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Help and Support Forums => Help and Training => Topic started by: Delirium on January 15, 2010, 02:25:22 AM
I'm holding a basic P38 clinic February 6th, at 7pm-830pm EST, all are welcome! This is a repeat of a prior clinic that was run last year.
This class is designed for beginners to learn the P38 who already have experience in other aircraft and wish to transition to the 38, or those looking to learn the 38's weakness.
This clinic will cover the fuel loadouts, convergence, the basic Immelman merge, use of flaps, compression, side slipping, snaprolling and trim.
This clinic will cover the fuel loadouts, convergence, the basic Immelman merge, use of flaps, compression, side slipping, snaprolling and trim.
No bombing techniques? :P :eek:
should be able to attend.
Ill be there again. It was a good clinic first time around. Might bring some squaddies.
Cool I will be there.
great i will mark it on my cal. Will be there unless the creeks rise. :lol
I love the P-38, but I just can't fly the beast! I'll see if I can show , thank you for the advance notice :salute
i would like to learn th 38 ive never tried it before
I will start to learn the lightning when they put a darn f6 bomb sight on the thing. :pray
I will start to learn the lightning when they put a darn f6 bomb sight on the thing. :pray
but dive bombing is more fun. Except the 38 is my last choice if im jabo. Qhen del posted the date my first thought was, why couldnt it be sooner!
i would like to learn th 38 ive never tried it before
I could of swore I seen a Tw........ah nvm. :) You should go. I'd like to have a couple fights with ya when it's over. :joystick:
So glad Del is having at a time i can make it! Thankya Delirium :salute
where Del?
It will be in the Training Arena...
I should be there.
hope to make it, love the 38 but need to learn it better
I will be there. Thanks in advance!
-Doug ( aka H7 )
Looking forward to it.
Thanks Del! :aok
I'm holding a basic P38 clinic February 6th, at 7pm-830pm EST, all are welcome! This is a repeat of a prior clinic that was run last year.
This class is designed for beginners to learn the P38 who already have experience in other aircraft and wish to transition to the 38, or those looking to learn the 38's weakness.
This clinic will cover the fuel loadouts, convergence, the basic Immelman merge, use of flaps, compression, side slipping, snaprolling and trim.
I won't be able to be there :( , maybe one of you guys will post a film after? :pray Please,pretty please :)
ill be there! looking to improve my Lightning skills
I in,
Great stuff....
Couple of "basic" things really stood out to me. 1st is importance of monitoring G load in the verts in the 38. 2nd is remembering to preset the "falloff" at the top by dropping on wing very slightly in the zoom. While they may be seecond nature to some even for someone like me they are fundementals that need to be reenforced. Took a 38 out and noticed an immediate improvement in both E management and lift vecotr control during the vertical reverses :aok :salute
Doh! :furious I forgot. Watching Nascar all day :mad:
Later the night of the clinic, I upped a 38J and managed to get 3 kills by simply doing vertical stall maneuvers. I was finally killed when two Corsairs ganged up on me. It wasn't the fact that there were two, but the better of the two managed to knock out one of my engines mid-hammerhead at literally 0mph, and put me into an un-recoverable spin, (even though I was around 3k alt).
Great fun! The clinic was a blast, had a great fight, lasted and killed in the 38! Thanks once again Delirium!
the better of the two managed to knock out one of my engines mid-hammerhead at literally 0mph, and put me into an un-recoverable spin, (even though I was around 3k alt).
Next time, kill the remaining engine and you can recover. I had a similar incident fighting a Spit16 and a P51B yesterday.
Next time, kill the remaining engine and you can recover. I had a similar incident fighting a Spit16 and a P51B yesterday.
Ah, I can't believe I didn't think of that! Haha, thanks for the tip :aok
I won't be able to be there :( , maybe one of you guys will post a film after? :pray Please,pretty please :)
We plan on posting it on our site and when it is I will mention it here. Delirium did give us his OK to do so.
