Aces High Bulletin Board

General Forums => Axis vs Allies => Topic started by: DmdJJ on January 26, 2008, 09:26:36 PM

Title: I came, I saw
Post by: DmdJJ on January 26, 2008, 09:26:36 PM
I won't be coming back. That is till the old AvA comes back. If I want to get killed 17 times in the VH by a camper,(<---insert Stampf here) I can do it in the MA. Plus its nothing but a gang bang fest. He who has the most numbers wins.
I was having fun in the AvA, before. Now its just a mini MA.
Title: I came, I saw
Post by: bongaroo on January 27, 2008, 01:22:24 AM
dude, we were capturing the field, you were camping out by the maproom, of course your going to get killed over and over again if we are taking the base


also the axis has on many nights that i have been on continued to make captures and serious defenses while outnumbered almost 2 to 1.  maybe the allied side has just made you soft, go axis!
Title: I came, I saw
Post by: Blooz on January 27, 2008, 08:05:18 AM

Nobody'd be dumb enough to up 17 times from a base under direct fire of the enemy.

Please let me know your thought's the 16th time you were killed.

Was it something like..."if he kills me ONE MORE TIME, I'M LEAVING!"

The psychology of it interests me.
Title: I came, I saw
Post by: WMLute on January 27, 2008, 08:54:03 AM
Actually, JJ makes an excellent point.

Every time I have visited the AvA this past week or two one side has had twice (or more) the numbers of the other side.

Last time I was there after the Avengers logged and I got a few to change sides we ended up with almost even numbers and it was a blast!

Any "Win the War" setup is going to produce this type of hoarding mentality.

Hell, that's one reason the MA got split was that unhealthy attitude.

Why oh WHY are we trying to transfer this way of thinking to the AvA?

Last time I was there I saw everything that one normally associates with the Main Arena.  You pick the negative flying style (hoards, vulching, ho'n, etc, etc...) or behavior and I saw it.

So... Basically y'all are creating a mini-MA with only two sides and a limited plane set is what I have gathered.  (how sad...  whatever for?)

To be honest I have always liked the limited plane set.  I think some of the plane matchups i've seen in the AvA are fantastic and FUN fights.

What happened to the "come to the AvA and you'll have some great FIGHTS" attitude.  Y'all can no longer make that claim.  It's not about fighting anymore, it's about land grab.

Gone are the days where you stayed out of a 1 on 1 or 2 on 1.  Gone are the days where you let them take off and get some E built up before you attacked.  Gone are the "higher caliber of fight" that you could sometimes find in the AvA.

Ya' know what I find hard to believe?  Not that someone said "let's create a 'win the war' type setup in the AvA".  I'm sure that's been requested plenty of times over the years.  I find it hard to believe that someone in charge said "GREAT IDEA! I Like it!  Let's move the focus from Aeiral Combat to Winning the War!" and implemented it.
Title: I came, I saw
Post by: crockett on January 27, 2008, 09:09:02 AM
No there was a lot of spawn camping done by the Axis side yesterday. When they captured 62 it was a 65% (axis) to 33% (allies). It was pretty much 2 to 1 at that point.

Was also pretty close to the same time they captured A4 then shortly after or b4 they captured v117.

When 62 was captured there was an m8 spawn camping the field and I saw him land 17 kills once the base was captured. We were out numbered by at least 10 at that time if not more, so I'm fairly certain they could have taken the base with a little class and not resorted to vulching 64 and spawn camping 62.

They then tried to spawn camp A64 field I killed the first 3 in manned guns, however shortly after that, the manned guns were killed so that was the end of that. Once  the manned guns are gone, what are we supposed to do spit on them?

Call the wambulance if you want I don't care and I'm sure there have been Allies vulching and spawn camping at one time or another, however why bring the worst of the MA in to the AvA?

I remember the "selling point" for the AvA was because it was supposed to have "good fights" not the same crap from the MA's. What happened?
Title: I came, I saw
Post by: Virage on January 27, 2008, 09:16:34 AM
Next time we will let you up so you can kill the goons/troops and go to bed feeling like a hero. :rolleyes:

Wasn't that what made you up 17 times?  The chance to frustrate a capture attempt?  It would of been worth it if you succeeded.  

But don't come here and cry when it doesn't go your way.  

How about taking it like a man, offering a and a promise to "Give 'Em Hell" next time?
Title: I came, I saw
Post by: rabbidrabbit on January 27, 2008, 09:23:47 AM
The core problem is the broken game mechanics.  When is the last time this system has been modified despite the dozens of good ideas posted?  The war was a good idea but it does not tolerate the willingness of certain people to exploit the undeveloped mechanism that it relies on.
Title: I came, I saw
Post by: crockett on January 27, 2008, 09:32:03 AM
Originally posted by Virage
Next time we will let you up so you can kill the goons/troops and go to bed feeling like a hero. :rolleyes:

Wasn't that what made you up 17 times?  The chance to frustrate a capture attempt?  It would of been worth it if you succeeded.  

But don't come here and cry when it doesn't go your way.  

How about taking it like a man, offering a and a promise to "Give 'Em Hell" next time?

I never upped @ 62 because I was in the air the whole fight. I did get spawn camped @ 64 in the VH when I tried to up there. Too bad for them as they were noob campers and didn't kill the manned guns. So I killed 3 of the 4 that had A64 camped.

What i want to know, is why does base ack stay down for hours letting them vulch a field, yet town ack pops in 3 mins. A simple fix would to have the base ack pop in 3 to 5 mins like the town ack dose.

btw if you don't believe  a guy was spawn camping 62.. here is my film from the air fight toward the end u can see him camping the spawn.   Film @ 62 ( Was a good fight but I ran out of gas at the end.

After this sortie I made it up one more time but after that it was tanks camping the A field and vulching at take off from planes, so I just logged off.
Title: I came, I saw
Post by: crockett on January 27, 2008, 09:42:46 AM
btw I don't mind the "win the war" aspect of things. I realise that is likely what will bring more players to the arena. I mean I'll admit it I have fun sometimes trying to capture a base, but more fun defending in most cases.

I also know I wont log into the arena if there is less than 20 players. So I'm not against having a base capture format or limited aircraft ect..ect..

I'd just rather see more of the "good fight" additude rather than the Ho every pass and vulch mentality.
Title: I came, I saw
Post by: Slash27 on January 27, 2008, 09:43:35 AM
The AvA was empty, now it isnt. If you dont like you dont have to fly there. If you get killed 17 times in a row by a spawn camper or a vulcher,who's fault is that?

 The AvA tried for years to recapture the numbers of the old CT and we began catering to a minority of players and ended up with an empty arena. There were surges here and there but nothing ever withstood any length of time. The AvA is not promoted as a utopia, never was. Some of us had hopes of what we wanted but everyones ideas were slightly different. So instead of trying to please everyone how about we just go with whats drawing the most people in? I haven't seen numbers like this in the AvA since AH1. Accept it for what it is and then decide if its for you. If it isn't then so be it. Don't fly here. I'm not trying to be rude to any of you, but I don't get all these threads about how didn't have fun and things need to go back to they way there were. How the hell is an empty arena fun? Maybe you should go back and read through AvA threads over the past few years and see how much fun people were having. Or go read the weekly AvA whine threads in the General. The AvA's not for everyone just like KOTH,Snapshots, Scernarios, the DA, and the Racing series aren't either. Its just another arena, another option for people. Some seem to enjoy it, let them.
Title: I came, I saw
Post by: crockett on January 27, 2008, 09:51:06 AM
Originally posted by Slash27
The AvA was empty, now it isnt. If you dont like you dont have to fly there. If you get killed 17 times in a row by a spawn camper or a vulcher,who's fault is that?

 The AvA tried for years to recapture the numbers of the old CT and we began catering to a minority of players and ended up with an empty arena. There were surges here and there but nothing ever withstood any length of time. The AvA is not promoted as a utopia, never was. Some of us had hopes of what we wanted but everyones ideas were slightly different. So instead of trying to please everyone how about we just go with whats drawing the most people in? I haven't seen numbers like this in the AvA since AH1. Accept it for what it is and then decide if its for you. If it isn't then so be it. Don't fly here. I'm not trying to be rude to any of you, but I don't get all these threads about how didn't have fun and things need to go back to they way there were. How the hell is an empty arena fun? Maybe you should go back and read through AvA threads over the past few years and see how much fun people were having. Or go read the weekly AvA whine threads in the General. The AvA's not for everyone just like KOTH,Snapshots, Scernarios, the DA, and the Racing series aren't either. Its just another arena, another option for people. Some seem to enjoy it, let them.

