Aces High Bulletin Board

General Forums => Aces High General Discussion => Topic started by: Panzerace on August 08, 2010, 06:02:41 AM

Title: Young Players
Post by: Panzerace on August 08, 2010, 06:02:41 AM
As a customer just like everyone else on here I pay my monthly fee.  That being said I have the right to allow my 7 year old son play. I know that squeakers annoy people and that is fine.  What I do not appreciate is people dropping the F bomb at my son. You pay your fees as I do, but who the heck are you to think you have the right to use your foul mouth to give my son a hard time?  I am speaking of few people who have done this to my son and I am not at all to happy about it. Lets try growing up and acting your age. Please do not do this again to any of our young players who share our interest.  You do not own the game, the arenas or the radio channels.  If need be try squelching, that is why its there, otherwise lay off.  I am guilty of using not such nice words sometimes in the heat of the moment, but to blatantly attach a child like this is an unacceptable act.  I am sure someone will reply with a negative post and tell me why I am wrong for posting this.  Lets try for once to let a series post stay that way and get some results and not negative waves.  To all those who respect this post  :salute
Title: Re: Young Players
Post by: Agent360 on August 08, 2010, 06:16:40 AM
I agree.

I have a 9 y/o son who likes to play sometimes.

But, I dont let him talk on vox. He wants to. He wants to get into the game. But won't let him talk. For the reasons you stated.

Unfortunatly we dont have an arena wide squelch. We should be able to toggle off all voice comms if we want too.

It is unfortunate that some players treat the young ones with such disrespect.

I will say that many "squeakers" do talk too much and say irrelevant things. When they talk too much that is a problem.

But when you know its a young player we shouldnt treat them like adults who get drunk and mouth off.

Im not sure what to do as this is a mostly an adult game. But I think we should act like adults toward the young players and not treat them like we do adult players who mouth off.

Title: Re: Young Players
Post by: Jayhawk on August 08, 2010, 06:38:03 AM
I have not tested it but do the new sound settings allow you to turn the "voice" slider all the way down?  Or does that represent your microphone level?
Title: Re: Young Players
Post by: The Fugitive on August 08, 2010, 08:23:57 AM
That's what the "report" button is for. I'm all for reporting every one who so much as "slips" and lets a nasty word out. This game is NOT your local biker bar are there ARE kids around, and bad language IS against the rules that EVERYONE agrees to when they signed up (Even if they didn't read the agreement and just hit the "Accept" button).
Title: Re: Young Players
Post by: Ghastly on August 08, 2010, 08:24:37 AM
That's what the report feature is for.  Report it, and let HTC address it - then squelch the offending party to prevent further exposure.   Sorry you have to take action, obviously, you really shouldn't have to.

Title: Re: Young Players
Post by: oTRALFZo on August 08, 2010, 08:28:05 AM
Squeaker is a mentality, not an age stereotype.
I have flown with squaddies that are half my age, but have twice the maturity level as most do all around. My M.O is to play and let play and if I dont like how someone sounds like on vox or is screaming for me to join their mission on range or text..Ill squelch em.
My wish is that they had a feature to perma-squelch. Its always the same ol people typing in caps to join missions, tell me what to do or act like idiots on 200.
Title: Re: Young Players
Post by: Ghosth on August 08, 2010, 08:29:09 AM
As ghastly and fugitive said.

First report, then squelch.

Anytime you have a community of 500 to 1000 people online your going to have a few bad eggs that think the rules shouldn't apply to them.

That is the sole reason the report function is there, so the community can police itself.

And it works!
Title: Re: Young Players
Post by: Nypsy on August 08, 2010, 08:33:15 AM
We need a permanent squelch list!
Title: Re: Young Players
Post by: guncrasher on August 08, 2010, 08:34:04 AM
Cc that I only get upset when a young kid talks all the time and gives a play by play of what he's doing.  I have a high pitch voice and lots of times I get pms from eople telling me to shut up squeeker.  I just ignore them.

