Aces High Bulletin Board
General Forums => Wishlist => Topic started by: Cipher77 on November 18, 2008, 06:16:02 PM
so i was lookin at a p51 skin of mine and i saw that it had like 15 kill symbols and it got me thinking that, hey wouldnt it be cool if like for each air kill u got like a red slash, for every 5 kills u get a red X like below
[ 1 kil / 5 kills X 50 kills/ 100 kills X and like 133 kills X XXXXXX/// i diddnt put much thot or any thing into this, but it would be a neat addition, the kill score would show up like on ur tail or sumthin.
just a thot :salute
I like it, It's just... some people haveover 50,000 air kills, so, ya...
Kepp going :aok
Lt. Pope
I like it, It's just... some people haveover 50,000 air kills, so, ya...
Kepp going :aok
Lt. Pope
Well... if you have too many kills to represent on your plane, we could make you fly around towing a banner with the rest. The more kills you get from there, the longer that thing gets... it could be like a handicap!
.end sarcasm
Well... if you have too many kills to represent on your plane, we could make you fly around towing a banner with the rest. The more kills you get from there, the longer that thing gets... it could be like a handicap!
.end sarcasm
Lol :lol :lol :rofl :lol :aok
I like it, It's just... some people haveover 50,000 air kills, so, ya...
Kepp going :aok
Lt. Pope
well, maybe to solve that, only show the kills racked up that tour.
If you want kill markings, but want to keep it from getting out of control, it would make more sense to go by a players K/D or K/S ratio rather than by raw kill numbers. If you use K/D Have it max out at 352 just in case.
well, maybe to solve that, only show the kills racked up that tour.
uhhh that can still easily be 300-1000+
why would i want my plane marked? poepl run enough already as it is.
uhhh that can still easily be 300-1000+
why would i want my plane marked? poepl run enough already as it is.
LOL...and what's the point? You rarely get close enough to see the markings anyway. The only place you could admire them is on the runway. :)
LOL...and what's the point? You rarely get close enough to see the markings anyway. The only place you could admire them is on the runway. :)
yeah i agree, nobody can see it but yourself, and thats only on the runway, its a cool idea but kind of pointless
LOL...and what's the point? You rarely get close enough to see the markings anyway. The only place you could admire them is on the runway. :)
There are many times a day I get so close that I can pick out rivets on some of the nicer skins.....long enough to start counting them. In a world of a thousand names I want people to know who I am when we start fightin. Call it ego....but I want people to look and say oh boy I know this guy. In the DA there are a few people who know me just by plane/skin. The great part about is I usually get some respect from them. I refuse to HO unless the situation is far beyond desperate so people will not take HO shots for the most part. I was looking foward to any form a plane personalization in the CT but thats on hold now. Even a few different colored bands, wingtips, checker cowl, or roundrels would be awesome. There was an idea to place symbols for kill markings posted a while back. Say a bullet for 100 kills, a fighter for 250, or jet for 500. The names/kill #s could be changed but that was the general idea. So instead of a ton of markings you would have another squad marking basically. Reset the stats every month and it might be fun.
LOL...If I'm that close, the last thing I'm worried about is the skin or any markings on the plane. I don't even notice them and I don't care who's in the plane.
If I'm that close, I more focused on what the other pilot is doing and making sure I don't ram him.
Kind of like the terrain. It's a nice thing to look at but when it comes down to it, in an A2A fight the last thing I'm paying attention to is how the terrain looks and couldn't care less about it.
Did anyone else see (not Noobish) in the thread title and instantly know this was going to be the (most Noobish) post of the week?
Did anyone else see (not Noobish) in the thread title and instantly know this was going to be the (most Noobish) post of the week?
:rofl :rofl
I particularly liked this part.
i diddnt put much thot or any thing into this
Though I think its better then another B29 thread.
Did anyone else see (not Noobish) in the thread title and instantly know this was going to be the (most Noobish) post of the week?
My first clue was "cool feature"
That tends to be the give-away.
It would have to be a per tour, per plane basis. but even then you would run into problems with Squads like the 412th who fly, for the most part, stritcly the P51. just this tour alone SkatSr has 402 kills in a P51. that would be a problem, maybe reset the Marks on the plane every week? just my thoughts, but not a bad idea IN
You know what would be funny? If this idea was ever implemented and people started to vulch 2nd accounts so they can have kill markers all over their plane.
BTW- I think it is a cool idea myself but one that would actually but a burden on the game because it would have to draw each kill decal. It could lead to some major lag and load times.
IMO 64x64 pixel squad arts on skins are already obnoxious enough.
I like it, It's just... some people haveover 50,000 air kills, so, ya...
Kepp going :aok
Lt. Pope
you only get too show the kills since your last death!
just a thought! ;)
there ya go whiskey evry death it re sets to zero, like if u bail it stays and if die it resets
you only get too show the kills since your last death!
just a thought! ;)
now thats a good idea!!
Shows number of kills as long as you dont die in that plane. After you die, (except bailing, which means not getting captured. Ditching as well) you go back to none. You have to actually land your kills before they show up on that plane though.