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Help and Support Forums => Help and Training => Topic started by: humble on January 02, 2010, 09:08:58 AM

Title: A question for the GVers
Post by: humble on January 02, 2010, 09:08:58 AM
I've never really gotten into the GVing aspect because I feel its to undeveloped and has a tremendous number of exploitable inconsistencies. That being said a few folks have put out excellent primers. Here is a short clip that highlights one of my "issues". I hopped in a tank to help defend one of our TT bases. The fight had been going back and forth and we'd been on offense and defense. I came back after a break and we we're penned in. I was taking fire coming out of the hanger and zig zagged out to one of the defensive positions and knocked out an attacker while others were doing the same. I spent about 20-30 seconds scoping out the tree lines in preparation for pushing forward a bit. All of a sudden a shot comes arching over the trees and bounces of my turret? I zoom in and cant see a thing. A second shot comes in and then a third. Clearly arching over the trees from long I roll the film. Turns out that the guy who kills me is sitting on his base tucked behind the fuel tanks. Now I can't even see there base under any best you'll see the top of the radar tower or a hanger as you approach...yet he can see and range me well enough to hit me hull down at that range? range tank.ahf     ( range tank.ahf)
Title: Re: A question for the GVers
Post by: Belial on January 02, 2010, 10:22:45 AM
Ok for some reason I can't open the video but I'm guessing he was shooting from 6 or 7k which is possible.  The part of this that amazing to me is he could find an open path between two fields with no tree cover, but this is also possible.  As far as the arching rounds, the panzers round has a nice lob to it at long distances.

To accomplish that kind of shot try hitting the F8 key...after hitting F8 use your Up Down arrows keys to move your can also move your sights with 8 and 2 on your number keypad.  When used together you should be able to stay zoomed in all the way but still have visual on far away targets with the sights still displayed.  Now once you have your sights setup for far away targets place your cursor on the 3200 mark for your first shot.

line up the 3200 mark with the enemy tank, you will most likely fall short, so the next step is to put your sights back in that exact position again, except place your cursor where your round actually hit.  You now can repeat until your have a pinpoint bead on the enemy tank.  This only works if you have someone that is willing to trade shots with you OR if they don't know whats happening and sit still.

Moral of this story is if you don't know where the round is coming from....MOVE a sitting target is much easier to hit.

I hope this helps, and hopefully you will be able to start sniping people as well in the future.
Title: Re: A question for the GVers
Post by: humble on January 02, 2010, 10:53:31 AM
I've got no issue with the range per se, its the line of sight. I've gotten kills at 6k or more (very rare for me) but can hit guys at 5k+ from time to time even with the normal site settings.
Title: Re: A question for the GVers
Post by: Belial on January 02, 2010, 01:16:22 PM
What you see and what he sees are generally completely different, just have to take it in stride.
Title: Re: A question for the GVers
Post by: Hoffman on January 02, 2010, 02:07:46 PM
^  What they said... but also remember, when you're looking around in your main gun sights you're looking from a very small part of the tank... the rest of your tank is still visible and hittable even if you don't have los.  It could be that he merely only saw part of your tank and knew you were in one of the fighting positions, and thus was able to howitzer the rounds in.  6 or 7 Km means that the round is going to be coming in almost directly on top of your tank and therefore hitting the weakest armor and having the easiest penetration.

I've managed to get it to where I've been able to barely hit the front armor of a sherman from 1-2Km, but because he was behind a tree he couldn't see or hit me, it took alot of ordnance because of the off-angle, but I was able to kill him.

And for the most part, I've found the fighting positions scattered around the VBases to be really poor positions to use.  For one thing, there's 0 concealment and barely effective cover, you're better off scampering into the woods and playing hide 'n go seek.
And everyone is always looking there.  The secret to being a successful GV'er is not to be seen.  If you are seen you can be hit, if you are hit you can be killed.  The trick isn't so much as having a position with absolute command of the ground, and gunning down everything in sight while you laugh at your position soaking up all the incomming rounds instead of your armor... that only happens in the movies.
Treat your tank like a sniper.  Find a position, find a target, learn to use your stadia lines properly and 1-3 shots for a kill and then get out of there and find a new position.

