Aces High Bulletin Board

General Forums => Axis vs Allies => Topic started by: Mister Fork on March 26, 2008, 11:32:05 AM

Title: War in the AvA: Battle of Britain
Post by: Mister Fork on March 26, 2008, 11:32:05 AM

WAR in the AvA

The War begins FRIDAY in the Axis vs Allied theatre.  The WAR is won when each side has captured at a minimum 20 opponent fields and holds then until the battle-check day of Thursday, 1159pm EST. If not, the WAR continues another week until a victor has captured enough fields. Commanders will be given new aircraft based on the Round Table every week the war continues.

Will the Allies defend England and recapture France or will Germany press into the cliffs of Dover?

Those interested in Commanding each side can send a PM to any AvA staff member expressing their interest and why they feel they are best suited to lead their forces into battle.

Title: Re: War in the AvA: Battle of Britain
Post by: storch on March 26, 2008, 11:34:51 AM
all I'm going to type is that it's a good thing english and german are related languages becuse the result will be the same as if the US had not intervened to save our cousins during that long ago conflict.
Title: Re: War in the AvA: Battle of Britain
Post by: Larry on March 26, 2008, 11:40:30 AM
I was hoping for an operation barbarossa war with this new update. All this is going to be is people whining that they dont have leet cannons. That is why Im declaring myself an allied dog for this war. You axis noobs are going down!!
Title: Re: War in the AvA: Battle of Britain
Post by: TheBug on March 26, 2008, 11:42:11 AM
all I'm going to type is that it's a good thing english and german are related languages becuse the result will be the same as if the US had not intervened to save our cousins during that long ago conflict.

So what you're trying to say is that this is the map that JG54 honed their milk-running skills on and we should all be prepared??

Title: Re: War in the AvA: Battle of Britain
Post by: Shifty on March 26, 2008, 11:44:10 AM
or will Germany press into the cliffs of Dover?

I think it will more like the Germans press into the rump of Rover. ;)
Title: Re: War in the AvA: Battle of Britain
Post by: Easyscor on March 26, 2008, 12:02:14 PM
I think a bunch of the Axis guys are looking for a change in rides (a side switch) to keep it interesting.
Title: Re: War in the AvA: Battle of Britain
Post by: apcampbell on March 26, 2008, 01:21:42 PM
Will the plane sets be timeframe specific only, or both time and theater specific?
Title: Re: War in the AvA: Battle of Britain
Post by: Anaxogoras on March 26, 2008, 01:28:31 PM
It would be more realistic if the Germans were supposed to close bases, not capture them.  Or if the Germans were supposed to hit strategic factories, destroy radar installations, etc.  Once an airfield is captured on either side of the channel, there will be no more fights over the channel. :rolleyes:

Will the plane sets be timeframe specific only, or both time and theater specific?
  If there are zekes and wildcats I'm not playing! :furious :lol

Anyway, this does look fun... we will see.
Title: Re: War in the AvA: Battle of Britain
Post by: republic on March 26, 2008, 02:23:42 PM
Wow, if a German invasion of England doesn't get the allies stirred up...nothing will.

I must say, the idea of multiple weeks with the BoB setup is about as appealing to me as dental work before the discovery of Novocaine.  Please, for the love of all that is good in this world, someone capture 20 bases!
Title: Re: War in the AvA: Battle of Britain
Post by: Motherland on March 26, 2008, 05:39:18 PM
Sounds fun! The BoB planeset is among my favorites.
Title: Re: War in the AvA: Battle of Britain
Post by: Chapel on March 26, 2008, 08:54:49 PM
Yea I'm a fan of the BoB too, be intresting to see how it rolls along week after week.
Title: Re: War in the AvA: Battle of Britain
Post by: StugIII on March 26, 2008, 09:17:16 PM
maybe that can be an update, were the airfields have a damage meter, sort of thing and when they are completely down then they're put out of action. When the British attack on in France then they can take it over, its seems easy but it probably hard. this is what i think, i had a better way to explain it but i had a brain fart, :aok (it stinks)
Title: Re: War in the AvA: Battle of Britain
Post by: republic on March 26, 2008, 09:59:27 PM
I sink I may fly acklied zis time.  But also German ja.  I vant to shoot things that fight.  So if you see me on you side, I not spy, I hunting skilled opponents.  ja.
Title: Re: War in the AvA: Battle of Britain
Post by: Rolex on March 26, 2008, 10:05:00 PM
I've tried to fly in the AvA arena. I logged in tonight to try again, but was quickly reminded why I go there so rarely. No matter how much work or good intentions you CMs put into it, the arena remains a ghetto from the poison named Storch.

Sure, I can squelch him, but it doesn't change the fact that his abusiveness affects players and contributes to the bizarre arena atmosphere. I, like others, would like to enjoy the arena, but will stay away because I simply don't need that crap in a game.
Title: Re: War in the AvA: Battle of Britain
Post by: oakranger on March 26, 2008, 10:19:38 PM
You are letting storch get in your head.  Yes he is a good stick and can be a pin in the a*&, but his talk is a weapon to get in your head. 
Title: Re: War in the AvA: Battle of Britain
Post by: VonMessa on March 26, 2008, 10:58:27 PM
You are letting storch get in your head.  Yes he is a good stick and can be a pin in the a*&, but his talk is a weapon to get in your head. 

Be glad it's not a weapon to get into your pants.

