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General Forums => Aircraft and Vehicles => Topic started by: Sundog on January 03, 2001, 10:18:00 PM

Title: HTC..Seafire Question
Post by: Sundog on January 03, 2001, 10:18:00 PM
I flew the Seafire a lot tonight and as I was exiting, I noticed the Seafire is a 17pt perk plane, which is the same as the Spit Mk.IX and the Spit Mk.V is a 35 pt. perk plane.

Now, I thought the Seafire Mk.IIc was basilly a Navalized Mk.V? Is it actually based on the Mk.IX?


VMF-111 Devildogs
'Criticism is always easier then craftmanship.'
Title: HTC..Seafire Question
Post by: Maverick on January 03, 2001, 11:34:00 PM
Flies like the MkV. The guns are certainly the same as the MkV. I'd love to see a version of the Mk9 on the cv but have no idea if that is "historically" (or politically) correct.

Title: HTC..Seafire Question
Post by: LLv34_Snefens on January 04, 2001, 06:03:00 AM
I believe the low ENY-value of the Seafire is because it has carrier ability.
My personal opinion is that it should be somewhere between a regular spitV and SpitIX's ENY-points.
I don't see that many of them, and personally I mostly take a Zeke over the Seafire.
Title: HTC..Seafire Question
Post by: Lephturn on January 04, 2001, 07:48:00 AM
I don't think you guys are clear on where the ENY values come from.  Although they had to be assigned some value at first, the ENY values are now driven by the players in the MA.  I can't find a confirmation on the AH web site, but I'm pretty sure it just goes by how much a plane is flown comparatively speaking.

For example, the C.202 is rarely flown at all, so it has an ENY value of 50 last time I looked.  My Jug was about 31, and the F6F-5 was only 12.  Now if the C.202 suddenly became everybody's favorite plane for some reason and lots of folks started flying it, it's ENY value would quickly drop.  Just the same, if nobody flew the F6F-5 anymore it's ENY value would quickly start to rise.  The reason the Seafire's ENY value is so much lower than the Spit V's is simply that many more people are flying it due to the newness of Carrier ops.

These are dynamically adjusted values based on what planes are being flown the most in the arena, I THINK.  I could be wrong, but I'm guessing this is how HTC is doing it.  I suppose they could be using plane vs. plane K/D rations as well, but I don't think that is the case.

This system is great because it is self-adjusting to a large extent, and gives pilots who fly the lesser-used aircraft bonus.  It provides some motivation to fly a more varied selection of aircraft in the arena.  An arena with a nice varied selection of aircraft is a good thing, and this is a way HTC can help encourage that without keeping folks from flying the plane they wish to fly.  (

Lephturn - Chief Trainer
A member of The Flying Pigs (
"A pig is a jolly companion, Boar, sow, barrow, or gilt --
A pig is a pal, who'll boost your morale, Though mountains may topple and tilt.
When they've blackballed, bamboozled, and burned you, When they've turned on you, Tory and Whig,
Though you may be thrown over by Tabby and Rover, You'll never go wrong with a pig, a pig,
You'll never go wrong with a pig!" -- Thomas Pynchon, "Gravity's Rainbow"
Title: HTC..Seafire Question
Post by: SKurj on January 04, 2001, 08:50:00 AM
I've seen it stated on the HTC site that the current perk values are based on an aircraft's popularity, not ability.  The F6F and seaspit both have an ENY rating of 17, and I imagine every new plane added will, in its first tour have a lower ENY score, due to "Its New lets try it"

Title: HTC..Seafire Question
Post by: Jochen on January 04, 2001, 09:25:00 AM
I don't think ENY or OBJ values are adjusted continuosly (ie realtime or once per hour or day) since I think all the values are same as start of 1.05. I guess values are set manually and they are based on last tour's results.

I think best way would be to adjust ENY and OBJ values is to look plane popularity since it is clear indication of it's capability.

Most popular plane would have ENY of 10, least popular 50 (or even 100). Popularity would be based on sorties flown (if HTC tracks them) or kills made.


MC.202 - 400 kills
Bf 109F-4 - 1300 kills
Fw 190A-8 - 4500 kills
Seafire II - 7700 kills
F4U-1C - 15000 kills

MC.202 - ENY = 100
Bf 109F-4 - ENY = 10
F4U-1C - ENY = 10


Kills_per_ENY_point = 15000 - 400 / 90 = 162

Bf 109F-4 - ENY = 100 - (1300 / Kills_per_ENY_point) = 92

Fw 190A-8 - ENY = 100 - (4500 / Kills_per_ENY_point) = 72

Seafire II - ENY = 100 - (7700 / Kills_per_ENY_point) = 52

MC.202 - ENY = 100
Bf 109F-4 - ENY = 92
Fw 190A-8 - ENY = 72
Seafire II - ENY = 52
F4U-1C - ENY = 10

I think it seems quite reasonable. The new values could be calculted once per hour, it would provide enough accuracy.

HTC, can you comment how ENY and OBJ values are derived currently? Are they updated or fixed?

jochen Gefectsverband Kuhlmey I/SG 5

Sieg oder bolsevismus!
Title: HTC..Seafire Question
Post by: SKurj on January 04, 2001, 11:47:00 AM
not conclusive but.. (

Title: HTC..Seafire Question
Post by: Sundog on January 04, 2001, 01:25:00 PM
Thanks for the clarification. I was thinking the values were based on the aircrafts performance/lethality not 'popularity'.

VMF-111 Devildogs
'Criticism is always easier then craftmanship.'
Title: HTC..Seafire Question
Post by: BaneX on January 04, 2001, 02:52:00 PM
since I think all the values are same as start of 1.05. I guess values are set manually and they are based on            last tour's results.

Actually the values are adjusted dynamically and I do believe it's based on popularity of the aircraft. The P51 started the tour with n ENY value of 15, but now it has an ENY value of 20.

13th TAS