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Help and Support Forums => Technical Support => Topic started by: A8TOOL on July 03, 2008, 05:01:36 PM

Title: Disco / booted every hour
Post by: A8TOOL on July 03, 2008, 05:01:36 PM
Every hour of game play ends with a disconnection. I have been playing in orange but it seems to happen in every arena.

What can i do?

D/L the game over or is this a prob for a few players?

Title: Re: Disco / booted every hour
Post by: Dragon on July 03, 2008, 06:04:08 PM
internet connection issue I'm thinking.  Sometimes a file can get messed up, but it will effect the same plane, sound, something every time.  The question is, what are you doing before each disco.
Title: Re: Disco / booted every hour
Post by: A8TOOL on July 03, 2008, 08:10:34 PM
Thanks for responding Dragon, I'm thinking maybe I won't be able to get help till Monday on this because of holiday.  Happy 4th BTW

I'm doing the same thing every time. Just flying or Gv'ing around. A couple of times it's happened in the tower as well. I have 11 hours on and 11 boots. One an Hour. I even clocked it the last time it happened. I'm logging off now and then going back in game before the hour is up and it seems to work but WTF?  heheh
Title: Re: Disco / booted every hour
Post by: The Fugitive on July 03, 2008, 10:13:02 PM
It sounds like another program is borrowing your connection for a second to check for an update of ping a site. Possibly spam or spyware. If its that regular you should be able to pin it down.

Run virus scan, and ad-aware, then check to see what programs you have running in the background. All it takes is a second of disconnect (thats why cable pulling doesn't work) and your out of the game.
Title: Re: Disco / booted every hour
Post by: A8TOOL on July 04, 2008, 10:39:31 AM
Thanks Fugitive,

I did run all of those over the last 3 days and it did not help at all yesterday until miraculously the problem disappeared last night sometime after posting here. I had absolutely no probs in Blue last night.

Being disco'ed almost on the hour out of Blue musta been a fluke and made me think it was for all of AH. Now I'm thinking it's an Orange prob or Titanic Tuesday map issue. I'm going to hang in orange for an hour before i get ready to leave.

HAppy 4th all

I did mess with my vid settings trying to increase frames as well. Was getting 11 - 22 frames in orange when I normally get 30 to 50
Title: Re: Disco / booted every hour
Post by: Sketch on July 04, 2008, 11:22:52 AM
I have had the same issue T00L, which is one of the main reasons I have not flown for a while... because I got sick of it and just needed a break from it.  Mine I think has to do with something in my bios as my clock does not stay up to date.  So I am wondering, maybe mine is discoed every hour because of this issue, such as my information coming from HTC and my computer not having the correct time.  Migt be something, but am not sure...
Title: Re: Disco / booted every hour
Post by: Anodizer on July 04, 2008, 02:59:44 PM
Thanks for responding Dragon, I'm thinking maybe I won't be able to get help till Monday on this because of holiday.  Happy 4th BTW

I'm doing the same thing every time. Just flying or Gv'ing around. A couple of times it's happened in the tower as well. I have 11 hours on and 11 boots. One an Hour. I even clocked it the last time it happened. I'm logging off now and then going back in game before the hour is up and it seems to work but WTF?  heheh

Couple things about your system/connection..  Are you running Vista or XP?
Who's your ISP?
Are you behind a router/hub/switch?

Also, what are you using as far as Antivirus/Antispyware/Firewall, etc.?

A few antivirus and antispyware applications try to update every hour by default..
Really, it's kind of hard to determine the issue without doing a battery of tests..
Have you ever used Hijackthis?
Basically, what Hijackthis does is determine all your processes especially those running in the backround..  It makes a logfile of these processes....  Then, if you know what you're doing, you can disable or remove certain processes that may be causing problems, or you can put the logfile on one of their forums and they can determine if anything is an issue.. 
Buy yeah, if it's on the hour every hour, sounds like something trying to access your internet connection.. 
Title: Re: Disco / booted every hour
Post by: Max on July 04, 2008, 03:22:45 PM
I've also had a number of "Lost UDP" ---> discos this past week. Can't recall this happening anytime in the past 6-9 months. I'm on a solid DSL and re-power my modem once a week.
Title: Re: Disco / booted every hour
Post by: Hawk55 on July 04, 2008, 09:58:34 PM
I've also had a number of "Lost UDP" ---> discos this past week. Can't recall this happening anytime in the past 6-9 months. I'm on a solid DSL and re-power my modem once a week.