Why have that kind of attitude of " if you don't like it don't log on". How about the veteran players make it a point of trying to teach newer players the respect for  the fight? Rather than have just another mini MA with  bad habits and crappy pilots?

We can't really change things in the MA's because there are just far too many players. However the AvA has a much smaller player base, so it would be reasonably much easier to push more of a respect for the fight mentality in the AvA.
Title: I came, I saw
Post by: heythere on January 27, 2008, 10:00:37 AM
Originally posted by crockett
Why have that kind of attitude of " if you don't like it don't log on". How about the veteran players make it a point of trying to teach newer players the respect for  the fight? Rather than have just another mini MA with  bad habits and crappy pilots?

We can't really change things in the MA's because there are just far too many players. However the AvA has a much smaller player base, so it would be reasonably much easier to push more of a respect for the fight mentality in the AvA.
this is truly a laughable post.  starfing is always very high above a fight and jumps into other people's fight even when asked not to.
Title: I came, I saw
Post by: Slash27 on January 27, 2008, 10:05:12 AM
Originally posted by crockett
" if you don't like it don't log on"

Thats not what I said. This is what I said "If you dont like you dont have to fly there.". Don't misinterpret the meaning, don't twist it in to what you think I'm trying say or what suits your point of view. I was pretty clear in what I said. No ones putting a gun to your head to be here and this isn't your only option in AH2. No said your not welcome either.
Title: I came, I saw
Post by: lutrel on January 27, 2008, 10:11:57 AM
I think this set up in the AvA is the best thing since sliced bread.  I'm sorry guys, but this is not just a mini-main arena; it's the only place in AH you can get realistic planesets and still have all the strategic aspects of the game.  There are a lot of good fights in there with some very good sticks.

The increase in the number of squads/people participating in the AvA speaks for it's self.  I learned a long time ago that you may have 80% of the population happy, but the other 20% will be the ones making most of the noise.
Title: I came, I saw
Post by: WMLute on January 27, 2008, 10:35:50 AM
Originally posted by lutrel
I think this set up in the AvA is the best thing since sliced bread.  I'm sorry guys, but this is not just a mini-main arena; it's the only place in AH you can get realistic planesets and still have all the strategic aspects of the game.  There are a lot of good fights in there with some very good sticks.

The increase in the number of squads/people participating in the AvA speaks for it's self.  I learned a long time ago that you may have 80% of the population happy, but the other 20% will be the ones making most of the noise.

Of course you like it Lutrel, this created what you wanted the most in an AH arena after you moved here from WB's.  And yes indeed it is a mini-MA.  The only single diff. is the planeset.  Outside of that one fact there is no diff.  When I compare it to the MA, I am comparing playing style and mindest btw.  After you have been here a couple years you will understand what I mean.  At this point you just don't have the "perspective" to fully understand that.

I just hope/pray at SOME point (and I know this can take upwards to a year or more of paying AH) you get around to what makes AcesHigh the magical game that it is and start focusing on the FIGHT.

Toolshedding, while slightly amusing for the first month or two, gets old after awhile.  Might as well set up a LAN game w/ y'er squad and attack all the undefended fields and strat ya' want.  Maybe have one or two of ya' change to the other side so you simulate what has been created in the AvA

Originally posted by Slash27
The AvA was empty, now it isnt. If you dont like you dont have to fly there.

Bear in mind when they changed the arenas and added the early/mid wars, those too were rather "full" for a month or so.  It wasn't rare to see 100 players in both arenas.

Then the novelty wore off, and most cycled back to the MA.

Turning the AvA into a mini-LW w/ limited planes is also a novelty, and it too will wear off.  Prob. faster than the EW/MW did as people are gonna quit flying there when there is a constant two or three to one numbers advantage on one side and they have to choose between hoard or hoarded.

As far as "don't have to fly there" you are indeed correct.  I shall inform all of the III/JG26 9th ST WidowMakers of your reply and in the future we'll just go to the MW or EW when the LW starts getting stale and we want a change of pace.
Title: I came, I saw
Post by: crockett on January 27, 2008, 10:36:12 AM
Originally posted by lutrel
I think this set up in the AvA is the best thing since sliced bread.  I'm sorry guys, but this is not just a mini-main arena; it's the only place in AH you can get realistic planesets and still have all the strategic aspects of the game.  There are a lot of good fights in there with some very good sticks.

The increase in the number of squads/people participating in the AvA speaks for it's self.  I learned a long time ago that you may have 80% of the population happy, but the other 20% will be the ones making most of the noise.

You are missing the point I'm getting at. I'm not complaining about the AvA format on winning the war or base captures. It's good that the new format is bringing in new players. Hell I tried AvA a while back and well to be honest it wasn't much fun fighting with 5 guys in the arena.

The only reason I flew in AvA the last few days is because I've seen more players in there. So this isn't a complaint about the arena format, but rather what the change of format is pushing toward.

The point I'm making is, "Now" is the time to start trying to instill a set of "values" in new players to the AvA before it just becomes just another mini MA tardfest.

I don't care if I'm out numbered in a fight, hell I like it sometimes.. However lets push for a stop of the spawn camping and vulching. If you see a squad mate vulching a field or camping a spawn tell him it's lame.

I'm complaining because I want a place to have a good fight with out the MA tardism ruling the day. Do you really want to be vulched or spawn camped on a regular basis? Is that really fun? Is it fun do do it?

I dunno, maybe I'm just a day late and a dollar short because seems not many care about the fight anymore in this game. I was just hoping maybe the AvA could go in that direction, but It never will unless the veteran players push it.
Title: I came, I saw
Post by: Oldman731 on January 27, 2008, 10:42:37 AM
Originally posted by WMLute
To be honest I have always liked the limited plane set.  I think some of the plane matchups i've seen in the AvA are fantastic and FUN fights.

What happened to the "come to the AvA and you'll have some great FIGHTS" attitude.  Y'all can no longer make that claim.  It's not about fighting anymore, it's about land grab.

Gone are the days where you stayed out of a 1 on 1 or 2 on 1.  Gone are the days where you let them take off and get some E built up before you attacked.  Gone are the "higher caliber of fight" that you could sometimes find in the AvA.

Ya' know what I find hard to believe?  Not that someone said "let's create a 'win the war' type setup in the AvA".  I'm sure that's been requested plenty of times over the years.  I find it hard to believe that someone in charge said "GREAT IDEA! I Like it!  Let's move the focus from Aeiral Combat to Winning the War!" and implemented it.

As Slash points out, the fact is that there were only 20 or so of us who have been regularly coming to the AvA for a couple of years now.  I had many nights (as did some other dedicated types) when I would circle alone in the AvA for half an hour or more, hoping someone would show up.  When we had four or more people the fights were the best you can get in AH2, and I miss those fights a lot.  But it's not my personal arena, and it shouldn't be.  

I have earnest hope, and cautious optimism, that because we still have manageable numbers we will be able to turn people to the Way of Light.  It plainly hasn't happened yet, and I'm occasionally concerned that the forces of darkness are also at work, but I think if we all try, we can improve the quality of the combat while still enjoying a goal-oriented arena.

- oldman
Title: I came, I saw
Post by: WMLute on January 27, 2008, 10:43:33 AM
Originally posted by crockett
You are missing the point I'm getting at. I'm not complaining about the AvA format on winning the war or base captures. It's good that the new format is bringing in new players. Hell I tried AvA a while back and well to be honest it wasn't much fun fighting with 5 guys in the arena.

The only reason I flew in AvA the last few days is because I've seen more players in there. So this isn't a complaint about the arena format, but rather what the change of format is pushing toward.

The point I'm making is, "Now" is the time to start trying to instill a set of "values" in new players to the AvA before it just becomes just another mini MA tardfest.

I don't care if I'm out numbered in a fight, hell I like it sometimes.. However lets push for a stop of the spawn camping and vulching. If you see a squad mate vulching a field or camping a spawn tell him it's lame.

