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Help and Support Forums => Help and Training => Topic started by: papjohns on January 12, 2010, 03:23:09 PM

Title: 109 Training
Post by: papjohns on January 12, 2010, 03:23:09 PM
I am pretty new to AH and flight sims. I have settled on the 109 as *the* first plane I want to learn inside and out. My squaddies will help me out a little here and there. However, I am looking for a 109 "god" that is willing to train me in the training arena on the 109. I have some basic understandings of the game. Takeoff, landings, BnZ etc, but do not know the magic moves /ACMs associated with the 109.

If anyone is willing to do this please let me know. I am available most weeknights after 8 PM and on weekends.

I want to master this plane, and someone that knows this baby inside and out will shorten the learning curve by years.


Title: Re: 109 Training
Post by: grizz441 on January 12, 2010, 03:30:33 PM,235050.0.html

This is a very good starting point.
Title: Re: 109 Training
Post by: papjohns on January 12, 2010, 03:31:44 PM,235050.0.html

This is a very good starting point.

AWESOME! Thanks I will look at these when I get home.
Title: Re: 109 Training
Post by: Agent360 on January 12, 2010, 06:34:32 PM
Unfortunatly these films are in the older film viewer format and can not be viewed by the current film viewer.

I am still looking for someone with and older version of the game installed that can convert these films using FRAPS to mpeg or wmv files so they can be viewed once again.

If they were converted I can host them. They would be much larger files but could be streamed. I can even make a film pack for download but I they have to be converted first.
Title: Re: 109 Training
Post by: Agent360 on January 12, 2010, 06:42:24 PM
See this thread. I have a write up describing some flight drills that will help you in verticle stalling moves.,272726.0.html (,272726.0.html)
Title: Re: 109 Training
Post by: Ardy123 on January 12, 2010, 06:54:52 PM
I am pretty new to AH and flight sims. I have settled on the 109 as *the* first plane I want to learn inside and out. My squaddies will help me out a little here and there. However, I am looking for a 109 "god" that is willing to train me in the training arena on the 109. I have some basic understandings of the game. Takeoff, landings, BnZ etc, but do not know the magic moves /ACMs associated with the 109.

If anyone is willing to do this please let me know. I am available most weeknights after 8 PM and on weekends.

I want to master this plane, and someone that knows this baby inside and out will shorten the learning curve by years.



I'll tell ya how to learn the 109.. Come to the DA and let Creton, Agent & I fight you, over and over and over and over again... Don't take it personal when you loose, loosing is how you learn, loosing is the path to winning.
Title: Re: 109 Training
Post by: maddafinga on January 12, 2010, 07:30:54 PM
Man, I'm down for that myself!  I need to run into you guys when I don't have squaddies on.  The DA is fun and informative and I need to learn and get better.  I don't know Creton but I'd love to mix it up with you and Agent. 
Title: Re: 109 Training
Post by: Anaxogoras on January 12, 2010, 10:48:49 PM
I wouldn't recommend the 109 if you are new to AH and new to flight sims, unless you don't mind a very steep learning curve.
Title: Re: 109 Training
Post by: Agent360 on January 13, 2010, 01:04:14 AM
I wouldn't recommend the 109 if you are new to AH and new to flight sims, unless you don't mind a very steep learning curve.

This is true.

However I began flying the 109K4 after only 3 months in the game. But I had the help of an ace stick to teach me. Without that I probably would have turned out to be a typical BZ dweeb in a spit.

I stuck with it. Refusing to yield. I fought anyone I could in any plane vs my 109k4. I died thousands of times.

4 years later I can actually fly the bird...sometimes...hehe.

I will say taking on a plane like the 109k4 to start is going to be the tuff road but if you succeed it will be worth it.

Title: Re: 109 Training
Post by: papjohns on January 13, 2010, 01:16:48 AM
I dont want easy mode; I actually want to learn...

I settled on the 109K. I am done jumping around planes constantly. I have been playing for maybe a month. I was flying the Spit VIII for 2 weeks and of an on the P51....I want a challenge so 109 it is.

I want to know everything there is to know about this ride....I mean *everything*. Oh, and if that means dying 400000000000 times so be it, I dont really care about my "stats", but I do want to progress skill wise.
Title: Re: 109 Training
Post by: JunkyII on January 13, 2010, 01:42:10 AM
I like this guy, hes gunna be a good 109 pilot in a a short time with this attitude. Which 109 were you thinking about flying? K4 is the monster of the group but all are good rides. Hook up with any of these names listed below and Im sure they can teach you some stuff....

