Aces High Bulletin Board

General Forums => Aces High General Discussion => Topic started by: pervert on July 31, 2009, 10:04:22 AM

Title: A rich man's sport
Post by: pervert on July 31, 2009, 10:04:22 AM
I'm kinda surprised at this new update/version I was always under the impression that this new Aces High would be at the bare minium the equal of the old Aces High in a graphics sense and could then be adjusted to higher end and lower end machines. Now it seems a lot of people have to upgrade video cards to even get out of the blocky type graphics. The line seems to be yeah your graphics card is really low end in my case I got told it was worth $3 and the cheapest available to man  :lol which is all well and good but it did display the old graphics perfectly well despite its cheapness!

This pretty much spells the death note for me in Aces High at this moment in time moneys too tight to justify flying around in substandard graphics with no perception of depth (I've lost count of the number of times I've augered) the graphics on Falcon on my old atari st are better than what I have at the minute.

Sorry for the whine, but I think its expecting too much to expect people to buy a new video card or live with substandard late 1980s graphics especially when the old card worked just fine.  :rock
Title: Re: A rich man's sport
Post by: VonMessa on July 31, 2009, 10:15:14 AM
Most hobbies require some investment of time and/or money.

How much you are willing to invest all depends on how serious one is about their hobby.

Sometimes investing a little more time can be equal to money.

Use Craig's list, or hell, even post questions here.

I'm sure there are players in the community that have upgraded their equipment just to make their rig scream (not just to run this particular game) that may be willing to part with an older Video card that is better than the one you have.
Title: Re: A rich man's sport
Post by: AirFlyer on July 31, 2009, 10:19:39 AM
If I remember correctly from an other thread you posted, your using some Sony laptop. Unfortunately, this is a bad situation for yourself because besides for RAM laptops are completely non-upgradeable due to there integrated nature. Few laptops are made for gaming, and even the ones that are will never be able to compete with their desktop counter-parts. It's ashame when someone runs into this situation as there is no hope for the computer, but at the same time I can't blame HTC because an upgrade in the graphics had to be made eventually.

The best route I could see now is to ask you if you have any other computers in the house. Even if it's kinda old I've been surprised at what can run this game in spite of the graphics update. If you do have one, a DX Diag would be a nice first start and there are plenty of threads to help you get a computer in shape for the game.
Title: Re: A rich man's sport
Post by: 33Vortex on July 31, 2009, 10:27:13 AM
A rich man's sport? Are you serious?! Go to your nearest golfer club and see how far you get for whatever you originally paid for that PC you have. It's all relative I guess. I think this is a low-cost hobby if you check the $$$/hr rate. Pretty much any hobby there is out there is more expensive than gaming.
Title: Re: A rich man's sport
Post by: RTHolmes on July 31, 2009, 10:28:58 AM
Making a $300 computer run AHII 2.14  (,270181.0.html)  :aok
Title: Re: A rich man's sport
Post by: alskahawk on July 31, 2009, 10:41:10 AM
 My computer cost less than a $1000. 60 FR. 12,000+ 3dmark score. Its primarily for AH and other flying games. When you consider dinner and a movie will cost you and your other half a hundred bucks, spending a less than a grand plus $15 bucks a month for continuous entertainment..not bad. And if you take your wife an kids to a ball game? How much is that now? $250.
 Most people have a computer that they use for mulitple tasks. Some of of here have dedicated computers for the game to be sure. But if you like playing games offline, the requirements are higher than AH. Cost average all the things you do with your computer its probably not that expensive.
Title: Re: A rich man's sport
Post by: Anaxogoras on July 31, 2009, 10:45:27 AM
Ever since their introduction to the home, computers have required replacement or upgrade every 2-3 years in order to stay current with new software.  It's been that way since the early 80's.
Title: Re: A rich man's sport
Post by: Steve on July 31, 2009, 10:49:23 AM
Ever since their introduction to the home, computers have required replacement or upgrade every 2-3 years in order to stay current with new software.  It's been that way since the early 80's.