Title: Re: War in the AvA: Battle of Britain
Post by: storch on March 26, 2008, 11:37:41 PM
thats funny!!

rolex spent twenty minutes whining on country vox about how the AvA is so much like the MA this and that.  after I had my fill of his femininely venting I responded by pointing out that while at times it was like the MA it was mostly when the arena was filled with MA players who were ack huggers ..... like himself.

he responds by saying that if we weren't up on perches perhaps they wouldn't hug the ack.

I responded by pointing out that at no time did my altitude exceed 3000ft because I stay below puffy ack and that furthermore if I were the ackllieds I would extend out climb return and kill them all.

his response to that clear challenge was more whining at which time I politely informed him that I was squelching him.

would you like me post the exchange rolex?

I suggest you refrain from personally attacking me sir I can't help that you are not skilled enough to compete in the rough and tumble world of the AvA.  seek the assistance of a trainer then return when you are better at the game.
Title: Re: War in the AvA: Battle of Britain
Post by: storch on March 26, 2008, 11:43:19 PM
You are letting storch get in your head.  Yes he is a good stick and can be a pin in the a*&, but his talk is a weapon to get in your head. 
he was on the axis team complaining bitterly about everything under the sun, how some people "were stealing his kills"  a bunch of other nonsense which I sort of covered in the post above.  I personally don't care for him so I direct no words at him but made the exception today.
Title: Re: War in the AvA: Battle of Britain
Post by: Rolex on March 27, 2008, 03:34:58 AM
Wow. That's some delusional stuff there.  :lol

I don't know how you guys running the AvA put up with it.
Title: Re: War in the AvA: Battle of Britain
Post by: captain1ma on March 27, 2008, 06:37:29 AM
nice going storch, our secret weapon worked again to stem the tide of new sticks in the AVA arena. guess they never heard of squelch and psychological warefare. hehehehe  WTG  :)
Title: Re: War in the AvA: Battle of Britain
Post by: VonMessa on March 27, 2008, 07:34:28 AM
I'm waiting for the "Can we have an auto-squelch Storch upon entering the AvA?" thread in the wishlist.
Title: Re: War in the AvA: Battle of Britain
Post by: Odee on March 27, 2008, 07:45:34 AM
Wow. That's some delusional stuff there.  :lol

I don't know how you guys running the AvA put up with it.
I don't.  Haven't been in there all week.

And I'm just one of the flyers in there.
Title: Re: War in the AvA: Battle of Britain
Post by: JagdTankker on March 27, 2008, 09:04:57 AM
I've tried to fly in the AvA arena. I logged in tonight to try again, but was quickly reminded why I go there so rarely. No matter how much work or good intentions you CMs put into it, the arena remains a ghetto from the poison named Storch.

Sure, I can squelch him, but it doesn't change the fact that his abusiveness affects players and contributes to the bizarre arena atmosphere. I, like others, would like to enjoy the arena, but will stay away because I simply don't need that crap in a game.

your bothered by what this guy types? aaawwwwwwwwwww

turn off channel 200

AvA is so much better that way
Title: Re: War in the AvA: Battle of Britain
Post by: republic on March 27, 2008, 09:30:39 AM
See...when I used to fly against Storch, when he made comments towards me, it made me chuckle but it also made me want to get better so I could one day give him a run for his money.  I don't understand the person who leave the arena because of text comments.

Get better, shoot him down.  Which, if I may be so bold, I believe is Storch's intention.  To get a better fight, either by goobers running away to other arenas, or them getting better and shooting him down...thereby making him get better...thereby making them get better...and so on and so forth.
Title: Re: War in the AvA: Battle of Britain
Post by: VonMessa on March 27, 2008, 10:25:57 AM
See...when I used to fly against Storch, when he made comments towards me, it made me chuckle but it also made me want to get better so I could one day give him a run for his money.  I don't understand the person who leave the arena because of text comments.

Get better, shoot him down.  Which, if I may be so bold, I believe is Storch's intention.  To get a better fight, either by goobers running away to other arenas, or them getting better and shooting him down...thereby making him get better...thereby making them get better...and so on and so forth.

I think I am getting dizzy.... :uhoh
Title: Re: War in the AvA: Battle of Britain
Post by: captain1ma on March 27, 2008, 11:20:09 AM
what do you expect from the allied propaganda minister!!   :)
Title: Re: War in the AvA: Battle of Britain
Post by: Larry on March 27, 2008, 11:41:46 AM
I've tried to fly in the AvA arena. I logged in tonight to try again, but was quickly reminded why I go there so rarely. No matter how much work or good intentions you CMs put into it, the arena remains a ghetto from the poison named Storch.

Sure, I can squelch him, but it doesn't change the fact that his abusiveness affects players and contributes to the bizarre arena atmosphere. I, like others, would like to enjoy the arena, but will stay away because I simply don't need that crap in a game.

I bet you went right to the MA aafter leaving the AvA.

Wow. That's some delusional stuff there.  :lol

I don't know how you guys running the AvA put up with it.

The only people "running" the AvA is HTC.
Title: Re: War in the AvA: Battle of Britain
Post by: XAKL on March 27, 2008, 11:56:05 AM
Wow. That's some delusional stuff there.  :lol

I don't know how you guys running the AvA put up with it.

Yep she sure is.  Don't bother, she is the queen of whining and instigating, but she gets away with it everytime.  :P


Title: Re: War in the AvA: Battle of Britain
Post by: Slash27 on March 27, 2008, 03:02:54 PM
See...when I used to fly against Storch, when he made comments towards me, it made me chuckle but it also made me want to get better so I could one day give him a run for his money.  I don't understand the person who leave the arena because of text comments.

Get better, shoot him down.  Which, if I may be so bold, I believe is Storch's intention.  To get a better fight, either by goobers running away to other arenas, or them getting better and shooting him down...thereby making him get better...thereby making them get better...and so on and so forth.

