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Special Events Forums => Special Events General => Topic started by: Baddawg on August 24, 2000, 10:33:00 PM

Title: ToD 3 screenies
Post by: Baddawg on August 24, 2000, 10:33:00 PM
Well this one was a butt pukering experience for the Luftwaffe. Fun, and a awesome sight coming Head On into the formation of B17s.
But  after first pass  we were on defensive  the whole time from the allied escort.


Achtung ! Dicke Autos!

Title: ToD 3 screenies
Post by: funked on August 24, 2000, 10:56:00 PM
Wow, nice camera work!  That's me you are hammering in the first shot.  I lost #3 and #4 shortly thereafter.  I joined up with OldraidR (ass end Charlie) who had lost #2, #3, #4 and his rudder.  We jettisioned our ordnance and somehow limped home while the rest of the Forts hit the factory.

I was very impressed with the escort pilots, my fellow bomber pilots, and especially the Luftwaffe pilots who faced the typical ETO dilemma - short of numbers, short of altitude, and short of time - but still managed to get two "Herrausschuss" and keep 6 tons of HE from hitting a vital manufacturing complex.

Title: ToD 3 screenies
Post by: Rojo on August 24, 2000, 11:25:00 PM
WOW...if this doesn't show the world what an awsome creations this sim is, I don't know what does.  That first shot with the sunrise in the background brought a lump in my throat.  As CM, I don't get to fly...I was riding along as Jarbo's gunner tho (so I was no threat to the Luftwaffe (, and actually ducked when the butcherbirds came in on that classic head-on attack of historical fame.

I gave both sides full mission credit for this one. The LW had a slight numerical advantage over the escorting jugs. However, the escorts followed General Doolittle's guidance (rather than General Eaker), and sweeped ahead of the bombers to try and break up the forming LW attack. For their part, the German formation split, the Fw190s driving ahead to position for their attack, while the 109's did their job by keeping the escorts busy.

As for the wounded buffs, in real life its doubtful both (if either) would have made it home to England. Believe it or not, there was one more Allied casualty...SOB oversped in his haste to land at the alternate recovery base, pulled up to rapidly, and ripped his wings off!  Hate it when that happens, eh?

Thanks for those who particpated, especially the buff drivers.  The fighters were flown by TOD pilots who stood to gain something by flying.  The buff drivers were just there to have fun and give the TOD pilots an objective beyond simply staying alive and going mono e mono with other fighters. Thanks, and "Salute!"

Sabre, a.k.a. Rojo
(S-2, The Buccaneers)
Title: ToD 3 screenies
Post by: Udie on August 25, 2000, 09:13:00 AM
That was a fun senario, even though we had no chance  (  Kind of historicly accurate, I LOVE IT!

 I initialy thought I had damaged 2 b17's but after reviewing my film I saw that I hit the same b17 on my 2nd pass as i did on the 1st HO pass.  So AKSWulfe should get credit for the 2nd damaged buff, if credit is assigned.

 Bonus part is I think that all the LW pilots actualy survived, even though in most cases it was under our silk  (  S! Allies

Title: ToD 3 screenies
Post by: Baddawg on August 25, 2000, 10:49:00 AM
What I would have liked to have seen,  since this was a P47 escort. Was that at some point and time the P47  would have to leave the bombers. Due to fuel concerns.
As we had it represented  here the P47 was with the bombers the whole trip.
Historically  we  know this was not often the case with a P47 or P-38 escort.
The 47s might have been divided into two groups one for escort in  and another to greet them out.
 So I found the Luftwaffe had  historical restrictions , but the USAAF really had none of the historical hurdles they had faced.(I dont think I am being baised here, butI would like to hear other opinions on this,if they feel I am in error)

Disclaimer: Im not trying to make this a Luftwaffe vrs  USAAF flame fest. I just  think it would be a legitimate option to consider in future events.
And I sure had fun even when I was riding the silk umbrella.

[This message has been edited by Baddawg (edited 08-25-2000).]
Title: ToD 3 screenies
Post by: funked on August 25, 2000, 11:10:00 AM
These were P-47D-25's right?  I thought those had the extra internal fuel that made it possible to fight over Germany?