HTC has been more than accommodating.
Title: Re: A rich man's sport
Post by: kilo2 on July 31, 2009, 10:57:42 AM
I guess peoples main whine is why change the graphics at all. To me it seems they "upgraded" to graphics that are still sub-standard in the industry any way. So the question is why would you "upgrade" at all. The people who are attracted by graphics are still going to be disappointed and the people who it doesn't matter to would still not care. So what was the point? I would have been happy with more planes or GV's.
Title: Re: A rich man's sport
Post by: BaldEagl on July 31, 2009, 11:02:30 AM
 :rofl  I got my 1997 Dell to run the game yesterday.  You could probably find one like it on ebay for $15-25.
Title: Re: A rich man's sport
Post by: kilo2 on July 31, 2009, 11:07:17 AM
:rofl  I got my 1997 Dell to run the game yesterday.  You could probably find one like it on ebay for $15-25.

I run the game fine. It doesn't matter that you can run the game it what ground detail. It looks like a hexagon forest down there. Very hard to judge the distance between you and the ground.
Title: Re: A rich man's sport
Post by: pervert on July 31, 2009, 11:11:10 AM
:rofl  I got my 1997 Dell to run the game yesterday.  You could probably find one like it on ebay for $15-25.

Read what I wrote properly I can still run the game, what do you want a cookie for getting your dell to work?  :D

A rich man's sport? Are you serious?! Go to your nearest golfer club and see how far you get for whatever you originally paid for that PC you have. It's all relative I guess. I think this is a low-cost hobby if you check the $$$/hr rate. Pretty much any hobby there is out there is more expensive than gaming.

Oh good comparison no Golf isn't in anyway an expensive sport at all is it?  :rolleyes:

Title: Re: A rich man's sport
Post by: SkyRock on July 31, 2009, 11:11:47 AM


HTC has been more than accommodating.
+ 2
Title: Re: A rich man's sport
Post by: Belial on July 31, 2009, 11:16:11 AM
The only problem I still see if the st st st sutteringggg I spent 180$ upgrading and graphics are good, I'm sure one of these patches will help.  I dont even feel like playing until I stop seeing the stuttering complaints everywhere.

To be honest I could care less if it takes them a month to fix it I need to spend less time on this game anyway.
Title: Re: A rich man's sport
Post by: pervert on July 31, 2009, 11:16:43 AM
If I remember correctly from an other thread you posted, your using some Sony laptop. Unfortunately, this is a bad situation for yourself because besides for RAM laptops are completely non-upgradeable due to there integrated nature. Few laptops are made for gaming, and even the ones that are will never be able to compete with their desktop counter-parts. It's ashame when someone runs into this situation as there is no hope for the computer, but at the same time I can't blame HTC because an upgrade in the graphics had to be made eventually.

The best route I could see now is to ask you if you have any other computers in the house. Even if it's kinda old I've been surprised at what can run this game in spite of the graphics update. If you do have one, a DX Diag would be a nice first start and there are plenty of threads to help you get a computer in shape for the game.

I had an older packard bell tower pc which I used to play on but the kids use it as well and windows hangs non stop on it, I was over every 5 minutes trying to get it to work for them so I installed ubuntu on it which works like a charm I really don't have the time to be running around windows trying to fix it.

Its a pretty basic box with a nvidia graphics card but aces high run well on it when windows was in a good mood.
Title: Re: A rich man's sport
Post by: Lusche on July 31, 2009, 11:17:30 AM
To be honest I could care less if it takes them a month to fix it

Title: Re: A rich man's sport
Post by: bj229r on July 31, 2009, 11:18:56 AM
The biggest complaint is stuttering, and its not an epidemic---sometimes guys with hotrod machines see it, sometimes guys with low end machines see it...many more in both scenarios do NOT---they will work it out soon enough
Title: Re: A rich man's sport
Post by: Belial on July 31, 2009, 11:20:02 AM
The biggest complaint is stuttering, and its not an epidemic---sometimes guys with hotrod machines see it, sometimes guys with low end machines see it...many more in both scenarios do NOT---they will work it out soon enough

Yes I'm sure they will but I'm not holding my breath till they do :)
Title: Re: A rich man's sport
Post by: dev1ant on July 31, 2009, 11:38:05 AM
Rich man's sport?