Ardy123(G14 dweeb)
Kermit(G14 dweeb)
Creton(he can show you any of them)
warhed(G14 dweeb that I havnt seen in a bit :noid )

All of them are very good, just ask to join their DA sessions :salute

also, when I get back from leave I will be glad to help with what I can :salute
Title: Re: 109 Training
Post by: Ardy123 on January 13, 2010, 04:25:33 AM
I like this guy, hes gunna be a good 109 pilot in a a short time with this attitude. Which 109 were you thinking about flying? K4 is the monster of the group but all are good rides. Hook up with any of these names listed below and Im sure they can teach you some stuff....

Ardy123(G14 dweeb)
Kermit(G14 dweeb)
Creton(he can show you any of them)
warhed(G14 dweeb that I havnt seen in a bit :noid )

All of them are very good, just ask to join their DA sessions :salute

also, when I get back from leave I will be glad to help with what I can :salute

Also, come fly with us in the ma...  I love your attitude.. I had a lot of help when I started out from a fairly well know 109 stick.... ;)

Title: Re: 109 Training
Post by: grizz441 on January 13, 2010, 07:16:31 AM

Also, come fly with us in the ma...  I love your attitude.. I had a lot of help when I started out from a fairly well know 109 stick.... ;)

I remember when you were in the DA furball lake as a noob.  Always butthurt when you couldn't get a 1v1 or you got HO'd. :lol Now there aren't many active players that can beat ya.   :cool:
Title: Re: 109 Training
Post by: JunkyII on January 13, 2010, 07:33:33 AM
I remember when you were in the DA furball lake as a noob.  Always butthurt when you couldn't get a 1v1 or you got HO'd. :lol Now there aren't many active players that can beat ya.   :cool:
Dude dont get his EGO might unleash the Ardavon  :devil
Title: Re: 109 Training
Post by: grizz441 on January 13, 2010, 07:37:18 AM
Dude dont get his EGO might unleash the Ardavon  :devil

He knows who is daddy is.
Title: Re: 109 Training
Post by: Anaxogoras on January 13, 2010, 08:20:12 AM
I dont want easy mode; I actually want to learn...

I settled on the 109K.

Good choice, then.  That's easily one of the most challenging birds in the game.

Be ready to hit the K key on your keyboard, or map it to your stick.  It's necessary for pulling out of dives.
Title: Re: 109 Training
Post by: papjohns on January 13, 2010, 10:00:00 AM
Good choice, then.  That's easily one of the most challenging birds in the game.

Be ready to hit the K key on your keyboard, or map it to your stick.  It's necessary for pulling out of dives.

I learned this the hard way yesterday. I made a pretty lawn dart; which point I decided that there might be something behind eveyone saying to use trim tabs. Voila! 500mph and I can actually pull out of a dive (I understand that going 500mph is not ideal in the first place :))

As for everyone that volunteered to help me, you'll likely get a "whisper" from me at some point begging for help.

I have also been practicing AGENT360s writeup on the Hammerhead; I just dont seem to get it quite right. Anyone have a video of this (I downloaded agent's narrated ones but I can't get them to work)? As I cut the throttle at around 100mph, then stall, then full throttle forward stick and full right rudder I end up spinning/rolling nose pointed towards the ground.....(which is better than what I was doing when just stalling). Not quite the "magical inverted" result I was attempting.

Title: Re: 109 Training
Post by: Ardy123 on January 13, 2010, 12:51:35 PM

I remember when you were in the DA furball lake as a noob.  Always butthurt when you couldn't get a 1v1 or you got HO'd. :lol Now there aren't many active players that can beat ya.   :cool:

Dude dont get his EGO might unleash the Ardavon  :devil

- Actually, he is correct, when I first started playing (think, second week), I rode with Grizz in the DA and was blown away, I made it a goal to be able to do what he was doing.

Also, My comment was referring to Agent360 because he spent a lot of time with me showing me how to do moves, taking me to the TA, how to set them up, etc...  But flying & fighting Creton, Grizz, Sunsfan, Warkat and Agent in the DA has made a huge difference in my skills.

I have also been practicing AGENT360s writeup on the Hammerhead; I just dont seem to get it quite right. Anyone have a video of this (I downloaded agent's narrated ones but I can't get them to work)? As I cut the throttle at around 100mph, then stall, then full throttle forward stick and full right rudder I end up spinning/rolling nose pointed towards the ground.....(which is better than what I was doing when just stalling). Not quite the "magical inverted" result I was attempting.

here is a video of doing it. (

and I think your talking about wing-overs not hammerheads... something I learned from a thread about when to use them appropriately.,281127.0.html
Title: Re: 109 Training
Post by: grizz441 on January 13, 2010, 12:58:10 PM

Also, My comment was referring to Agent360 because he spent a lot of time with me showing me how to do moves, taking me to the TA, how to set them up, etc...  But flying & fighting Creton, Grizz, Sunsfan, Warkat and Agent in the DA has made a huge difference in my skills.