Ditto Max...this past week has been absolutely brutal and not even worth logging on.
Title: Re: Disco / booted every hour
Post by: Anodizer on July 04, 2008, 10:08:29 PM
Wonder if it's the influx of summer vacation kiddies takin' up our bandwidth.  You guys notice if there's more logged than pre-summer figures?
I dunno, seem busier to me.   I came back to the game in early May, and around mid June, seemed like more people were logged on. 

I have no idea as how large HiTech's capacity as far as bandwidth or server ability.  Do you guys play any other games beside AH?  Are you getting discoed there to?  Just curious.  Then you'd be able to sort of tell if it's just your connection being moody, or something on Hitech's end.

I play a few other games pretty regularly on line and I have to be honest, I pretty much never get discoed from them.  In the time I've been back, I've gotten maybe 4 or 5 discoes in the span of about 2 months while playing AH in the late evening hours.
Title: Re: Disco / booted every hour
Post by: Max on July 05, 2008, 06:45:19 AM
Wonder if it's the influx of summer vacation kiddies takin' up our bandwidth.  You guys notice if there's more logged than pre-summer figures?
I dunno, seem busier to me.   I came back to the game in early May, and around mid June, seemed like more people were logged on. 

A few weeks ago Skuzzy mentioned summer vacation (aka Squeakers Gone Wild) as a possible jam point in the internet nexus. HTC maintains, however, that their server capacity is not overwhelmed by the current number of players.

Like I said, I'm at a loss to explain why I can putter along for months at a time with no connection issues, and all of a sudden, BOOM...repeated disco/UDP problems come outta nowhere.  :cry
Title: Re: Disco / booted every hour
Post by: Falcon94 on July 05, 2008, 06:55:03 PM
Ive been getting the same problems here, seems to start around 2pm est time and ends around 10 pm. UDP loses connection and disco. My ISP tech ppl said it could have been the router and to try it without the router in the equation and i tried it, it worked for about 12 hours then started right back up again. I got booted about 15mins prior to posting this so it is on going  :cry

Hope we get this sorted out soon.

Title: Re: Disco / booted every hour
Post by: Getback on July 05, 2008, 11:03:18 PM
Are you running an anti-virus program while playing? You may want to post your dxdiag output here. You didn't by chance download any intel disk management software?

Title: Re: Disco / booted every hour
Post by: A8TOOL on July 06, 2008, 02:34:09 AM
I Thought it was cleared up but seems to be A PROBLEM WITH ORANGE or TITANIC TUESDAY MAP.

Every hour on the hour boot there.

Thanks for all the suggestions...tried them all..Salute
Title: Re: Disco / booted every hour
Post by: SD67 on July 06, 2008, 04:48:31 AM
It's a Bish plot :noid
Title: Re: Disco / booted every hour
Post by: SD67 on July 06, 2008, 08:11:48 AM
I just had a thought...
Once when I was having a similar problem I noticed a steady decrease in my overall network speed. I had this strange feeling that it was my ADSL modem/router slowly dying, so I got a new one just to see and hey presto! Problems all went away. If you can borrow a different modem/router and give that a shot maybe your problem is something similar.
Title: Re: Disco / booted every hour
Post by: The Fugitive on July 06, 2008, 08:17:44 AM
re-booting your router might be enough.
Title: Re: Disco / booted every hour
Post by: SD67 on July 06, 2008, 08:24:02 AM
That did work for a short time, but then it would die off again in fairly short order.
It was actually the reason I began to suspect it in the first place so it's worth trying.

Title: Re: Disco / booted every hour
Post by: Skuzzy on July 07, 2008, 07:29:11 AM
I see a number of different issues in this thread, while most seem to think it is the same problem.

If your frame rate is dropping to the 10's, then your computer resources are just being overwhelmed.  Titanic Tuesday requires more resources due to the number of people online in one place.

Another thing to keep in mind, and I have stated this many times.  At any given time, there IS something wrong somewhere on the Internet.  Eventually you will be a victim of it.

There are many programs that will interfere with the game.  Anti-virus or any security style program has the ability to really mess with the game.  Spybot, for example, is one of the worst.  I can assure you problems will happen with the game if you use the latest version of Spybot.

Our game servers are sitting on dual OC-48's (48 DS3's, one DS3 equals 45Mb/s).  This matters very little as connection issues are usually not the last mile (i.e. the actual connection to the Internet).  Last mile connection issues are normally far more problematic and in our case, would effect everyone equally, without fail.  So, if one person can say they have a great connection, then our last mile is good to go.