Or if you want a real fun challenge, up an M8 with AP rounds and just speed around knocking out the turrets of every tank you see that's trying to sneak their way onto your base.

That's a good way to practice your gunnery, and nobody really expects to see an M8 doing a drive-by of their hiding spot.
But that's only really doable in an M8 where you have enough speed to outrun the turret traverse of a parked tank.
Title: Re: A question for the GVers
Post by: Spikes on January 02, 2010, 02:19:15 PM
Normally I could double click the guy's name and it'd show me his this not same with GV's?  I agree the patch of trees was pretty huge, no open space really.
Title: Re: A question for the GVers
Post by: stroker71 on January 03, 2010, 06:54:48 AM
The guy that got the kill was 4.7k away..long shot but not that long in AH.  He was also in an M4 which has the super duper greens camo...very hard to see.  Welcome to the gamey world of gving!

Title: Re: A question for the GVers
Post by: Lusche on January 03, 2010, 08:28:47 AM
The guy that got the kill was 4.7k away..long shot but not that long in AH. 

Have you checked his line of sight? ;)
Title: Re: A question for the GVers
Post by: stroker71 on January 03, 2010, 10:57:06 AM
No I didn't really look that deep into it.  I guess I was looking at the OP's question.  Didn't get into the cheating aspect...should I?  Is that what this is really about?  Is this papy guy cheating? 
Title: Re: A question for the GVers
Post by: Lusche on January 03, 2010, 11:09:29 AM
Didn't get into the cheating aspect...should I?

No, you should not.

But the problem what the OP is facing when he analyzed the situation gets clear when you actually examine the film. It's not only the distance (that is indeed doable) but that the LOS is completely blocked by not a few trees but many patches of woods and other objects. While there are many ways someone can see another tank while the enemy can't see him, none of them is applicable here.

But that does NOT imply any kind of "cheating". People are way too quick with the C word anyway.

Howver, the film is more a topic for the bugs than the training forum.

Title: Re: A question for the GVers
Post by: humble on January 03, 2010, 11:27:09 AM
I'm in no way accusing anyone of cheating. I was simply confronted with something beyond my capabilities and am curious. I completely understand the realities of relative view. I've had circumstances where literally the only I could see was the turret MG but the other guy could see and kill me. Other times I've popped a tread or tail where his turret was obscured or been wher he could fire under a tree but my incoming rounds would hit the tree canopy. Here is a circumstance where I need to use the map to orient on the enemy V base when rolling from ours but he could obviously see me clearly enough to hit me. This is on relatively flat ground with multiple terrain features and I'm curious how this type of sighting is done. I may load the terrain up offline so I can examine it further but from playing on it online I do know that I was unable to view the enemy base at ground level (any part) from that range. Now it might very well be that topography allows a view from one very specific spot...but if he can see me I should be able to see him thru the trees & hills as well.

To me this is no different then an ACM question for planes. I've got no reason to assume this is anything other then a lack of knowledge on my I'm looking to address that lack.
Title: Re: A question for the GVers
Post by: Belial on January 03, 2010, 11:39:47 AM
Theres nothing you can do but chalk it up as a glitch, it happens to all of us.
Title: Re: A question for the GVers
Post by: JunkyII on January 03, 2010, 12:52:35 PM
I remembered when I first started playing some people could change their graphic settings to see tanks that were behind stuff. I dont do it but I have horrible graphics and have shot at a tank that looked like nothing was in my way only to be hitting an "invisble" house. GVing is very gamey but in this case I would almost consider some type of glitch in his graphics that wasnt showing those trees I mean he either already had that spot ranged from there somehow or he couldnt see the trees in front of him