In any case, by the time the D-25's were in wide service, most of the escorting was being done by P-51D's.

Or were we using D-25's to represent an earlier P-47D variant?

[This message has been edited by funked (edited 08-25-2000).]
Title: ToD 3 screenies
Post by: Rebel on August 25, 2000, 11:10:00 AM

     By Early-mid '44, the Jug had 3 drop tanks and could escort all the way to Berlin IF they didn't run into resistance early  (

Title: ToD 3 screenies
Post by: Baddawg on August 25, 2000, 11:43:00 AM
I guess it all depends on the exact  time frame we ran it  doesnt it  Doh!.
Since after  mid October 1943 was the last unescorted deep penetration by buffs into Germany.
 I guess I made an  assumption since we were flying the A5 1942 -43 bird.
 Never mind me sometimes I get wacked over the head by a stupid stick.
Title: ToD 3 screenies
Post by: Tailslide on August 25, 2000, 12:00:00 PM

 Amazing screen shots!
 Looks like alot of fun  (


Title: ToD 3 screenies
Post by: Renfield on August 25, 2000, 12:13:00 PM
Originally posted by Baddawg:
Well this one was a butt pukering experience for the Luftwaffe. Fun, and a awesome sight coming Head On into the formation of B17s. ...

Hehehe.. He said "Head On" ... Damn good thing RAM wasn't there to squeak about it. Baddawg - you are obviously making a dweeb move by attacking the 17's in an HO maneuver. Has the TOD degenerated to nothing but dweebish HO passes?  (

Seriously, that is an amazing screenshot and it does look like it was a lot of fun. One of the best screenshots I've seen in a while.

Title: ToD 3 screenies
Post by: funked on August 25, 2000, 12:20:00 PM
Baddawg I'm not sure either.  You have a good point - the Luftwaffe planes were late 1943.  So maybe we were indeed using the D-25 to simulate an earlier Jug.  

I like the matchup, maybe next time there will be more Luftwaffe.  However that is the first AH scenario I have participated in where the bombers weren't completely destroyed before reaching the target.

Maybe we can run a Schweinfurt scenario sometime - just Forts vs. the Luftwaffe.   (
Title: ToD 3 screenies
Post by: Udie on August 25, 2000, 12:34:00 PM
 Come check out the Snapshot event this Sunday, the Memphis Belle.  Un-escorted buffs  (  there will be 1 special b17 w/ me in it as a gunner.  It must RTB it's the Belle and it's on the 25th mission.


BTW, I have some good screens of last nights HO pass.  I can't post them though  (  can I email a couple zipped up to somebody to post here?

Title: ToD 3 screenies
Post by: Wanker on August 25, 2000, 12:40:00 PM
As the surviving CM of the Regensburg Snapshot me, you don't want to see a LW vs. buff mission(it ain't pretty for the buffs). Likewise, I hope I'm not around the next time P-47 pilots are given a limit on how far they may escort the buffs. My tail is still sore from all the chewing out I received!  (

On the other hand, last night was a blast!

These events are great opportunities to meet new people, or get the chance to finally speak with people you've flown with in the MA. As a matter of fact, I'm surprised Cobra and I didn't start reciting lines from "Blazing Saddles" to each other on RW.

Btw, I have a film of the LW's HO on the buffs from the escort's perspective. If someone has a place for it on the net, I'll send it to them for all to see.

P/O banana
XO 308(Polish) Sqn "City of Cracow" RAF

Multi-Frame Events Team Lead, Aces High Scenario Corps.

"Look at me when I HO you!"
Title: ToD 3 screenies
Post by: Wanker on August 25, 2000, 12:43:00 PM
LOL! Anyone else notice that there's a buff in the 2nd pic that has it's gear down?
Title: ToD 3 screenies
Post by: SOB on August 25, 2000, 12:44:00 PM
I can post 'em for ya...just send 'em to  I'll be gone by 5pm Pacific time tho!  This goes for Udie and banana  (


[This message has been edited by SOB (edited 08-25-2000).]
Title: ToD 3 screenies
Post by: funked on August 25, 2000, 12:46:00 PM
Yeah I saw that.  It seems to be some kind of bug.  I had two guys tell me my gear was down when it was up (I checked the cockpit indicator as well as external view).
Title: ToD 3 screenies
Post by: Baddawg on August 25, 2000, 01:05:00 PM
AHA! Gear down Fort! Now wasnt that how the supposed myth of the bloody 100th  misfortune started.
No mercy Now Mwhahahahahah.  (
At any rate  the senario was very very good.
BTW was friendly collisions turned on ?