I figured you were talking about either Agent or Scotch.  It's nice to see though how far you've progressed as a fighter in such a short time.
Title: Re: 109 Training
Post by: Ardy123 on January 13, 2010, 01:14:10 PM
I figured you were talking about either Agent or Scotch.  It's nice to see though how far you've progressed as a fighter in such a short time.

well thank you, you guys are good trainers :).
Title: Re: 109 Training
Post by: maddafinga on January 13, 2010, 01:32:42 PM
Thanks for the films Ardy!
Title: Re: 109 Training
Post by: Ardy123 on January 13, 2010, 05:12:14 PM
"doing it", I was talking about a hammerhead, not exactly what agent was talking about. If you follow what agent was talking about, you can figure out how to do all sorts of stuff, like hammerheads, cobra, etc...
Title: Re: 109 Training
Post by: JunkyII on January 13, 2010, 06:29:34 PM
well thank you, you guys are good trainers :).
Thats right stay humble you lil girl, I dont want to have to whip the Ardavon back into his cage :devil

PapaJohns remember 109K4 is awesome for roping EVERYONE :aok

Heres a fight I had with Kazwrf, I was in a G14 with tator package
Title: Re: 109 Training
Post by: Ardy123 on January 13, 2010, 06:36:07 PM
Thats right stay humble you lil girl, I dont want to have to whip the Ardavon back into his cage :devil

lol, my Ego.... I think Grizz is going to have to slap the Zacky-boy around :devil
Title: Re: 109 Training
Post by: JunkyII on January 13, 2010, 08:51:15 PM
lol, my Ego.... I think Grizz is going to have to slap the Zacky-boy around :devil

Grizz cant slap me around Im not playing till March  :neener:
Title: Re: 109 Training
Post by: Tom5572 on January 17, 2010, 08:16:10 AM
I am not the Uber k4 Stick by any stretch of the imagination but I have learned it is an awesome plane.  Most of my k4 kills come from crossing shots at about d200 - d400.  One move I have had a decent amount of success with is against a plane with an alt and speed advantage.

     Bad guy at high six.  He begins to make his run on me, I cut to about half throttle and start a lazy right hand turn.  As he gets closer, licking his chops at the easy k4 kill he is about to get I roll and start a low yo-yo.  The bad guy knows the k4 cannot turn with him so he cuts his throttle to start the turn fight.  At the start of the break I am almost blacked out pulling up into the verticle, I see the bad guy wants to start a rolling scissors.  I am coming up to him at full power, he crosses my 3-9 line and I am rolling with him (it is important you roll, and do not try to turn).  There he passes, I am continuing my roll, soon he will cross in front of my nose at about 250 yrds, right where I want him.  The snap shot ability of the K4 is awesome.  As we continue the start of this rolling scissor, he passes right in front of my nose, I pull the trigger at about a plane to 1/2 a plane length in front of him.  One of two things happen, he loses a wing or he goes straight to the tower. 

     I have used this maneuver on some of the better sticks and it worked out great.  It does take some practice and a lot of throttle control.  When you have it right it is a lethal combination.

Title: Re: 109 Training
Post by: JunkyII on January 17, 2010, 08:22:52 AM
I am not the Uber k4 Stick by any stretch of the imagination but I have learned it is an awesome plane.  Most of my k4 kills come from crossing shots at about d200 - d400.  One move I have had a decent amount of success with is against a plane with an alt and speed advantage.

     Bad guy at high six.  He begins to make his run on me, I cut to about half throttle and start a lazy right hand turn.  As he gets closer, licking his chops at the easy k4 kill he is about to get I roll and start a low yo-yo.  The bad guy knows the k4 cannot turn with him so he cuts his throttle to start the turn fight.  At the start of the break I am almost blacked out pulling up into the verticle, I see the bad guy wants to start a rolling scissors.  I am coming up to him at full power, he crosses my 3-9 line and I am rolling with him (it is important you roll, and do not try to turn).  There he passes, I am continuing my roll, soon he will cross in front of my nose at about 250 yrds, right where I want him.  The snap shot ability of the K4 is awesome.  As we continue the start of this rolling scissor, he passes right in front of my nose, I pull the trigger at about a plane to 1/2 a plane length in front of him.  One of two things happen, he loses a wing or he goes straight to the tower. 

     I have used this maneuver on some of the better sticks and it worked out great.  It does take some practice and a lot of throttle control.  When you have it right it is a lethal combination.

I think most of the K4 sticks will agree with me here when I say they are trying to force a rolling/vertical scissors because of the snapshot ability of the 30mm. I do the same thing as you except minus the turn back the other way before going vertical, I like rolling over them left at first to keep my E up and also I can set up an intial crossing shot easier that way, watch my film I posted, the first kill on the 47M(choppy sry) but you can see what Im talking about kinda