Title: Re: A question for the GVers
Post by: RSLQK186 on January 03, 2010, 03:04:56 PM
I'd say he couldn't see the trees. The film viewer depends on the game settings for its grafic settings and I can adjust mine so that I can see the M4 and fuel tanks through the Panzer's gun.
I can't get the right angle from the M4 to do the reverse. I doesn't help that it displays the turrent 180Deg away from where it is aimed.
And I can't duplicate offline. I think it may be because I have no one else in my game, so it draws trees instead.
Can duplicat online and filmed it. Went to the edge of an enemy V base and lobed shells at things. Changed my settings back and viewed film. Trees blocked my view of some of what I saw before.
I guess this is as gamey as turning down the sound of your own engine so you can hear a plane 3K behind you. Not realistic, but effective and open to all.
The alteritives would be for HTC to drop the accounts of anyone that has a low end system and force a higher grafics standard. Or make it so that high end systems can't pork there own settings?
Think I'll keep my setting to where I can pick out GVs from the air AND see the trees I have to avoid while killing them. That's the way I prefer to handle armor :D
Title: Re: A question for the GVers
Post by: stran on January 03, 2010, 05:33:34 PM
i agree with that guy ^^

He couldn't see the trees. if the trees were invisible then he would have had a clean spot on you to lob his rounds.

and to reiterate what rslqk186 said, the m4 in the vid isn't facing where he was truely looking so he wasn't "tucked behind the fuel tanks" he was actually in front of them.
Title: Re: A question for the GVers
Post by: stroker71 on January 03, 2010, 06:39:01 PM
ok didn't mean to bring the "c" word into this.  I guess I always see trees because I play the game with maxed out graphics.  Also I thought they changed that so when in GVs it would show the trees regardless of your settings.  Wonder if in the last update that got thrown out the window.
Title: Re: A question for the GVers
Post by: WWhiskey on January 06, 2010, 11:07:54 AM
i haven't watched the film, but i have gotten kills without line of sight, simply by ranging a set target and having a pilot direct fire for me, then using what i do see as a reference, such as a tree in the tree line plus 2 k on the rangefinder =main vh, left one inch and down to 1.5 k = soft gun, so on and so forth, if it is in a map that we use a lot, these numbers are not hard to remember, some even write this stuff down! now all you need is a target to go to that spot, and some way to know he is there,IE an observer, i have some good squaddies who can direct my fire to hit tanks within three or four shots that i never see! those kills are fun, and generally result in a
YOU CHEAT message on 200 or a PM!
  on the maps where you can shoot from one base to another, always shooting from the same spot on your feild will help you to figure out what to look at in your line of sight, to hit targets beyond it!
 also don't forget someone else could be in the tower calling out the shots and directing fire for the shooter, it works for me!
Title: Re: A question for the GVers
Post by: humble on January 07, 2010, 04:10:17 PM
So look at the film and tell me what you think. The 1st shot hit me clean on the turret, the 2nd missed and I rolled the film right as the 3rd round hit me...
Title: Re: A question for the GVers
Post by: WWhiskey on January 07, 2010, 07:56:39 PM
OK i watched it.   the Sherman next to the fuel dump by the map room is in question right! from what i can see the trees would play no matter at all, there is high ground between you two as well that he could not see over. i traced the shot in slow motion and there was nothing wrong with it.
also he has a p-38 above you, a panzer 1.6 away, and another Sherman 1.4, any of them could have been calling in his fire for him, but more likely, since he was at a known location,IE the fuel dump, and you are at the revampment ( a very bad place to be in this case) all he needs to know is if you are there. as soon as you rolled into that spot you became a target, someone told him you were there, and he already new the coordinates to your spot, all he had to  do was hit his marks, make a small adjustment or two,  and you were toast.  but he does have to know were you are. don't use places like that if you don't want to get killed sitting in them, i always try to park somewhere not common to the game.
Title: Re: A question for the GVers
Post by: waystin2 on January 12, 2010, 02:40:38 PM
don't use places like that if you don't want to get killed sitting in them, i always try to park somewhere not common to the game.

Immense and simple wisdom.   :aok

Another thing I would like to add is don't be static.  Actively move to engage the enemy vehicles.  Roll from cover to cover (or concealment), shut down, listen & observe, and keep them reacting to you. 