What a crock
Title: Re: War in the AvA: Battle of Britain
Post by: VonMessa on March 27, 2008, 03:11:14 PM

What a crock

A crock, perhaps.   But...  a crock of what?

Or did you mean crocodile? 
Title: Re: War in the AvA: Battle of Britain
Post by: TheBug on March 27, 2008, 06:08:42 PM
Hmm, that must of all happened on country last night.  Because I actually thought ch. 200 was pretty civil last night, at least nothing that seemed to really stick out.  Not that I have any great desire to stick up for the King mouth, but the truth is the truth.

Also I'm usually not one to get offended, whether it be smack talk, Ho'ing, flying to ack or whatever I just consider that all part of the game.  But one thing I have been finding very disturbing and in my mind a far greater crime than ch 200 BS is the large amount of stick stirring I've been seeing centered around pretty much pilots from one particular Axis squadron.  It's not all of them, but every time I see it and can determine who it was it is always from this one particular squad.  I know they have plenty of good sticks so I can't understand why they use it, maybe they think they are actually utilizing ACM ( at least I hope that).  If that is not the case I find it be pathetic and one of the worse, if not THE worse, methods of gaming the game.  I hope it is something that doesn't become a trend.

And no it is not JG54, in fact I can not ever recall seeing any member of JG54 stick-stir.
Title: Re: War in the AvA: Battle of Britain
Post by: VonMessa on March 27, 2008, 06:28:19 PM
Why make allusions, but only state who it is not?
Title: Re: War in the AvA: Battle of Britain
Post by: JagdTankker on March 27, 2008, 06:31:55 PM
stick stirring huh :rofl :rofl that is what they call someone not holding still while the other person shoots at them.

thats up there with cable pullin' :rofl

Title: Re: War in the AvA: Battle of Britain
Post by: TheBug on March 27, 2008, 06:43:54 PM
I don't really having a problem stating it is JG11, but figured it wasn't really necessary.  You being one of the pilots doing it Von Messa.  I just didn't wanted JG54 being jumped on for it, since they are the supposed "bad boys" of the Axis, which from my perspective I don't really find to be true.
Title: Re: War in the AvA: Battle of Britain
Post by: VonMessa on March 27, 2008, 06:46:02 PM
Would you be willing to help me improve?

I ask because our training officer is somewhat on hiatus from training right now.
Title: Re: War in the AvA: Battle of Britain
Post by: Anaxogoras on March 27, 2008, 06:49:07 PM
9- Complaints about a player's behavior online should be emailed to rather than posted to this board.

This thread needs to die.
Title: Re: War in the AvA: Battle of Britain
Post by: VonMessa on March 27, 2008, 06:51:28 PM
All your sheep are belong to us.
Title: Re: War in the AvA: Battle of Britain
Post by: Larry on March 27, 2008, 07:15:05 PM
I love how the shade thinks he knows all about JG54. To bad he will never leave the tower and find out.
Title: Re: War in the AvA: Battle of Britain
Post by: TheBug on March 27, 2008, 07:20:38 PM
Who's a shade?
Title: Re: War in the AvA: Battle of Britain
Post by: TheBug on March 27, 2008, 07:26:39 PM
Would you be willing to help me improve?

I ask because our training officer is somewhat on hiatus from training right now.

Well can't say I am necessarily qualified to help you improve through training, but I am willing to work with you so we can both improve.  Like I said there are many good sticks in JG11 and I don't mean to take anything away from you guys at all, but I've played this game long enough to recognize stick stirring.

When somebody is on your 6 don't rely on just jinking your stick all over to shake them.  It doesn't necessarily have the effect you are intending in what I suppose a real plane would do.  In an online flight simulator the abrupt, sudden and frequent stick movement can not be kept up with by the game across the 'net and cause micro warps and strange, inconceivable flight paths.

You don't have to believe me and I really don;t intend to bash you in any way.  I am quite willing to drop it at this point. <S>
Title: Re: War in the AvA: Battle of Britain
Post by: VonMessa on March 27, 2008, 07:44:18 PM
Since you can judge, yet not train, or offer specific help I fail to see the logic of passing judgment.  Possibly my comprehension is fallible?

Because the 'net's inability to instantly register my physical actions immediately, it is without a doubt stick stirring?


Perhaps just lag?  Perhaps I try not to make a habit of flying straight lines with a pursuer behind me?

I can't imagine anyone's plane flying very well by "stick stirring?

I will endeavor to make myself an easier target in the future.

Title: Re: War in the AvA: Battle of Britain
Post by: republic on March 27, 2008, 07:54:08 PM
You should know better than to argue with a Sicilian!
Title: Re: War in the AvA: Battle of Britain
Post by: TheBug on March 27, 2008, 08:16:43 PM
Believe what you want to believe.
Title: Re: War in the AvA: Battle of Britain
Post by: storch on March 27, 2008, 11:15:29 PM
bug those JG11 guys are stand up players.  I don't think they would be stickstirring.  I especially would not believe it of vonmessa.  I know I never hear them calling out for help even if they are being ganged.
Title: Re: War in the AvA: Battle of Britain
Post by: Larry on March 27, 2008, 11:18:17 PM
Who's a shade?

Title: Re: War in the AvA: Battle of Britain
Post by: JagdTankker on March 27, 2008, 11:25:51 PM
All a person really needs to know about JG/54 is

where to meet up for the special party

Hey TK, help everybody out and show them where the party is YO!