Honestly, you could build a PC that would run AH with more than enough fps to spare for probably $350.  My tower cost me around $400 (minus monitor, mouse, mic ect) and I pull 120fps in crowded sectors.  This may be a surprise but you can't play current generation pc games on a 15 year old computer.  It's amazing how many people don't understand why and are complaining about it though.
Title: Re: A rich man's sport
Post by: CAP1 on July 31, 2009, 11:39:12 AM
I'm kinda surprised at this new update/version I was always under the impression that this new Aces High would be at the bare minium the equal of the old Aces High in a graphics sense and could then be adjusted to higher end and lower end machines. Now it seems a lot of people have to upgrade video cards to even get out of the blocky type graphics. The line seems to be yeah your graphics card is really low end in my case I got told it was worth $3 and the cheapest available to man  :lol which is all well and good but it did display the old graphics perfectly well despite its cheapness!

This pretty much spells the death note for me in Aces High at this moment in time moneys too tight to justify flying around in substandard graphics with no perception of depth (I've lost count of the number of times I've augered) the graphics on Falcon on my old atari st are better than what I have at the minute.

Sorry for the whine, but I think its expecting too much to expect people to buy a new video card or live with substandard late 1980s graphics especially when the old card worked just fine.  :rock

i took up r/c planes. figured it'd be cheap. not so. i own 10 planes, 3 helis, and 3 trucks.

i took up archery. figured it's be cheap. not so. i own 2 hoyt bows, a surelock target sight, a 5 pin hunting site, cases for both bows, 3 or 4 dozen arrows, and fletching equipment.

i took up ah. figured it'd be cheap. it is. i fly it on the same computer i do everything else on at home. all i had to invest in was a used stick, pedals, and throttle(all ch). it only costs me 50 cents a day. much cheaper than my other hobbies.  :aok
Title: Re: A rich man's sport
Post by: R 105 on July 31, 2009, 12:02:29 PM
I have a Wal-Mart off the shelf $600.00 computer along with the $19.95 ST-290 stick. All I did was put a GeForce 8400 card in it and it worked fine on the old AH. I had from 75 to 80 frame rate. Now I am down to 20 to 30. That is with every thing turn off that I can turn off and the graphic down all the way. The land scape looks like a 1st graders water coloring but I can play still. I am hopeful HTC will get the bugs out soon just hang in there a while.

Title: Re: A rich man's sport
Post by: Amsoil21 on July 31, 2009, 12:04:47 PM
I have a Wal-Mart off the shelf $600.00 computer along with the $19.95 ST-290 stick. All I did was put a GeForce 8400 card in it and it worked fine on the old AH. I had from 75 to 80 frame rate. Now I am down to 20 to 30. That is with every thing turn off that I can turn off and the graphic down all the way. The land scape looks like a 1st graders water coloring but I can play still. I am hopeful HTC will get the bugs out soon just hang in there a while.

thats the spirit  :aok
Title: Re: A rich man's sport
Post by: AirFlyer on July 31, 2009, 12:08:32 PM
I had an older packard bell tower pc which I used to play on but the kids use it as well and windows hangs non stop on it, I was over every 5 minutes trying to get it to work for them so I installed ubuntu on it which works like a charm I really don't have the time to be running around windows trying to fix it.

Its a pretty basic box with a nvidia graphics card but aces high run well on it when windows was in a good mood.