Title: Re: A question for the GVers
Post by: PFactorDave on January 12, 2010, 03:38:39 PM
What you see and what he sees are generally completely different, just have to take it in stride.

And this is why I dislike the GV aspect of the game.
Title: Re: A question for the GVers
Post by: FireDrgn on January 12, 2010, 04:15:37 PM
OK i watched it.   the Sherman next to the fuel dump by the map room is in question right! from what i can see the trees would play no matter at all, there is high ground between you two as well that he could not see over. i traced the shot in slow motion and there was nothing wrong with it.
also he has a p-38 above you, a panzer 1.6 away, and another Sherman 1.4, any of them could have been calling in his fire for him, but more likely, since he was at a known location,IE the fuel dump, and you are at the revampment ( a very bad place to be in this case) all he needs to know is if you are there. as soon as you rolled into that spot you became a target, someone told him you were there, and he already new the coordinates to your spot, all he had to  do was hit his marks, make a small adjustment or two,  and you were toast.  but he does have to know were you are. don't use places like that if you don't want to get killed sitting in them, i always try to park somewhere not common to the game.

NOT  True  in this case... Look at the rounds that hit the ground...There was no adjusting this guy was lined up from the first shot.  You cant  bloody do that with NO LINE OF SITE.  The real question is HOw the heck does this guy have LINE of sight.   HOw did He hit on the FIRST SHOT  from 4.7 k....

Title: Re: A question for the GVers
Post by: Lusche on January 12, 2010, 04:40:24 PM
And this is why I dislike the GV aspect of the game.

You should dislike the whole game then, because it's the same with planes ;)
Title: Re: A question for the GVers
Post by: ePIC on January 12, 2010, 05:27:50 PM
Put Icons on the Tanks.... yup they are on the planes, very few discussions on improbable shot hits.

(Icons not visible w/o line of sight)

GV'in has great potential to take the game over the top, yet I find GV'ing not worth the effort due to its inconsistencies.

Sorry thats my 2 cents. :rock
Title: Re: A question for the GVers
Post by: SPKmes on January 12, 2010, 05:31:19 PM
NOT  True  in this case... Look at the rounds that hit the ground...There was no adjusting this guy was lined up from the first shot.  You cant  bloody do that with NO LINE OF SITE.  The real question is HOw the heck does this guy have LINE of sight.   HOw did He hit on the FIRST SHOT  from 4.7 k....

I haven't watched as I can't seem to on this PC...but to put forward a thought to your question....It was said that there was a P38 above... now I use friendlies icon range to get my range your friendly drops low enough and marks the spot you will generally get within cooee of your do not need to see said target as the rounds arc over most things at these distances......The fact that the first round hit could be sheer luck as from what I have read there are a couple after which you know once you have fired the turret isn't set back to where it was originally fired from....and the others as has been mentioned could have been relaying from their positions the round would have to be pretty reasonable in a GV for this though.
Title: Re: A question for the GVers
Post by: SPKmes on January 12, 2010, 05:49:27 PM
Put Icons on the Tanks.... yup they are on the planes, very few discussions on improbable shot hits.

(Icons not visible w/o line of sight)

GV'in has great potential to take the game over the top, yet I find GV'ing not worth the effort due to its inconsistencies.

Sorry thats my 2 cents. :rock

Icons on GV's would render GV'ing pretty lame as you have your distance right there....Sure there are anomalies within the GV part of the game..but in reality no more than the ones within the flying game.... GV'ing is a game of stealth (haha as much as is possible for metal on metal and bellowing engines) for the most need to be able to hear, look and hunt....sure there are times and areas of up shoot die,up shoot die (camped spawn) but this is just a GV's idea of a capped field...if you don't like it don't up.... there are many other areas where great battles happen...There are things that need to be addressed probably, sure (but that's not my place to say) but to jump in a GV and think this is easy is not the right thing...just like the flying side there are things to learn.
Title: Re: A question for the GVers
Post by: WWhiskey on January 12, 2010, 06:50:14 PM
NOT  True  in this case... Look at the rounds that hit the ground...There was no adjusting this guy was lined up from the first shot.  You cant  bloody do that with NO LINE OF SITE.  The real question is HOw the heck does this guy have LINE of sight.   HOw did He hit on the FIRST SHOT  from 4.7 k....

