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General Forums => Hardware and Software => Topic started by: Regurge on November 17, 2001, 12:43:00 PM

Title: Building my new puter (hey -ammo-)
Post by: Regurge on November 17, 2001, 12:43:00 PM
I gonna build a new computer, basically what ammo has got, but with a GF3 and maybe a faster cpu. What I want is a good AMD setup, about as fast as you can get without getting into dual-cpus.

What I need to know is where to get this stuff. I mean all of it, case, mother board, cpu, fans, memory, and whatever little doo-dads i need to put the whole thing together.

I've seen some places that offer cpu/mother board bundles. Is that worth while or should I just do everything myself. I'm mechanically inclined but I've never built a rig like this and I just dont want to break anything. Any good articles on complete assembly around?

Any other suggestions welcome.
Title: Building my new puter (hey -ammo-)
Post by: moose on November 17, 2001, 04:07:00 PM
I used to work for a company called PcsForEveryone

They have some FAQs on what you need to do on their site (

They sell most of the stuff at mid-level prices. is cheaper but you never know who you're buyin from, at least with PcsFE you get a pretty good warrenty. Check them out
Title: Building my new puter (hey -ammo-)
Post by: -ammo- on November 17, 2001, 06:46:00 PM
Hi Regurge--

I used pricewatch ( initially to find all the stuff i was gonna buy, after I finally decided which brand/model of what. I ended up just going with United Micro ( I did in fact buy the MB/CPU bundle. I bought soundblaster live 5.1 for $34 and they sent me the platinum version with the remote, and all the bells and whistles. However, I did not recieve the CDrom that i ordered but when I called them they made good on it. I bought a CDROM locally and they are sending me a new keyboard and mouse that equal the value that I gave for the CDROM. I could have found each piece a little cheaper (just a dollar or two) at other businesses, but I knew that the shipping would kill me, so I just ordered everything (but the memory!!! go with crucial, no substitution) from United Micro.

all the stuff you see in the signature I bought with the exception of the video card. I also purchased an Enlight case, and a Western Dig 20Gb HD too. I believe the total was $578 for both bills, Crucial and UM.

Good luck Regurge, I had fun with mine.

[ 11-17-2001: Message edited by: -ammo- ]
Title: Building my new puter (hey -ammo-)
Post by: -ammo- on November 17, 2001, 06:54:00 PM
Hi, just ran this through UM website.

Epox EP-8kha+ (via 266a chipset) $117
Athlon XP 1900 $291
Gainward 64 MB DDR GeForce3 4x AGP ViVO DVi &TV out $359

total before shipping, $780.

That would bring some awesome performance. But shop around, It took me weeks before I bought ( I am anal when it comes to spending alot of money).
Title: Building my new puter (hey -ammo-)
Post by: Raubvogel on November 17, 2001, 07:11:00 PM (  usually has competitive prices and their customer support is awesome.
Title: Building my new puter (hey -ammo-)
Post by: -ammo- on November 17, 2001, 07:22:00 PM
Originally posted by Raubvogel: (  usually has competitive prices and their customer support is awesome.

wow, just plugged in the same items I did previously at UM at new egg, and ..ready for this....

Total $643 before shipping  

<feeling kind of sheepish at the loss of savings>
Title: Building my new puter (hey -ammo-)
Post by: Ozark on November 17, 2001, 07:54:00 PM
Hey Ammo...Feel the same way.

My first stick of 256meg RAM was $89
Second stick of same RAM was $48
Third stick was $36

Same with everything I bought.
Yes, It's a good thing.  :)

LOL...I will never forget the time when your first homebrew PC came ALIVE!!!   ;)