Aces High Bulletin Board

Special Events Forums => Friday Squad Operations => Topic started by: daddog on February 25, 2010, 10:33:05 PM

Title: Combat Challenge I
Post by: daddog on February 25, 2010, 10:33:05 PM

Here is the setup information for Combat Challenge I

Please note that the BOB terrain has been repaired (quick fix) and loaded thanks to Easyscor and Skuzzy. Now we have the smooth coast lines. :) Consequently it will be about a 3 or 4 meg download.  If your on dial up you will want to get on early and download it.

Targets Allied
A49 and A50
Targets Axis
A11 and A13


This event will not be scored, but the logs will be posted.   All fields listed may be attacked, but the designated targets are simply something for the Axis and Allied bomber pilots to shoot for. Down time normal and we will not have any field captures. Really not sure how many will attend so I want to limit the combat area to the above section on the map. If you fly from England roll and head SE. If you up out of France head NW. You are bound to find some action. :)

Allied Active Fields
A11, 12, 13, 14,15, and 16.
Bombers can only roll from A11 and A13.
Axis Active Fields
A36, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, and 50.
Bombers can only roll from A49 and A50.

Aircraft Allied:
Spit V
Hurr IIC (only the first 10 minutes of the frame)
Boston Mk III

Aircraft Axis:

*The Hurr IIC is a killer and IMHO will dominate the skies so after the initial roll it will not be available at any field. If you roll in one and can keep it alive and rearm it, more power to you.

Basic Arena Settings
- Terrain bob09
- Fuel 1.00
- Icons (off for enemy) (3k for friendly)
- Ack (same as MA)
- Radar will be Tower Only and dot dar (tower operators are welcome ;))
- Radar alt 300 feet. Below 300' you will not flash or show up to any tower operators.
- Fighter and Bomber warning range about 15 miles
- Tower range set to 15 miles (for display only to match the above setting)
- Clouds / visibility 17 miles
- Friendly collisions off
- Enemy collisions on
- Kill shooter off

This will last about an hour. Maybe longer depending on how may attend and how much fun they are having. :) It is a walk on event and squads are welcome. I will ask the community/squads to do their best to keep things relatively balanced or I will have to disable flights in one country or another till things even out.

I will be on a bit early setting things up. Holler if you have any questions.

***Remember get on a bit early as you will have to download the updated BoB09 terrain.***

Looking forward to some pictures and AAR's. :)
Title: Re: Combat Challenge I
Post by: daddog on February 25, 2010, 10:33:43 PM
Oh, I should add it is currently loaded in SEA II :)
Title: Re: Combat Challenge I
Post by: gusman on February 26, 2010, 11:32:43 AM
Looks Great Daddog! I'm not sure what side to choose  :airplane:

Title: Re: Combat Challenge I
Post by: Rash on February 26, 2010, 11:45:38 AM
Title: Re: Combat Challenge I
Post by: horble on February 26, 2010, 12:03:06 PM
Does this start at the regular FSO time?
Title: Re: Combat Challenge I
Post by: ink on February 26, 2010, 12:26:13 PM
I was wondering about sides also, I want the Hurri2C, as it is my favorite ride, but if the Allies have the numbers I will go to the Axis side.
Title: Re: Combat Challenge I
Post by: gyrene81 on February 26, 2010, 12:40:32 PM
I was wondering about sides also, I want the Hurri2C, as it is my favorite ride, but if the Allies have the numbers I will go to the Axis side.
Go ahead and stick with allied...I'm sure someone in a 109F can help redecorate that ugly Hurricane you're in.   :D
Title: Re: Combat Challenge I
Post by: ink on February 26, 2010, 12:52:59 PM
Go ahead and stick with allied...I'm sure someone in a 109F can help redecorate that ugly Hurricane you're in.   :D


I hope they try, be real boring if no one did.....But I have faith in my Indomitable Hurri, she may be, slow as molasses going uphill in winter, BUT a little caress of her 20's is all it takes. :aok 
Title: Re: Combat Challenge I
Post by: daddog on February 26, 2010, 12:57:56 PM
Yes starts at 11 PM Eastern, regular FSO time. Should have put that in. :)

Ink start with the Hurr II, then after a few sorties switch sides. I have some die hard Spit lovers in my squad, I expect they will be Allied for a bit at least.