how would you know? you saw the same film i saw!  he could have had that spot ranged all day! no reason to adjust after you get the range, also no two shots are ever exactly the same because the turret moves after every shot, he could not see the target, but imagime that he has something that he puts on the screen that lines him back up too the same shot every time, it is a stretch i know, but there are those who take this game to that next level!  do you have a better explanation?............................. ............................. ............................. .   i didn't think so!
Title: Re: A question for the GVers
Post by: ePIC on January 12, 2010, 08:44:55 PM
I reviewed the ahf file and I believe there is a valid concern here, but again others will discount it so why bother uppin a GV?
Title: Re: A question for the GVers
Post by: bmwgs on January 13, 2010, 06:02:45 AM
how would you know? you saw the same film i saw!  he could have had that spot ranged all day! no reason to adjust after you get the range, also no two shots are ever exactly the same because the turret moves after every shot, he could not see the target, but imagime that he has something that he puts on the screen that lines him back up too the same shot every time, it is a stretch i know, but there are those who take this game to that next level!  do you have a better explanation?............................. ............................. ............................. .   i didn't think so!

I think some are missing the point.  WWhiskey hit the nail on the head.  What some don't know, certain players take the time and document positions and ranges.  I guess they may do it in the off line mode, or they just happen to do it over time in the MA.  If you GV a lot you will notice certain players go to certain positions on various maps.  The reason for this is they have found from trail and error that it is the best position to get kills and minimize their risks.  They have the position ranged so all they have to do is get into position and they are ready to go.

I do not document various locations and ranges, but I am positive some do.  It takes time and patients, but in the end they will be rewarded in the ability to get that first shot hit, which in the game is so important.

I watched the film and there is no doubt he had it ranged.  My first guess he had someone on Vent or Team Speak and they were advising him when to shoot.  That's just a guess, but as for hitting from 4+K away without seeing the target, it's not that big of a deal as long as you have the range and know someone is there.

Just my opinion

Title: Re: A question for the GVers
Post by: humble on January 13, 2010, 09:16:58 AM
Thanks for the reply's so far. I have a question but 1st I want to make it perfectly clear that I'm asking for help not implying anything incorrect on the other GVer's part.

From what I'm gathering there is no possible line of sight since changes were made to the detail settings. In this case the shot is blind and based on having various locations pre-ranged like artillery fire and relying on a spotter. With no shell holes around the revetment no ranging fire existed prior my arrival (within some defined time frame). So we have a 1st shot literally within meters with regard to accuracy. I don't GV much but I'm not a bad shot (certainly not a real good one). To me the shots vs moving targets at closer ranges (900-1600) are harder then moving shots at long range...especially when you consider both the "kill area's" and facing as it regards to ricochets. At "longer" ranges in the 2400-3200 range vs a stationary target I'm a pretty decent shot most of the time if I stay in the same tank and get a feel for the optics again. My 1st shot ratio at 2800 in a PZIV (after a few hops) is probably 20% and my 2nd shot 50% and 3rd is 75+%. I know the hard core GVers are much better...once we get out of ranged optics (3200?) then the further beyond the more ranging is required (for me).

So without a line of sight you can't really range and a spotter wont see a flash for a hit. I have a very hard time getting a feel for how you make any ranging adjustments without any visual feedback since you have no reference point on the optics at that range (or do you)?
Title: Re: A question for the GVers
Post by: bmwgs on January 13, 2010, 12:55:50 PM
Thanks for the reply's so far. I have a question but 1st I want to make it perfectly clear that I'm asking for help not implying anything incorrect on the other GVer's part.

