Aces High Bulletin Board
Special Events Forums => Scenario General => Topic started by: 4440 on February 02, 2010, 08:16:32 AM
Proud Pilots that have decided to throw in with the Luftwaffe may PM me with their preferred Ride. Please include a secondary choice as well.
Also, there are still GL and FL positions open as well, so if you are interested in leading a postion please let me know.
I'm all over this. I'd like to fly the 190D with Vandals and ge063 and I was a GL (fill in) at Coral Sea. I have nothing planned for this time so I should be able to make all the frames. I will fly anything though. :salute
She's a beauty :aok
She's a beauty :aok
she bites too :aok
i preferenced my self as a fighter and my secondary a bomber, but now, would u be so kind into having me be a JU-88 as my preferred ride
Probabley gonna have at least half a dozen Pigs on the Wing members come along with us this scenario, not sure all the frames they can make and we all haven't settled on a particular fighter aircraft yet either (probabley looking at 152 or K4, maybe Dora). We'd like to be in the same groupen or can even lead our own if the numbers look promising, we're open to feedback and requests from the higher ups at all times (especially now at the early hours phase of the scenario), and I'll get back with ya when I have more solid feedback from the pigs.
please, pimp my ride
Traitors will be shot.
scratch what i said i'd rather fly fighters
sorry for the mix-up
I'll get the registration list to you. Folks should have preferences listed in that (entered in the text box during registration).
I'll send it right now.
OK, sent to your e-mail, 4440.
Also sent the allied one to BearKats.
sent you a PM, 4440 :salute