Aces High Bulletin Board
General Forums => Custom Skins => Topic started by: Motherland on April 23, 2008, 08:36:09 PM
Leutnant Heinz Knoke, Staffelkapitan of 5./JG11, April, 1943.
The spinner got cut off in the scanner... its just a plain black spinner.
Staffel Badge & Personal emblem, based more on a photograph than the profile.
Your wing crosses are too small. The default ones are off. One of the Finns was nice enough to point this out to me, you will need to check but I believe they should extend out to the panel lines at the top cord of the wings and back to the panel line at the trailing edge where the flaps tie in. Note that they should also get wider.
Also check the profile, the side cross is also smaller than the profile.
The profile is in greens and your plane is in greys? Why?
Thanks for the info on the crosses :aok
Thats green?
Every profile in the book is tinted green. Im 100% sure thats supposed to be grey.
Your emblems on the fuselage are a bit jagged, try re-doing them at a larger size and then re-sizing it once (don't keep trying on the same image, go back to the start if it isn't the right size).
The splinter pattern doesn't look like standard style splinter camo. It doesn't look right.
The splinter pattern doesn't look like standard style splinter camo. It doesn't look right.
On the wings or the upper fuselage?
Wings [EDIT: Including H-stabs]
Wings [EDIT: Including H-stabs]
The pattern was copied directly from a frame of a guncam :aok
Knowing the quality of film at the time and the tendency to bleed colors out, I'd have to ask for a reference.
It goes against the standard patterns, and they didn't coin the term "accuracy nazi" for nothing. Especially the port wing and starboard h-stab.
NVM... that was the G6 that I based on the guncam. I'll redo the G1's wings.
Speaking of the G6....
And the G1 with the new crosses.