From what I'm gathering there is no possible line of sight since changes were made to the detail settings. In this case the shot is blind and based on having various locations pre-ranged like artillery fire and relying on a spotter. With no shell holes around the revetment no ranging fire existed prior my arrival (within some defined time frame). So we have a 1st shot literally within meters with regard to accuracy. I don't GV much but I'm not a bad shot (certainly not a real good one). To me the shots vs moving targets at closer ranges (900-1600) are harder then moving shots at long range...especially when you consider both the "kill area's" and facing as it regards to ricochets. At "longer" ranges in the 2400-3200 range vs a stationary target I'm a pretty decent shot most of the time if I stay in the same tank and get a feel for the optics again. My 1st shot ratio at 2800 in a PZIV (after a few hops) is probably 20% and my 2nd shot 50% and 3rd is 75+%. I know the hard core GVers are much better...once we get out of ranged optics (3200?) then the further beyond the more ranging is required (for me).

So without a line of sight you can't really range and a spotter wont see a flash for a hit. I have a very hard time getting a feel for how you make any ranging adjustments without any visual feedback since you have no reference point on the optics at that range (or do you)?

One little secret, or maybe not so secret, is using the cursor.  Just place it some distance below the target vertical grid and lock it into place.  Use features in the landscape (dark spots, trees) as targeting lines for vertical adjustments.  In time you will get a feel as to where the cursor needs to be placed for distance shooting beyond the target grid optics.  You can also use the head forward and back to change the grid in the optics.  This works really well in the panzer and less with the other tanks.  Each has a max/min distance that can be adjusted.  This will allow you to shoot at a far greater distance with accuracy.

I hope I understood your question.

Beware of GVing, its like a drug once you get into it.  You may become another member of the dark side of no talented players.     :D

Title: Re: A question for the GVers
Post by: FireDrgn on January 14, 2010, 10:35:22 PM
how would you know? you saw the same film i saw!  he could have had that spot ranged all day! no reason to adjust after you get the range, also no two shots are ever exactly the same because the turret moves after every shot, he could not see the target, but imagime that he has something that he puts on the screen that lines him back up too the same shot every time, it is a stretch i know, but there are those who take this game to that next level!  do you have a better explanation?............................. ............................. ............................. .   i didn't think so!

All u did was prove my point. You respond.... "He could have had that spot ranged all day!"  What happend to your spotter theory? The only point that you made that I contended was the spotter one. 

All you have to do to get the distance is record and look at film....duh..... Pinging the same spot With out line of sight. takes a bit more work. And it would have to be done ahead of time.  My guess is a buddie on the other side in a gv on the ground.    Once you have it marked on your screen its done....

That's plausible. BUT its most like ly that there is a graphics bug in the game that lets some see thru trees.          For Example with the   hedges that they took out of the game you could see the interment panel inside the other guys panzer thru the hedges . once you knew what to look for it was easy to spot and shoot the other guy.       

It more probable that a bug exists in the game.   

If you will take the time to take some of the other tanks out there are deffinant graphics bug.. Were  ALL THE TREES DO NOT SHOW UP IN THE DIFFERANT VIEwS!!!!
Title: Re: A question for the GVers
Post by: FireDrgn on January 14, 2010, 10:47:11 PM
I haven't watched as I can't seem to on this PC...but to put forward a thought to your question....It was said that there was a P38 above... now I use friendlies icon range to get my range your friendly drops low enough and marks the spot you will generally get within cooee of your do not need to see said target as the rounds arc over most things at these distances......The fact that the first round hit could be sheer luck as from what I have read there are a couple after which you know once you have fired the turret isn't set back to where it was originally fired from....and the others as has been mentioned could have been relaying from their positions the round would have to be pretty reasonable in a GV for this though.

Ok be honest how many times have you hit on the first shot when your using a spotter?  To be as consistant as he was  He would have to have it marked on his screeN. at least. I just thought of something IM going to go check the timing of the shots.   

Title: Re: A question for the GVers
Post by: FireDrgn on January 14, 2010, 10:53:09 PM
Thought so,  Check the timing of the shots. They are shot as soon as the gun reloads.   There are only to possibility's.....One is Target HAS to be marked on your screen. with or with out line of sight.