The game servers themselves have never exceeded 5% of their potential capacity.  Normally they run less than 2% usage and average about 3% usage.

Everyone has access to the tools they need to determine where any given performance issue may lie.

First place to look is the in-game 'Variance' chart in the 'Net Status'.  It is your best indicator of how well your computer is responding to the game requests.  If it is nice and flat, then your computer is handling the game well.  If it is bouncing around, then your computer CPU is being pulled away from running the game. As to why that would happen, it could be a hundred things.  Typically it is local programs running in the background, but it could also be your Internet connection being overwhelmed with connection attempts from external sources.  This gets particularly bad when you have a software firewall and are logging everything.  If your computer is running out of resources, the variance could bounce all over the place due to excess hard disk activity.

If the 'Variance' is flat, but you are still having connection issues, then it is time to start looking to the Internet for the reason.  Ping Plotter is a good tool to use, but tracert works OK too.  Just run it to the game server IP address and see if there is any packet loss or timeouts along the way.  Problems can show up anywhere along the way.  If the problems appear at the last or next to the last hop, then I need to  run the trace back to you as problems showing up at the last or next to the last hop indicate potential problems on the return trip to your computer.  The limitation of a Ping Plot or a tracert being you can only test one direction.  All our connections are asynchronous where the data coming back to your computer will take a different route than the one coming from your computer.

If you are getting dropped every hour, on the hour, then that is usually due to a DHCP refresh or a DHCP release being done by your ISP.  Check with your ISP to see what DHCP settings they are using.  They can change them at any time for any connection or based on a specific group of IP addresses.
Title: Re: Disco / booted every hour
Post by: Sketch on July 08, 2008, 09:21:20 PM
I have been in 2 different states and 4 different locations playing the game and is all the same with me with discos on the hour, roughly 33 minutes past the hour.  I am having issues with my clock on my computer and it has to do with something in my bios I believe.  Now when my clock is wrong, will that affect anything with the packets I am getting?  And could that be the cause of my problems?
Title: Re: Disco / booted every hour
Post by: SPKmes on July 08, 2008, 09:47:23 PM
Wether this has any relevance to your issue or not I am un-sure but I had trouble with orange/titanic arenas last week after installing a graphics driver that I thought would be better because it was newer and offered more blah, blah, blah. Thought it was Internet issue--- as in a a previous post I would choose the arena and if orange /titanic I would get to the clipboard, bases would be flashing but no dar bars and thirty sec later 'host lost connection', if I did manage to get in it was very short lived. Since I took the advice of skuzzy for driver choice no hassels. So what I am getting at is if you have changed a setting maybe look at setting it back if not then, to all that read this, thank you Skuzzy I will listen to and follow your advice forever more  :salute sir.
Title: Re: Disco / booted every hour
Post by: NEARY on July 08, 2008, 11:55:09 PM
whats wierd for me is that i have the same problem but when i installed my mic it stopped for two days then started again. then a month or two later i installed my joystick and it stopped doing it for two days but now it won't stop no matter what. :furious :cry it is :t  :mad: :uhoh :devil :eek: :frown: :mad: :( :huh
Title: Re: Disco / booted every hour
Post by: Max on July 09, 2008, 09:37:46 AM
Could you repeat ^^^^^^ again in English?
Title: Re: Disco / booted every hour
Post by: Captfish on July 09, 2008, 10:08:39 AM
I used have the perfectly timed discos myself and solved it by fixing this:

I found out that the lines in my neighborhood had deteriorated to such a state that would not allow me to get the DSL connection speed I was paying for, I was payong for "3.0 fastacces extreme DSL" . So I had to downgrade my DSL to s speed my area could handle, 1.5.  :cry According to the nice Lady on the phone this is actually become a common problem, and the phone company was not planning on fixing the lines instead they were just going to downgrade the clients as complaints came in. :confused:
Title: Re: Disco / booted every hour
Post by: Skuzzy on July 09, 2008, 02:00:30 PM
I have been in 2 different states and 4 different locations playing the game and is all the same with me with discos on the hour, roughly 33 minutes past the hour.  I am having issues with my clock on my computer and it has to do with something in my bios I believe.  Now when my clock is wrong, will that affect anything with the packets I am getting?  And could that be the cause of my problems?

