Aces High Bulletin Board
General Forums => Axis vs Allies => Topic started by: EskimoJoe on March 13, 2008, 12:45:20 PM
"Ahh hes on my six hes comin' hot!! Somebody get him somebody get him!!"
*Tink, tink tink, BOOM, tinktinktink*
<S> Allies :salute
"Ahh hes on my six hes comin' hot!! Somebody get him somebody get him!!"
*Tink, tink tink, BOOM, tinktinktink*
<S> Allies :salute
:rofl :rofl :rofl
Hey wait a minute! How'd you get my cockpit recorder?
Somebody has been flying around 87stuka I think. :)
with which axis do you fly?? not the ones i fly with thats for sure. our radio comms go something like this:
storch: Jaeger check Six
Jaeger1: yeah i know hes there, but im on this one!
storch: jaeger check it, check it, hes gonna getcha, break left and pull back on the throttle
Jaeger1: Roger!
republic: wilde watch it, you got one looking at you!
Tbarone: tyrant check 6, im heading your way
Tyrant: thanks T, i think i got him, i wish i had an Osti for this dweeb!
republic: what happen, tyrant get caught starring at sheep again?
Storch: Jaeger, come right a little, I'm Lining up on him!
Tbarone: nice kill Tyrant, way to go
Tyrant:who says you cant dogfight in a 110!
plantain:Ontos, you got one on ya, you need help?
Onto5:yeah, get this spitiot off of me!!
Plantain: no problem!
Jaeger1: nice going TK
republic:way to go TK
tyrant: WTG TK
Tbarone: way to go TK
plantain: nice Kills TK
Ontos5: Way to go TK
this is an example of the closeness of our beloved JG54. imagine those comms. one right after the other without pause. its like that most of the night except for when storch is singing!! :)
this is the reason why we are a cohesive group--communication
One of these days we're gonna get that 'way to go' harmony worked out... Nyuk nyuk nyuk.
with which axis do you fly?? not the ones i fly with thats for sure. our radio comms go something like this:
storch: (guywhoneedsachecksix), check Six
Jaeger1: yeah i know hes there, but im on this one!
storch: (guyIalreadygaveachecksixtobut Iwanttoimpress) check it, check it, hes gonna getcha, break left and pull back on the throttle
Jaeger1: Roger!
republic: (guyImgivingchecksixtotonotbeo utdone) watch it, you got one looking at you!
Tbarone: (otherguysixKbelowandnotreally introuble) check 6, im heading your way
Tyrant: thanks (guyIthinkIsCod), i think i got him, i wish i had an Osti for this dweeb! (telling)
republic: what happen, (fellow noob) get caught starring at sheep again?
Storch: (Whatsyourface), come right all im Lining up on him
Tbarone: nice kill (whomever), way to go
Tyrant:who says you cant dogfight in a (fill in the plane model)!
plantain:(Youoverthere), you got one on ya, you need help?
Onto5:yeah, get this ("witty" euphamism) off of me!!
Plantain: no problem!
SYSTEM: (whomever) LANDED (fill in the blank) KILLS IN A (fill in the plane model, gv model, gun or chute)
Jaeger1: nice going (whomever)
republic:way to go (whomever)
tyrant: WTG (whomever)
Storch: NICE Goin (WhOmEvAr)
Tbarone: way to go (whomever)
plantain: nice Kills (whomever)
Ontos5: Way to go (whomever)
this is an example of the closeness of our beloved JG54. imagine those comms. one right after the other without pause. its like that most of the night except for when storch is singing!! :)
this is the reason why we are a good cohesive group--communication
Hell, that's any group of strangers in AHII on any given night in any given arena. How'd you miss it before you accepted your place in the JG daisy-chain? :lol :aok :salute
Hell, that's any group of strangers in AHII on any given night in any given arena. How'd you miss it before you accepted your place in the JG daisy-chain? :lol :aok :salute
You certainly don't find that everywhere. My flights on the allied side were mostly silent, with only Oldman breaking the monotony. "Your on fire Republic." lol
In the MA's you get people like "There's a tank over here, there's a tank over here there's a tank over here" "Where's the tank?" "I I think they got my engine!" "The tank is right -" "Hey Fred how've you been!?" "-just behind the" "Not too bad John how about you?" "Thanks for stealing my kill you ****" "Tank on the base, tank on the -" "I didn't steal your kill you ***" "M3 in on the -" "Yes you did! You suck!" "Lets go to the DA and see who-"
System: A26 captured by <opposing team>
From the way you post sometimes, I'd almost think must be new here. Hi, I'm Republic. (I responded quicker than you anticipated - Arlo)
You certainly don't find that everywhere.