TWO....... :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :bolt:
Title: Re: A question for the GVers
Post by: SPKmes on January 14, 2010, 11:58:19 PM
Ok be honest how many times have you hit on the first shot when your using a spotter?  To be as consistant as he was  He would have to have it marked on his screeN. at least. I just thought of something IM going to go check the timing of the shots.   


A couple of times...I am definitely not proficient at it and I am not really a high class GV'er....but I have done it...I would have to say luck more than anything  but to get close even takes a little get back on target during the reload period isn't too much of an ask...I don't personally use my cursor or bit of tape for aim over long distances but I can get back on target quite easily (as long as I have remembered to look before I shoot). I use the surrounding land scape...much as I would in real life...the person who making the shots,in my view is no slouch to this game either..he is very capable....and to make things worse there are others that are better...
Title: Re: A question for the GVers
Post by: WWhiskey on January 15, 2010, 10:03:06 AM

All u did was prove my point. You respond.... "He could have had that spot ranged all day!"  What happend to your spotter theory? The only point that you made that I contended was the spotter one. 
All you have to do to get the distance is record and look at film....duh..... Pinging the same spot With out line of sight. takes a bit more work. And it would have to be done ahead of time.  My guess is a buddie on the other side in a gv on the ground.    Once you have it marked on your screen its done....
That's plausible. BUT its most like ly that there is a graphics bug in the game that lets some see thru trees.          For Example with the   hedges that they took out of the game you could see the interment panel inside the other guys panzer thru the hedges . once you knew what to look for it was easy to spot and shoot the other guy.       
It more probable that a bug exists in the game.   
If you will take the time to take some of the other tanks out there are deffinant graphics bug.. Were  ALL THE TREES DO NOT SHOW UP IN THE DIFFERANT VIEwS!!!!
it is funny to me that instead of respecting a players skills, you would rather blame it on the "game", Whats with all this negativity?  do you not think someone in this game is capable of that shot? you saw  a very small segment of film, but you have all the answers, wow your a super genius, i stand corrected! :neener:
Title: Re: A question for the GVers
Post by: FireDrgn on January 15, 2010, 11:32:06 AM
Well im glad your in a Good mood WWhiskey. No I'm just being realistic so this can get fixed  if needed...  I think its a graphics bug.      Its not that great of a shot if Papy has line of sight. I thank alot of players  in the game can make that shot with line of sight.

If just after the Truth Sir. If i came on to strong i have no problem apologizing for that.  When my Metaprograms get violated I tend to get testy. 

Only one thing can be True.                     It was obvious to me that the spotter theory does not fit at all. I would like to know what does fit. 

Title: Re: A question for the GVers
Post by: FireDrgn on January 15, 2010, 11:48:54 AM

A couple of times...I am definitely not proficient at it and I am not really a high class GV'er....but I have done it...I would have to say luck more than anything  but to get close even takes a little get back on target during the reload period isn't too much of an ask...I don't personally use my cursor or bit of tape for aim over long distances but I can get back on target quite easily (as long as I have remembered to look before I shoot). I use the surrounding land scape...much as I would in real life...the person who making the shots,in my view is no slouch to this game either..he is very capable....and to make things worse there are others that are better...

With no line of sight  4.7 k you have hit another tank on the FIRST SHOT?  Using a spotter!!!  Can I ask  with no line of sight HOW did you know you hit the other tank?

Its not revalant to this case anyways.  If you will get in the P 38 or the 110  the only two planes in the area.. There is no way they are or can be spotting.

Also the timing of the shots shows he is not waiting to see if they HIT which points to something totlay differant anyways.... All I'm asking is that you will take a look at the evidence and ask some questions .


