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General Forums => Hardware and Software => Topic started by: XAKL on October 24, 2008, 09:00:47 AM

Title: Laptop for gaming?
Post by: XAKL on October 24, 2008, 09:00:47 AM
Are there any high speed laptops that's good to play AH?  Graphics is always been a problem for my current laptop.  Planes look like small chicklets instead of planes.  Any recommendations? and also prices.
Title: Re: Laptop for gaming?
Post by: MrRiplEy[H] on October 24, 2008, 10:52:34 AM
Like this?

As a sidenote I'd never pick a laptop for gaming. Laptops are best suited to be portable computers for work. They're always a big compromise when it comes to performance. You'll get a way faster, more trouble free and higher quality desktop computer for the money.
Title: Re: Laptop for gaming?
Post by: Hoarach on October 24, 2008, 11:52:56 AM 

Got my laptop from them plays AH on high res and full graph details with a frame late no less than 50.
Title: Re: Laptop for gaming?
Post by: drdeathx on October 24, 2008, 06:20:13 PM
Laptops are not made for gaming. You cannot upgrade video card, They run hot and you cannot upgrade monitor.
Title: Re: Laptop for gaming?
Post by: Ack-Ack on October 24, 2008, 06:26:48 PM
Laptops are not made for gaming. You cannot upgrade video card, They run hot and you cannot upgrade monitor.

That's not entirely true of some of today's laptops.  There are ones from Dell and AlienWare that are quite capable of playing any current game on the market.  The AlienWare Area51 m17x that I have here at work will play any game just as good as the desktop gaming workstation I have or the gaming machine I have at home.

Title: Re: Laptop for gaming?
Post by: BEARING3 on October 24, 2008, 08:39:12 PM
Will have to aggree with Mr Ripley. The laptop is not suited for gaming. Technology has it's limits. Not to say it will never happen.HITECHCREATIONS does it's best to provide a very powerfull, and stimulating event on their computers. I get the feeling on this damn feed, If you think you are better then go start your own company.
Title: Re: Laptop for gaming?
Post by: The Fugitive on October 24, 2008, 10:01:29 PM
They are now making laptops that play games very well, and some are even called "gaming laptop". The reason they have them now, is because Mommy and Daddy MUST spoil their little brats with what ever toys their mis-behaving little tikkes need to look "cool" among their friends. <--- does that come off sounding a bit harsh?  :D

There are some very good units out there. Expect to pay at least 50% more than you would for a comparable desktop.
Title: Re: Laptop for gaming?
Post by: MrRiplEy[H] on October 25, 2008, 04:13:33 AM
My biggest gripe with laptops is that they're so integrated that when something breaks you generally can't replace it by yourself and even if you can, it will cost the price of a new laptop to do it (i.e. replacing the whole motherboard).

There are very few user serviceable parts inside a laptop, typically zero upgradeability (hd and ram excluded) and when stuff breaks it's usually a death sentence to the whole computer.

I've had 8 laptops in my life and none of them lasted more than two years in heavy use. The ones my wife uses for playing online games die very very fast.

Failures range from dead motherboards, dead displays, display controllers (onboard), harddrive etc. I had a fujitsu-siemens laptop that burned up the motherboard every 3 months - even with guarantee it was a nightmare. Last time it came back (3rd motherboard) the cooling fan started to scream instantly from start and the laptop was unstable so I canned it.

Last year (after 2 years with no use) my grandfather needed a laptop for writing his book so I decided to try to salvage the thing. Cleaned dust, checked all connections and what do you know, the service guy misaligned the cpu cooler on the last mobo switch - fix that and no more fan squeal or instability..

Regardless of that the moral of the story is getting a laptop can get you into a world of hurt especially if you stress it with games. They typically are very short lived.
Title: Re: Laptop for gaming?
Post by: BEARING3 on October 25, 2008, 03:27:14 PM
Mr Ripley, I love reading your posts. The thing with laptops. I spent nearly another hundred dollars to replace the power supply on this very same brand new computer. This is a set up by HP knowing that the pin is going to brake. Be very weary of corporate america. Their intentions are to drag you into the dirt. I know fare well. Keep writing buddy you keep me from total insanity.
Title: Re: Laptop for gaming?
Post by: Fulmar on October 25, 2008, 07:34:05 PM
Mr Ripley, I love reading your posts. The thing with laptops. I spent nearly another hundred dollars to replace the power supply on this very same brand new computer. This is a set up by HP knowing that the pin is going to brake. Be very weary of corporate america. Their intentions are to drag you into the dirt. I know fare well. Keep writing buddy you keep me from total insanity.
Go to russia?
Title: Re: Laptop for gaming?
Post by: BaldEagl on October 25, 2008, 08:04:32 PM
Well, my experience is a LOT different than Ripley's. 