 Send me your screen shots  unzipped if you wish to I can  compress and post them if needed.
Title: ToD 3 screenies
Post by: SOB on August 25, 2000, 01:31:00 PM
Udie's Pics...



Title: ToD 3 screenies
Post by: funked on August 25, 2000, 01:34:00 PM
Baddawg we had Franz Stigler at the AH Con and he was asked about the 100th.  He said that to his knowledge the incident really happened, and that the story spread to his unit.  He said they knew the markings of the 100th, and that when the 100th were spotted, the location was reported on the radio and that an effort was made to focus on the 100th.  He said this in a "matter of fact" tone and it was the only time all weekend I felt a slight chill... there was a 100th BG veteran sitting two seats to his left!
Title: ToD 3 screenies
Post by: funked on August 25, 2000, 01:42:00 PM
WTG SOB.  I think Udie's 2nd shot shows how OldraidR got his rudder shredded!
Title: ToD 3 screenies
Post by: RAM on August 25, 2000, 03:27:00 PM
Originally posted by Renfield:
Hehehe.. He said "Head On" ... Damn good thing RAM wasn't there to squeak about it. Baddawg - you are obviously making a dweeb move by attacking the 17's in an HO maneuver. Has the TOD degenerated to nothing but dweebish HO passes?   (

Seriously, that is an amazing screenshot and it does look like it was a lot of fun. One of the best screenshots I've seen in a while.

Renfield I thought you had resigned from TOD?

Keep on the flame, dweeb. You mr Hero of the HO  (


WTG SOB. I think Udie's 2nd shot shows how OldraidR got his rudder shredded!

Hehehe funked I think that shows too why do I feel the 20mms aren't what they should  ( IMHO, of course.

WTG, that seems to have been a blast!!!  ( Sad as it is I am in "forced landing" now  ( there is a big big party in this city this week...the BIG week of Bilbao.  (

RAM-------------->ready to go drinking and dancing all night long  (
Title: ToD 3 screenies
Post by: funked on August 25, 2000, 04:30:00 PM
RAM that picture shows only 4 hits.  How many are cannon and how many are MG?  Even if they are all cannon that is still not enough to down a B-17 in real life.

OldraidR's plane was heavily damaged.  If we were on a real mission he would not have made it home.  As it was, he barely survived his crash landing.

[This message has been edited by funked (edited 08-25-2000).]
Title: ToD 3 screenies
Post by: Udie on August 25, 2000, 04:59:00 PM
 I haven't shot MG at an enemy plane with the a5  (  it was all cannon.  I was going to fast when we hit the buffs.  The 2nd buff in the formation got EXTREEEEEEMLY lucky  my hand jerked just as i was lining up my shot.  I was nervous as heck my hands were shaking all over the place.

 The damage seemed alright too me, it looked REALY cool, looking back and seing 1 buff leaking gas (one of the ones i hit) and another w/ 2 dead engines.  Times like those that keep me coming back...

Title: ToD 3 screenies
Post by: funked on August 25, 2000, 08:45:00 PM
I was the one with 2 dead engines.  OldraidR had the fuel leak and then 3 engines gone plus his rudder shredded, landing gear broken, and a couple of dead gunners.  I'd say the cannons work pretty well!
Title: ToD 3 screenies
Post by: RAM on August 26, 2000, 08:20:00 AM
LOL!!!! I MADE IT!!! I MADE A TROLL THAT WORKED!!! hehehehehe...funked didnt you notice that little  ( when I was speaking of the cannons?  (

good gooooooooooood...2 fat fishes... (

hihihihihihihihihi  (
Title: ToD 3 screenies
Post by: funked on August 26, 2000, 12:30:00 PM
I hate you!!!!!!!!!!!!


