Aces High Bulletin Board
General Forums => Wishlist => Topic started by: MaiTai on June 15, 2009, 02:56:45 PM
Flying boats would be fun PBY or some of the others. Could be used for scout planes to find the bad guys CV
Here's a thought. Utilize teh p0wah of teh searchs (
Flying boats would be fun PBY or some of the others. Could be used for scout planes to find the bad guys CV
Yeah, and 30 other people think they would be fun as well. ;)
Yeah, and 30 other people think they would be fun as well. ;)
Depends on the flying boat. Some of them were quite capable.
Cant Z.506B Airone "Heron".
Cool . . .
Could carry a White Fiume torpedo or I think 3 to 4 500 lb bombs or so (1500-2k). This looks OD but I htink it was not uncommon to see them in a lovely blue gray typical of the Regia Marina aircraft.
Yeah like the H8K flying boat.
Specifications (Kawanishi H8K2)
General characteristics
* Crew: 10
* Length: 28.15 m (92 ft 4 in)
* Wingspan: 38.00 m (124 ft 8 in)
* Height: 9.15 m (30 ft)
* Wing area: 160 m² (1,721 ft²)
* Empty weight: 18,380 kg (40,436 lb)
* Loaded weight: 24,500 kg (53,900 lb)
* Max takeoff weight: 32,500 kg (71,500 lb)
* Powerplant: 4× Mitsubishi Kasei 22 radial engines, 1,380 kW (1,850 hp) each
* Maximum speed: 465 km/h (290 mph)
* Range: 7,150 km (4,440 mi)
* Service ceiling: 8,760 m (28,740 ft)
* Rate of climb: 8.1 m/s (1,600 ft/min)
* Wing loading: 153 kg/m² (31 lb/ft²)
* Power/mass: 0.22 kW/kg (0.14 hp/lb)
* 5 × 20 mm Type 99 cannon (one each in bow, dorsal, and tail turrets, plus one each in two waist blisters)
* 5 × 7.7 mm (.303 in) Type 97 machine guns in fuselage hatches
* 2 × 800 kg (1,764 lb) torpedoes or 1,000 kg (2,205 lb) of bombs or depth charges
H8K2's warload was actually heavier than that. Two 800kg torps, or eight 250kg bombs or two 1600kg bombs.
That's quite an amazing loadout for a flying boat, most would have trouble lifting themself out of the water :O
The Emily is ugly to boot, but really capable :aok
That's quite an amazing loadout for a flying boat, most would have trouble lifting themself out of the water :O
The Emily is ugly to boot, but really capable :aok
Four 1800+hp engines will do that for you.
Here's a thought. Utilize teh p0wah of teh searchs (
Then get yelled at for bumping a thread.
Yes, Flying Boats & seaplanes would be cool. Restrict their use to ports & have water-only take-offs. :x
1Boner, Where did you find that photo? That is one of the nicest pics / prints ive ever seen on these BBS? Any idea if it is a print that is available?
Sry for the hijack, but man thats just sweet :aok
1Boner, Where did you find that photo? That is one of the nicest pics / prints ive ever seen on these BBS? Any idea if it is a print that is available?
Sry for the hijack, but man thats just sweet :aok
It's a painting, not a photo.
Any idea what's it's called?
Yes, Flying Boats & seaplanes would be cool. Restrict their use to ports & have water-only take-offs. :x
PBY was amphibious, capable of takeoff from land bases.
Any idea what's it's called?
I think its called "Dawn".
Can't remember where i found it.
Been about a year.
Can't find a signature on it, although there is what appears to be a "2" or something on the lower left of the painting.
If I can remember where I found it I will post it for you.
It looks like a Blackburn Iris/Perth flying boat, if that helps you find it. Difficult to tell from the angle.
PBY was amphibious, capable of takeoff from land bases.
only the PBY-5a & PBY-6 were amphibians; the PBY-1 thru PBY-5 & the PBY-5B were not amphibious. So adding the PBY-5a to coastal airfields & on maps that have then Ports w/airfields would be plausable.
Then get yelled at for bumping a thread.
This is kind of like Customer Service. You call them wanting to refund your product. You are immediately redirected to sales in order to return the product. Instead, sales will only sell another product to you, so they refer you back to customer service.
As for Flying Boats. I've wanted them and still do.
Cant Z.506B Airone "Heron".
CantZ....sounds like most of my fighter sorties. With the oil on the canopy and all........ :D
I am for the PBY-5a, I don't really think it shoud be from ports only as that would somewhat restrict it's use. But I kinda see one main problem: it doesn't have a pourpouse. The PBY would probably be used mostly for anti cv duties and naval recon, not really a land based bomber. An H8K (Jap flying boat) could probably be used to attack bases most bombers cant reach, but don't qoute me, I don't have the range for all the bombers and fighters and crap like that in my head. If you want the PBY to have a place in the world then you would have to give bailed pilots a rubber raft, flair gun, and allow PBY and C47 pilots to land near the pilot, and pick him up. It would also creat a new career, it would probably be a high risk job, so you shoud give like 5 times the perk points a normal sortie would give.
The H8K2 had 24 hours endurance at cruise settings. In AH2 that would only be 12 hours of flight time. :P
Ya had to rub my nose in it :furious?! Well anyway thank you. BTW is that a lot :D?
