Aces High Bulletin Board

General Forums => Staged Mission Editor => Topic started by: Baumer on March 28, 2008, 09:18:29 AM

Title: invisible aircraft
Post by: Baumer on March 28, 2008, 09:18:29 AM
basic info-
editor v0.80 P0
OE v2.10 p2

Here's a short film of me being chased and shot at, by a German uber-weapon  :) an invisible aircraft. (

It seems that adding too many aircraft causes some odd behavior, this was from an 8 vs. 8 fight.
Given that this is a beta release and fully understanding that there are some bugs to work out, I have a few questions for the staff at HTC.

Are there any particular ways we can help with the testing?
Does HTC have a recommendations for aircraft or mission limits at this time?
Should we be sticking to 1 vs 1 for the time being?

Title: Re: invisible aircraft
Post by: Yossarian on March 29, 2008, 04:42:31 PM
I think this may be caused by the fact that the Allied formations have a maximum of 6 planes in them, and so having more causes batty things to happen.

It might also be that having different countries causes bugs.

This is all from when we were plugging numbers into those text files...the good old days  :aok


Title: Re: invisible aircraft
Post by: trotter on March 29, 2008, 04:47:11 PM
I have had the invisible aircraft phenomenon happen to me in two of Baumer's missions

the 12 v 12 spit v 109, and the 4v4 zeke v F4F

So I don't think it's dependent upon mission size. Also, I dont think that it's certain aircraft that are becoming invisible, as in the 4v4 I clearly remember all 4 bogeys going down, and I still had an invisible pursuer.

It's very very jarring, after flying AH for so long you come to accept certain truths, such as clear six = nobody will be shooting you from your six. Takes a little while to even get used to it.
Title: Re: invisible aircraft
Post by: Baumer on March 29, 2008, 04:50:32 PM
Just to add some information, this mission was made using the editor, and it's 2 flights of 4 vs. 2 flights of 4.
Title: Re: invisible aircraft
Post by: Yossarian on March 29, 2008, 05:38:39 PM
Just wondering, did you start the mission you've been having invisible aircraft problems with from the original example mission, or was it a brand new one you made yourself?

Trotter, I just ran the Zeke vs F4F mission, and had no problems with it.


Title: Re: invisible aircraft
Post by: Baumer on March 29, 2008, 05:57:18 PM
Once the editor was posted, I redid each mission from the base oneonone.mis file. I was thinking, just like you, that the editing I did could cause problems, so I started over.

I haven't seen any behavior like this on small missions (under 8 total aircraft) just 8 and over.