Delirium did give us his OK to do so.
I did?
Damn, I didn't even powder my face or anything. You did get my good side in the film, didn't you?
I did?
Damn, I didn't even powder my face or anything. You did get my good side in the film, didn't you?
Yes, but you can revoke that if you want to. Of course technically there is a fuze and a fuzeman, the latter being myself.
You were in a P-38J, of course your good side :)
Yes, but you can revoke that if you want to.
I was only kidding, I have no problems with that.
I do have one regret, I wish I had answered Mulligan's question a little better during the Clinic, it has been haunting me since Saturday.
I was only kidding, I have no problems with that.
I do have one regret, I wish I had answered Mulligan's question a little better during the Clinic, it has been haunting me since Saturday.
I may cut-n-paste the text portion and not use the film I had of it. If I do it that, I'd be more than happy to include any additional things you want to add.
Delirium, could not be there for the class but really wanted to. Do you have anything that you could post that would help in flying that bird? Please post when you will do it again and I will be there. Some of the squad mates took a class and it did a lot to help them. I can still take AAJagerX in a spit though :aok
We plan on posting it on our site and when it is I will mention it here. Delirium did give us his OK to do so.
Thanks :aok I can't wait :D
Thanks :aok I can't wait :D
When it's up I will notify people in this thread. Link is in my signature but as I said it's not up yet.
Anyone besides fuzeman tape this lecture?? If so, don't be shy & pls post :salute
No pressure fuse, just looking for a progress update :) .
Thanks in advance.
Well, last night I put over 2 hours into editing the film and getting the text portion out of it in an easy to read format. I may have put in too much work as posting the Part 1 film was only 826kb and the edited portion in .png format was 234kb. A savings of a whopping 592Kb. Also when I opened my file the Viewer tried to get it into a single frame resulting in a small unreadable strip of gobbledygook.
However thanks to Luft, TheSpecialists web guru, it has been posted it up in a very readable fashion. You can find both the Part 1 text portion and the Part 2 In-flight portion of Delirium's P-38 clinic here: .
Thanks a bunch to Fuzeman and Luft! I appreciate you doing this :)
Thanks a bunch to Fuzeman and Luft! I appreciate you doing this :)
Couldn't happen without Delirium!!! Thanks again Delirium for an enjoyable clinic, not to mention very informative. I've been using the J and L alot more than I ever did before. Some good days and some real stinkers but having fun none the less :D
Couldn't happen without Delirium!!! Thanks again Delirium for an enjoyable clinic, not to mention very informative. I've been using the J and L alot more than I ever did before. Some good days and some real stinkers but having fun none the less :D
Thanks to all of you guys :salute Thanks for the film Fuzeman.
Not sure how I missed it but I did. I went to the TA about 20 minutes prior to 4 EST. I stayed there for a couple of hours just flying around but I never did see the P-38 clinic.
Are these special training clinics held at the primary base on the training map? Are they Bish, Nit or Rook?
Not sure how I missed it but I did. I went to the TA about 20 minutes prior to 4 EST. I stayed there for a couple of hours just flying around but I never did see the P-38 clinic.
Are these special training clinics held at the primary base on the training map? Are they Bish, Nit or Rook?
This one was held at A127, the bishop base due east of A1, and used Vox channel 180. Delirium, morfiend and I repeatedly broadcast text messages of where it was and what channel was being used.
As posted above you can find both the text portion and inflight demonstration portion here, .
Thanks fuzeman. Maybe I can make the next one.
Thanks Delirium... Much appreciated.
bump- apologies
Couple students wanted to see the text of the clinic.
Looking forward to it.. Only 9 more months
Is there any way i can get some 1 on 1 time with a proficient 38 stick? I chose the 38 as my main ride a while ago and love it.I really want to get better in the bird.
To my knowledge Delirium also does private sessions for more involved Training. I suggest PMing him here and going over that.
Thanks Fuzeman will do.