Sounds like this may be your only ticket out of the mess without having to buy a new computer. Getting AH to work on Linux is like trying to win the lottery though, so if you do decide on this your first priority should be getting Windows working on it again.
Title: Re: A rich man's sport
Post by: Anaxogoras on July 31, 2009, 12:08:36 PM
I built a computer for just over $600 (price includes os, case, everything except keyboard and monitor), and I'm at 60fps if I leave the "self" shadows off.  The terrain and water look great.
Title: Re: A rich man's sport
Post by: pervert on July 31, 2009, 12:11:31 PM
i took up r/c planes. figured it'd be cheap. not so. i own 10 planes, 3 helis, and 3 trucks.

i took up archery. figured it's be cheap. not so. i own 2 hoyt bows, a surelock target sight, a 5 pin hunting site, cases for both bows, 3 or 4 dozen arrows, and fletching equipment.

i took up ah. figured it'd be cheap. it is. i fly it on the same computer i do everything else on at home. all i had to invest in was a used stick, pedals, and throttle(all ch). it only costs me 50 cents a day. much cheaper than my other hobbies.  :aok

Well yeah that is expensive but example of the sport I play football (thats soccer) a ball, your mates cost zip  :lol
Title: Re: A rich man's sport
Post by: CAP1 on July 31, 2009, 12:13:15 PM
I have a Wal-Mart off the shelf $600.00 computer along with the $19.95 ST-290 stick. All I did was put a GeForce 8400 card in it and it worked fine on the old AH. I had from 75 to 80 frame rate. Now I am down to 20 to 30. That is with every thing turn off that I can turn off and the graphic down all the way. The land scape looks like a 1st graders water coloring but I can play still. I am hopeful HTC will get the bugs out soon just hang in there a while.


hey dude.....saw ya in mw last night......bout time you guys came in there!!! a search here on the bbs.....there was a thread in the general discussion forum on making the lower end computers work nicely, and still have some of the eye candy.

Title: Re: A rich man's sport
Post by: PFactorDave on July 31, 2009, 12:13:39 PM
Well yeah that is expensive but example of the sport I play football (thats soccer) a ball, your mates cost zip  :lol

But are you including the post game beer in your cost equation?
Title: Re: A rich man's sport
Post by: CAP1 on July 31, 2009, 12:14:21 PM guys don't wear 50 pounds of padding do yas?
Title: Re: A rich man's sport
Post by: 33Vortex on July 31, 2009, 12:16:23 PM
My system is about a year old now. Spent ~5000 USD on it, well worth it if you ask me.  :D

2560x1600 resolution is hard to beat.
Title: Re: A rich man's sport
Post by: pervert on July 31, 2009, 12:17:03 PM
But are you including the post game beer in your cost equation?

My bodys a temple!  :D  :lol
Title: Re: A rich man's sport
Post by: pervert on July 31, 2009, 12:19:48 PM guys don't wear 50 pounds of padding do yas?

Nope your thinking of the american version! I'm talking about real football  :lol you know the sport were you actually kick
a ball with your foot with most of the game? Hence the name  :rofl :devil
Title: Re: A rich man's sport
Post by: PFactorDave on July 31, 2009, 12:20:41 PM
My bodys a temple!  :D  :lol

Mine too...  But at my temple we worship this guy...
Title: Re: A rich man's sport
Post by: pervert on July 31, 2009, 12:25:10 PM
Mine too...  But at my temple we worship this guy...

 :rofl :rofl
Title: Re: A rich man's sport
Post by: Dragon on July 31, 2009, 12:31:40 PM
Well yeah that is expensive but example of the sport I play football (thats soccer) a ball, your mates cost zip  :lol

Unless you walk to games, you would have to include the expense of buying the bike, moped, car, plus insurance if it applies and fuel if needed.  So, no it's not just a $25.00 ball anymore, so AH is still the cheapest hobby at $15.00 a month.
Title: Re: A rich man's sport
Post by: pervert on July 31, 2009, 12:32:43 PM
Unless you walk to games, you would have to include the expense of buying the bike, moped, car, plus insurance if it applies and fuel if needed.  So, no it's not just a $25.00 ball anymore, so AH is still the cheapest hobby at $15.00 a month.

