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Special Events Forums => Special Events General => Topic started by: skernsk on December 08, 2001, 12:24:00 PM

Post by: skernsk on December 08, 2001, 12:24:00 PM
There was a thread a while back polling for ideas for events.

I would like some basic ideas that you folks would like us to create.  Keep in mind that our planeset is limited and we don't like to make substitutes if at all possible.

We have several historical terrains.

Black Sea
Big Week

When I write a TOD I am more inclinded to "base" it on an actual event rather than get mixed up in the finest of details.  Those fine detail events we call "scenarios".  

TOD's allow us to give you a one life event based on the specific bettle or theatre of operations.
Post by: Kingonads on December 08, 2001, 12:44:00 PM
I would still like a TOD to be run like hostile shores was.  A war of Attrition,  I am tired of fighting in one frame, smoking a funky butt lovin of zeros only to see ALL N1K2 the next frame, how do U lose planes and get better ones?  I still think they should have so many of one type of plane and a unlimited number of another type, Like for instance U have 2 squadrons of 8 planes they have been asigned Tempest, they lose 7 tempest in the first frame, should U have 7 tempest replace them, HECK NO, they would get typhoons to rplace the tempest loses. yeah this would suck for the most part but it would also make people less apt to not care in these events.  I am tired of being sent on sucide runs in fighter or in bombers just to draw fighters away.  If the TODs keep like this I doubt many other squads will keep in it, thats Y the numbers have dropped alot since it started.

Post by: skernsk on December 08, 2001, 04:51:00 PM
Well that wasn't what I was asking but that's ok too.  I am certainly not the man who runs the CM team so those people should answer you questions.  I'll give you my 2 cents.

As for modelling the TOD like Hostile Shores:

The TOD's are not so complicated and I would like to keep them that way.  Details like that that need to be worried about the more difficult it is to manage.

We set it up theoretically with 2 equal sides and each side has a primary, secondary and alternate objective.

When it comes to PERK planes they will certainly be limited but N1k's aren't perks and the Axis did not up in all N1k's.  You ran into a whole bunch....well that is fine I'm sure moe than one time a small group of Naval planes was pounced by zekes or N1K's.

We design the TOD so that both sides will have contact..afterall in this game we shoot other planes down.  Sometimes a small squad meets up with a large squad..we as CM's really can't control that and nor could the Frame C.O. as he has  no idea what the other side has planned.
Post by: Toad on December 08, 2001, 05:16:00 PM
I would think a squadron that experienced losses would get replacements of the same type.

Well, that's if you want to base it on a <cough> realistic assumption.

After all, a P-51 squadron that lost 3 planes wouldn't get 3 P40's as replacements. They'd get what the squadron pilots were already qualified in, what the squadron mechanics were trained to work on and what the squadron supply and munitions branches had "consumables" for, I think.

...and on the original topic, I'd like to see a "Russian Front" TOD. I think we've got a decent planeset for that, especially if set up to use the IL-s in its proper role.

Just my .02.

[ 12-08-2001: Message edited by: Toad ]
Post by: Wotan on December 08, 2001, 05:24:00 PM
Stalingrad that way we can use 202/205s

I wish we had a playable med terrain.......

Nuttz how about a med terrain Italy, greece some of N. Africa..... :)
Post by: daddog on December 08, 2001, 08:04:00 PM
If the TODs keep like this I doubt many other squads will keep in it, thats Y the numbers have dropped alot since it started.

What are you talking about? We had 10 squads sign up in the first month. Now we have 18. You do the math. What squad are you in hodo that is in the TOD?

Black Sea is the next one toad.  :)

Rgr that wotan, as soon as the med is updated or when sundog is finished with Sicily we will have it.  :)
Post by: Kingonads on December 08, 2001, 09:48:00 PM
I am in the Rogue Squadron, but the numbers for each event is what I am talking about there R less people showing up..... maybe its the event it self or the match ups.  

