Aces High Bulletin Board

General Forums => Aces High General Discussion => Topic started by: 1pLUs44 on December 28, 2008, 03:49:13 AM

Title: DA?
Post by: 1pLUs44 on December 28, 2008, 03:49:13 AM
I logg on, 3 people in the DA, I know it isn't a dweeb/noob filter, because I can still get online and on the DA... Kinda odd to see 10 times less than the normal amount, and this was at about 7 Est, the time when it should have 'bout 50-60....

Title: Re: DA?
Post by: Ack-Ack on December 28, 2008, 04:08:03 AM
Don't know if it's been fixed yet but there is a problem with the DA, hits nor damage record.

Title: Re: DA?
Post by: AApache on December 28, 2008, 04:22:24 AM
cc that 1plus44 , I just logged in at 5am into the DA and also saw only 3 people none of which spoke or typed back. So I upped and chased down a red dot in the middle of the map only to see it was a glitch .There was no target in sight but I was on top of the dot on my map. Really weird :noid
Title: Re: DA?
Post by: bmwgs on December 28, 2008, 04:50:23 AM
Here's my chance..


heh, heh, heh, couldn't,t resist.   :D

Title: Re: DA?
Post by: sunfan1121 on December 28, 2008, 05:08:07 AM
Here's my chance..


heh, heh, heh, couldn't,t resist.   :D

ready now?  :D
Title: Re: DA?
Post by: scot12b on December 28, 2008, 06:41:54 AM
Title: Re: DA?
Post by: flatiron1 on December 28, 2008, 07:45:15 AM
still fubar
Title: Re: DA?
Post by: grizz441 on December 28, 2008, 12:34:25 PM
Was on there 2 days ago and it was jacked up, can't kill anything.  I guess tomorrow they'll fix it.  How does the dueling arena randomly stop working?  I don't know anything about how the game is managed, but I still don't see how damage can just stop being inflicted in an arena randomly.
Title: Re: DA?
Post by: texastc316 on December 28, 2008, 12:40:15 PM
did the same thing on the thanksgiving break.
Title: Re: DA?
Post by: RumbleB on December 28, 2008, 01:27:49 PM
Does that mean JohnnyJr's band of merry squeakers are spilling into MA?  :(
Title: Re: DA?
Post by: B4Buster on December 28, 2008, 02:09:50 PM
Only been 3 people in there for a few days now
Title: Re: DA?
Post by: Shane on December 28, 2008, 02:29:26 PM
Only been 3 people in there for a few days now

only *shows* as 3 people.  Actually there are/were 20+ at times. but the settings are hosed and need to be reset.
Title: Re: DA?
Post by: flatiron1 on December 29, 2008, 08:47:13 AM
still fubar
Title: Re: DA?
Post by: Pyro on December 29, 2008, 10:01:09 AM
Should be ok now.
Title: Re: DA?
Post by: Shane on December 29, 2008, 10:44:23 AM
Should be ok now.

seems so.  thx.
Title: Re: DA?
Post by: A8TOOL on December 29, 2008, 11:14:00 AM
Should be ok now.

 :frown: Thats to bad.  I enjoyed seeing all those DA only furballers in the main. It gave them a reason to try it and any skills they've learned while flying in the DA could have been expanded on. I think if it could have kept up for a few more days the DA guys could have learned even more and may have wanted to make a switch. It also could have been the start of a new DA bringing it back to the days of old.

Many in the DA can not compete in the MA's
Title: Re: DA?
Post by: Shane on December 29, 2008, 11:36:40 AM

 :frown: Thats to bad.  I enjoyed seeing all those DA only furballers in the main. It gave them a reason to try it and any skills they've learned while flying in the DA could have been expanded on. I think if it could have kept up for a few more days the DA guys could have learned even more and may have wanted to make a switch. It also could have been the start of a new DA bringing it back to the days of old.

Many in the DA can not compete in the MA's


1. I agree this game has more to offer than an endless furball, like, for example, endless landgrab.  :aok

2. People play in the DA for various reasons from personal to technical. Same for any arena, no?   :aok

3. The old DA never went away. Nothing stops people from using the paired bases for 1 v 1 or just a more "respectful" free for all area (which has and is being done). The only difference is killshooter is on.  :aok

4. Many more in the MA's can't compete in the MA's.  :aok   (nor in the DA's FurBlake.   :aok )

Title: Re: DA?
Post by: moot on December 29, 2008, 12:03:04 PM
You're spinning it. Not much but still spin.
Title: Re: DA?
Post by: LLogann on December 29, 2008, 12:50:20 PM
Beat me to that punch brother!

