Aces High Bulletin Board
Help and Support Forums => Help and Training => Topic started by: flatiron1 on May 23, 2008, 02:28:15 PM
Question about accuracy of zone status on the clipboard. In preparation for Battle of Aces in the AVA have been doing some practice bombing missions. When checking some status after destroying up to 30 objects say at refinery the status will sometimes still read 100% then later read say 63% and a short later either read ---- or be back at 100%. What does the ---- mean and why does it seem the stats do not show up when they should. I realize their is resupply but I don't think this is whats happening in this case.
Zone status is accurate, but is updated with some delay (not much)
some notes:
- Make sure you're clicking on the right base to check strat targets. Base must belong to same zone as strat target. Sounds obvious but sometimes it's easy to mis-click, the base closest to a strat doesn't always belong to the same zone
- If you see "---" that means the base you checked is not resupplied by the strat system. The reason for this is that the zone base was captured by the enemy.
- If you see "---" that means the base you checked is not resupplied by the strat system. The reason for this is that the zone base was captured by the enemy.
... or the base is in an enemy zone.
If it's the AVA i bet it's been set that way so people can't pork all the fields.
I think I see now thanks Lusche.