Laptops are always more prone to discos than desktop computers.  Also, if you connect through a hotel connection it could be more problematic (not sure if this is the case, but it is worth mentioning) as most hotels use a wireless connection for their service.  Wireless connections are simply going to be iffy all the time.  It is the nature of the beast.  There are always bit errors in the stream of a wireless connection.
Title: Re: Disco / booted every hour
Post by: Sketch on July 10, 2008, 05:27:46 PM
Laptops are always more prone to discos than desktop computers.  Also, if you connect through a hotel connection it could be more problematic (not sure if this is the case, but it is worth mentioning) as most hotels use a wireless connection for their service.  Wireless connections are simply going to be iffy all the time.  It is the nature of the beast.  There are always bit errors in the stream of a wireless connection.
Not on a laptop and am connected straight in with no wireless.  Have been in so many places because of military stuff.  Just wondering if it could be something with the time issue on my computer with bios?
Title: Re: Disco / booted every hour
Post by: Skuzzy on July 11, 2008, 06:37:06 AM
Hard to say.  Could be a lot of things.  At any given minute of the day there is a problem somewhere on the Internet, but that is just one of the many things that can contribute to unstable connections.  Things you would not associate with discos, such as sound packs, large textures and so on can contribute to unstable connections.

The Variance in the game is the best place to start, then work out from there.
Title: Re: Disco / booted every hour
Post by: Hamltnblue on July 16, 2008, 02:37:36 PM
How warm is the room your machine is in?
Title: Re: Disco / booted every hour
Post by: AAolds on July 20, 2008, 10:16:24 AM
I too have been getting hit with discoes about every hour.  As ive posted in past I had frame rate issues, but it turned into a disco matter.  I ran virus checks, spyware and adware checks and those problems have been addressed and still constant discoes.  Im beginning to think the problem is not with my computer.
Title: Re: Disco / booted every hour
Post by: drdeathx on July 21, 2008, 09:07:49 AM

Turn anti virus off and check my post here is the link,241726.0.html
Title: Re: Disco / booted every hour
Post by: Skuzzy on July 21, 2008, 09:36:34 AM
Again, discos can be caused by any hop from your computer to the game server over the Internet.  The only way to know where the potential issue may be is to run a Ping Plot to the game server and see if something shows up.
Title: Re: Disco / booted every hour
Post by: AAolds on July 21, 2008, 02:52:19 PM
how do I run a ping plot?  Im getting discoed like mad and Im getting to point where i dont even wanna log on anymore cause I know ill just get discoed and it's ruining the fun.
Title: Re: Disco / booted every hour
Post by: drdeathx on July 21, 2008, 03:01:57 PM
tool check this out,241726.0.html
Title: Re: Disco / booted every hour
Post by: Banshee7 on July 21, 2008, 03:30:19 PM
E-mailed my internet provider and asked about my internet not beng able to connect or stay connected during cloudy days or other dumb reasons (take note that i use Bellsouth Fast Access DSL).  They, of course, said it was probably a loose wire outside :huh.  I also tried to run a Ping Plotter but i have no clue what im doing with it (It's the fee ping plotter because i dont like spending extra money :D)

Title: Re: Disco / booted every hour
Post by: The Fugitive on July 21, 2008, 04:06:02 PM
how do I run a ping plot?  Im getting discoed like mad and Im getting to point where i dont even wanna log on anymore cause I know ill just get discoed and it's ruining the fun.

download and install the program. Start the program by double clicking the icon  :)

In the open box at the top left of the screen type in one of the addresses below.

These addresses are the Main arena server addresses.

below the address box is a larger blank box, this will hold all the different addresses you type in, so you don't have to keep retyping them. Once you have other addresses, just click on one to highlight it and ping that address.

Below that box is a drop down menu, with "# of times to trace", I leave mine on unlimited. This means it will ping till you shut it off.

Below that "trace delay". I set mine for 2.5 seconds. If you move this up to high like 60 seconds there is a good chance you will miss the bad ping run in the delay. Pinging more often will catch bad runs easier.

Below that is "statistic sample to include" this is the number of ping results the graph shows at once. If it is set to 5, it will only show you info for the last 5 ping runs (averge ping, longest ping and so on) I leave min on "ALL"

Once you have the setting as you want them, click the "Trace" button.  Let it run for a good 10-15 mins.

What your looking for is consistency. Anything under 200ms is good enough to play the game, but you want all of the pings in that area, not going from 50ms to 200ms and back again. If you have packet lose, or errors showing up you may have problems.