   And The US is a bad example because of its HUGE production capacity, but he Japanese where known to put A6M5s with N1K2s and A6M2s that had loss tooo many planes.

Post by: AN on December 09, 2001, 08:31:00 AM
I've suggested Dieppe before, and I'm doing it again now.  :)

We've got the planeset, and although we don't have a map that has anything where Dieppe is, the Europe map (not the new BW map) has a perfect Dieppe-like area at Cherbourg.  It has mannable gun positions, a port, and is just about the right distance from the RAF airfields and the LW airfields (although the two airfields at Cherbourg probably shouldn't be used).

Instead of 'Dieppe', call it 'Raid on France' and make it a 'what-if' based on the Raid on Dieppe.  :)

Post by: jpeg on December 09, 2001, 11:43:00 PM
TOD suggestion:
Let walkons play
Post by: Raubvogel on December 10, 2001, 01:14:00 AM
I'd like to see something along the lines of a Kursk battle. Too bad we don't have some Soviet armor and some Ju87s. Give both sides PzIVs and IL-2s and it might work.
Post by: funkedup on December 10, 2001, 02:11:00 AM
1941-1942 stuff over France/Belgium/Holland.
B-26's and Spits against Ju 88, 109s, and 190s.  Dieppe idea by Anrky sounds pretty good.  Make sure some of the targets in France belong to Allies so Luftwaffe can hit "Allied-held positions in France".
Post by: AN on December 10, 2001, 08:37:00 AM
1941-1942 stuff over France/Belgium/Holland.

Dieppe is my 'pet' scenario idea, but a TOD full of Circuses, Rodeos, and Rhubarbs would make me just as happy  :)

Post by: skernsk on December 10, 2001, 08:59:00 AM
Yer reading my mind AN

I wrote a TOD idea based on Dieppe.  It is on the shelf until the map is updated.  As a matter of fact that map is being updated as we speak.

So instead:

I am writing a TOD based on Rodeo's and Rhubarbs.  We don't have any proper RAF bombers to make a nice "Circus" so it will just be fighters.
Post by: AN on December 10, 2001, 09:07:00 AM
Looking forward to both!

Post by: sling322 on December 10, 2001, 11:03:00 AM
Originally posted by jpeg:
TOD suggestion:
Let walkons play

We do let walk-ons play jpeg.  You must be a member of a squad in the TOD doesnt affect MA squads in any way.  Because of the way scoring is run, everybody must be registered on the TOD site at Events HQ.  The log files that Exile uses to compile stats dont show squad affiliation, so everybody has to be pre-registered on the Events site so that his stats compiler can attribute points to the proper squads.

So, until you at least try to get a guest spot with one of the TOD squads, you dont know what you are missing.   :)
Post by: skernsk on December 10, 2001, 11:30:00 AM
There are always squads looking to fill their roster.  Look for posts later in the week that a TOD is running.
Post by: jpeg on December 15, 2001, 05:17:00 PM
Originally posted by sling322:

We do let walk-ons play jpeg.  You must be a member of a squad in the TOD though....
it doesnt affect MA squads in any way.  Because of the way scoring is run, everybody must be registered on the TOD site at Events HQ.  The log files that Exile uses to compile stats dont show squad affiliation, so everybody has to be pre-registered on the Events site so that his stats compiler can attribute points to the proper squads.

So, until you at least try to get a guest spot with one of the TOD squads, you dont know what you are missing.    :)

If I have to ask to be a guest spot on a squad to play that defeats the whole notion of a "walkon".

What I mean is that besides the registered squads you should open up TOD so anyone can join that night. Like snapshots.

Restricting TOD to presigned squads and then on top of that not allowing other squads to play until spots open up is just plain wrong and discriminate.
Post by: Steven on December 16, 2001, 10:28:00 AM
I really can't believe all the complaining going on lately.