I'm complaining because I want a place to have a good fight with out the MA tardism ruling the day. Do you really want to be vulched or spawn camped on a regular basis? Is that really fun? Is it fun do do it?

I dunno, maybe I'm just a day late and a dollar short because seems not many care about the fight anymore in this game. I was just hoping maybe the AvA could go in that direction, but It never will unless the veteran players push it.

Most excellent post.

(edit: yours too oldman)
Title: I came, I saw
Post by: Motherland on January 27, 2008, 10:59:58 AM
Originally posted by crockett

I don't care if I'm out numbered in a fight, hell I like it sometimes.. However lets push for a stop of the spawn camping and vulching. If you see a squad mate vulching a field or camping a spawn tell him it's lame.

I'm complaining because I want a place to have a good fight with out the MA tardism ruling the day. Do you really want to be vulched or spawn camped on a regular basis? Is that really fun? Is it fun do do it?

I dunno, maybe I'm just a day late and a dollar short because seems not many care about the fight anymore in this game. I was just hoping maybe the AvA could go in that direction, but It never will unless the veteran players push it.

The point you seem to be missing is that AvA is now just that... an Axis vs. Allies arena where the point is to win a 'War' instead of just an underpopulated arena where you can find a good fight. In order to capture a base, and thus 'win the war', as the objective of the arena is, you have to supress the base until troops arrive. If you can think of a way of doing this without vulching and/or spawn camping, please let me know.

Furthermore, the Axis needs captures so we can have some half-decent 109's to fight the Allied hordes of Spit9's.
Title: I came, I saw
Post by: rabbidrabbit on January 27, 2008, 11:04:15 AM
Originally posted by lutrel
I think this set up in the AvA is the best thing since sliced bread.  I'm sorry guys, but this is not just a mini-main arena; it's the only place in AH you can get realistic planesets and still have all the strategic aspects of the game.  There are a lot of good fights in there with some very good sticks.

The increase in the number of squads/people participating in the AvA speaks for it's self.  I learned a long time ago that you may have 80% of the population happy, but the other 20% will be the ones making most of the noise.

The problem is the lack of mechanism.  For example, to offset the gross side imbalances, why not have a arena configuration that forces players to the side with least numbers unless they are joining their squad?  This allows squads to stay together yet imparts some balancing force overall.  I like the overall idea but it is unfair due to weaknesses that are  difficult to control as it is.
Title: I came, I saw
Post by: Emu on January 27, 2008, 11:22:15 AM
Originally posted by crockett
Why have that kind of attitude of " if you don't like it don't log on". How about the veteran players make it a point of trying to teach newer players the respect for  the fight? Rather than have just another mini MA with  bad habits and crappy pilots?

We can't really change things in the MA's because there are just far too many players. However the AvA has a much smaller player base, so it would be reasonably much easier to push more of a respect for the fight mentality in the AvA.

strafing.  i remember you from the MA as a HOing, vulching, hoarding "pilot".  The amount of BS you are spitting out is very laughable.  You have the bad habits and are the crappy pilot you just described above.  How about you start by changing your own behaviour?

Back to the discussion at hand, at the time of base capture, anything goes.  Do you really think we will circle around, while the goons come in, and let you take off, grab some alt and speed, and then engage you? Or, let you come out of the VH hangar in your M8 (or whatever), get settled, and then engage you? It makes no sense.  You want to be effective, then up from another base, come in with alt and speed, and kill the camper, and spot the goons.

I hear a lot of allies whining... how very convenient you guys always find your side outnumbered.  Most of us axis experience the complete opposite, with your endless hoards of spits.  But the side imbalance is not a new thing; the problem is that the new players coming in are bringing the gamey aspects with them.  Flying in with four goons, dropping troops, and bailing.  Flying in their B26s, dive bombing, and bailing.  The incessant HOs and ganging and the capping of bases for the sole purpose of vulching (this was a lot more prevalent with the old map).

As an axis, when defending our little island yesterday, I was HOed, rammed, and vulched within my first three minutes in the game.  We try to discipline our own side into having good form.  You should too.
Title: I came, I saw
Post by: crockett on January 27, 2008, 11:28:09 AM
Originally posted by Emu
strafing.  i remember you from the MA as a HOing, vulching, hoarding "pilot".  The amount of BS you are spitting out is very laughable.  You have the bad habits and are the crappy pilot you just described above.  How about you start by changing your own behaviour?

Back to the discussion at hand, at the time of base capture, anything goes.  Do you really think we will circle around, while the goons come in, and let you take off, grab some alt and speed, and then engage you? Or, let you come out of the VH hangar in your M8 (or whatever), get settled, and then engage you? It makes no sense.  You want to be effective, then up from another base, come in with alt and speed, and kill the camper, and spot the goons.

I hear a lot of allies whining... how very convenient you guys always find your side outnumbered.  Most of us axis experience the complete opposite, with your endless hoards of spits.  But the side imbalance is not a new thing; the problem is that the new players coming in are bringing the gamey aspects with them.  Flying in with four goons, dropping troops, and bailing.  Flying in their B26s, dive bombing, and bailing.  The incessant HOs and ganging and the capping of bases for the sole purpose of vulching (this was a lot more prevalent with the old map).

As an axis, when defending our little island yesterday, I was HOed, rammed, and vulched within my first three minutes in the game.  We try to discipline our own side into having good form.  You should too.

You don't remember me as a HOing or Hoarding pilot.. I will admit I have vulched from time to time but not in AvA.. I never HO unless it can't be avoided. I also rarely ever fly in the hoard so you are just pulling a bunch of crap out of your aruse because I've killed you a few times and you are trying to justify your stance by bashing me.

Then again you are the type of typical MA type so you will likely not like what I said. Go figure..
Title: I came, I saw
Post by: Emu on January 27, 2008, 11:32:43 AM
Originally posted by crockett
You don't remember me as a HOing or Hoarding pilot.. I will admit I have vulched from time to time.. but I never HO unless it can't be avoided. I also rarely ever fly in the hoard so you are just pulling a bunch of crap out of your aruse because I've killed you a few times and you are trying to justify your stance by bashing me.

Then again you are the type of typical MA type so you will likely not like what I said. Go figure..

Dont you get tired of lying, or do you live on a state of denial?  The only times you've killed me where in the MA, and they were vulches.  I remember all of those very clearly, thats why I said anything.  I even commented how your game handle, "strafing", was so very appropriate.  You agreed and even said you werent very good, but you could hit objects in the ground.

And your comment of "I never HO unless it cant be avoided" means you HO.  :aok

You deserve your own Bud Light Man of Genius jingle.
Title: I came, I saw
Post by: WWM on January 27, 2008, 11:36:30 AM
Couldn't staff just pick out 4 bases up in the corner of the map and make them uncaptureable.  Then the old school AvA players could go there and have respectable fights.  The base capture guys would not come there because there would be no need.  I am one that could not care less about capturing a base but love fighting a good clean fight with some of the oldr vets.  I get shot down 90% of the time going against the older guys but at least I had a chance.

Title: I came, I saw
Post by: crockett on January 27, 2008, 11:36:38 AM
Originally posted by Emu
Dont you get tired of lying, or do you live on a state of denial?  The only times you've killed me where in the MA, and they were vulches.  I remember all of those very clearly, thats why I said anything.  I even commented how your game handle, "strafing", was so very appropriate.  You agreed and even said you werent very good, but you could hit objects in the ground.

And your comment of "I never HO unless it cant be avoided" means you HO.  :aok

You deserve your own Bud Light Man of Genius jingle.

DA is open 24 hours a day..
Title: I came, I saw
Post by: dedalos on January 27, 2008, 11:43:36 AM
Originally posted by Blooz

Nobody'd be dumb enough to up 17 times from a base under direct fire of the enemy.

Please let me know your thought's the 16th time you were killed.

Was it something like..."if he kills me ONE MORE TIME, I'M LEAVING!"

The psychology of it interests me.

Whats more interesting is the psychology of the dweebs flying in packs of 10 way above everyone else.

Please let us know what your thought were as you were climbing to 30K.

Was it something, I just payed $15 to avoid a fight while I could do this off line?
Title: I came, I saw
Post by: Emu on January 27, 2008, 11:43:57 AM
Originally posted by crockett
DA is open 24 hours a day..

would you like me to up from there and just sit on the runway waiting for your vulch?  Or are you gonna pull an unavoidable HO on me?