Here's my chance..


heh, heh, heh, couldn't,t resist.   :D

Title: Re: DA?
Post by: dedalos on December 29, 2008, 03:16:34 PM

 :frown: Thats to bad.  I enjoyed seeing all those DA only furballers in the main. It gave them a reason to try it and any skills they've learned while flying in the DA could have been expanded on. I think if it could have kept up for a few more days the DA guys could have learned even more and may have wanted to make a switch. It also could have been the start of a new DA bringing it back to the days of old.

Many in the DA can not compete in the MA's

OMG  :rofl  This is coming from an A8?  :rofl  What have you guys learned in the MA so far?  How to fly in packs, pad scores, and die way too fast?    :rofl
Title: Re: DA?
Post by: Thias on December 30, 2008, 05:54:58 PM
I don't think he's an a8 anymore. In any case Tools actually tries.
Title: Re: DA?
Post by: Spacy on December 31, 2008, 07:16:01 AM

 :frown: Thats to bad.  I enjoyed seeing all those DA only furballers in the main. It gave them a reason to try it and any skills they've learned while flying in the DA could have been expanded on. I think if it could have kept up for a few more days the DA guys could have learned even more and may have wanted to make a switch. It also could have been the start of a new DA bringing it back to the days of old.

Many in the DA can not compete in the MA's

Why is it that the MAers think they have to "convert" the DAers.  Some of us like flying and shooting down other planes without all the encumberances of ENY, taking bases, bombers, losing fields, radar out, etc.  We had what we wanted in 8 player and now we have to make do in the DA.  HT's decision to close 8 player has resulted in the furball area of the DA becoming what it has become.  It works for now.  We furballers pay our money and thus have paid for the use of the arenas available to us.  Everyone who enjoys this game enjoys some aspect of it more than others...some are tank guys, some like bombers, some are great at ground flak.  They can each play the type and style of play they like here and pay for the priveledge.  The DA was running correctly last night and guess what?  There were about 60-70 guys in there (most of them at furball lake) playing the style of game they like to pay to play.  Some of they guys from my squad left from the DA and went to MA but were back in a few minutes because the MA was resetting after a war and they didn't want the hassle.

Oh, and I find there are a lot of MAers who cannot compete in the DA...that doesn't make them inferior in any way, it just means they don't like or can't handle that style of play. <S> to them... I know the feeling.
Title: Re: DA?
Post by: thrila on December 31, 2008, 07:34:47 AM
I haven't flown much for several months now, but i spent a couple of hours in the DA to freshen up my ACM and gunnery.  From my experience the overall skill level in the DA was noticebly lower than the MA, it was so poor it made me want to go to the TA to help people.

Title: Re: DA?
Post by: Thias on December 31, 2008, 05:42:27 PM
Ten of you jump on one guy and then move on to the next one.
There's no challenge.
No skill involved.
And definitely no sense of fair play.

The MA horde squads are just as pathetic. It's only more concentrated in the furball area because it's a smaller arena.
When more people start honoring better fights and game play, the furball area will be great.
Title: Re: DA?
Post by: TequilaChaser on December 31, 2008, 05:57:20 PM
I agree with Replys: 16, 22 & 23........ looks like reply #23 is replying to Reply#21..yes Thias thats about how it goes...
Title: Re: DA?
Post by: Shane on December 31, 2008, 06:39:13 PM
I agree with Replys: 16, 22 & 23........ looks like reply #23 is replying to Reply#21..yes Thias thats about how it goes...

wonder who's gonna be able to figure out what reply #16 was.   :D
Title: Re: DA?
Post by: Spacy on December 31, 2008, 08:57:56 PM
Ten of you jump on one guy and then move on to the next one.
There's no challenge.
No skill involved.
And definitely no sense of fair play.

The MA horde squads are just as pathetic. It's only more concentrated in the furball area because it's a smaller arena.
When more people start honoring better fights and game play, the furball area will be great.

Get real guy, there is and never was fair play in war or the the furball or MA, I expect HOs, picks and ganging...I've been there and experience it.  None of it bothers me.  All the whining about it DOES bother me.  Grow up.  The MA is NOT better than anywhere just have to fly longer to get to it.
Title: Re: DA?
Post by: moot on December 31, 2008, 09:04:55 PM
Yeah ok buddy. Because you never saw something from under your rock, it doesnt exist.
Title: Re: DA?
Post by: Guppy35 on December 31, 2008, 09:08:06 PM
Get real guy, there is and never was fair play in war or the the furball or MA, I expect HOs, picks and ganging...I've been there and experience it.  None of it bothers me.  All the whining about it DOES bother me.  Grow up.  The MA is NOT better than anywhere just have to fly longer to get to it.

