Ack-Ack on January 17, 2008, 07:34:45 PM
Originally posted by Anaxogoras
Your argument against what I said is that you like the way it is now?  I think you can do better than that.  Calling HTC's opinion or whimsy a criterion does not make it so, just like putting  lipstick on a pig doesn't... err, well, you get the idea!:rofl  Until perking is based on something objective it will never hold up to scrutiny.

I'm just saying that the criteria that HiTech and gang use to set perks is far better than your suggestion of setting perks based on plane usage.  Just because Spitfires and La7s just happen to be a popular ride doesn't translate to unbalancing the game play.  Since they don't unbalance the game play, they don't need to be perked.

If HiTech decided to change it to how you want it, then it would be possible that every time a plane becomes the "flavor of the month" it could face the possibility of being perked due to its current popularity or causing lesser rides to become perked.  The Zeke and Hurricanes are popular planes, ones that you see all the time, especially for base defense.  Since they are popular planes to fly, under  your "perk criteria" they would face the possibility of being perked despite the fact that these planes do not undermine the balance.

And yes, I like the criteria that HiTech and cronies currently use to assign perks.  As I said in my previous post, planes should only be perked if they would cause the game play to become unbalanced if they weren't.  I might not agree with some of their decisions on what planes were perked (TA-152 is an example) but not the criteria.

Title: Has the LA7 regained it's throne...
Post by: DaddyAck on January 17, 2008, 10:44:33 PM
I thought the 152 is now un perked, I flew it a few nights ago to intercept a 30K+ raid against the knight HQ and I do not recall a perk cost. :cool:
Title: Has the LA7 regained it's throne...
Post by: Ack-Ack on January 18, 2008, 12:07:58 AM
Originally posted by DaddyAck
I thought the 152 is now un perked, I flew it a few nights ago to intercept a 30K+ raid against the knight HQ and I do not recall a perk cost. :cool:

Was just using it as an example of a plane that I didn't understand why it was perked.

Title: Has the LA7 regained it's throne...
Post by: DaddyAck on January 18, 2008, 01:12:27 AM
Ok, I did not understand why it was perked in the first place either.  It is afterall a plane with a very specific niche to fill, one that in AHII is very rarely needed since there are too few higher altitude engagements.