Aces High Bulletin Board
Special Events Forums => Special Events General => Topic started by: angelsandair on August 12, 2008, 12:07:55 AM
Well, I may as well ask :rock
Tank Club rocks, make Sloehand a TCCM :D :rock :rock
"Tank Club" -- this sounds cool. What is it? (Or is the first rule of Tank Club that you can't talk about Tank Club?)
I'm actually expecting to use Sloehand and his tank club in the SNS events, looking for a strong ground war presence to supplement the Air to Air campaign.
Once Rangoon is done, that is.
"Tank Club" -- this sounds cool. What is it? (Or is the first rule of Tank Club that you can't talk about Tank Club?)
I'm actually expecting to use Sloehand and his tank club in the SNS events, looking for a strong ground war presence to supplement the Air to Air campaign.
Once Rangoon is done, that is.
That sounds good ROC.
"Tank Club" -- this sounds cool. What is it? (Or is the first rule of Tank Club that you can't talk about Tank Club?)
Just a little thing regarding GV'ing for GV'ers. Last Sunday I was on, we had like 40 people playing on TC, would be a great SEA thing to do.
When I was there, we had Jeep wars, and then Sherman wars (Sherman wars, we used Smoke grenades to 'hot box' the spawn area) :D :aok
The thing with the Duel Arena is that you are only limited to so much for TC. :aok
sounds great :salute
Tank Klub in the SEA
yes i loove tank club it rocked,i want more!!