Title: Re: War in the AvA: Battle of Britain
Post by: bkwolf on March 27, 2008, 11:35:51 PM
Title: Re: War in the AvA: Battle of Britain
Post by: Larry on March 27, 2008, 11:44:41 PM
Aww hes still mad because Im a cheating little ditcher.

BTW wtf is it with you and that picture? I was bored and shot a tree. Is there something so Fing wrong with that? Hell I kill shoot myself on team mates also would you like pictures of that? Are you still scared to DA me or do you need your squadies to help? Would you like me to post the film of me owning two of your squadies trying to gang me? Or how about where you cuss me out because Im a no good cheating ditcher?

I wonder if you have ever ditched in your short time playing AH? I wish I still had films of you humping my ankle asking me to fly through the VH inverted ever time you saw me. Telling me how good I am and how you wish you could do that. So give it up hunglo you're just another dweeb who calls cheat or hacker when you dont see something you dont like. You and ROX should date. I bet you could get each other off on your "war" storys.

Why didnt you post that little film on a public forum. I bet everyone would love to see it.
Title: Re: War in the AvA: Battle of Britain
Post by: Odee on March 28, 2008, 06:35:09 AM
...When somebody is on your 6 don't rely on just jinking your stick all over to shake them.  It doesn't necessarily have the effect you are intending in what I suppose a real plane would do.  In an online flight simulator the abrupt, sudden and frequent stick movement can not be kept up with by the game across the 'net and cause micro warps and strange, inconceivable flight paths.

You don't have to believe me and I really don;t intend to bash you in any way.  I am quite willing to drop it at this point. <S>
I always wondered what exactly was happening when "Stick Stirring".  Great description of 'cause and effect'.  Thanks.
Title: Re: War in the AvA: Battle of Britain
Post by: Stampf on March 28, 2008, 06:41:17 AM
That's some funny stuff TK. Leave them trees alone hater.

Someone mentioned this thread should die, and so it should.  Certainly not the way to start off a new campaign.


Stick stirring?  Stick Stirring in german iron leads to crashes.  Now, with many new members in JG11 (some new players even), coupled with my limited time for training, and even Arena play the last couple weeks, I will not say you definatly have not seen that from your perspective.  However, I will state and with conviction, that stick stirring is not a tactic endorsed or approved of by myself, and I have not witnessed it from members of the Geschwader.

I only reply at all here though for the following reason:  With 24 guys in JG11 to make a "unit wide" comment is well,...out of line I suppose is a good term.  If "Bravado" was to HO me on the first merge, I certainly would not come and post that the 353rd are "a bunch of Hotards".

Calling individuals out is all right and proper sir.  Group assumptions...are just that.  It is not the intention of JG11 pilots to degrade the game play of the AvA.  Frankly it's the opposite, as I believe it is as well with you.

Title: Re: War in the AvA: Battle of Britain
Post by: flatiron1 on March 28, 2008, 08:29:19 AM
what time Friday does BOB start?
Title: Re: War in the AvA: Battle of Britain
Post by: XAKL on March 28, 2008, 08:31:02 AM
what time Friday does BOB start?


Title: Re: War in the AvA: Battle of Britain
Post by: Stampf on March 28, 2008, 08:32:35 AM
The planes, or the map?

EDIT:  Is this another 5 round roller, or one week filler?
Title: Re: War in the AvA: Battle of Britain
Post by: soda72 on March 28, 2008, 08:34:59 AM
what time Friday does BOB start?

Fork was planning on setting it up last night, but I see finrus is still up...  something important must of came up, 
Title: Re: War in the AvA: Battle of Britain
Post by: republic on March 28, 2008, 08:39:23 AM


I am in complete agreement.
Title: Re: War in the AvA: Battle of Britain
Post by: Stampf on March 28, 2008, 08:45:08 AM
'aight, I see the event description in header post.

Second question unanswered...Why do people dislike BoB ?  Just curious.
Title: Re: War in the AvA: Battle of Britain
Post by: storch on March 28, 2008, 08:50:02 AM
I'm no fan of early war either but others are so there it is.

why don't you like the early war/bob?
Title: Re: War in the AvA: Battle of Britain
Post by: republic on March 28, 2008, 09:18:06 AM
I mainly dislike BoB because we only have 2 choices of fighters.  I often like to rotate between various flavors of 109s and the occasional 110/190.  The Emil is so underpowered it only vaguely resembles a 109, and to be honest, I really stink aiming wing mounted guns.  The 110c is awesome but ungainly, it takes me some time to remember how to fly it as a fighter again.

Then there are the hurricanes that sort of, stay aloft with a only the help of a gentle breeze.  They complain about those 8 303's but...if they setup convergence correctly they are quite devastating.  That combined with a plane who's flight envelope defies common logic...makes it unfun.

Flight times are a bear.  Most everyone scrambles to alt then dives to the deck.

1v1's can be fun in BoB but...are rare.

Just my opinion though.  However, tt's not near as bad as a PTO.
Title: Re: War in the AvA: Battle of Britain
Post by: Stampf on March 28, 2008, 09:23:16 AM
I hear all that Rep.  I find the Hurri Spit combo tough, particularly if they have alt advantage.  Guns on the emil are teh sux too.  110...I am teh sux there.