I'm done having fun with you.  Your challenge is as laughable as your posts.
Title: I came, I saw
Post by: crockett on January 27, 2008, 11:55:19 AM
Originally posted by Emu
would you like me to up from there and just sit on the runway waiting for your vulch?  Or are you gonna pull an unavoidable HO on me?

I'm done having fun with you.  Your challenge is as laughable as your posts.

Then don't try to attack someone if you aren't willing to back it up. Just stick to the subject or simply keep your mouth shut.
Title: I came, I saw
Post by: WMLute on January 27, 2008, 11:55:22 AM
Originally posted by Emu
would you like me to up from there and just sit on the runway waiting for your vulch?  Or are you gonna pull an unavoidable HO on me?

I'm done having fun with you.  Your challenge is as laughable as your posts.

Smack talk holds a lot more weight when it's backed up.  Judging from both y'alls stats, it should be a fairly "even" fight.
(just sayin')

Originally posted by dedalos
Whats more interesting is the psychology of the dweebs flying in packs of 10 way above everyone else.

Please let us know what your thought were as you were climbing to 30K.

Was it something, I just payed $15 to avoid a fight while I could do this off line?

I've wondered the same thing.

The other night in the AvA it was me @ 20k in a spit 9 vs. 7 FW 190a5's,  some higher, some lower, not a one w/ a clue what to do @ alt.  I danced with them for a bit, shot down a few, wounded another 1-2 and flew off and landed.

I was trying to figure out what they were doing up there in the 1st place, as the Allies #1 were mostly otd defending against 2 to 1 numbers.
Title: I came, I saw
Post by: Emu on January 27, 2008, 11:57:52 AM
Originally posted by crockett
Then don't try to attack someone if you aren't willing to back it up. Just stick to the subject or simply keep your mouth shut.

i'm game. look me up.
Title: I came, I saw
Post by: lutrel on January 27, 2008, 12:01:27 PM
I see this going down in a spiral fast; I suggest we stop putting each other down and let our bullets talk trash for us in the arena.  I pledge to keep my squad conduct as honorable as to be expected while achieving our objectives and I'm sure that the other squads will do the same.  
Title: I came, I saw
Post by: rabbidrabbit on January 27, 2008, 12:17:42 PM
Originally posted by Emu
i'm game. look me up.

Your tough enough to threaten him like this but above taking your trash talk to the DA?  Classy.
Title: I came, I saw
Post by: toonces3 on January 27, 2008, 12:34:18 PM
fwiw, I was on the other day when WMLute logged on.  I was flying axis because that was the side I picked on day 1, and as I understood it we were supposed to stick with one side.

However, Lute pointed out the numbers were very unbalanced (I never even looked) so after I got shot down I changed to Allies.

Eventually I ended up near an Axis field with Lute in Vox range.  He kept saying "guys let 'em get off the deck first.  Guys, let em start flying, let em get off the ground."  Basically he was trying to keep the Allies from vulching the field.

I think that it's a good thing for the 'regulars' to encourage this type of behavior.
Title: I came, I saw
Post by: Chapel on January 27, 2008, 12:56:27 PM
As a somewhat newer pilot, i've had the opportunity to bear witness to a great many things in AHII. My original squad didn't follow immediately as I migrated here, and I spent a great, and most valuable time flying with WMLute and the Widowmakers. Primarily in the Main Arenas.

Occasionally I ventured to the AvA for the classic matchup, and the lower icon distance. I enjoy that type of gameplay. However, the "Great Fights" that many talk about were FAR FAR FAR and few inbetween. A great many "Egos" were abundant and constant flaming and verbal torture was abundant.

Many of these fights I was 1vs1, and as some know i'm NOT the best fighter pilot in here. I have much to learn and am thankful for those that have spent countless hours training me. WM's. Either way, there was ALWAYS an excuse cast on 200, and as such I learned to de-tune 200. I don't care what someone else's whine about my fight is. Maybe I did get lucky, maybe I didn't. Either way, I chose not to listen to the abuse.

The AvA has changed, and while base capture is a part of the game, the obvious issue of vulching will be included. It's just the only way to take the field. I have no sympathy for someone who tries to up 10 times from a CAP'd field. It sucks, but it's your choice. I've seen everyone do it, I've done it myself, and no one to blame but me.

As far as numbers, yea it goes back and forth both ways. I tell the allied guys not to complain or worry about it much cause it'll float the other way. Just the nature of the beast, and it suxxors, but you deal. There's ALWAYS something else to do, with this much land.

Last night was one of the most frustrating nights in the AvA. I still had fun though! Axis did have numbers for a while, but then the allies did. Axis command set up some beautiful attacks and managed to snake some bases from us in short order. Just better coordination than mine. My responsibility as CO and i'll deal. It's still a really close fight, they've taken 7 bases, we've taken 5.

This is a game. I take it as such, and I value it's entertainment. If at ANY time I stop having fun, I'll log off. This is another reason I rarely venture to channel 200, except to compliment my opponent on a good fight. I don't talk trash, not because I can't back it up, but because I fail to see the point. Why should I try to ruin someone elses fun? If I got shot down, either I made a mistake, or someone got lucky. Does it matter which?

Numbers are up, fun factor and a new strategy is in place. The game is changing and you have to accept the hard work that some are putting in, to give enjoyment to others. I for one appreciate it. Thank you!

Hope to see you in the skies of the AvA, and I hope that it's a good fight.
Either way, you'll probably see me again.

Title: I came, I saw
Post by: crockett on January 27, 2008, 12:59:25 PM
Originally posted by WMLute
Smack talk holds a lot more weight when it's backed up.  Judging from both y'alls stats, it should be a fairly "even" fight.
(just sayin')


Well don't stats don't account for much IMO.. My kill death ratio in AvA is crap because I could care less about it. Go to Mid War and I have a 9:1 kill death ratio done while flying the Ki61 and P38G's.  Go to the MA's and I think I have a 2:1 or somewhere close to that flying just about everything under the sun. Could be much higher but I up at capped fields and defend against raids.

Stats don't mean much to me. I'm sure if I was worried about kill death ratios or what ever I could likely get it up there. Trying to judge someone's skill level by their stats is not a very accurate way of doing it.

Fight them 1 on 1 a few different times in various types of fights, then you will know what their skill level is. Reason I say a few times is because everyone flys like crap at one point or another. You may catch them on a extreemly good day or a bad day.
Title: I came, I saw
Post by: crockett on January 27, 2008, 01:02:43 PM
Originally posted by toonces3
fwiw, I was on the other day when WMLute logged on.  I was flying axis because that was the side I picked on day 1, and as I understood it we were supposed to stick with one side.

However, Lute pointed out the numbers were very unbalanced (I never even looked) so after I got shot down I changed to Allies.

Eventually I ended up near an Axis field with Lute in Vox range.  He kept saying "guys let 'em get off the deck first.  Guys, let em start flying, let em get off the ground."  Basically he was trying to keep the Allies from vulching the field.

I think that it's a good thing for the 'regulars' to encourage this type of behavior.

Yeps that's what we need to encourge. <.S> to Lute
Title: I came, I saw
Post by: TequilaChaser on January 27, 2008, 02:39:51 PM
as for you "think you know it all's"  keep hollering, check out this thread and read my last post.

it will tell you where you can take your "go to the DA, if you don't like it recommendations"!!
Title: I came, I saw
Post by: TequilaChaser on January 27, 2008, 02:46:27 PM
Originally posted by crockett
Yeps that's what we need to encourge. <.S> to Lute

The damn lemming horde, that has come to light from the new win the war type setup the AvsA staff has tried to bring to the AvsA, will never listen and never learn the concept of  Lute's request.......

it isn't that it is gonna become a mini MA< the AvsA has already become this because of the lemming horde, rules and ethics not inplaced, followed or instilled in to the new arriving players....

