Aces High Bulletin Board
General Forums => Wishlist => Topic started by: CrosFire on June 30, 2010, 08:59:51 AM
Instead of tank shells explodeing on trees how about penatrateing with decressed damage say half??
Never understood how a tree can stop a tank shell, or even a tank for that matter.
yea, it is funny how a 3 foot bush flips a tiger tank. What dose the crew of AH give these bushes, enhance growth hormones?
yea, it is funny how a 3 foot bush flips a tiger tank. What dose the crew of AH give these bushes, enhance growth hormones?
Never understood how a tree can stop a tank shell, or even a tank for that matter.
Hardwoods man Hardwoods. :D
yea, it is funny how a 3 foot bush flips a tiger tank. What dose the crew of AH give these bushes, enhance growth hormones?
the GV modelling i have been told in other threads is very hard to put together to make the realism nearer to perfect at this time. You just need to live with drive thru tanks and trees and bushes flipping you in strange manners. but the trees are understandable: those trees have branches and those branches make the shells explode prematurely...
those trees have branches and those branches make the shells explode prematurely...
If youve ever played Call of duty 3 Their is an interview with a GI and he was spoting targets for M10s and they were shooting through barns and trees. Then he got shot through a tree by a 42 so exploding premautuely i dout it. <S>
If youve ever played Call of duty 3 Their is an interview with a GI and he was spoting targets for M10s and they were shooting through barns and trees. Then he got shot through a tree by a 42 so exploding premautuely i dout it. <S>
a 42 doesnt have exploding rounds! :rolleyes:
If youve ever played Call of duty 3 Their is an interview with a GI and he was spoting targets for M10s and they were shooting through barns and trees.
No but the M10s OR Wolverines OR
No but the M10s OR Wolverines OR
M10s are wolverines... :headscratch: 2nd, a shell hitting a tree's gonna go off if it's an exploding round...
yea, it is funny how a 3 foot bush flips a tiger tank. What dose the crew of AH give these bushes, enhance growth hormones?
That reminds me of the movie "Little shop of horrors"
You just need to live with trees and bushes flipping you in strange manners.
Thats just dumb. I say we get rid of the little weed bushes fliping tanks. Stoping them? sure. But flipping a 50ton Tiger tank? thats just plain stupid.
Thats just dumb. I say we get rid of the little weed bushes fliping tanks. Stoping them? sure. But flipping a 50ton Tiger tank? thats just plain stupid.
did you not read the rest of what i said? they cannot fix it yet. they have tried but there would be too many bugs to make it worth it
So let me get this strait: HTC can model how thick armor is at a certian angle and model the shell drop at 2800yds DOWN HILL, but they can't prevent bushes from flipping tanks?
So let me get this strait: HTC can model how thick armor is at a certian angle and model the shell drop at 2800yds DOWN HILL, but they can't prevent bushes from flipping tanks?
Collision model.
Be a Computer Science major when you go to college. Make it your goal to learn how to coad and fix the flipping tank issue. Apply for a job in Grapevine, TX.
So let me get this straight: HTC can model how thick armor is at a certain angle and model the shell drop at 2800yds DOWN HILL, but they can't prevent bushes from flipping tanks?
fixed :aok