Emil's employed with tactics (gangs, hordes, know)...can get it done.  Experience, teamwork, and tactics, should carry the day though.  20bases in a week though? Thats more fields than JG11 has captured in 2 years.  :lol

Welcome back too. :D
Title: Re: War in the AvA: Battle of Britain
Post by: captain1ma on March 28, 2008, 09:26:26 AM
well if JG11 forms up with JG54, it shouldnt be a problem. If anything they will be at a disadvantage. Poor, poor allieds, they have no idea what is going to happen to them.
Title: Re: War in the AvA: Battle of Britain
Post by: republic on March 28, 2008, 09:29:44 AM
I concur, I'd really like to see a real combined JG54/JG11 operation.  We've done small ops together but a night or two of all out warfare...we could have them up in Scotland in a week.  :)
Title: Re: War in the AvA: Battle of Britain
Post by: Shifty on March 28, 2008, 09:32:54 AM
You three fraulines done rubbing each others G spots yet? :D
Title: Re: War in the AvA: Battle of Britain
Post by: captain1ma on March 28, 2008, 09:34:51 AM
You three fraulines done rubbing each others G spots yet? :D

we'll see who's done rubbing what, when we get done wiping you guys out!!  :)
Title: Re: War in the AvA: Battle of Britain
Post by: Stampf on March 28, 2008, 09:35:25 AM
I concur, I'd really like to see a real combined JG54/JG11 operation.  We've done small ops together but a night or two of all out warfare...we could have them up in Scotland in a week.  :)

Agreed wholeheartedly seems one group is always carrying the fight and one group is guarding the backdoor.  You know how they are about that. :eek:
Title: Re: War in the AvA: Battle of Britain
Post by: Stampf on March 28, 2008, 09:36:59 AM
You three fraulines done rubbing each others G spots yet? :D

It feels to good to stop... :D
Title: Re: War in the AvA: Battle of Britain
Post by: Shifty on March 28, 2008, 09:48:22 AM
It feels to good to stop... :D

I knew I heard Jaeger purring.   ;)
Title: Re: War in the AvA: Battle of Britain
Post by: DrDea on March 28, 2008, 09:52:50 AM
  Friday will be the time to play this as there will maby even be some air to air stuff going on.Seems like every time I jump into AvA for a change from the MA its damned near impossible to find a good fight.Its all land grab.I was even told once that if land grab wasnt my thing AvA might not be for me. :huh   Used to be good fights in there all the time.Now it just seems like a baby MA.
Title: Re: War in the AvA: Battle of Britain
Post by: storch on March 28, 2008, 10:01:00 AM
my biggest dislike is the ineffectiveness of the MGFF modelling in AH
Title: Re: War in the AvA: Battle of Britain
Post by: storch on March 28, 2008, 10:06:02 AM
  Friday will be the time to play this as there will maby even be some air to air stuff going on.Seems like every time I jump into AvA for a change from the MA its damned near impossible to find a good fight.Its all land grab.I was even told once that if land grab wasnt my thing AvA might not be for me. :huh   Used to be good fights in there all the time.Now it just seems like a baby MA.
I'll refer you to the thread titled the difference.  that being said and seeing that you are an MA player I don't think you are capable of delivering a good fight to AvA standards.  I would like be proven wrong though so if you care to, we can meet in the DA and few a friendly rounds and we can test the good fights theory.
Title: Re: War in the AvA: Battle of Britain
Post by: TheBug on March 28, 2008, 10:42:21 AM
That's some funny stuff TK. Leave them trees alone hater.

Someone mentioned this thread should die, and so it should.  Certainly not the way to start off a new campaign.


Stick stirring?  Stick Stirring in german iron leads to crashes.  Now, with many new members in JG11 (some new players even), coupled with my limited time for training, and even Arena play the last couple weeks, I will not say you definatly have not seen that from your perspective.  However, I will state and with conviction, that stick stirring is not a tactic endorsed or approved of by myself, and I have not witnessed it from members of the Geschwader.

I only reply at all here though for the following reason:  With 24 guys in JG11 to make a "unit wide" comment is well,...out of line I suppose is a good term.  If "Bravado" was to HO me on the first merge, I certainly would not come and post that the 353rd are "a bunch of Hotards".

Calling individuals out is all right and proper sir.  Group assumptions...are just that.  It is not the intention of JG11 pilots to degrade the game play of the AvA.  Frankly it's the opposite, as I believe it is as well with you.


    Thank you for the reply, I in no way meant to degrade JG11 I overall have great respect for your squad, but I felt the stick stirring reached a point that I must comment on it.
    I apologize for not being clear, but it appears you misunderstood me.  I was not saying all of JG11 stick stirs, just that all the pilots I have recently observed  doing it have come from JG11.  Granted that it is a very small fraction of your total strength.  I also do not claim that the stick stirring is intentional, for I have no way of knowing that.  But I assure you I have seen it and would not claim otherwise if I haven't.
Title: Re: War in the AvA: Battle of Britain
Post by: Stampf on March 28, 2008, 10:57:46 AM
my biggest dislike is the ineffectiveness of the MGFF modelling in AH

Can't hit the hanger from inside the hanger with them.  Even if I do, it barely disturbs the dust.
Title: Re: War in the AvA: Battle of Britain
Post by: Stampf on March 28, 2008, 11:03:16 AM
I'll refer you to the thread titled the difference.  that being said and seeing that you are an MA player I don't think you are capable of delivering a good fight to AvA standards.  I would like be proven wrong though so if you care to, we can meet in the DA and few a friendly rounds and we can test the good fights theory.

Missed that thread.

Storch, I just read that thread.  Great topic and great description.  That's why it's down at the bottom with few replies.  I can relate to much of that, as you know.