"LOST CAUSE"........

but as mentioned above, the novelty of the new AvsA game play will wear off, when or how long away it is, is unforseen, and the ramifications of what happens from now til then, will more then liekly leave it a ghost town until some of the regulars before this fiasco started think about coming back........

really is nothing more to say, it is what it is........the whiners were absolutely loud enough to cause or force the Avs A staff to make a change....the only thing is they did it to make a better arena , for getting more people to fly in the AvsA, they just did not take into account for all the side effects these new ideas would bring to this once "wonderful place to fly/participate".......
Title: I came, I saw
Post by: Slash27 on January 27, 2008, 02:51:08 PM
Originally posted by WMLute
As far as "don't have to fly there" you are indeed correct.  I shall inform all of the III/JG26 9th ST WidowMakers of your reply and in the future we'll just go to the MW or EW when the LW starts getting stale and we want a change of pace.

 If it helps you to keep taking what I said out of context then by all means, use it however you wish.  Not sure why I expexted more from you but I wont make that mistake again.
Title: I came, I saw
Post by: crockett on January 27, 2008, 03:19:57 PM
Originally posted by TequilaChaser
The damn lemming horde, that has come to light from the new win the war type setup the AvsA staff has tried to bring to the AvsA, will never listen and never learn the concept of  Lute's request.......

it isn't that it is gonna become a mini MA< the AvsA has already become this because of the lemming horde, rules and ethics not inplaced, followed or instilled in to the new arriving players....

"LOST CAUSE"........

but as mentioned above, the novelty of the new AvsA game play will wear off, when or how long away it is, is unforseen, and the ramifications of what happens from now til then, will more then liekly leave it a ghost town until some of the regulars before this fiasco started think about coming back........

really is nothing more to say, it is what it is........the whiners were absolutely loud enough to cause or force the Avs A staff to make a change....the only thing is they did it to make a better arena , for getting more people to fly in the AvsA, they just did not take into account for all the side effects these new ideas would bring to this once "wonderful place to fly/participate".......

You don't have to let it be a lost cause, if the community makes it happen it will happen. If the community gives up on it then the new players to the arena will just do the same thing they do in the other arena's.

In short it's up to the players to make the difference. Regardless of what the arena format is, dweebs will be dweebs if you let them be dweebs.
Title: I came, I saw
Post by: FrodeMk3 on January 27, 2008, 03:25:32 PM
Wow. This whole thread has underlined the split in the community.
Title: I came, I saw
Post by: E25280 on January 27, 2008, 07:34:34 PM
Vulching / porking / ganging / toolshedding are all integral components of base capture, and they will continue as long as base capture is the goal.  To have the "all fair fights all the time" ideal, you will need to disable base capture.  

If you disable base capture, the arena will return to its former unpopulated state.


Some people want to come in and fence.  Your skill vs. my skill, best man win.

Others want a bar-room brawl.  You are in my space, I want you out.

Those who want to brawl will always win that confrontation over time, because they are willing to do whatever it takes to push you out.  Even if he is weak/unskilled/helpless vs. the fencer, he will still win because the fencer will get tired of being dealt constant "cheap shots" and will remove himself . . . which is fine for the brawler, he just wanted you out of the bar, no matter what it took.

So, the fencers are left with a choice.  You can put down the foil and join the brawl, or you can leave and hope the brawlers eventually decide they want a different bar.
Title: I came, I saw
Post by: TequilaChaser on January 27, 2008, 07:59:39 PM
well Ltarget,
 I liked the fights we had before this "excursion " started was not what most claim as 1 vs 1.........heck a 1 vs 1 fight was just an occurance that happened more often in the AvsA, it did not happen every flight......

I smacked about Lutrel's avenger's when they 1st came here, then I stepped back and gave it a different approach, and seriously, I enjoyed the Avenger's attempts at holding squad nights in the AvsA, and they did quiet well , and the JG54, Widowmaker's, Damned , Gun Fighters, etc....began to welcome them.....and things were a little better.......

I even at 1st was all for the new idea of the AvsA staff bringing this recent new concept to the AvsA...and in th beginning of it waspretty good......but things are changing drastically for the worst.......

I just hope they find a way for the "old AvsA flyers" which is very low number, and the "new comers" can find a peaceful middle ground without pessen any 1 group off anymore than has already happen.......

but at the current moment, it seems that the old "avsA flyers" are the ones losing their nice quiet arena with respectable fights that as I mentioned earlier was most times more than a simple 1 vs 1 fight......
Title: I came, I saw
Post by: E25280 on January 27, 2008, 08:32:48 PM
I'm not disagreeing with you that the current direction is disappointing for those of us that enjoyed it before.  The AvA was a refuge of sorts for me, where the only "pressure" was what I put on myself instead of the needs of the squad, where I felt free to experiment and try new things, and where the competition was friendly to boot.  

I'm just saying that I don't know how the two mindsets can coexist.  They seem diametrically opposed.  Someone is going to be disappointed.

Lute asking people to let them up off the base is a good example.  "Fairplay" dictates you let them up so they can give you a "good fight."  But if there was a base capture in progress, it is best to not let him up at all.  You would hope he would come at you to fight, but he is just as likely if not moreso to try to run away long enough to find your goon or M-3.  So the "fairplay" advocate is disappointed in any event.

I enjoy "brawling" well enough that I will be able to adjust for a while.  But I do miss my refuge.

BTW -- you still owe me some promised pony training.  :aok
Title: I came, I saw
Post by: TequilaChaser on January 27, 2008, 08:38:22 PM
Originally posted by E25280

I enjoy "brawling" well enough that I will be able to adjust for a while.  But I do miss my refuge.

BTW -- you still owe me some promised pony training.  :aok

no wonder I can not get these taxes done.I can not stay away from "the boards"

I told Scca I would hook up with him for some long awaited follow up stuff ( in the DA he requested ) , as soon as I get him his wish( a waiting to hear from him), I will shoot you a PM and set up a time to work with you on some Pony apologys for the long delay, Sir!   ~S~
Title: I came, I saw
Post by: WMLute on January 27, 2008, 10:06:29 PM
Originally posted by Slash27
If it helps you to keep taking what I said out of context then by all means, use it however you wish.  Not sure why I expexted more from you but I wont make that mistake again.

I am not sure what ya' mean here Slash...

I went back and re-read what you posted, and I can't see any other way to "take" it.

[paraphraseSlash] This current setup is brining in numbers to the AvA and if you don't like the setup, go fly in another arena/event[/paraphraseSlash].

And I don't really see any other way of taking it.  It's pretty straight forward.  If you MEANT something else, perhapse post what you were TRYING to say.

I don't have a problem with what you said at all.  I would say similar to people that fly KOTH and don't like it.  I am glad to see the numbers in the AvA and that it appears to have breathed new life into an arena that was rarely used.

Kudos to you and yours for acheiving this, and I hope that it continues and the AvA stays full.

I just won't be a part of it.  Heck, the WM's can do what they want.  Just 'cause I tell 'em something, doesn't mean they gota listen to me.  (ain't my squad great)
Title: I came, I saw
Post by: Slash27 on January 27, 2008, 10:21:36 PM
My intent was not to come off as a dick or that I did not care people have some issues with the set up. Its not for everybody I get that, but in my opinion its the best thing for the arena. Its not what my vision of the AvA was but Ive accepted that and moved on. I guess Im mostly so defensive about because I know how much effort Fork and Soda have put in this. It wasnt easy. Sorry you guys wont be sticking around. See in you KOTH <>
Title: I came, I saw
Post by: heythere on January 27, 2008, 10:52:18 PM
we should all realize just how much time has been put into this set up plus how much time it took to conceptualize prior to it's deployment.  theses guys do that for free.  the numbers were more than the MW/EW combined tonight.

I say that the thing is a success irrespective of the novelty.  it's been strong this whole tour and my initial reaction to the italian was that it would tank the momentum.  that has happily not occurred.

folks seem to want an objective, they have that.  folks seem to like to work co-operatively they have it here.
Title: I came, I saw
Post by: FrodeMk3 on January 28, 2008, 02:06:58 AM
Originally posted by heythere
we should all realize just how much time has been put into this set up plus how much time it took to conceptualize prior to it's deployment.  theses guys do that for free.  the numbers were more than the MW/EW combined tonight.

I say that the thing is a success irrespective of the novelty.  it's been strong this whole tour and my initial reaction to the italian was that it would tank the momentum.  that has happily not occurred.

folks seem to want an objective, they have that.  folks seem to like to work co-operatively they have it here.

That's true. But the problem is, not everyone thinks' that way. some just pop in for a good fight.