Title: Re: A question for the GVers
Post by: WWhiskey on January 15, 2010, 02:38:10 PM
With no line of sight  4.7 k you have hit another tank on the FIRST SHOT? Using a spotter!!! Can I ask with no line of sight HOW did you know you hit the other tank?
Its not revalant to this case anyways.  If you will get in the P 38 or the 110  the only two planes in the area.. There is no way they are or can be spotting.
Also the timing of the shots shows he is not waiting to see if they HIT which points to something totlay differant anyways.... All I'm asking is that you will take a look at the evidence and ask some questions .
again, you think this was his first shot, i disagree it is only the first shot we see, that is what you don't seem to get,a round from point a to point b requires no line of sight if proper preparations were made before hand! this could have been his 50Th shot, or his 500Th over time, from the spot he was shooting to the place he was firing are too known locations, i was going to recreate it for you today but knights are completely out of TT on that map and i didn't want to have to shower again after switching to bish and doing so! :rofl
 besides, the chance of a glitch happening in that one spot, perfectly between two known locations  without someone else exploiting it and being found by now are very slim, as for the two planes, it was just a suggestion, because that is how i have done the same thing before. more likely he had it mapped out beforehand, otherwise he would be adjusting his fire to compinsate , to map this out would be very simple, the trees dont move and leave an outline on your screen,  a mark on the screen to locate a certain tree would do just as well as the actual target itself, stop thinking  you have to see a target to hit it exactly every time.
Title: Re: A question for the GVers
Post by: Belial on January 15, 2010, 03:02:49 PM
Instead of concentrating on miracle shots practice hitting targets you CAN see on the first shot :neener:  Gv'ing is what kept me playing this game after the appeal of flying wore off.  Just go out there and do what you enjoy, whether it be camp a spawn from 1k or pick people off from 6k.

And firedgn knows his stuff but Is wrong to argue about something so trivial, if you got shot through or around trees just chalk it up as little inconvenience it's not the norm.
Title: Re: A question for the GVers
Post by: wgmount on January 15, 2010, 03:23:10 PM
It is normal for me. The last time I was in a Gv a tank I couldn't see was hitting me from the other side of a hill. I was moving to a different location then he finished killing me on the run from the other side of the hill. 2 other tanks killed me with no line of sight that day. I don't know how they do it either. The only time I have made an over the hill shot was in a t 34 I could see the other tank from the 3 position but not the gun and kept switching back and forth.
Title: Re: A question for the GVers
Post by: FireDrgn on January 15, 2010, 04:14:02 PM
The only point i argued was the spotter  theory which i proved as slop.   All i did was ask questions.  The video shows it as his third or forth shot.  Im taking snaphook verbal account  as the first shot  hit....... My point was that Papy had line of sight..... and i am  right he has line of sight. 

What your not taking into account is you cant map it with out LINE of sight.  Which again proves my point.

Its not really a glitch  but it is gameing the game... and it would be nice if it were "fixed"

Also I figured out how its done.     Actually  very simple. 

Your still over thinking it.

I admit i get over excited over it some times... so what 

Tell you what ill go ride my 1000rr and get over it.

Title: Re: A question for the GVers
Post by: Sonicblu on January 15, 2010, 06:51:55 PM
I dont tank much at all.

I would just like to guess at how its done though. Flushed hinted at  it.

If he did range it using his pintel gun. marked his screen. he would be all set.

It might just be possible to see over the trees from pintal gun with views set up high.

Let me know you think fire. PM me if you want.
Title: Re: A question for the GVers
Post by: Belial on January 15, 2010, 09:28:55 PM
Ehhhhh doubtful sonic
Title: Re: A question for the GVers
Post by: FireDrgn on January 16, 2010, 10:05:37 AM
That does work  for shooting over hills. Actually a great tequnique that not many use.  You can sit almost completely blind and shoot the other guy.

This is not the case here tho. Im sure some others know how to do it. Now I know how they doing it and I will be able to shoot  back.

Title: Re: A question for the GVers
Post by: Belial on January 16, 2010, 10:53:39 AM
It works for things that are able to be seen with the pintle gun's 7k it would be pretty hard to see a tank with pintle to be switching, but yeah I've shot over alot of hills at shorter range.
Title: Re: A question for the GVers
Post by: FireDrgn on January 16, 2010, 02:21:26 PM


Boi  im going to slap u..... Its only a 4.7 shot. You could do that in your sleep.
Title: Re: A question for the GVers
Post by: Belial on January 17, 2010, 12:12:39 AM
LOL i cant see the video so I'm know what happens when you assume, but I think I'm right here.