While I think PBYs and other planes of those type were/are cool....
Well if guys dont scout in 400 mph air planes now what makes you think they will in a 198 mph one that climbs like a WW-l fighter?
Rescue a downed pilot? Is anyone really going to bob around in that cartoon water for 45 mins on the off chance a 200 mph PBY survives long enough to pick you up?
While I think PBYs and other planes of those type were/are cool....
Well if guys dont scout in 400 mph air planes now what makes you think they will in a 198 mph one that climbs like a WW-l fighter?
Rescue a downed pilot? Is anyone really going to bob around in that cartoon water for 45 mins on the off chance a 200 mph PBY survives long enough to pick you up?
I think the 'off chance' bit is inaccurate, if/when we get flying boats, perhaps with a pilot pickup system, then I think we'll have some method to getting downed pilots on the map etc.
That is what I mean, you could have like a little frowny face or something on your map and it would sow where the pilots are better as you zoom in more. I can just see a frowny face RIGHT on top of an airfield and he dosen't want to end fligh because he will loose perks or something!!!
you could have like a little frowny face or something on your map
And it could change to a big old smiley face when he gets picked up so all the other people that spent 25 minutes heading his direction knows he has been "rescued" and they are wasting their time.
Well if guys dont scout in 400 mph air planes now what makes you think they will in a 198 mph one that climbs like a WW-l fighter?
I don't think they would, which is why I advocate for the H8K2 so much. It had a top speed of 280mph and a climb rate of about 1,500fpm. It was well protected, lots of gun turrets and a fair payload.
The H8K2 had 24 hours endurance at cruise settings. In AH2 that would only be 12 hours of flight time. :P
Wow, that's the first time I've seen Karnak post a smily :O
Keep up the good work :aok
Well I'll come out right now and give my official position concerning upping a PBY and spending 45 mins floating out to you, and then 45 mins floating back in, "BTW this goes for family, friends, squaddies, whomever".
Dont even ask. Cause if I dont care about my own score why would I care about yours?
Who knows? Maybe with enough involvement, player interest, and maybe perkies for picking up downers? Maybe the PBY would fly and be a good addition. I gotta tell you tho that with some of the prema-donnas we have in game, yaknow the screamers and whiners when nobody watches their "6"? We'd have an awful lot of screaming to be picked up. I bet we'd also have a lot more of mowing down defenseless little stick pilots as they flutter to the ground.
It just seems like a can of worms we really dont need opened. Not with the other holes we have in the plane sets already. But hey, to each their own.
Well I'll come out right now and give my official position concerning upping a PBY and spending 45 mins floating out to you, and then 45 mins floating back in, "BTW this goes for family, friends, squaddies, whomever".
Dont even ask. Cause if I dont care about my own score why would I care about yours?
Who knows? Maybe with enough involvement, player interest, and maybe perkies for picking up downers? Maybe the PBY would fly and be a good addition. I gotta tell you tho that with some of the prema-donnas we have in game, yaknow the screamers and whiners when nobody watches their "6"? We'd have an awful lot of screaming to be picked up. I bet we'd also have a lot more of mowing down defenseless little stick pilots as they flutter to the ground.
It just seems like a can of worms we really dont need opened. Not with the other holes we have in the plane sets already. But hey, to each their own.
What he said.
But, imagine too many to pick up and you have to wait for the sub:
Yes, Flying Boats & seaplanes would be cool. Restrict their use to ports & have water-only take-offs. :x
It would be nice to have some air defense for ports when the carrier or other friendly bases are sectors away.
Have a couple of water spawns around the port for flying boats to make sea vulching difficult.
Have a single FH somewhere on the base for carrier based planes only.
It would be nice to have some air defense for ports when the carrier or other friendly bases are sectors away.
Have a couple of water spawns around the port for flying boats to make sea vulching difficult.
Have a single FH somewhere on the base for carrier based planes only.
Or, have the port be an airbase too.
Ohhh...wait a sec....
This is where the whole recon thing comes into play: you can do recon in a figher but often they can't carry enough ord to make using them when scouting for cv's woth while; that is why I use the Ju88 or the Ki86, or whatever the Jap twin-engine bomber is called, and carry torps. Scout planes could have special abilities like putting up a marker or having a map of where tanks are that you can bring up (it would be a screen shot that identifies what things are if you are too high to see them) on your clip board like the base maps (vehicle bases, sea bases (ports?) and towns, airfields). And most flying boats carried bombs two so that would take care of the ord problem as well. Sorry about the hijack and sorry for my kinda small rant.
This is where the whole recon thing comes into play:
Yes, there would have to be some function or scoring benefit built into the gameplay to make it worth upping in a Seaplane. Like, greater range of visibility for sighting enemy task forces/incoming raids.
Otherwise their value would be debatable.
The main drawback regarding scouting is they are slooooow. Slow = vulnerable. Slow also = takes forever to scout.
Ar234s are good scouts. Fast. Cover areas quickly. Want range? Lancaster with 100% fuel can probably fly laps around any map.
I don't know what that thing is... But I know I'm gonna poke holes in it. :D
I think that some flying boats would be a great addition to our ports. :)