FAIL yes I do walk to them there just round the corner  :rofl
Title: Re: A rich man's sport
Post by: pervert on July 31, 2009, 12:35:42 PM
BTW Skuzzy and Hitech are probably sitting somewhere smirking.

Title: Re: A rich man's sport
Post by: 1MADDOG1 on July 31, 2009, 12:43:38 PM
Unless you walk to games, you would have to include the expense of buying the bike, moped, car, plus insurance if it applies and fuel if needed.  So, no it's not just a $25.00 ball anymore, so AH is still the cheapest hobby at $15.00 a month.

Shut up, shut up, shut up! Now go fix lunch. :rofl
Title: Re: A rich man's sport
Post by: Bruv119 on July 31, 2009, 12:49:47 PM
BTW Skuzzy and Hitech are probably sitting somewhere smirking.


for chits and giggles my 6 year old laptop that has ubuntu on it.  I used the add remove program finder typed in Wine installed it.  Download AH,  right click open with wine installer. 

Loaded up 1st time auto detected settings     1440 x 900   textures 256.  30 FPS in tower.  all this took about 15 minutes.   :D
Title: Re: A rich man's sport
Post by: pervert on July 31, 2009, 12:51:41 PM
I'm on flying in the ma now with it :aok getting 25 -35 fps alot better than I had under windows :rock vox and everything seems to work fine
Title: Re: A rich man's sport
Post by: pervert on July 31, 2009, 12:52:33 PM
Shut up, shut up, shut up! Now go fix lunch. :rofl

Title: Re: A rich man's sport
Post by: Karnak on July 31, 2009, 01:51:07 PM
Ever since their introduction to the home, computers have required replacement or upgrade every 2-3 years in order to stay current with new software.  It's been that way since the early 80's.
My four year old computer runs AH 2.14 at max detail, 1920x1280 (no AA) just fine.
Title: Re: A rich man's sport
Post by: CAP1 on July 31, 2009, 04:04:00 PM
My four year old computer runs AH 2.14 at max detail, 1920x1280 (no AA) just fine.

STOP bragging. we're not supposed to brag.  :rofl :rofl
Title: Re: A rich man's sport
Post by: grizz441 on July 31, 2009, 04:21:03 PM
I think most of you are missing the issue the low end users have with this update.  All the points being made about computers needing to be upgraded are all good points and true, but they don't address this issue specifically.  The issue is that the game upgraded, but the graphics got incredibly worse for us.  I don't think there would be as much complaint if the graphics got slightly better for us, and we took a frame rate hit or couldn't play at all tbh.  So granted, the issue at hand is a peculiar one, being able to fly for years with relatively good graphics, to all of a sudden, an update that turns your graphics into the likes of a Nintendo 64.  Personally though, I found settings that make the game playable, but the older version had much much better graphics on my system.
Title: Re: A rich man's sport
Post by: AirFlyer on August 01, 2009, 02:35:27 AM
I think most of you are missing the issue the low end users have with this update.  All the points being made about computers needing to be upgraded are all good points and true, but they don't address this issue specifically.  The issue is that the game upgraded, but the graphics got incredibly worse for us.  I don't think there would be as much complaint if the graphics got slightly better for us, and we took a frame rate hit or couldn't play at all tbh.  So granted, the issue at hand is a peculiar one, being able to fly for years with relatively good graphics, to all of a sudden, an update that turns your graphics into the likes of a Nintendo 64.  Personally though, I found settings that make the game playable, but the older version had much much better graphics on my system.