Slash, Lute, I hate to say this, but maybe it's time you guys' took a straw poll to see exactly what the people want. Make it simple, have them vote for something like "Strategy gameplay", or "outright combat" (That's Win-the-war or furballing, for those that are wondering.)

And, maybe use those results' to design the next AvA scenario. Hold it in General Discussion, since most of the AvA players' are there anyway, and It might help draw in even more players, if that is the idea.

BTW, for what the AvA staff has accomplished, You guys' deserve huge kudos. <>
Title: I came, I saw
Post by: dedalos on January 28, 2008, 02:21:44 AM
Originally posted by TequilaChaser

really is nothing more to say, it is what it is........the whiners were absolutely loud enough to cause or force the Avs A staff to make a change....the only thing is they did it to make a better arena , for getting more people to fly in the AvsA, they just did not take into account for all the side effects these new ideas would bring to this once "wonderful place to fly/participate".......

Not really.  The staff made the choice because it was in a quest to bring people into the arena.  They were successful.  That is all they cared about.
Title: I came, I saw
Post by: dedalos on January 28, 2008, 02:24:55 AM
Originally posted by Slash27
Thats not what I said. This is what I said "If you dont like you dont have to fly there.". Don't misinterpret the meaning, don't twist it in to what you think I'm trying say or what suits your point of view. I was pretty clear in what I said. No ones putting a gun to your head to be here and this isn't your only option in AH2. No said your not welcome either.

Well, no one is putting a gun on your heads to keep messing with the arena.  Accept failure and stop "helping"  :aok
Title: I came, I saw
Post by: Slash27 on January 28, 2008, 02:47:48 AM
Originally posted by dedalos
Well, no one is putting a gun on your heads to keep messing with the arena.  Accept failure and stop "helping"  :aok

Failure according to you? Ill take that for whats its worth.
Title: I came, I saw
Post by: Slash27 on January 28, 2008, 02:50:16 AM
Originally posted by FrodeMk3

Slash, Lute, I hate to say this, but maybe it's time you guys' took a straw poll to see exactly what the people want. Make it simple, have them vote for something like "Strategy gameplay", or "outright combat" (That's Win-the-war or furballing, for those that are wondering.)

I have no issue with that at all. Its the players arena and this staff has never treated it as our personel sandbox. We want people to enjoy it.
Title: I came, I saw
Post by: VonMessa on January 28, 2008, 06:12:51 AM
Thank you AvA staff. This is for you (the Scotch is a bit pricey)


The following is for whines about Vulch, Hoard, etc.................



We all have objectives, we must plan a strategy, and there are goals.  We get awarded points.  Not my noodle is larger than your noodle bragging points, but points we can spend as a side, to get better equipment and take away some of the enemies (even though we can't use em yet) toys.

This (if I am correct) is not a place for a gentleman's fight.  We are (all of us) given objectives, and that is to take real estate.  Hell, we even must prove it now.  Great idea!!  I like it.
If you don't want to get killed 17 times, vulches, etc.   Try this idea.

Its simple.................wait for it..............just a little longer....................... ...........


If you were getting shocked, you would stop pissing on the electric fence, I hope.  (Barring the fact that it is known that some have had their gene pool pissed in)
Title: I came, I saw
Post by: Stampf on January 28, 2008, 07:38:38 AM
(First, Thank you AvA Staff).

JJ was doing what he had to do in order to foil an Axis capture.  I was doing what I had to do to assist fellow Axis units in that capture.  Bottom line, should have ended there.

I have never driven an M8 in my life before this AvA war.  I was not there to camp, I was loaded out with 1/2 HE for goodness sake.  We needed that base and that last hanger.  It is our Pnzr. Base.

I could not stop JJ from getting out of hanger every time.  Several times he got out, but never once came around to engage me, nor spun his MG while spawning to track, and or turret me. (?).  Each time he headed straight to Map room, where he was promptly killed by the attacking planes.  So…he would spawn again and I would shoot him once with AP and twice with HE and try to kill him, while above, Axis and Allied planes fought it out.  

A single Allied player, helping JJ and this thread would never have come up.  I could not believe it!  There was no possible way for me to handle two Gv’s spawning together.  All in all, it was one of the most shockingly surprising sorties of my AH carrer.

I ran out of ammunition and had to fall back just as the final goons were AGAIN attempting to get troops in.  JJ got out and again was bombed from above.

We got our Pnzr base.

Edit:  It is also intersting to note, I was the ONLY Axis GV on the scene, and unsupplied.  An easy Kill for two men working together, let alone a single 38...But they only had eyes for the goons.
Title: I came, I saw
Post by: Sundiver on January 28, 2008, 10:13:23 AM
I think it comes down to those of us that remember what the Combat Theater used to be. A place where you could go find a good fight. A place where they took pride in the scenarios that came week after week. Where alot of thought went into the planesets and game balance and authenticty of the the scenarios.  A place where you knew /most of the time/ you could up and get E before being engaged even if your opponent was circling overhead. I plaed the CT for many years, it was a place where I brought new players who really wanted to learn how to fight and fly because I knew the people there would be both tolerant and teaching even as they shot you down.

Sorry Slash and Fork and Soda, I've known you all for years, you're all class acts. I hope you achieve what you want with the new setup. I won't be there. I dropped in over the weekend and whether or not my perception of it was correct the first thing it struck me as was a mini-ma. Personally I don't think it's worth achieving numbers in the AvA if it means sacrificing the integrity it once had to achieve that goal. But, that's just my two cents.

To all the AvA staff and good luck with your arena.

Title: I came, I saw
Post by: Grits on January 28, 2008, 10:34:53 AM
I need to give a little history for those that were not around in the AH1 days. The Combat Theater, as the AvA was called back then, had a normal nightly population of 20-30 with big squad nights pushing 50 or more. We had base captures, and JG3 was the best at it (and we hated them for it). They did it by coming in as an organized group and suppressing the base, IE vulching, porking, and that is OK that is what you do to capture a base. There was no structured reason for them to do it as there is now, they did it because one, it was an easy squad mission, and two, they were good at it. Sometimes HUGE fights erupted at bases they tried to capture that lasted hours. Sometimes they tried to sneak quiet bases.

At that time the CT also had other dedicated Axis squads, like DrEvil's Death Squad. The axis in general was out numbered, but not always. I, as a side switcher, spent probably 70% of my time flying Axis back then but even when numbers were low we would have 8-10 on each side. I dont remember exactly when it was, but some time before the introduction of AHII JG3 left the arena. Some core members, Storch, TK, N7, VWE, and a few others I forgot I'm sure, formed JG54. This was the heyday of the CT (now the AvA). Then came AHII.

With AHII, lots of people did not have the computer to run the game. Also, there were only a few maps, none of them our old Combat Theater maps, and they were not good for AvA use. The lack of proper AvA suitable maps at the startup of AHII really killed the AvA, those that were there at the time will remember. Between the higher requirements to run AHII and the bad map situation, the AvA population plummeted. Squads could no longer take bases because there just were not enough people to do it. Even the guys that came from JG3 and formed JG54 who were so good at base capture, stopped doing it and along with the arena morphed into primarily a furball squad. They had to, the low numbers would not really support anything else. I personally liked it, because thats all I wanted to do was furball, but it happened because the numbers were too low to do any organized squad missions, not because that is what the arena was designed for or that is what everyone in there wanted. Some of the best fights ever were over base captures that teetered in the balance.

So, all of you who think of the AvA as an "historic furball arena" that is what it became out of necessity from the low numbers, but that is not what it was in the AHI days. The AvA staff, it seems to me, has designed a way to reintroduce base capture, and organized squad participation, but in a focused and organized way instead of the random way it was back then.
Title: I came, I saw
Post by: VonMessa on January 28, 2008, 11:16:54 AM
The following is a post-coffee post.

I think that comparing the new AvA to anything old is pointless.  It is just  Also trying to impose any form of fighting honor or etiquette may not be in good form in the AvA, given the new setup.

Both sides are given objectives to complete within a given time frame.  

In order to complete these objectives, plans must be hatched, cooperation between friendly forces must be paramount, and orders/plans must be swiftly executed.

Proof of completion of said objectives must also be submitted to acquire points and rewards for objective completion.  Furthermore, I believe that all of these things are clearly stated in the MOTD.