If the numbers are really out of wack I will have to disable flight for a side.
Title: Re: Combat Challenge I
Post by: 68ZooM on February 26, 2010, 01:14:26 PM
will be there dont know which side our squad is going to fly, dont really matter to us, looks to be very fun thou
Title: Re: Combat Challenge I
Post by: 68Hall on February 26, 2010, 05:14:11 PM
We'll be there. Allied.
Title: Re: Combat Challenge I
Post by: Nefarious on February 26, 2010, 06:22:03 PM
Yes starts at 11 PM Eastern, regular FSO time. Should have put that in. :)

Does it end at regular FSO time too? I may stick around if it should go into the wee hours   :pray :rock
Title: Re: Combat Challenge I
Post by: daddog on February 26, 2010, 08:35:41 PM
Unless I lose power, (nasty storm here as I type this) I will host for quite a while if we have a large number of players. :)
Title: Re: Combat Challenge I
Post by: Shamus on February 26, 2010, 11:24:25 PM
Gotta say daddog, most fun I have had in a long time!! icon settings were a blast  :aok

Title: Re: Combat Challenge I
Post by: 68ZooM on February 26, 2010, 11:29:48 PM
that rocked cant wait for the next one, wingman tactics was the way to go, it was awesome, fighting over the water the planes blending in it made it very challenging you had to make your shots on target count ( no lil red icon to help ya)   great event  :aok
Title: Re: Combat Challenge I
Post by: gyrene81 on February 26, 2010, 11:39:41 PM
That was intense...SA was a major factor...and learning how to identify aircraft from a distance...really a blast.
Title: Re: Combat Challenge I
Post by: Nefarious on February 26, 2010, 11:49:06 PM
That was terrific. Without seeing the logs I can only guess how that went, but it was extremely fun.

First Hop. Upped in the NOE Ju88 Raid. Jumped by two Spitfires. Got some hits with tail guns but got shot down.

Second Hop. Upped in 109F4. Intercepted Lancs at 10K. Shot down 3 or 4 of them, I wish I had this success in FSO. Damaged by return fire, RTB.

Third Hop. Upped in 109F4. Headed to England, found a furball in the channel. Got hits on a Hurricane IIC, pranged his Engine. Got killed by a Spitfire.

Fourth Hop. Upped 109E. Headed back to furball. Shot down a Spit V, was shot down shortly thereafter by another Spit.

Overall, I was having a pretty good night, better than I have all year in FSO.

Here is the main thought I had: Maybe try increasing friendly icon range. I chased a lot of friendly cons around, it was kind of frustrating. I understand the realism of it, but it doesn't work in special events as it could result in lack of action in a timed event like FSO. Maybe have them at MA standards, so ID of enemy could happen within 6K. You won't know what it is, but you will know its hostile.

Title: Re: Combat Challenge I
Post by: FiLtH on February 27, 2010, 12:25:49 AM
  Sorry if I missed it, but where are the logs for this?
Title: Re: Combat Challenge I
Post by: Vulcan on February 27, 2010, 05:27:24 AM
  Sorry if I missed it, but where are the logs for this?

You don't need to see the logs.
Title: Re: Combat Challenge I
Post by: Ghosth on February 27, 2010, 07:31:26 AM
Logs are under snapshots.

I flew bomber sortie for the first half hour. Got a few pings on guys but only 1 assist.

Upped a 110 and found a bunch of action by 46. Got a few kills, only landed one of them.
Then heard about Lancs inbound low to a back field. Upped a 110c and got 2 kills just as he came into the ack. Landed those and way happy about it.

Back to the channel action, got another kill, got bounced by someone I never saw.

Then sides were getting unbalanced so I moved bish side along with several squad mates.

Got 3 more kills and a couple of assists in the big furball off the port.
Actually landed a few of those.

Total for the night, somewhere around 10 kills for 7 or 8 deaths.

My thoughts, don't expect to see this in FSO often. It is HARD.
It does favor the guy with the big monitor.
It does really encourage you to use ACM to get in close before shooting.
Love the realism, but I think many will struggle with the frustration level.

Would hope to see CM's step up to run this every FSO off night.
Or come up with a new event with these settings.

As to the friendly icons being short, IMO they need to stay that way.
Part of that is pure pucker factor. You see 3 dots your 6 you don't know who they are.
Are the friendlys that upped behind you? Are they maneuvering? If yes I better go check.
If no then carry on and be nervous.
Change those icons to 6k and you lose a lot of that pucker factor.

