Aces High Bulletin Board
General Forums => Wishlist => Topic started by: ALLEN86 on September 30, 2009, 11:23:10 PM
just a thought, after watching the movie "red ball express"
why dont we have a 6 wheel military truck?
im thinking top speed of 45 mph, yes it wheeled and can be killed easier than a jeep, BUT could be useful for running supps. make it carry 2x base supplies, 10 or 12 vehicle supps, and the standard 10 troops, armed with a single .50"
Half tracked. I'm sure the Deuce-and-a-Half was produced in much greater numbers.
I don't have solid facts, just guessing here, but I would believe it to be true.
maybe at a later time but now it would just be a duplication of another vh, just to have a different one. I would rather they work on the a26 invader :x :x
Half tracked. I'm sure the Deuce-and-a-Half was produced in much greater numbers.
I don't have solid facts, just guessing here, but I would believe it to be true.
We had Duece-and-a-Halfs in AW, great way to sneak in troops when you couldn't get a goon in.
I am completely guessing that the road convoys we have are based on WW2 trucks, so why not take one of those, and let us drive one? IDK about the troops and V-supplies, but maybe let it go 35mph and carry 2 base supplies?
I am completely guessing that the road convoys we have are based on WW2 trucks, so why not take one of those, and let us drive one? IDK about the troops and V-supplies, but maybe let it go 35mph and carry 2 base supplies?
Maybe after they update them out of ugliness :aok
I am completely guessing that the road convoys we have are based on WW2 trucks, so why not take one of those, and let us drive one? IDK about the troops and V-supplies, but maybe let it go 35mph and carry 2 base supplies?
well for one, those trucks had a top speed of 45 mph, not 35. they were faster than an M3 which coulad actually only do 40 MPH, not the 50MPH the game allows.
i know wikipedia can be wrong, bu i dont think they are this time.
so slow the M3 down to 40MPH, up the side armor to better resist MG rounds, and add pilot wounds if hit from above, and throw in the faster, less armoured 6 wheel trucks, for the mad dash to town/base.
the main thing im looking at is the 2x base supps and more gv supps, as few people resupp anymore.
We had Duece-and-a-Halfs in AW, great way to sneak in troops when you couldn't get a goon in.
Excellent, thanks for the info Ack-Ack
Who doesn't want a big truck with 6 big off-road tires storming down a large grassy hill towards a dead town with troops? Let's add the beast! :x
just a thought, after watching the movie "red ball express"
why dont we have a 6 wheel military truck?
im thinking top speed of 45 mph, yes it wheeled and can be killed easier than a jeep, BUT could be useful for running supps. make it carry 2x base supplies, 10 or 12 vehicle supps, and the standard 10 troops, armed with a single .50"
Amount of troops or supplies are based on resupply/capture requirements. Raising the amounts carried will also raise the resupply/capture requirements.
I'm all for another easy to kill ground vehicle.