Title: Re: Young Players
Post by: BaldEagl on August 08, 2010, 08:35:17 AM
I agree with you but unfortunately only a small minority of players read the BBs so the offending party will most likely never even see your post.
Title: Re: Young Players
Post by: Infidelz on August 08, 2010, 08:43:29 AM
Foul language is bad and limits communication.

Squeakers are to be encouraged as they represent present/future targets! It is so short sighted of people to put them down. If you don't like the chatter or the way folks sound just squelch them.


Title: Re: Young Players
Post by: Infidelz on August 08, 2010, 08:44:11 AM
Foul language is bad and limits communication.

Squeakers are to be encouraged as they represent present/future targets! It is so short sighted of people to put them down. If you don't like the chatter or the way folks sound just squelch them.

Title: Re: Young Players
Post by: Helm on August 08, 2010, 09:15:12 AM
I have allways hated the kid bashers.  My motto has allways been:  "Today's Rookie Tomorrow's Superstar"

Around the Jan of 2001 our squad signed up a 11 year old kid because his father played.  His Father grew bored and quit Aces,  his son  (Die) flew with us  until he went to College.  The young man got his private pilots licence and last i heard was going for his instrument rating.  He was a heck of a great kid and a darn good stick.  Frankly I miss flying with him.  So the next time you think some kid is squeaker, remember he may achieve more in his/her life then you will.  Show some respect some leadership ....set an example for young people to follow.

Helm ...out
Title: Re: Young Players
Post by: thndregg on August 08, 2010, 09:38:24 AM
I have three sons- ages 5 (nearly 6), 9, and 11. All of which have expressed desire to play Aces High. The only way I would allow it at this point is if the H2H feature was still available or use the offline mission feature. Although the .squelch tool is readily useable, you cannot guard against the inevitable "^&*#!!" that slips through before you impliment it.

My sons do have the realization that some adults act less mature than some kids, so for the most part they can overlook the occasional slip. It's a parental judgement of maturity, but it does not excuse the community or my kids from governing themselves.
Title: Re: Young Players
Post by: Masherbrum on August 08, 2010, 09:50:17 AM
As a customer just like everyone else on here I pay my monthly fee.  That being said I have the right to allow my 7 year old son play. I know that squeakers annoy people and that is fine.  What I do not appreciate is people dropping the F bomb at my son. You pay your fees as I do, but who the heck are you to think you have the right to use your foul mouth to give my son a hard time?  I am speaking of few people who have done this to my son and I am not at all to happy about it. Lets try growing up and acting your age. Please do not do this again to any of our young players who share our interest.  You do not own the game, the arenas or the radio channels.  If need be try squelching, that is why its there, otherwise lay off.  I am guilty of using not such nice words sometimes in the heat of the moment, but to blatantly attach a child like this is an unacceptable act.  I am sure someone will reply with a negative post and tell me why I am wrong for posting this.  Lets try for once to let a series post stay that way and get some results and not negative waves.  To all those who respect this post  :salute

My son had his first kill at age 5 and was promptly the recipient of a PM VOX cuss fest (constant F-bombs, etc).   Sadly, this sweetheart snowballed his way into SAPP and will probably only come out from under his rock because I posted this.

Because of that vox tirade, I rarely let him fly.   
Title: Re: Young Players
Post by: TequilaChaser on August 08, 2010, 10:01:57 AM

First report, then squelch.

Anytime you have a community of 500 to 1000 people online your going to have a few bad eggs that think the rules shouldn't apply to them.

That is the sole reason the report function is there, so the community can police itself.

And it works!

as Ghosth has posted, most definitely report them, but to be more precise, make sure you use the .report voice  feature to make sure it gets flagged since 99.9% of the time the cussing comes over the Local Range Channel / Room Channel ( F12 ).......

I myself normally record every single sortie or the whole time I am logged into an arena, my film is rolling, even if I am just sitting in the tower or O'club etc....

