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Help and Support Forums => Technical Support => Topic started by: morfiend on April 11, 2008, 03:39:10 PM

Title: graphix
Post by: morfiend on April 11, 2008, 03:39:10 PM
I'm having a problem with graphic detail,at about 2 or 3000 ft agl the trees just disappear.

 Yes I have both sliders set to max and any adjustments below that make it worse.

 I'm using vista 64,yayaya I know....vistasux!!

 E8400, 4 gigs corsair ram 8800 512 GTS asus P5K e
 Vsync enabled steady 60fps

 I've tried alsorts of different Vcard settings,even thought maybe hirez texture were to blame and dropped down to 512

 Any suggestions,or is it a Vista problem,oh ya I have all the latest drivers installed and sp1 for Vista......
Title: Re: graphix
Post by: chrish483 on April 11, 2008, 06:50:50 PM
just throwing out an idea here,   but what VIS mode are you using?

shift + F1 = F4   you should be using Ground vis mode  (shift+F4) if your in a GV

in a CV i use the full vis mode  (shift+F1)
Title: Re: graphix
Post by: morfiend on April 11, 2008, 11:37:00 PM
Thx Chrish

 It's a new install so I'll check the mode,frustration set in and couldn't think of anything else.
Title: Re: graphix
Post by: morfiend on April 15, 2008, 02:20:16 PM

 you were right,it was set to ground mode..... Doh!!!!

 Thx I might never have found it out.
Title: Re: graphix
Post by: wipass on April 17, 2008, 05:37:19 AM

Why use Shift + F4, what difference does it make ?

Title: Re: graphix
Post by: chrish483 on April 18, 2008, 02:18:21 AM

Why use Shift + F4, what difference does it make ?


well the ground vis mode F4  is that you can see every thing from where your standing on a field out to the limitation of that point.  lets say 6K

F3 and F2 will drop out the stuff closer to you and on out. thewse two have no real reason to have or use, some people may use it sowell here from those in other posts.

F1 used on CV's youll see more shoreline or greater distance, plus youll see all enemy icons upclose or far away, but if you would use F1 on a base you wont see GV's and there icons and most trees and such.  but your best view is F4 gound vis mode  F1 if your on a CV gun 8 inch or 5 inch shooting long distance.

determine what vis mode you like in each place.
Title: Re: graphix
Post by: chrish483 on April 18, 2008, 02:25:07 AM

 you were right,it was set to ground mode..... Doh!!!!

 Thx I might never have found it out.

your welcom

it was just a hunch that when you said the trees were dropping out at so said distance that maby you were in the wrong VIS MODE,  glad to help out.
is your detail as it should be now?
Title: Re: graphix
Post by: morfiend on April 19, 2008, 12:11:25 AM
Yes sir,actually it's running pretty good.Still some probs with sound, but vox seems to work.

 Bill can take vista and....well ya know.... :furious :furious :furious