This is not the DA.  Given the conditions, timetable, and objectives, there is not much time for the normal "gentleman's fight" or furball.  This is not a free for all like the MA, either.  

Folks here are are running planned missions.  They are trying to take real estate.   Plan on getting vulched, hoarded, etc as these things pan out.  

K/D, blah, blah, blah means nothing here in the normal tool waving scheme of things, so being vulched should not be a big deal.  I will up 100 times if I think I can thwart a capture of a base.  f I get downed 99 times, but kill that "20th"  troop trying to get into the map room, I have succeeded in my mission of   keeping ownership of real estate in question.  End of story.

  As stated in another post, this is a bar-room brawl.  I have not seen it written or implied that this is the place to come for a "duel" or a "good" fight.  The fight here is for land, destruction of strats, or whatever else the MOTD or posts to respective sides about what secondary objectives there may be.

Honestly, if one want's Blunderbuss's at 20 paces or a fencing match, these can be set up in the DA,  24/7.

If I let myself get into the crosshair of the emeny, shame on me, whether it be  in the air, taking off, coming out of the hanger, etc.  If I see a red guy, no matter where he is, I will shoot at it.  Shame on HIM for getting in MY crosshair.
Unless I am mistaken, and please correct me if I am, this is a Side (dare I say team) based reward/victory system.   I would be hard pressed to have faith in any countryman who is concerned for his personal stats.  This makes for a very dangerous situation.  I know that said person is not really watching MY six.

In closing, I would like to say that individuals who complain about getting vulched X number of times, even though they keep upping, are the reason that we need disclaimers about how the fresh coffee is HOT and it may BURN you.

Call the lifeguard, please.
Title: I came, I saw
Post by: 4440 on January 28, 2008, 11:39:39 AM
I gotta say that this has got to be be one of the most pathetic self- centered threads I've seen. To have a handful of players act as if this arena was your private playground is sad.

To have senior members of the game verbally abuse and even enter into personal attacks of staff members trying to acheive something that provides enjoyment to a larger portion of the community is even worse. The thread as a whole has become nothing more than a public flogging.

Some of you talk about integrity and honor, wheres the honor in the " fine, I take my toys and leave attitute"? Where is the integrity in igoring pleas for help from fellow side members, just because that isn't your cup of tea?

To cal the AvA a mini MA is quite frankly incorrect. Does the MA offer structured objectives?  No.  Do they offer any type of incentive to work as a squad? No.  You wanna know why some guys will bomb and bail? It's because no one wants to work as a team and their forced to use such tactics to accomplish a goal.

If you want to make this arena better, try offering some constructive crititism. Not everyone will be truly happy at the end of the day, but your not helping things by simply bashing others.
Title: I came, I saw
Post by: VonMessa on January 28, 2008, 12:17:43 PM

I feel that at least my deaths serve some sort of purpose here.

Again, I the AvA staff for all the time effort.   Thanks for not making it the same crap with a different name.

It's not the same, please don't make it that way.  I believe that your efforts will be rewarded.
Title: I came, I saw
Post by: Grits on January 28, 2008, 12:31:07 PM
And even if in the end this system does not work out as the AvA Staff wants, what is wrong with them trying something? It is not the end of the world, and trying something that does not work is far better than doing nothing at all. I think if people stick with this and help the Staff make modifications where needed, this could work very well. Furballs will still happen during the course of base capture, bases will either be suppressed or successfully defended, which seems just fine to me.
Title: I came, I saw
Post by: crockett on January 28, 2008, 12:51:48 PM
I personally think it's a pretty good mix overall. Nothing I really dislike about the arena set up other than working out the various setting bugs.

The only thing I don't like is the side balance system. It seems rare to have equal sides, one team always seems to out number the other and then the numbers will normally win. Something really needs to be done to address that problem IMO.

I think anything else really comes down to the community and trying to teach newcommers not to game the game.
Title: I came, I saw
Post by: TheBug on January 28, 2008, 12:52:27 PM
Good posts Grits, Von Messa and 4440
Title: I came, I saw
Post by: Grits on January 28, 2008, 01:04:49 PM
For the newer folks that dont know me, Bug can tell you I am a free-for-all furball kind of guy. I do dumb stuff like turn fight D3A Val's and other idiotic stuff. The AvA kind of turned into what I wanted, mostly a furball between two bases, and it was not working. The days of 4-8 squads regularly operating in the arena as squads went away, with to their credit, only JG54 in there most of the time. I used to think Squads, and base captures, and GVs and anything not furball related was bad, but that is what the AvA has been since AHII and it has not worked.
Title: I came, I saw
Post by: captain1ma on January 28, 2008, 02:26:27 PM
All i can say is thanks  to the people that work hard to make this a fun arena. frustrating, yes, fun, absolutely!!! i enjoy it every day. i look forward to playing it everyday and i look forward to working with my squaddies for a common goal. there are guys making it fun and then theres the rest. its like shooting, you have to work with the conditions given to you at the time. so this arena has some funky conditions, adapt, adjust and make it work for you. Just have fun!!! thanks to the AH Team, keep up the good work-- Gary Davis
Title: I came, I saw
Post by: TheBug on January 28, 2008, 02:35:30 PM
Originally posted by Grits
For the newer folks that dont know me, Bug can tell you I am a free-for-all furball kind of guy.  

I prefer not having the responsibility of admitting I know you.   :D
Title: I came, I saw
Post by: Grits on January 28, 2008, 02:46:49 PM
Originally posted by TheBug
I prefer not having the responsibility of admitting I know you.   :D

LOL, you are not the first person to say that. :rofl
Title: I came, I saw
Post by: Warmongo on January 28, 2008, 03:54:52 PM
Originally posted by VonMessa
The following is a post-coffee post.

I think that comparing the new AvA to anything old is pointless.  It is just  Also trying to impose any form of fighting honor or etiquette may not be in good form in the AvA, given the new setup.

Both sides are given objectives to complete within a given time frame.  

In order to complete these objectives, plans must be hatched, cooperation between friendly forces must be paramount, and orders/plans must be swiftly executed.

Proof of completion of said objectives must also be submitted to acquire points and rewards for objective completion.  Furthermore, I believe that all of these things are clearly stated in the MOTD.

This is not the DA.  Given the conditions, timetable, and objectives, there is not much time for the normal "gentleman's fight" or furball.  This is not a free for all like the MA, either.  

Folks here are are running planned missions.  They are trying to take real estate.   Plan on getting vulched, hoarded, etc as these things pan out.  

K/D, blah, blah, blah means nothing here in the normal tool waving scheme of things, so being vulched should not be a big deal.  I will up 100 times if I think I can thwart a capture of a base.  f I get downed 99 times, but kill that "20th"  troop trying to get into the map room, I have succeeded in my mission of   keeping ownership of real estate in question.  End of story.

  As stated in another post, this is a bar-room brawl.  I have not seen it written or implied that this is the place to come for a "duel" or a "good" fight.  The fight here is for land, destruction of strats, or whatever else the MOTD or posts to respective sides about what secondary objectives there may be.

Honestly, if one want's Blunderbuss's at 20 paces or a fencing match, these can be set up in the DA,  24/7.

If I let myself get into the crosshair of the emeny, shame on me, whether it be  in the air, taking off, coming out of the hanger, etc.  If I see a red guy, no matter where he is, I will shoot at it.  Shame on HIM for getting in MY crosshair.
Unless I am mistaken, and please correct me if I am, this is a Side (dare I say team) based reward/victory system.   I would be hard pressed to have faith in any countryman who is concerned for his personal stats.  This makes for a very dangerous situation.  I know that said person is not really watching MY six.

In closing, I would like to say that individuals who complain about getting vulched X number of times, even though they keep upping, are the reason that we need disclaimers about how the fresh coffee is HOT and it may BURN you.

Call the lifeguard, please.

I could not have said this any better. This sums it all. Thanks for all your efforts AvA team. May the War continue...forever! :furious

Title: I came, I saw
Post by: DmdJJ on January 28, 2008, 04:58:45 PM
Originally posted by Stampf
I have never driven an M8 in my life before this AvA war.  I was not there to camp, I was loaded out with 1/2 HE for goodness sake.  We needed that base and that last hanger.  It is our Pnzr. Base.