Really, really good post.  There's alot or Really Good sticks, who never venture into the AvA, for certain.  But per capita, one can learn alot in here, quickly if they want to, and are willing to take the lumps.
Title: Re: War in the AvA: Battle of Britain
Post by: Stampf on March 28, 2008, 11:06:45 AM
    Thank you for the reply, I in no way meant to degrade JG11 I overall have great respect for your squad, but I felt the stick stirring reached a point that I must comment on it.
    I apologize for not being clear, but it appears you misunderstood me.  I was not saying all of JG11 stick stirs, just that all the pilots I have recently observed  doing it have come from JG11.  Granted that it is a very small fraction of your total strength.  I also do not claim that the stick stirring is intentional, for I have no way of knowing that.  But I assure you I have seen it and would not claim otherwise if I haven't.


Danke, Herr Kommandeur.

Curious...what airframe type(s) you seeing this in?
Title: Re: War in the AvA: Battle of Britain
Post by: Odee on March 28, 2008, 11:24:25 AM
well if JG11 forms up with JG54, it shouldnt be a problem. If anything they will be at a disadvantage. Poor, poor allieds, they have no idea what is going to happen to them.
What happened to JG11 going Allied this time around...  Find the planes not to your liking again?

Spit's and Hurri's set your convergence to no more than 200 and don't shoot until you're that close.  You'll tear up hte LW crap.
Title: Re: War in the AvA: Battle of Britain
Post by: republic on March 28, 2008, 12:09:00 PM
JG11 was never going Allied Odee.

Your skill in reading has decreased by 1 point.
Title: Re: War in the AvA: Battle of Britain
Post by: Oldman731 on March 28, 2008, 12:35:40 PM

To provide some balance:  I LOVE the BoB setup.  For me, it illustrates all of the best things about the AvA arena.  It creates a historical atmosphere that you just can't get anywhere else.  The map is authentic, the planes are authentic (yes, yes, I know, the 110 and the Ju88 are slightly later versions, they're still very close), the plane-to-plane fights are authentic.  Unlike any other period, you have to use authentic tactics, e.g. you can't take 600-yard crossing shots with consistent success.  Instead you have to fly yourself onto the enemy's tail, get in close and stay there for awhile.  This takes a lot more flying skill than, say, the 1945 era, where you can tap your trigger and unleash an artillery barrage that eradicates anything in its path.  The Spit I v. Emil is one of the most close-matched fights to be had between historically opposed planes, ETO or PAC, of any period.  Each side works under an overall handicap - the Allies weaker armament, the Axis' more difficult planes.  For me, BoB has always been the AvA setup against which all others are judged.

And for those who don't like it - hey, it's only for a week.

- oldman
Title: Re: War in the AvA: Battle of Britain
Post by: Stampf on March 28, 2008, 12:47:12 PM
Yellow nosed Emil's Vrs. Spit and Hurri I's.

Horrido!  :aok

Title: Re: War in the AvA: Battle of Britain
Post by: VonMessa on March 28, 2008, 01:11:50 PM
You three fraulines done rubbing each others G spots yet? :D


Bitte versuchen Sie nicht, die deutsche Sprache zu verwenden, wenn Sie nicht die Wörter richtig buchstabieren können.

It is Fraulein, if you please :D

And not to leave our other Axis friends feeling left out...

Title: Re: War in the AvA: Battle of Britain
Post by: Shifty on March 28, 2008, 01:15:36 PM
deutsche Sprache zu verwenden, wenn Sie nicht die Wörter richtig buchstabieren können.

It is Fraulein, if you please :D

Oops my bad... Since there's four of you now, hold that pose while I get my camera.  ;)
Title: Re: War in the AvA: Battle of Britain
Post by: VonMessa on March 28, 2008, 01:26:39 PM
Until the BoB, lets all relax and have a beer.  New batch up...............




Yes the Allied guys can have some too.

I'd brew a batch for the Allieds, but I'm afraid that I cannot add the rice, corn or whatever other nonsense that you guys are used to in your Ales, Bitters, Stouts, etc.

It would be in violation of the Reinheitsgebot.   So be cautious Allied pilots, at 9.7% it kicks like a mule.

Axis pilots on the other hand, enjoy a taste of home.

Title: Re: War in the AvA: Battle of Britain
Post by: Stampf on March 28, 2008, 01:35:07 PM
Tuxinator Dopplebock  :rofl

The guys on the right are stick stirring.  :P
Title: Re: War in the AvA: Battle of Britain
Post by: VonMessa on March 28, 2008, 01:38:17 PM
Oops my bad... Since there's four of you now, hold that pose while I get my camera.  ;)

This pose???     (Excuse me while I hide in the ack from the Skuzz Stick)

Title: Re: War in the AvA: Battle of Britain
Post by: Stampf on March 28, 2008, 01:43:16 PM
This pose???     (Excuse me while I hide in the ack from the Skuzz Stick)


No No No



Still only 3 Shifty.  Von far too ugly for our party.  :D
Title: Re: War in the AvA: Battle of Britain
Post by: Stampf on March 28, 2008, 01:49:56 PM
Everybody back from the little boys room?
Title: Re: War in the AvA: Battle of Britain
Post by: republic on March 28, 2008, 02:06:45 PM
To provide some balance:  I LOVE the BoB setup.