Hi, I know. And yeah, I'm taking. And yeah, I know, you don't think others think that back. You might try broadening your horizons. What was described is anything but unique to the mighty JGers. :D
What was described is anything but unique to the mighty JGers. :D
Nope, should be heard in any good squad vox. But since we've had so much time working with our comrads in arms in the other squads, you often hear that sort of thing over range vox...which is indeed rare.
Nope, should be heard in any good squad vox. But since we've had so much time working with our comrads in arms in the other squads, you often hear that sort of thing over range vox...which is indeed rare.
Ummm .. no ... it's not. Since practically the dawn of vox in the game. :D
Ummm .. no ... it's not. Since practically the dawn of vox in the game. :D
Is to times 10!
You must be flying in the secret elite arenas then. :noid
you should change you call sign to "trashman"! you're the only one i know that can take a perfectly good thread and trash it into something totally useless and unrecognizeable. spewing a vial, ignorant, pretentious plethora of mostly non-pertinant propaganda. Atleast i have the courtesy of labeling mine a propaganda report.
do you ever actually read what you write or do you just let it ooze out, like a sore dripping with puss, without actually thinking about?
You certainly don't find that everywhere. My flights on the allied side were mostly silent, with only Oldman breaking the monotony. "Your on fire Republic." lol
You must not have been on when VF-31, or 68th LL, or 353rd FG, and several others when you went test riding the Allied ride. You would have found a very similar chatter on the Local channels. Squad channels are always like that. But then you shouldn't be hearing our squad channel anyway.
Here's a real conversation between you Axis pilots...
Hans: Zere is a sheitfire abovs. Karfull Gunther, hez lookink atz u.
Gunther: I dontz zee eme. Vere is zat sheitfire?
Hans: Vait… I tink hez klimink. Ja, hez klimink. Noz… hez divink.
Gunther: Ja…gotz him now. Silly Britz. Turnink righz – u follow and I ropz him upz Hanz?
Hans: Ja. Followink.
Gunther: Hez klozin vast Hans. I’ll cloz in.
Hans: Ja. Extendinz.
Gunther: Hans, you notize dat new secretarz in zee ovice? Zee blonz vit da big kahonaz?
Hans: Ja. Heidi no?
Gunther: Ja. Heidi… (mic silence)
Hans: Spiz is clozing Gunther?.... Gunther? Shooz at im! GUNTHER!
Gunther: crapz (collision sound from airparts). Oppz Hans. I vaz shotz u insteadz by mistaak.
Hans:@#$*!!** Gunth… (static-stall horn noise) $(#(#
Gunther: Heidi haz a zister no? Gertrude? Brunette? Vit littlz kahonaz but nize butz?
Gunther: Hans? …. Hans?.....
:rofl :rofl :rofl
way too funny!!! great one fork!!! :)
LOL! fork
you should change you call sign to "trashman"! you're the only one i know that can take a perfectly good thread and trash it into something totally useless and unrecognizeable. spewing a vial, ignorant, pretentious plethora of mostly non-pertinant propaganda. Atleast i have the courtesy of labeling mine a propaganda report.
do you ever actually read what you write or do you just let it ooze out, like a sore dripping with puss, without actually thinking about?
Are you serious? You feel violated by my contribution? Heh ... cherry. ;)
Here's a real conversation between you Axis pilots...
Hans: Zere is a sheitfire abovs. Karfull Gunther, hez lookink atz u.
Gunther: I dontz zee eme. Vere is zat sheitfire?
Hans: Vait… I tink hez klimink. Ja, hez klimink. Noz… hez divink.
Gunther: Ja…gotz him now. Silly Britz. Turnink righz – u follow and I ropz him upz Hanz?
Hans: Ja. Followink.
Gunther: Hez klozin vast Hans. I’ll cloz in.
Hans: Ja. Extendinz.
Gunther: Hans, you notize dat new secretarz in zee ovice? Zee blonz vit da big kahonaz?
Hans: Ja. Heidi no?
Gunther: Ja. Heidi… (mic silence)
Hans: Spiz is clozing Gunther?.... Gunther? Shooz at im! GUNTHER!
Gunther: crapz (collision sound from airparts). Oppz Hans. I vaz shotz u insteadz by mistaak.
Hans:@#$*!!** Gunth… (static-stall horn noise) $(#(#
Gunther: Heidi haz a zister no? Gertrude? Brunette? Vit littlz kahonaz but nize butz?
Gunther: Hans? …. Hans?.....
:rofl :rofl :aok :salute
hey Eskimojoe, maybe you should try joining a squad. might make it easier to have people to talk to. either that or maybe you and 87stuka should join up together, you're both about the same age!