But you did camp, you had multiple opportunities to egage me when I was in open field, but you didn't. You drove straight to the back of the VH and parked. Its all on film

I could not stop JJ from getting out of hanger every time.  Several times he got out, but never once came around to engage me, nor spun his MG while spawning to track, and or turret me. (?).

I got out only one time, and the other times I spun the MG around on you to try and damage you to no avail.

I ran out of ammunition.

That was my plan, only I ran out of time. I would have gotten most of the troops from the C-47's but a lucky shot from a zero took out both my MG and turret. When I respawned it was to late.

Can't believe this post has gotten to 3 pages. Guess all is not well in the AvA or it wouldn't have gone this far.:O
Title: I came, I saw
Post by: TequilaChaser on January 28, 2008, 05:01:27 PM
Originally posted by Grits
I need to give a little history for those that were not around in the AH1 days. The Combat Theater, as the AvA was called back then, had a normal nightly population of 20-30 with big squad nights pushing 50 or more. We had base captures, and JG3 was the best at it (and we hated them for it). They did it by coming in as an organized group and suppressing the base, IE vulching, porking, and that is OK that is what you do to capture a base. There was no structured reason for them to do it as there is now, they did it because one, it was an easy squad mission, and two, they were good at it. Sometimes HUGE fights erupted at bases they tried to capture that lasted hours. Sometimes they tried to sneak quiet bases.

At that time the CT also had other dedicated Axis squads, like DrEvil's Death Squad. The axis in general was out numbered, but not always. I, as a side switcher, spent probably 70% of my time flying Axis back then but even when numbers were low we would have 8-10 on each side. I dont remember exactly when it was, but some time before the introduction of AHII JG3 left the arena. Some core members, Storch, TK, N7, VWE, and a few others I forgot I'm sure, formed JG54. This was the heyday of the CT (now the AvA). Then came AHII.

With AHII, lots of people did not have the computer to run the game. Also, there were only a few maps, none of them our old Combat Theater maps, and they were not good for AvA use. The lack of proper AvA suitable maps at the startup of AHII really killed the AvA, those that were there at the time will remember. Between the higher requirements to run AHII and the bad map situation, the AvA population plummeted. Squads could no longer take bases because there just were not enough people to do it. Even the guys that came from JG3 and formed JG54 who were so good at base capture, stopped doing it and along with the arena morphed into primarily a furball squad. They had to, the low numbers would not really support anything else. I personally liked it, because thats all I wanted to do was furball, but it happened because the numbers were too low to do any organized squad missions, not because that is what the arena was designed for or that is what everyone in there wanted. Some of the best fights ever were over base captures that teetered in the balance.

So, all of you who think of the AvA as an "historic furball arena" that is what it became out of necessity from the low numbers, but that is not what it was in the AHI days. The AvA staff, it seems to me, has designed a way to reintroduce base capture, and organized squad participation, but in a focused and organized way instead of the random way it was back then.

you sum'ed it up quiet well Grits............

alot of other greenhorns got a mouth full to say about something they have no clue about, and  only know of what they have experienced in the last year or less, including  CM staff members........

Gremlin, Big Max, Wotan, Shane, JG3, Redd etc....... in the beginning of CT them were some great times......

quoting my self:
really is nothing more to say, it is what it is........the whiners were absolutely loud enough to cause or force the Avs A staff to make a change....the only thing is they did it to make a better arena , for getting more people to fly in the AvsA, they just did not take into account for all the side effects these new ideas would bring to this once "wonderful place to fly/participate"

I feel the AvsA Staff strive hard to find a balance of good gameplay & Fights....... as this venture proceeds to move forward, I am sure or least I hope Soda, Fork, and other AvsA Staff find better ways to tweak the campaigns to be better for all.

as for the following posters in this thread who keep hollering that this is not a place for 1vs1 fights, or Good fights, or  whatever names of different types of "fights" you can come up with.

get a freaking clue about what  once was, and evolved into and then evolved into what we have now.........

as for the lemmings who holler " This is not the DA, or "The DA is where you should go"

nobody ever said it was the DA, handsomehunkes and we go to the DA when we get the urge..........

This place ( the CT / AvsA ) was a place that had great batles, had great furballs, had great fights be it 5 on 4, or 2 vs 2, or 1 vs 1, or 8 vs 3. It had people who mostly cared about the way they fought and presented them selves to their opponent on the opposite side of the fight...

a small few everyone dispised, but most everyone showed a bit of courtesy, respect, ethics.......

I hope and pray very hard that this portion that I last described, somhow finds the way to the top of all the other BS, and this place can become a great place for all.........

and yes, at times people who are all about the points,  or K/D or K/S  or name in lights are the same people who bring the MA mentaility to the AvsA.......

so yes, at times it is like a mini MA

the only thing is it is  that way now more so than it ever has been in 7 +/-  years
I hope the AvsA Staff can pull it off........
Title: I came, I saw
Post by: VonMessa on January 28, 2008, 06:09:51 PM
First of all TC, I want to express that I have a high regard for you, as well as every other (unpaid) staff member, trainer, etc.  As a veteran of this game, you bring a lot to the table and I, in all sincerity, value your thoughts.  You, personally, have taught me more than one thing on more than one occasion.  I know well that time IS money, and any volunteered time by anyone is precious.

I will claim to be one of the "new" guys here.  I have no shame in that.  My opinion is only of what I know now.  All that I know is that there objectives and goals now in the AvA.  It is more populated than I have seen in a year.   I'm positive that all of this will fluctuate as it evolves.

What I don't understand(and call me ignorant) is what the fuss is about.  Is it because the environment has changed (ie: goals, etc) or  because of the people in the environment?  From what I can gather, it's most likely the style of game-play with a smidgen of all of the above.

When I enter an arena and the MOTD proclaims "Take this base, destroy those strategic areas" I (as I guess most would) tend to acclimate myself to the parameters.  If it were to say "Enter here all ye pilots in search of a good fight", I would not fly there expecting lots of base capture, and any countrywide co-operation beyond squaddies winging up.  No problem either way, just doing what the sign says.

That being said, I enter the AvA knowing that most guys are out for blood.  As numbers on sides get out of proportion, I expect to be vulched, camped, hoarded, HO'd, rammed, et al.  Know full well that I will repay in kind when I have the advantage.  The variety of the whole day/night milkrun thing is almost fun to me.    I may come to a map that is porked beyond belief on my side, or completely the opposite.  Yes, it sucks when you go in, your country numbers are low, but it can be fun.  I am from Philadelphia (which may explain a lot) and if you have ever seen Rocky(any of the movies) or an Eagles game, you will know being the underdog is a way of life around here and we have learned to have fun at it, but I digress.  I speak only for myself.

Another thing that I have noticed, is that there are times of the day when the numbers even up.  There is starting to be a pattern.  Guys come in, resupply bases, things even up a bit, and that is when it really heats up.  To me those have been some of the best times!

I believe that posting here is productive.  It lets the "guys behind the curtains" hear the darts and laurels of their creation.  I'm sure it helps them to adjust.  Constructive criticism is never a bad thing.  Whining is not productive.  The name dropping/calling is, in all honesty, something I expect from children.   The whole "I have it on film" ideology is baffling to me.  The first thing that comes to mind when I read a claim like that is "I'm telling mom/dad on you!"  I, personally would rather have someone quietly send film to "the man" and hear about it if it's a real issue.  Logical posts or questions to the "powers that be" are usually much more productive, as is following the "Chain of Command" for a legitimate gripe.  

As for the evolution of the arena, I will quote a famous Philadelphian.

"When we are finished changing, we are finished"

                                                                            -Benjamin Franklin


Title: I came, I saw
Post by: TequilaChaser on January 28, 2008, 06:23:59 PM
Originally posted by VonMessa

As for the evolution of the arena, I will quote a famous Philadelphian.

"When we are finished changing, we are finished"

                                                                            -Benjamin Franklin



excellent quote to draw upon......

- for the "I Got Film" some people use it to say hey look at me, while others use it to make the person the film is of, to have to insert foot in to one's own mouth :D

old players get stuck in their ways, if they don't evolve with the game, they get left behind..lot of dinasours bones laying all around from many past years and version upgrades and old long dead Flight sims.....

I just wish the AvsA to be more about good gamemanship / quality vs gamey BS and quantity...........numbers are not everything ya know!