I agree, the BoB setup is the best historical scenario possible given the current planeset.  The 111 would probably make it go from my least favorite to one of my favorite scenarios.  I like to fly bombers, I'm crazy I know, and boy do I get tired of those silly Ju-88's....
Title: Re: War in the AvA: Battle of Britain
Post by: Shifty on March 28, 2008, 02:08:10 PM
No No No



Still only 3 Shifty.  Von far too ugly for our party.  :D

Best looking bunch of Stickstirrin/Vultcher/Hotard/Dweebs I've ever see!  ;)
Title: Re: War in the AvA: Battle of Britain
Post by: VonMessa on March 28, 2008, 02:13:28 PM
 :aok :aok

Title: Re: War in the AvA: Battle of Britain
Post by: soda72 on March 28, 2008, 02:17:48 PM
Aircraft list for the BOB war is up in the private forums
Title: Re: War in the AvA: Battle of Britain
Post by: VonMessa on March 28, 2008, 02:18:32 PM
No No No



Still only 3 Shifty.  Von far too ugly for our party.  :D

Hey!!   Don't forget, I have the only key to der Ratskeller around my neck.   Come 'n get it, I dare ya..... :D

Title: Re: War in the AvA: Battle of Britain
Post by: storch on March 28, 2008, 02:21:40 PM
JG11 was never going Allied Odee.

Your skill in reading has decreased by 1 point.
is that possible?
Title: Re: War in the AvA: Battle of Britain
Post by: captain1ma on March 28, 2008, 02:50:21 PM
isnt that like a negative score then??  :)
Title: Re: War in the AvA: Battle of Britain
Post by: KONG1 on March 28, 2008, 04:06:57 PM
Aircraft list for the BOB war is up in the private forums
List them here, please. Somebody removed me from the axis forum for some reason.
Title: Re: War in the AvA: Battle of Britain
Post by: republic on March 28, 2008, 04:29:35 PM
Please do, I've been removed too.
Title: Re: War in the AvA: Battle of Britain
Post by: Odee on March 28, 2008, 05:06:21 PM
is that possible?
Must have been JG54 saying that then...  I keep forgetting which are the bigger cowards.
Title: Re: War in the AvA: Battle of Britain
Post by: storch on March 28, 2008, 05:15:15 PM
yes I too have been mysteriously removed from the axis forum
Title: Re: War in the AvA: Battle of Britain
Post by: bcee on March 28, 2008, 05:33:17 PM
I think youse guyz missed muster.......
Title: Re: War in the AvA: Battle of Britain
Post by: KONG1 on March 28, 2008, 05:34:41 PM
Must be an allied conspiracy to stop us from coordinating our war strategy. It will do them no good, we don't really have a strategy, all we do in the forum is tell Odee jokes.
Title: Re: War in the AvA: Battle of Britain
Post by: storch on March 28, 2008, 05:47:33 PM
I think that is correct KONG.  I also believe it to be a mere part of a larger strategy by the allied team member staff who have set the ack to come back up in one hundred twenty seconds.  this is favorable to the ackllieds in that

1. they never take bases because they can't
2. it prevents us from taking bases though ultimately I suspect we will
3. it gives them that warm, cozy feeling they desperately crave.

I think we need some members from the axis squads to also be staffers
Title: Re: War in the AvA: Battle of Britain
Post by: Larry on March 28, 2008, 05:55:18 PM
I think we need some members from the axis squads to also be staffers

That will never happen.
Title: Re: War in the AvA: Battle of Britain
Post by: storch on March 28, 2008, 05:56:50 PM
That will never happen.

I know
Title: Re: War in the AvA: Battle of Britain
Post by: republic on March 28, 2008, 06:26:02 PM
We aren't turtly enough for the turtle club.

Title: Re: War in the AvA: Battle of Britain
Post by: TheBug on March 28, 2008, 11:48:02 PM
The guys on the right are stick stirring.  :P

Tee hee hee.....

Now let's have some fun. <F>
Title: Re: War in the AvA: Battle of Britain
Post by: TheBug on March 28, 2008, 11:51:25 PM
Until the BoB, lets all relax and have a beer.  New batch up...............

Yes the Allied guys can have some too.

I'd brew a batch for the Allieds, but I'm afraid that I cannot add the rice, corn or whatever other nonsense that you guys are used to in your Ales, Bitters, Stouts, etc.

It would be in violation of the Reinheitsgebot.   So be cautious Allied pilots, at 9.7% it kicks like a mule.

Axis pilots on the other hand, enjoy a taste of home.

You made a hefeweizen you twit..
AkA in violation of the Reinheitsgebot
Title: Re: War in the AvA: Battle of Britain
Post by: VonMessa on March 29, 2008, 12:16:33 AM
You made a hefeweizen you twit..
AkA in violation of the Reinheitsgebot


Was brewed before reinheitsgebot set in.  That makes it OK. Besides, it's still not rice or corn.  Leave that for Sake and 'shine.

Besides, there is nothing more Bavarian.
Title: Re: War in the AvA: Battle of Britain
Post by: DrDea on March 29, 2008, 02:01:47 AM
I'll refer you to the thread titled the difference.  that being said and seeing that you are an MA player I don't think you are capable of delivering a good fight to AvA standards.  I would like be proven wrong though so if you care to, we can meet in the DA and few a friendly rounds and we can test the good fights theory.
Just one issue there.We both like kraut stuff.I would love to fly head to head with ya if ya fly the damned allied stuff :) Just never see much a2a stuff in AVA.
 And I never said AVA didnt offer any good fights.Just they were hard to find.
Title: Re: War in the AvA: Battle of Britain
Post by: storch on March 29, 2008, 06:47:57 AM
Just one issue there.We both like kraut stuff.I would love to fly head to head with ya if ya fly the damned allied stuff :) Just never see much a2a stuff in AVA.
 And I never said AVA didnt offer any good fights.Just they were hard to find.