I had a Toshiba Satellite Pro (work machine) for 4 years that I played AW and other games on on every time I travelled.  It worked flawlessly while I worked for the company.

I'm now typing this on a Sony Vaio that I've had since then (~2000 or 2001).  It's not a gaming rig by any means although it will play pretty basic stuff but, other than the battery dying, I've never had a problem with it and I use it every single day... more than either of my other two desktop machines.
Title: Re: Laptop for gaming?
Post by: AirFlyer on October 25, 2008, 10:18:13 PM
Found this nice little deal on newegg. A bit more then what you would pay for a comparable desktop but still a great deal IMO.
Title: Re: Laptop for gaming?
Post by: Hoarach on October 26, 2008, 01:02:13 AM
This laptop I got from cyberpowerpc cost me $747.  It plays AH just as good as my desktop.  AH on full graphic details and high res package no problems so cant say they dont make laptops for gaming as thats all cyberpowerpc's laptops are meant for.  I can play call of duty 4 easily on it as well.
Title: Re: Laptop for gaming?
Post by: MrRiplEy[H] on October 26, 2008, 09:35:45 AM
This laptop I got from cyberpowerpc cost me $747.  It plays AH just as good as my desktop.  AH on full graphic details and high res package no problems so cant say they dont make laptops for gaming as thats all cyberpowerpc's laptops are meant for.  I can play call of duty 4 easily on it as well.

It may run games well but wait untill a component breaks down - you won't be able to buy parts nor fix it yourself with any reasonable effort. With a table computer parts can be found almost on convenience stores nowadays.

One typical problem is screen backlight burning out rendering your otherwise perfectly running laptop dead in the water. Backlight swap requires dismantling the whole display unit with extreme precision and then hunting down a source for the right kind of cathode tube + pray the fix works and it's not the high voltage supply or something else..
Title: Re: Laptop for gaming?
Post by: drdeathx on October 27, 2008, 12:21:31 AM
AH play as good as your desktop depending what kind of processor and video you have. Laptops are not made for gaming. They call it a gaming laptop for sales and it probably performs better that most laptops. MrRip is right. That bugger will run nice and hot and when it burns up you will see. There is little ventillation in laptops causing cpu to run nice and hot. You cannot upgrade to a video card and have to use onboard video. Laptops are worthless to gamers but if you do not play often I guess it is OK. Its good for poker and hearts...LOL. Wait till the screen goes from gaming if you use it a lot.
Title: Re: Laptop for gaming?
Post by: BaldEagl on October 27, 2008, 12:38:46 AM
AH play as good as your desktop depending what kind of processor and video you have. Laptops are not made for gaming. They call it a gaming laptop for sales and it probably performs better that most laptops. MrRip is right. That bugger will run nice and hot and when it burns up you will see. There is little ventillation in laptops causing cpu to run nice and hot. You cannot upgrade to a video card and have to use onboard video. Laptops are worthless to gamers but if you do not play often I guess it is OK. Its good for poker and hearts...LOL. Wait till the screen goes from gaming if you use it a lot.

Hmmm... why didn't my Toshiba Sattelite Pro ever burn up (I gamed on it constantly for two years)?  Why hasn't the screen quit working on my Sony Vaio after eight years of use?  Why are certain laptops listed as including "discreet video cards"?

I'm not arguing the fact that you can get a better desktop system cheaper than a laptop and that it will be more flexible in terms of upgrades over time but if you don't know what you're talking about please keep your mis-information to yourself.
Title: Re: Laptop for gaming?
Post by: Fulmar on October 27, 2008, 01:26:22 AM
My wife has has her Toshiba Satellite P15-S429 (P4 3ghz, fx5200go) for just over 4 years now.  I've always been a desktop person and would never consider using/owning a laptop as my main computer...ever.  She had her laptop serviced under warranty twice (once was for fried mobo/video card) and the second was immediately after she got it back (the wireless was not working/reinstalled correctly).  Turn around time for the this debacle was about 6 weeks.  And about 6 months ago I had it serviced for a loose power connection on the motherboard (wouldn't charge).  After researching how to fix the problem and how it required complete disassembly of the laptop reach the plug, I forked over $150 for someone to do it for me. 