On the Plus side, overall people were working together.
Channel 200 talk was very well behaved.

Great job Daddog

<S> guys fun stuff, hope we see more of it soon.
Title: Re: Combat Challenge I
Post by: horble on February 27, 2010, 09:31:37 AM
That was some of the most fun I've had in AH in a long time.  :D

I'd like to see what it would be like with a little more structure, but I gotta admit.. that furball in the channel was insanely fun  :lol

Big <S> for putting this on, hope to do it again.
Title: Re: Combat Challenge I
Post by: RSLQK186 on February 27, 2010, 10:14:09 AM
When WW1 AC come out, we may be able to try a no icon at all event just for giggles. Limited plane set, no skins, small combat area and a slower fight. Later as more AC are added it may be more difficult to pull off. Not in favor of limited icons as this old man is too used to the crutch. But that would be the best time to take it to the extreme IMHO.
Another idea is 2 AC that are reasonably matched and look nothing alike. A6M2 and Brewster maybe? You can tell them apart from first dot to close combat. No objectives. Just a furball. I know it won't hold everyone's intrest for long, but it would give them the chance to try and chime in on zero icons.
Title: Re: Combat Challenge I
Post by: FiLtH on February 27, 2010, 12:39:26 PM
  Vulcan old boy...I just saw the logs. :P
Title: Re: Combat Challenge I
Post by: gusman on February 27, 2010, 12:39:59 PM
I flew both sides and it appeared to me that friendly planes were darker then the enemy. Did anyone else notice this?

Title: Re: Combat Challenge I
Post by: 68ZooM on February 27, 2010, 12:50:33 PM
i noticed that, but i couldnt tell if it was because we were fighting over the channel, i was using the blue skin, it seemed to help hide my plane better over the water, but all in all it was a blast
Title: Re: Combat Challenge I
Post by: ink on February 27, 2010, 12:59:12 PM
Who is this BUDO guy who drenched the channel in Axis blood?
Title: Re: Combat Challenge I
Post by: Motherland on February 27, 2010, 01:04:39 PM
Ahem... :D

RAF stats:
Pilots: 73    Kills: 224    Assists: 123

Top Pilots: Kills
   68Wooley (!68th Lightning Lancers!): 11
   Rockdog (5th Air Force): 11
   Cattb (~~~The Killuminati~~~): 11
   rkanjl (332nd Flying Mongrels): 10

Axis stats:
Pilots: 70    Kills: 234    Assists: 184

Top Pilots: Kills
   8Spade (SWAMPDRAGONS): 22
   Bubi (III/JG11 Sonderstaffel): 19
   FiLtH (Nightmares VMF-101): 11
   horble (III/JG11 Sonderstaffel): 11
   Krupnski (ZZZ_NO_SQUAD): 10
Title: Re: Combat Challenge I
Post by: 68ZooM on February 27, 2010, 01:35:47 PM
Who is this BUDO guy who drenched the channel in Axis blood?

First time i seen his name, i was flying around him and his squad, he might have been part of the unforgiven, both of our squads were working the channel around 46, he was a killin machine, i just like how everyone used check 6's, Hats off to all that called out check 6 and the ones that called for help, the voice com was working overtime last night, no one talking crap just calling out bogies <S> to all

edit.... me thinks i know who that was now  lol let me thINK hmmm maybe?
Title: Re: Combat Challenge I
Post by: 007Rusty on February 27, 2010, 03:13:21 PM
Had a blast great job gents  :salute
Title: Re: Combat Challenge I
Post by: ink on February 27, 2010, 08:56:39 PM
First time i seen his name, i was flying around him and his squad, he might have been part of the unforgiven, both of our squads were working the channel around 46, he was a killin machine, i just like how everyone used check 6's, Hats off to all that called out check 6 and the ones that called for help, the voice com was working overtime last night, no one talking crap just calling out bogies <S> to all

edit.... me thinks i know who that was now  lol let me thINK hmmm maybe?


Nail meet Hammer
Title: Re: Combat Challenge I
Post by: haasehole on February 28, 2010, 12:26:45 PM
I liked the no emeny icon... :salute  hard for a tard like me to shoot but its bad with icon on anyhow.. i rolled up on a spit on the deck was looking at it.. going...? is that a spit ..i think thats a spit.. oh what the heck throw a few rounds ..he banks and its a spit.. should've just threw the cannons on it.. wing man popped him. was a fun nite looking forward to the next 1