Aces High Bulletin Board

Special Events Forums => King of the Hill => Topic started by: TequilaChaser on April 25, 2010, 12:53:53 AM

Title: Regarding APril Sat. KOTH - peoples Language
Post by: TequilaChaser on April 25, 2010, 12:53:53 AM
Tonight seemed like a spirited event for the short time I was able to show up for...

but please people, if you going to Drink Alcohol, or whatever, or can not play the game without using obscenitys and vulgar language.

look in the mirror and tell yourself, " I can be more than an ignorant fool, I will be better & set a better example for the AH community"!

1st time in a long time I heard so many F-Bombs, and other obscenitys.....

kids play this game too, ya know......

set the right example, please  :aok

fun fights everyone, awesome job TnDep.....

and some people really do not take that SOB word lightly........ think before you speak

Have Good evening

I had fun  :cheers:
Title: Re: Regarding APril Sat. KOTH - peoples Language
Post by: TnDep on April 25, 2010, 02:56:56 AM
I agree totally, you have some by nature that curse every other word.  When I'm called a SOB thats where I draw the line even if I know the person.  This guy I've never even spoke to before, using any language that is not in the english dictionary is very disrespectful.  He did appoligize and I don't think he meant anything bad about it but it still goes back to the point you made (watch your language). 

Great Fights, Always a pleasure TC <S> ty
Title: Re: Regarding APril Sat. KOTH - peoples Language
Post by: JunkyII on April 25, 2010, 07:53:05 PM
TnDep won KOTH? Great Job!!!

It would have been different if I would have stayed :devil

well maybe not.....Bosco kept ramming me like a 2 week noob :D
Title: Re: Regarding APril Sat. KOTH - peoples Language
Post by: TnDep on April 25, 2010, 11:45:06 PM
lol Junk ty
Title: Re: Regarding APril Sat. KOTH - peoples Language
Post by: AKDogg on April 26, 2010, 04:58:10 AM
Tonight seemed like a spirited event for the short time I was able to show up for...

but please people, if you going to Drink Alcohol, or whatever, or can not play the game without using obscenitys and vulgar language.

look in the mirror and tell yourself, " I can be more than an ignorant fool, I will be better & set a better example for the AH community"!

1st time in a long time I heard so many F-Bombs, and other obscenitys.....

kids play this game too, ya know......

set the right example, please  :aok

fun fights everyone, awesome job TnDep.....

and some people really do not take that SOB word lightly........ think before you speak

Have Good evening

I had fun  :cheers:

Were these on range chn TC?  I know there were a few left out on chn 101 but those people got warnings.  If it on range chn out in flight, I guess that means I need to hire some bouncers,lol.  Please guys, don't make me do more then I alrdy do in these events.  Alrdy have enough rules.  Most of us are all Adults, lets act like one plz.
Title: Re: Regarding APril Sat. KOTH - peoples Language
Post by: TequilaChaser on April 26, 2010, 10:39:18 AM
Were these on range chn TC?  

Yes Sir, mostly were on range Vox, and it was really a big surprise ( I  know you can't hear it while in the Tower ), worst I had heard/seen in over a good 9 months or so.....

or I am just getting old and honorery <--spelling >  I don't care if you was DRUNK, drinking, smoked up, what have you...... if you can't hold your liquor, beer, etc...... then don't do it while playing the game .......... comphrendie <---spelling ( I do't speaketh mucha spanish heh )

or I'll PUBLICALLY call you out on it!!!

like I said, we have kids that play this game also,  LEAD BY EXAMPLE>.......
Title: Re: Regarding APril Sat. KOTH - peoples Language
Post by: Easyscor on April 26, 2010, 01:59:20 PM
Please use .vreport [gameID] when this occurs on vox.  :aok

The SEA is no place for that behavior, thanks. :old:
Title: Re: Regarding APril Sat. KOTH - peoples Language
Post by: wgmount on April 27, 2010, 10:54:13 PM

or I am just getting old and honorery

ornery TC ornery  or where I come from ornry
Title: Re: Regarding APril Sat. KOTH - peoples Language
Post by: WMLute on April 28, 2010, 10:47:25 PM
I was there for only 2 rounds and I sent dogg a pm about a players language.

It surprised me.

Normally that is not an issue in KOTH.
Title: Re: Regarding APril Sat. KOTH - peoples Language
Post by: TnDep on April 29, 2010, 03:11:01 AM
I was there for only 2 rounds and I sent dogg a pm about a players language.

It surprised me.

Normally that is not an issue in KOTH.

No it isnt, I normally try to fly 1 a month and I think some just had alittle to much to drink.  1 of the drunks ones turned right in front of me before the merge and gave me his 6 right off maybe thats why I won  :D
Title: Re: Regarding APril Sat. KOTH - peoples Language
Post by: stephen on May 04, 2010, 09:47:13 PM
Pappy Boyington was known to fly with SEVERE hangovers, (and might have even had a bottle stashed in the cockpit)

Calling people ignorant for having passion is ignorant in itself.
Accidents happen, HUMANS get excited...

It isnt the Bible study hour, its a mass of diffrent personality's passionatly competing for the top spot.
Perhaps children should be eliminated from the event..., OR perhaps we should be more able to exercise our free speech rights as adults without being vilified for the occasional slip of the tounge?

Its not an excuse..., just reality.
Honestly if you take offense to a word, then it isnt the person that utterd it that is at fault, but the person whom takes offence... where does censorship end?, what is allowed, and what isnt?
Mabey we all need to grow up just a little bit, and realise its adults that play this game, and no one is harmed by words.

No one was critical of anyone else, and no one was vulgar to another player in any way, yet SOMHOW we still failed to be civil?
I reject this idea.., the last KOTH was a VERY possitive experience, and I personaly came away with a better understanding of whom the competition was, and we all got along VERY well despite the occasional utterance.

<S>, I look forward to the next addition, <S>! :rock
Title: Re: Regarding APril Sat. KOTH - peoples Language
Post by: ACE on May 04, 2010, 09:56:09 PM
Wtg Dep.
Title: Re: Regarding APril Sat. KOTH - peoples Language
Post by: TnDep on May 05, 2010, 07:32:05 AM
ty Mr. Spektor lets do some duels this weekend
Title: Re: Regarding APril Sat. KOTH - peoples Language
Post by: fuzeman on May 05, 2010, 03:15:20 PM
Honestly if you take offense to a word, then it isnt the person that utterd it that is at fault, but the person whom takes offence...

What a load of crap. If HTC wanted any and all language used there wouldn't be a bad word filter or a way to report people. We play in HiTech's house and his rules apply.
Title: Re: Regarding APril Sat. KOTH - peoples Language
Post by: Ramon on May 05, 2010, 09:11:23 PM
I agree with TequilaChaser's remarks totally.  KOTH has a few rules that clash with some peoples MA style of play and they tend to forget where they are.  Had a great time at the KOTH <S> to all.  I will try to make it more often because it is a great way to improve your skills. 
Title: Re: Regarding APril Sat. KOTH - peoples Language
Post by: Ramon on May 05, 2010, 09:12:43 PM
I agree with TequilaChaser's remarks totally.  KOTH has a few rules that clash with some peoples MA style of play and they tend to forget where they are.  Had a great time at the KOTH <S> to all.  I will try to make it more often because it is a great way to improve your skills.