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General Forums => Hardware and Software => Topic started by: USRanger on February 01, 2010, 08:52:27 PM

Title: I need a website but I'm a novice
Post by: USRanger on February 01, 2010, 08:52:27 PM
   As some of you know, I've done many AH "projects" over the years.  The soundpack, skins, terrains, offline missions, etc.  They are scattered all over the internet, from my squad's website,to various free hosts.  I would like to have my own website where I can have it all together in one place, so people can find what they are looking for in one spot.  I've never had a website before, so I would need something beginner friendly, yet not cheap & crappy looking.  It doesn't have to be the cheapest (per month) on the market, yet nothing extreme, as this isn't for a business, just my downloadable AH stuff.

Some requirements:

-High storage capacity
-Unlimited or high bandwidth
-Ability to group the various downloads into their own sections (terrains, missions, etc.) & be able to attach pics to highlight what is being downloaded via thumbnails or whatever.
-Flash videos & audio would be nice.
-Beginner friendly set-up (website building for dummies)
-A BBS would be nice to be able to answer any questions that may arise from visitors.
-Ability to add my own backgrounds & graphics.

Could someone with experience in this point me in the direction of a webhost that fit these criteria?  I've googles & checked out many sites, but they all say how easy & reliable they are.  I'd like to hear it from someone with experience.  Thanks.
Title: Re: I need a website but I'm a novice
Post by: MadHatter on February 02, 2010, 02:23:55 AM
check out
Title: Re: I need a website but I'm a novice
Post by: MotleyCH on February 02, 2010, 09:31:16 AM

They have SimpleScripts for setting up many types of Blogs, Forums or Content Management Sites...
Title: Re: I need a website but I'm a novice
Post by: BaldEagl on February 02, 2010, 09:47:35 AM
I haven't had a web-site in years but I think most ISP's still offer free space to subscribers.  I used to be on AT&T and had my old AW squad site up there.  I had tons of films, maps, etc. for people to DL, many many pages, photos, etc.  It was a big site.  I even had a forum.  They offered more space than I could use.

I didn't use their tools although they did provide them.  I designed the site using Adobe PageMill.  That was a long time ago though so I'm not sure they still make it.  There's other, most likely better web authoring software out there now (Front Page, Dreamweaver).

Anyway, the first place I'd check is with your ISP.

[EDIT]  I'm on Comcast now and just checked.  They offer 1Gb free to subscribers.
Title: Re: I need a website but I'm a novice
Post by: 4deck on February 02, 2010, 09:50:05 AM
Hey Ranger, I use Limedomains. If you'd like this is a free web hosting site, with exceptional Tools. It is not for the novice though, but I'd be willing to build you one in Joomla, for a gig of memory.

Heres our website.

pm me if you want me to help

Title: Re: I need a website but I'm a novice
Post by: dhyran on February 02, 2010, 09:56:47 AM
webpages can be done with wordpress, like

its more easy than joomla, and can play embedded objects,


easy to install, easy to work with content!
you will love it!

Title: Re: I need a website but I'm a novice
Post by: 4deck on February 02, 2010, 12:19:00 PM
One more thing, limedomains supports alot of web building tools. Like word press.
The link is

The reason Im promoting them, is because the free service, once registered isnt too shabby. The speed of the load though can be a pain the arse, but again I emphasize the word "free". If you want to pay month to month, the performance is 100% better. I personnally like them for the free stuff. I had a few issues in the beginning but all in all, I give it a thumbs up.

The tools are extremely easy to configure, and I utilize alot of off site storage, that helps on bandwith. Like, I also utilize another FREE forum. the forum is

Check it all out before you commit to monthly charges. If you have some extra cash, then by all means go for a pay site. But I like free, I'm poor  :(
Title: Re: I need a website but I'm a novice
Post by: lowZX14 on February 02, 2010, 12:47:48 PM

They have SimpleScripts for setting up many types of Blogs, Forums or Content Management Sites...

If you don't mind paying, Hostmonster is pretty good.  This is the second year that I've used them and haven't had one problem.  Don't worry about being a novice, I'm still pretty new to it and I was able to figure out the basics of it really easily.  If you need any help just let me know.
Title: Re: I need a website but I'm a novice
Post by: Kermit de frog on February 02, 2010, 09:47:50 PM has given me no problem, and I do plan on using the many scripts they offer.  I plan on moving my other websites to from various other Host sites.
Title: Re: I need a website but I'm a novice
Post by: USRanger on February 03, 2010, 04:13:41 PM
That's the host I've been eying the most so far.  Thanks for the help fellas. :salute
Title: Re: I need a website but I'm a novice
Post by: Auger on February 03, 2010, 08:24:02 PM

$12/month, unlimited bandwidth, linux shell, MySql databases, several hundred web mail accounts, something like 250 GB of disk space, 3 free domains, PHP, and more.  There's aWindows version too. 
Title: Re: I need a website but I'm a novice
Post by: TilDeath on February 04, 2010, 06:58:17 AM   Unlimited everything... domains, email accounts, bandwidth, databases, scripts, FTP accounts.  I moved over all of my sites and clients sites here from 1and1 and Omnis.  24/7 customer support.  Host by the month, quarter, year.  Cost from 8.95 per month and lower.  Depends on hosting term.


Imagine that I have internet here this morning.
Title: Re: I need a website but I'm a novice
Post by: Spikes on February 04, 2010, 02:16:43 PM
I use justhost, Im sure you'll find the same quality with bluehost and hostmonster. Have dealt with both in the past. I've gotten very good with Joomla now, if you decide to go with that I can help with whatever needed.
Title: Re: I need a website but I'm a novice
Post by: USRanger on February 04, 2010, 03:53:52 PM
Thanks fellas, I went with Hostmonster.  Spikes, I just started & dabbled with Joomla for an hour or so.  Yep, I'll be needing some help. :)
Title: Re: I need a website but I'm a novice
Post by: Spikes on February 04, 2010, 05:41:22 PM
Thanks fellas, I went with Hostmonster.  Spikes, I just started & dabbled with Joomla for an hour or so.  Yep, I'll be needing some help. :)
It's a steep learning curve compared to some other sites, but once you get the hang of the general settings it's very simple to manage. I'll help out with whatever possible, just let me know. 4deck offered also.
Title: Re: I need a website but I'm a novice
Post by: USRanger on February 04, 2010, 07:46:21 PM
Title: Re: I need a website but I'm a novice
Post by: kilz on February 04, 2010, 07:57:00 PM
what is joomal i have heard of it but never touched it
Title: Re: I need a website but I'm a novice
Post by: Spikes on February 04, 2010, 08:05:29 PM
Well in short it's a free very capable CMS (content management system)
Like so:

Getting a good template can make it a great foundation for a professional site.

You also need to own a host or FTP and MySQL db's so you can run Joomla.
Title: Re: I need a website but I'm a novice
Post by: ebfd11 on February 05, 2010, 12:44:15 PM
To the answer for joomla... It is a free forum that you can use, similar to this one.
Title: Re: I need a website but I'm a novice
Post by: Spikes on February 05, 2010, 07:49:11 PM
To the answer for joomla... It is a free forum that you can use, similar to this one.
Technicallly it's not a forum in itself, it has options for a forum as add ons (default ones aren't great) and you can add better forums as a bridge like phpBB3 or SMF.
Title: Re: I need a website but I'm a novice
Post by: Denholm on February 05, 2010, 10:35:13 PM
Great choice Ranger! I just wish I registered our family's hostmonster account so I could obtain shell access. :D