Aces High Bulletin Board

General Forums => Staged Missions => Topic started by: BrownBaron on September 27, 2009, 05:47:56 PM

Title: Vulch Mission?
Post by: BrownBaron on September 27, 2009, 05:47:56 PM
Can I get some sort of sneak-attack mission, where the planes on one side are still taxiing out, or are low and slow off the runway?

itd be cool to have bombs dropping while trying to get off the ground, then practicing E management as you gain alt/fight off bogeys.

I don't mean to be so needy, just noticed this forum has been much too quite as of late.... :(
Title: Re: Vulch Mission?
Post by: TUK on September 28, 2009, 04:39:19 PM
Lol, thats pretty sick.. But i guess practicing vulching would be fun. Used to be a mission called ( baby seal clubbers). 1 typhoon vrs.  10, c47's...
Forum is not quiet, the offline-mission makers are handicapped at the moment due to updated terrain.. be patient my friend,,,  :salute Tuk151=long time offline-mission user...
Title: Re: Vulch Mission?
Post by: Stryker on October 01, 2009, 04:04:07 PM
no one able to whip a quick one up like this? warp close to a nme base that has a few planes on the runway to be shot up?
Title: Re: Vulch Mission?
Post by: bravoa8 on October 05, 2009, 10:59:44 AM
no one able to whip a quick one up like this? warp close to a nme base that has a few planes on the runway to be shot up?
i might be able to make one im not just too familar with the mission editor but i could certainly make a terrain for ya
Title: Re: Vulch Mission?
Post by: Stryker on October 05, 2009, 12:34:31 PM
yea.. i was messing around with the ME earlier tryin to figure it out..
well needless to say, i didnt figure it out.. lol.. the best i can do still
is change the planes, alt and speed on other peoples missions.. but that
stuffs easy to do
Title: Re: Vulch Mission?
Post by: BrownBaron on October 07, 2009, 05:36:03 PM
Yea, i have a BASIC grasp of the editor....but ive never got a flight off the ground... :cry

Otherwise i would be wasting everbodys time....
Title: Re: Vulch Mission?
Post by: USRanger on October 07, 2009, 08:32:02 PM
There is a tutorial that comes with it.  It's what I used to do my first mission (Raiders of the Rising Sun).  Just go step by step with it.  I'm buried in all sorts of AH projects at the moment, but when I am able to, I will make my own M.E. for Dummies tutorial with pictures (no offense meant at all of course.  I'm referring to the line of books.)  Once you do it once, it will be simple as pie from then on. Try it again, step by step with the tutorial, if you have any questions, post em or PM me.  I'll get ya goin', as would others I'm sure.  I've even had someone send me their mission they were trying to make.  I made all the necessary fixes, and listed everything I changed.  After that, he had it down.  Like I said, after the first one, it's easy.
Title: Re: Vulch Mission?
Post by: Stryker on October 08, 2009, 10:41:06 AM
i managed to make a kinda simple vulch mission out of one i had.. i just deleted all the waypoints but the taxi one and set them to go at 1mph, they are all still clustered in a big 6 plane pile up and i blow them all up in one pass with a spit1.. thats the only problem with it lol
Title: Re: Vulch Mission?
Post by: BrownBaron on October 09, 2009, 08:24:41 PM
ive used the tutorial before, but it seemed to be leaving out vital try it out later tonight, thanks Ranger :aok
Title: Re: Vulch Mission?
Post by: Stryker on October 12, 2009, 10:03:09 AM
me tutorial helped my stupidness of making missions none whatsoever..

just a lost cause for me i guess.. stuck usin my vulch mission that leaves planes bundled on the runway
gets kinda tiring blowing 6 planes up at once with a spitfire mk 1  :cry
Title: Re: Vulch Mission?
Post by: Hap on October 12, 2009, 10:11:57 AM
Can I get some sort of sneak-attack mission, where the planes on one side are still taxiing out, or are low and slow off the runway?

itd be cool to have bombs dropping while trying to get off the ground, then practicing E management as you gain alt/fight off bogeys.

I don't mean to be so needy, just noticed this forum has been much too quite as of late.... :(

sounds like a riot!  :)
Title: Re: Vulch Mission?
Post by: USRanger on October 12, 2009, 07:32:33 PM
me tutorial helped my stupidness of making missions none whatsoever..

just a lost cause for me i guess.. stuck usin my vulch mission that leaves planes bundled on the runway
gets kinda tiring blowing 6 planes up at once with a spitfire mk 1  :cry

My AH projects list plus the upcoming scenario has me bust through October.  I'll make a new tutorial for release in November.  In the meantime, keep trying!  The more you mess with it, the more you will learn.