Take a screen shot and post it here. Let some of these network pro look at it for you, they might have a solution  :aok
Title: Re: Disco / booted every hour
Post by: AAolds on July 22, 2008, 04:47:50 AM
 :confused:  I cant find an icon or link regarding Ping Plot.
Title: Re: Disco / booted every hour
Post by: SD67 on July 22, 2008, 05:03:52 AM
Title: Re: Disco / booted every hour
Post by: AAolds on July 22, 2008, 03:45:06 PM
how do I post my screen shot, ive never been able to post pics of anykind in my threads here.

For IP below are some notable stats. got a 248 ping at one point got 500ish ping twice

Ill post more info as i get it

Title: Re: Disco / booted every hour
Post by: Skuzzy on July 23, 2008, 06:47:42 AM
You can save the PingPlot data as text, then open the file and copy and paste it to the bulletin board.
Title: Re: Disco / booted every hour
Post by: Max on July 23, 2008, 07:58:13 AM
Skuzzy, the other day you mentioned a problem on the "return" trip of the ping plot I sent you. How do you determine the "return" trip? My PP graphs from my modem to the HTC game server shows 18 hops with my modem as #1 and HTC as #18. Could you please explain to us nerdlings how you interpret a ping plot?

Thanks  :aok
Title: Re: Disco / booted every hour
Post by: Skuzzy on July 23, 2008, 11:16:55 AM
Ping Plotter (and any other trace route type of program) can only test the data path one way.  If the to and return paths are different, you only get half the data needed.

Typically when you trace to the game server and the problem shows at the game server, it is because the problem is really in the path back to your computer from the game server.  Trace utilities will only be able to show the last hop as a problem as they cannot see the return path.

When I see a trace that has the last hop as a problem, I know to do a return trace back to the first real IP address in your trace data.  I can then see what the return path is like and where the problem is.
Title: Re: Disco / booted every hour
Post by: Max on July 23, 2008, 11:54:07 AM
Title: Re: Disco / booted every hour
Post by: AAolds on July 23, 2008, 02:15:27 PM
The problem is on my end.  I woke up this morning and my computer was showing "Disc boot error, please insert disc and press enter".  I am not sure what it means, but considering the problem went away when I rebooted, I suspect the harddrive or CPU itself it going to quit soon.
Title: Re: Disco / booted every hour
Post by: drdeathx on July 23, 2008, 11:12:37 PM
aaolds put your windows disc in and hit repair should fix problem
Title: Re: Disco / booted every hour
Post by: drdeathx on July 23, 2008, 11:14:46 PM
oooh tool u disco every hour?? Must mean you are a bad arse dancer.. lol
Title: Re: Disco / booted every hour
Post by: A8TOOL on July 24, 2008, 02:14:58 AM
LOL DrDeathx,

No that stopped a while ago. I read all the posts and tried all the fixes. I wish I could tell you wish one worked for me but i have no idea. it just stopped. Actually it stopped once that Titanic Tuesday map from the beginning of the month was gone. It may have had something to do with that but just unsure at this point.

Thank you all for your help on the subject and hope others were able to get something from it. I see quite a few people posted here with similar probs at one time or another.

Cya up Death
Title: Re: Disco / booted every hour
Post by: BaldEagl on July 26, 2008, 10:49:34 AM
Add me to the list.  I've gone along for months without a disco and have now had several this month including four last night.  One in bombers, one in GVs, 2 in fighters.  There's no consistancy to when it happens and it happens in both LWAs.

I run security scans, defrag, etc. regularily.  I've got all security software turned off while playing and it's not heat related as I monitor closely.

I tried power cycling computer, the router and the modem to no avail.
Last night I just logged off in disgust and watched a (almost 2 hour) movie on-line with no issues.
Title: Re: Disco / booted every hour
Post by: Skuzzy on July 28, 2008, 11:01:01 AM
Last night I just logged off in disgust and watched a (almost 2 hour) movie on-line with no issues.

You do realize there is absolutely no coorelation between the two?
Title: Re: Disco / booted every hour
Post by: Max on July 28, 2008, 11:10:44 AM
You do realize there is absolutely no coorelation between the two?

Sure there's the on-demand video and VOIP that's porkin up the internet  :devil
Title: Re: Disco / booted every hour
Post by: Skuzzy on July 28, 2008, 11:18:17 AM
From that perspective Max, you are closer to being right than BaldEagl is.
Title: Re: Disco / booted every hour
Post by: BaldEagl on July 28, 2008, 12:18:08 PM
You do realize there is absolutely no coorelation between the two?

Yes, I do realize that.  It just felt good to say :)

Anyway I think I found and resolved the problem.
Title: Re: Disco / booted every hour
Post by: Skuzzy on July 28, 2008, 01:29:24 PM
Good to hear.