My impression of TOD is that walkons really will not work for what is strived for here.  The TOD is setup so that those players who fly with each other on a regular basis can fly in events and not be shuffled around to make the sides even or be mixed in with other squadrons.  And to do this, the designers of the TOD probably need a good idea of how many squadrons will participate so that they can create a theater which will have enough targets and chances of encountering the enemy.  Besides, you can fill a guest spot with a squadron and it only takes 5-minutes to join a squadron in the SE arena.  You just click the "accept" button when invited, then leave the arena and come back so you are logged in correctly...2-minutes...5-minutes?   I don't see the problem in humoring everyone and just doing this huge inconvenience.  

I personally like that there is a squad-only event available.  The flavor differs from all the other events available that just mix people up and jumble players together to make the sides even.  Right now numbers may fluctuate a little bit because of the holidays.  People are away visiting family or have engagements and parties.  I've been to company parties and have seen two young children of mine sing in school Xmas recitles.  Overall, the numbers in the TOD are still going strong and I look forward to the next frames!
Post by: Steven on December 16, 2001, 10:38:00 AM
<<What I mean is that besides the registered squads you should open up TOD so anyone can join that night. Like snapshots.

Restricting TOD to presigned squads and then on top of that not allowing other squads to play until spots open up is just plain wrong and discriminate.>>

JPeG, it sounds almost as if you've not flown a TOD.  The TODs are setup unlike any other event from my unerstanding.  I wish someone in the "know" would pop in and explain how they are created, but there is no assurance that a squad will even see action.  It's not like Snapshots or other events where everyone knows what target is being attacked and thus defended.  These are setup with much "gray area."  To make this work, the designers HAVE to know who and how many are participating ahead of time.  Sometimes you run into overwhelming opposition and sometimes find a cake-walk and sometimes find the action even.  It is different and I hope no one mucks with it.
Post by: sling322 on December 16, 2001, 06:50:00 PM
Originally posted by jpeg:

If I have to ask to be a guest spot on a squad to play that defeats the whole notion of a "walkon".

What I mean is that besides the registered squads you should open up TOD so anyone can join that night. Like snapshots.

Restricting TOD to presigned squads and then on top of that not allowing other squads to play until spots open up is just plain wrong and discriminate.

It cannot be done because of the scoring pages and stuff that Exile manages.  If we just allowed anyone to walk into the arena then we would be wasting the work that Exile puts into maintaining the scoring pages for the TOD.  Basically what it boils down to is that the logs that HTC gives us for scoring doesnt associate whether you are in a squad or not.  So Exile takes his database of "registered" players and sorts the stats through it so that he can attribute points to the proper side.

I understand your desire to 'walk-on' Jpeg, but really its not that hard.  Get a current TOD squad to name you as a Guest and put you on their roster.  Then just show up on Friday nites when you can.  Problem solved.   :)  Hell send a message to Fatty.  The FDBs always need pilots since Skernsk and I cant always fly now that we are involved in the CM team.
Post by: skernsk on December 16, 2001, 08:32:00 PM
Another reason for no walk-ons is that at the start of the week objectives are sent to frame C.O's.

Frame C.O's then send orders to the individual "squads" that are registered.  These squads will practice (not FDB's) their missions.

Basically everyone knows what they are doing before the event starts.  Walk-ons would make everyone wait while you are briefed as to your orders.  

And several squads need guest pilots every week...some even keep the pilots in their squad.
Post by: daddog on December 16, 2001, 08:40:00 PM
Restricting TOD to presigned squads and then on top of that not allowing other squads to play until spots open up is just plain wrong and discriminate.

I have yet to turn down a squad that wants to fly in the TOD. I have dropped a couple that did not show up to play, but everyone gets a chance. The same goes for single pilots that want to try it out. With 18 squads to choose from you can find a slot if you want.  

Exile could set up the parsers for walk on's but I will not have it. If you ever doubt the success of these kinds of events I suggest you take a peek at the S3's in Warbirds. The two events are very similar and they have over 200 per frame at times. I am aiming for those numbers and the same kind of dedicated squads.  We are only 4 months old and have over a 100 per frame. I think it is working fine.