there are plenty of fights if you are an allied player lesser if you are axis, so there I would agree with you.  however with a little forethought and some planning as an axis player it is still possible to find the odd fight or two.  this is my suggestion, you must be;
1. alone
2. no higher than 300 feet agl
3. near their fully functioning ack
4. preferably between a port ack and the fleet ack
5. seem to be wandering around afk
6. in a goon

if you manage to meet all of these prerequisites then five or six intrepid allied players will surely accomodate you with a fight, otherwise you are on your own.
Title: Re: War in the AvA: Battle of Britain
Post by: ShrkBite on March 30, 2008, 12:46:19 AM
Easy Pesy Melon Squeezy. and they arent your melons! HERZ AS OWNING
Title: Re: War in the AvA: Battle of Britain
Post by: VonMessa on March 30, 2008, 01:12:43 AM
there are plenty of fights if you are an allied player lesser if you are axis, so there I would agree with you.  however with a little forethought and some planning as an axis player it is still possible to find the odd fight or two.  this is my suggestion, you must be;
1. alone
2. no higher than 300 feet agl
3. near their fully functioning ack
4. preferably between a port ack and the fleet ack
5. seem to be wandering around afk
6. in a goon

if you manage to meet all of these prerequisites then five or six intrepid allied players will surely accomodate you with a fight, otherwise you are on your own.

You forgot:

7.  already damaged/leaking something important   :aok
Title: Re: War in the AvA: Battle of Britain
Post by: Arlo on March 30, 2008, 01:25:57 PM
Quote from: storch on Yesterday at 06:47:57
there are plenty of fights if you are an allied player lesser if you are axis, so there I would agree with you.  however with a little forethought and some planning as an axis player it is still possible to find the odd fight or two.  this is my suggestion, you must be;
1. alone
2. no higher than 300 feet agl
3. near their fully functioning ack
4. preferably between a port ack and the fleet ack
5. seem to be wandering around afk
6. in a goon

if you manage to meet all of these prerequisites then five or six intrepid allied players will surely accomodate you with a fight, otherwise you are on your own.
You forgot:

7.  already damaged/leaking something important   :aok

Smells like whine. Damned Vichy Frenchmen. No wonder the only other insult they seem to know focuses on "elderberries."

I mean ... does none of this seem remotely familiar to you? It's right out of the history books!


Get off our bloody island!


No you seely Eenglish Kah-nig-hits! Neener neener!
Title: Re: War in the AvA: Battle of Britain
Post by: 1redrum on March 30, 2008, 11:27:06 PM

Looks alot like a whine too
Title: Re: War in the AvA: Battle of Britain
Post by: VonMessa on March 31, 2008, 12:22:09 AM
Smells like whine. Damned Vichy Frenchmen. No wonder the only other insult they seem to know focuses on "elderberries."

I mean ... does none of this seem remotely familiar to you? It's right out of the history books!


Get off our bloody island!


No you seely Eenglish Kah-nig-hits! Neener neener!

You misquoted me for one.  That was actually Storch's post except for the caveat that I added.

Secondly, why are you still here.  Didn't you quit or give up on the Ava or something like that?    :noid

Besides, you're using coconuts!
Title: Re: War in the AvA: Battle of Britain
Post by: Arlo on March 31, 2008, 12:34:22 AM
You misquoted me for one.  That was actually Storch's post except for the caveat that I added.

Secondly, why are you still here.  Didn't you quit or give up on the Ava or something like that?    :noid

Besides, you're using coconuts!

That's why the quote had "Quote from: storch on Yesterday at 06:47:57" although I didn't highlight where his ended and yours took over. I'd bet most could figure that out if they tried, including you.  :aok

Secondly I never said I gave up on the AvA. That's Storch when his estrogen buildup counteracts his testoterone injections. VF-17 doesn't live here. I don't live here. Nice place to visit but I wouldn't wanna live here. But my squadron still has some presence ... even under the appropriate guises. I understand you're confused but it's not really my fault. If you want sympathy I can fake it if you reimburse me.  :D
Title: Re: War in the AvA: Battle of Britain
Post by: VonMessa on March 31, 2008, 07:00:51 AM
How much?
Title: Re: War in the AvA: Battle of Britain
Post by: Bruv119 on March 31, 2008, 07:01:37 AM
I didnt want to read 8 pages of crap.

Is this up in the AvA right now or this coming Friday?

Title: Re: War in the AvA: Battle of Britain
Post by: Gaidin on March 31, 2008, 07:05:16 AM
its up now
Title: Re: War in the AvA: Battle of Britain
Post by: Arlo on March 31, 2008, 07:18:54 AM
How much?

How much ya got? :D
Title: Re: War in the AvA: Battle of Britain
Post by: VonMessa on March 31, 2008, 07:44:15 AM
How much ya got? :D

3 sheep
12 coconuts
2 African swallows
1 holy hand grenade
Title: Re: War in the AvA: Battle of Britain
Post by: Arlo on March 31, 2008, 12:29:31 PM
3 sheep
12 coconuts
2 African swallows
1 holy hand grenade

I'll take them all. Up front. :)
Title: Re: War in the AvA: Battle of Britain
Post by: Tilt on April 01, 2008, 10:01:49 AM
Appologies  if I repeat a debate already had.

I was flying the Boston in  the BoB set up last night and was able to mess about to some extent dog fighting in it. It is after all the fastest bird in this arena.

Perhaps you could push it back into its bombing role (a little more) by only making it only available from the English main land. I believe it was even available off a CV.
Title: Re: War in the AvA: Battle of Britain
Post by: Arlo on April 01, 2008, 11:40:46 AM
It was. It does. In this setup it's adequate in the role of divebomber .... and somewhat adequate as a dogfighter if there's another friendly near (under *my* rusty control). Someone decent at CV ops, under the current setting, could even land as well as take off from CVs but the birdfarm won't rearm formations (one good thing).