This issue seems to be purely you, from what I have seen all the graphics have taken large steps forward

Title: Re: A rich man's sport
Post by: Karnak on August 01, 2009, 02:41:48 AM
I think most of you are missing the issue the low end users have with this update.  All the points being made about computers needing to be upgraded are all good points and true, but they don't address this issue specifically.  The issue is that the game upgraded, but the graphics got incredibly worse for us.  I don't think there would be as much complaint if the graphics got slightly better for us, and we took a frame rate hit or couldn't play at all tbh.  So granted, the issue at hand is a peculiar one, being able to fly for years with relatively good graphics, to all of a sudden, an update that turns your graphics into the likes of a Nintendo 64.  Personally though, I found settings that make the game playable, but the older version had much much better graphics on my system.
My computer is four years old.  It runs it just fine at resolutions far higher than most people play and at max detail.  If your system cannot handle this game then either you are on a business computer or have such an ancient system as to make your requests ridiculous.  You don't have to upgrade every year or two, but at least two or three times a decade.
Title: Re: A rich man's sport
Post by: texastc316 on August 01, 2009, 02:43:49 AM
AH subscription $15
HighSpeed Int access $50
Good Joystick $100
Decent Computer $300 +
Blowing people to hell for hours at a time Priceless
Title: Re: A rich man's sport
Post by: grizz441 on August 01, 2009, 04:28:06 AM
This issue seems to be purely you, from what I have seen all the graphics have taken large steps forward

Send me a PM and I'll give you my address.  You can come over to my house and fly with my graphics settings and see if you still have the same opinion.  :aok

My computer is four years old.  It runs it just fine at resolutions far higher than most people play and at max detail.

Your computer was close to top of the line then four years ago, congratulations.
If your system cannot handle this game

My system can handle this game, just not with 'advanced terrain'.

you are on a business computer or have such an ancient system as to make your requests ridiculous.  You don't have to upgrade every year or two, but at least two or three times a decade.

What requests have I made?  Please, search for an unreasonable request (if I even made one) and let me know so I can eat my crow. 

Everything I have stated is absolute fact.  The graphics in the new version on low end graphics settings are much worse than the low end settings on the earlier version.  Unless you're going to tell me that this is an upgrade...


But like I said, I found settings that aren't quite this bad to run good enough, but the older graphics were still much better.  Gheesh, it's a great upgrade for most of the players, I've already said that.  It wouldn't kill you to at least acknowledge the fact the graphics became worse for low end computers.  I don't even care anymore, I can see enemies on the deck better now because of the full one color green that the entire terrain is.   :lol

Title: Re: A rich man's sport
Post by: AirFlyer on August 01, 2009, 05:11:19 AM
My apologies, it seems I misread your post, as I thought you were saying that the graphics were worse for everyone, not just low end users. That being the case, have you posted a DX Diag. Report anywhere on the forums? I'd be interested in seeing it to see if there is a viable solution to your problem.
Title: Re: A rich man's sport
Post by: grizz441 on August 01, 2009, 05:20:45 AM
My apologies, it seems I misread your post, as I thought you were saying that the graphics were worse for everyone, not just low end users. That being the case, have you posted a DX Diag. Report anywhere on the forums? I'd be interested in seeing it to see if there is a viable solution to your problem.

No problem.  There's no software fix for my graphical problems.  New mobo + video card needed.  Then again I feel like putting anymore money into this old system is foolish.
Title: Re: A rich man's sport
Post by: AirFlyer on August 01, 2009, 05:29:51 AM
No problem.  There's no software fix for my graphical problems.  New mobo + video card needed.  Then again I feel like putting anymore money into this old system is foolish.

Even if it is a hardware restriction problem, you might not need to put in as much money as you might think. I can't make any promises since I don't know the specs. of your computer yet, but I don't think it would hurt to check.
Title: Re: A rich man's sport
Post by: CAP1 on August 01, 2009, 07:34:07 AM
My computer is four years old.  It runs it just fine at resolutions far higher than most people play and at max detail.  If your system cannot handle this game then either you are on a business computer or have such an ancient system as to make your requests ridiculous.  You don't have to upgrade every year or two, but at least two or three times a decade.

till i got my new system a few months ago, i was flying on a 6 year old computer.......1.2ghz with less than 2 gig of ram.