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General Forums => Aircraft and Vehicles => Topic started by: Manock on January 04, 2000, 12:37:00 AM

Title: Pokey Mustangs?
Post by: Manock on January 04, 2000, 12:37:00 AM
My first flight on AH so chose a P51 to fly high and fast solo on a scouting mission to get a feel for the place when ran into a base taking squadron complete with B17s using Spitfires and 109s for escorts.  Decided to thick for me, and turned and ran for it as one of my favorite tactics shedding tanks as I cowardly headed the other direction.  Either the Spit or a 109 split from the formation, climbed and gained on me and shot both my aelerons off.  Hit the silk, and pondered on my way down "When could a P51 not flat out outdistance either one of these planes?"  It was a long walk back to base, and I was wondering if anyone else thought there Runstang was a bit over bridled.
Title: Pokey Mustangs?
Post by: juzz on January 04, 2000, 01:18:00 AM

Who was higher? How high? How fast were you going before you ran for it? Did you use WEP? Etc...

PS: In case you didn't know, the Bf109G-10 has a top speed of ~430mph.  (
Title: Pokey Mustangs?
Post by: Hristo on January 04, 2000, 01:47:00 AM
Both have historically better acceleration, and G-10 has twice the WEP time of P 51D.
Title: Pokey Mustangs?
Post by: Manock on January 04, 2000, 02:58:00 AM
Hi Nassko!
Left Britain myself, and just climbed into AH.  Not suprising to here 109 with its ultra light weight has higher acceleration than 51 but a Spitfire?  Both 51 and Spit use the same Merlin engine, and 51 much more slippier to wind resistance than Spit.  Looks like you finally got that Gustav model you've been dreaming about with its 15 mph advantage over the Mustang.  Have all the Mustang versions been this slow?  See you up there.  Wheres the canopy latch on these German models anyway?  What do you think of the AH 190 compared to WB?  Always thought that no plane could possibly be that stiff in a turn.
Title: Pokey Mustangs?
Post by: Fishu on January 04, 2000, 04:18:00 AM

With speed Fw190 does turn good, very good.
Also P-51 has top speed of 437mph (somewhere at 25000ft or close)
and accerlation.. thats another matter.
Spitfire is lighter weight than P-51..
Title: Pokey Mustangs?
Post by: Manock on January 04, 2000, 05:03:00 AM
Spitfire appears to have more surface area, as in bigger plane with those big thick ellipticle wings compared to the stubby thin wings of the 51.  Where do you get your information on plane weights?
Fishu  you solved a joystick problem for me once in DOA - are you having any trouble with stick mapping here in AH.  Ive got a post under Bugs maybe you can help with.
Title: Pokey Mustangs?
Post by: Thzone on January 04, 2000, 03:12:00 PM
Personally, I think that the FW is the best plane in the game if flown right, even against other planes being flown correctly. It can turn with a 51 on the deck and outpace a turning spitfire.  I fly it solely.
Title: Pokey Mustangs?
Post by: niknak on January 04, 2000, 04:04:00 PM
 Is this the same Manock who fell (was pushed?) of a ladder ?

  From what i have read on this board most people believe that the P51 is severly under modelled, Hristo is particularly vocal in this belife  (

  This severe under modelling is probably the reason you died.  
Title: Pokey Mustangs?
Post by: juzz on January 04, 2000, 04:37:00 PM
bwahahaahahahaha ehehehe yeah, good one  (
Title: Pokey Mustangs?
Post by: CombatWombat on January 04, 2000, 10:23:00 PM
I'm with Niknak on this one... LOL   (
Title: Pokey Mustangs?
Post by: Hristo on January 04, 2000, 10:33:00 PM
Nope, that was few versions ago. P 51D now is fine.

Now, if only 109G-10 would get the climb it lacks, it might fight effectively in vertical again.
Title: Pokey Mustangs?
Post by: Manock on January 05, 2000, 01:15:00 AM
By my calculations - staring fixedly at mph gauge - Mustang increased speed by 15 mph and 5 mph faster than 109 after long runway in latest revision.  Havent tried out the new uber flaps yet.  Getting there.  Hey CW - how those programming skills going - never did really believe you.  See you all.  Going to check the mirror to see why the lowlifes always follow me around.  Is it my clothes?  Do I have a shifty look?  Maybe the wrong antilowlife spray.  I need to solve this question.  If it hasnt sunk in.  I remain away from the British ladder for a reason, so as to avoid you dead mouth punks.  Dont respond to my posts.  They are as welcome as you made me feel in Britain.
Title: Pokey Mustangs?
Post by: niknak on January 05, 2000, 02:32:00 PM
Manock you were never persecuted for your nationality just severly disliked for your personality.

Fins, poles, brits, americans all play on the ladder with no fuss.

When you say you stay away from the ladder now you make it sound like it is through choice but the truth is you were chucked.

 Sorry we didn't i quote
"make you feel welcome"

But can you blame us if were not as understanding as the people at the institution.    
Title: Pokey Mustangs?
Post by: Manock on January 06, 2000, 01:41:00 AM
PPSSSTTTTTT - Dam Spray Doesnt Work.

[This message has been edited by Manock (edited 01-06-2000).]
Title: Pokey Mustangs?
Post by: niknak on January 07, 2000, 06:35:00 PM
<---niknak opens mouth to say a witty and amusing put down about how this guy has embarrassed himself(and made many dislike him intensly) in the past---->

<----thinks again "this guy is clearly insane and anymore public humiliation might push him over the edge, do i really want to be responsible for a death"---->