So if you are OK with how you play, quit trying to defend it.  As most discussions here prove.  No one is going to convince anyone of anything.   The MA guys apparently don't think much of you guys who run your squads in the DA.  You clearly don't think much of the MA guys.  Your argument is the MA guys don't fly the DA so how would they know.  Well you don't fly the MA so how would you know?

See how this works? :)

You want folks to grow up.  Well start the new year with applying your own advice.  It's your dime. Who cares what anyone else thinks?  Go have fun and quit justifying it. :aok
Title: Re: DA?
Post by: Shane on December 31, 2008, 09:13:44 PM
So if you are OK with how you play, quit trying to defend it.  As most discussions here prove.  No one is going to convince anyone of anything.   The MA guys apparently don't think much of you guys who run your squads in the DA.  You clearly don't think much of the MA guys.  Your argument is the MA guys don't fly the DA so how would they know.  Well you don't fly the MA so how would you know?

See how this works? :)

You want folks to grow up.  Well start the new year with applying your own advice.  It's your dime. Who cares what anyone else thinks?  Go have fun and quit justifying it. :aok

well since I fly in MW/LW/AVA/DA... my opinion should pwn!!   Oh.. my opinion? You all suck.   :lol

Title: Re: DA?
Post by: NEARY on December 31, 2008, 09:15:07 PM
i remember the last time it happened...
 i racked up 40 kills that day by rocketing people who were unaware of the bug....

 NEARY Landed kills in a tbm of the 18th fg killer chihuahuas!

 :noid :rofl :noid :rofl
Title: Re: DA?
Post by: Spacy on December 31, 2008, 09:57:54 PM
So if you are OK with how you play, quit trying to defend it.  As most discussions here prove.  No one is going to convince anyone of anything.   The MA guys apparently don't think much of you guys who run your squads in the DA.  You clearly don't think much of the MA guys.  Your argument is the MA guys don't fly the DA so how would they know.  Well you don't fly the MA so how would you know?

See how this works? :)

You want folks to grow up.  Well start the new year with applying your own advice.  It's your dime. Who cares what anyone else thinks?  Go have fun and quit justifying it. :aok your logic there should be no forums cuz no opinion matters.  I agree that "A man convinced against his will is of the same opionon still."  Still opinions can be expressed....even yours...which by your logic, shouldn't be
Title: Re: DA?
Post by: dedalos on January 01, 2009, 02:06:58 PM
Dear confused.  When we talk about the DA we are talking about the dueling arena being used as a dueling arena.  The furball lake has become a joke.  Loaded with beginners that fly Temps and a few vets that go there to kill some nubes and whine about getting picked.  However the furball joke is not the DA. 

As far as who can handle what, I go to the DA so I can be challenged in a 1 vs 1, 1 vs 2, 2 vs 2 or what ever the set up is.  I stay away from the furball area.  If I meet any of the MA aces in anything less than 3 vs 1 it ends up a boring fight with both dead after the missed HO attempts (correction, sometimes the second or third will run) so it is back to the DA hoping to find someone looking for a fight.  Please don;t talk about skill.  Talk about how smart you are for climbing above every one else and have a couple of bodies with you.  Actually, the furball area in the DA is where you guys would do really well  :aok
Title: Re: DA?
Post by: A8TOOL on January 01, 2009, 02:49:40 PM
well since I fly in MW/LW/AVA/DA... my opinion should pwn!!  Oh.. my opinion? You all suck.   :lol


Shanes last egotistical and insulting thread of 2008? Can't wait to see what he has to say in 09..... Suppose to give me an idea I can just review 08.  :rofl

Thanks Thais  :aok

And Dedalos, I'm not with the Aces anymore as my Sig has stated for over almost 2 months. If you ever want to make a friend or two, go check them out.... or you could just continue to fly alone and complain about all the people who enjoy hanging out and having fun together as a group.

My fist insulting post of'd I do Shane?   No competition I bet

Title: Re: DA?
Post by: Shane on January 01, 2009, 03:51:55 PM
Shanes last egotistical and insulting thread of 2008? Can't wait to see what he has to say in 09..... Suppose to give me an idea I can just review 08.  :rofl

My fist insulting post of'd I do Shane?   No competition I bet

Your avatar belies your sense of humor.   :noid

Title: Re: DA?
Post by: A8TOOL on January 01, 2009, 04:52:47 PM
Interesting that you see the man for who he was unlike so many who see the picture as projecting the contrary. He was a very funny guy in a very funny role.
Title: Re: DA?
Post by: Steel on January 03, 2009, 07:09:40 AM
I landed 12 kills in a B25H during that mess.

The main cannon worked.....