I actually just ordered a new hard drive for the laptop since it has been making some louder than usual accessing clicks and I'd rather spend $50 replacing it than her gripes about it when it would die some day.  What she uses it for (and me) its a great laptop, but I've learned some good lessons with it.  Like Ripley stated, upgradeability  outside of ram/hd is not gonna happen.  If a major component were to break outside of the hd, you're probably stuck to used parts on ebay for a replacement.  *When I did take out the old hard drive to just check the specs on it, I did notice that someone who had serviced it in the past (either Toshiba or the PC place) had bent one of the IDE pins on the HD.  Still works fine...

I enjoy the comfort of knowing that I can go into a machine and easily replace a failed or dying part or upgrade to something faster with out trashing the entire system.  For her, she doesn't really need it for Facebook/Solitaire/Email/Purse Shopping.  High end games are pretty much not gonna happen on that machine, though I've never really tried anything beyond Sims 2 on it (which was a jerky fest).  But laptops are sure handy on the long trip to watch movies or surf the web from your hotel room.  Even the late night in surfing/email in bed is handy.

She spent about $1900 back in 2004 and it was a pretty high end laptop at the time.  She said she'd want another one, but anything beyond $500 is plenty for her.  At $2000, I can see buying the extended 3 year or whatever warranty.  At $500 laptops, I'd wouldn't think about it.
Title: Re: Laptop for gaming?
Post by: Fulmar on October 27, 2008, 01:34:08 AM
With laptops also, its very much how you take care of them.  Dropping, spills etc can very much affect the life of machines.  My wife's at 4 years is still very much in near mint condition (and she uses it daily).  I came across her identical laptop owned by someone else a couple years ago and it had looked like it had been through hell and back three times.  With the exception of SSD HD's, you have to remember that your desktop HD is probably going to last longer since its not being carried around and banged up as a laptop one.

I read a consumer reports article not too long ago with their desktop and laptops reviews on it.  I wasn't surprised to find that repair rates on desktops (physical repairs) were half of what laptops were.  Granted I've never been in the PC repair business so I can't give you anything beyond my opinion.
Title: Re: Laptop for gaming?
Post by: MrRiplEy[H] on October 27, 2008, 09:32:31 AM
Hmmm... why didn't my Toshiba Sattelite Pro ever burn up (I gamed on it constantly for two years)?  Why hasn't the screen quit working on my Sony Vaio after eight years of use?  Why are certain laptops listed as including "discreet video cards"?

I'm not arguing the fact that you can get a better desktop system cheaper than a laptop and that it will be more flexible in terms of upgrades over time but if you don't know what you're talking about please keep your mis-information to yourself.

Lol as an IT professional I've run through enough hardware to not recommend a laptop for gaming use. I'm not saying it's impossible to use one or that they will always break there are exceptions like you obviously. But the risk of ending up in deep trouble is much higher than with a standard desktop. And it really is so that once the warranty runs out even a single component failure can make the laptop an expensive pack of junk.
Title: Re: Laptop for gaming?
Post by: drdeathx on October 27, 2008, 10:01:13 AM
Baldeagle. OK i will make this statement. Laptops are not the best to run games on. They will work and obviously you understand this.
Title: Re: Laptop for gaming?
Post by: drdeathx on October 27, 2008, 12:50:40 PM
OOh and please don't make a statement about mis information.  This was not any information sir. Laptops will run hot plain and simple. #1 They do not have ventilation as a desktop will. #2 if you feel you can run some games with the onboard video without the option to upgrade to a real video card.   High end expensive laptops may be able to handle most games but any computer savy person would never recommend running games your basic laptop. Remember some of these thread readers don't have top of the line laptop and may get the notion they can run games on a laptop with generalizations.

Try downloading demo version of crysis and benchmark your laptop.

If you have a choice between desktop and laptop use a desktop.
Title: Re: Laptop for gaming?
Post by: drdeathx on October 27, 2008, 02:32:50 PM
I find this article amusing rip