I use all of the following:

As Ghosth posted the community has the ability to police themselves, what helps the community do this is, when a Player calls someone out to ask them to stop that particular player's abusiveness, is for others in the vicinity to back the Player up who is calling out the abusive one....... it works the same here as it did in High School, Boot Camp, Active Duty Military, everyday life...... Peer Pressure.....

a player in this game can either be known to be of "Good Sportsmanship"  or can be known as "A Rotten Apple".......

for the ones who insist on keeping up the "rotten apple" attitude, they don't seem to last very long...... or either come back again as another gameid, trying to change their ways, unless they can not put down their awful ways........ and insist on keeping that Rotten Apple medal pinned to their online prsona........ and most everyone in the game will eventually understand what that person is completely about.......

my thinking anyhows.....

Title: Re: Young Players
Post by: mbailey on August 08, 2010, 10:12:44 AM
Agree with everyone here, my 10yrold has been flying since he was 7 ( with dad around of course )
Perma squelch is a great idea, or a way to minimize the chat buffer. Because of dads intrests and  playing this game, his intrest in WWII is unbelieveable. Hes started a collection of WWII books ( up to 30 now ) and a collection of 1/72 WWII aircraft ( about 17 ), Hes the next generation that is gonna keep the memory of these gents that went thru the real thing alive, and pass it on to his kids. Souring the younger generation because grown adults, or squeekers (not all, most of the younger players are great) cant control their mouth is rediculous.

Pnzr,Agent,Mash and others I read your posts, it turns my stomach that your little ones had to hear that.
Title: Re: Young Players
Post by: shppr01 on August 08, 2010, 10:42:58 AM
As a person who has no chidren and speks two languages English and profanity, I do however have respect for the "squekers" on AH. I believe it is becuase I was young and impressionable once . Parents have enough to worry about these days with drugs predetors and everything else to not have one more thing such as foul language in a game.
Title: Re: Young Players
Post by: fbWldcat on August 08, 2010, 11:17:22 AM
To the OP. I am glad this is being brought up. I see guys yelling and cursing at young kids all the time, and it disgusts me. I'm glad you brought this up, Panzerace, it is a serious issue and I don't much appreciate it happening. I will curse occassionally when I'm just out of control, but I try to always limit it to Squad talk and try to stay away from it when youngguns are on vox. We can all lose our temper but verbally abusing a kid in-game is just downright wrong.
Title: Re: Young Players
Post by: Jayhawk on August 08, 2010, 11:55:42 AM
Just tried it, you do have the option of turning voice all the way down and in essence, disabling vox.
Title: Re: Young Players
Post by: Yeager on August 08, 2010, 12:10:33 PM
Post here the names of players doing this?  We will take care of them  :rock
Title: Re: Young Players
Post by: BowHTR on August 08, 2010, 12:16:51 PM
Post here the names of players doing this?  We will take care of them  :rock

don't think that i a good idea.
Title: Re: Young Players
Post by: jimson on August 08, 2010, 12:17:29 PM
It seems people use the F-bomb as though it was just another adjective.

I've been known to use it, but not as an everyday part of my vocabulary.

Shame it's become such a trend in our coarse, disrespectful society.

It's unnecessary and low class in my opinion.
Title: Re: Young Players
Post by: MORAY37 on August 08, 2010, 03:00:11 PM
As a customer just like everyone else on here I pay my monthly fee.  That being said I have the right to allow my 7 year old son play. I know that squeakers annoy people and that is fine.  What I do not appreciate is people dropping the F bomb at my son. You pay your fees as I do, but who the heck are you to think you have the right to use your foul mouth to give my son a hard time?  I am speaking of few people who have done this to my son and I am not at all to happy about it. Lets try growing up and acting your age. Please do not do this again to any of our young players who share our interest.  You do not own the game, the arenas or the radio channels.  If need be try squelching, that is why its there, otherwise lay off.  I am guilty of using not such nice words sometimes in the heat of the moment, but to blatantly attach a child like this is an unacceptable act.  I am sure someone will reply with a negative post and tell me why I am wrong for posting this.  Lets try for once to let a series post stay that way and get some results and not negative waves.  To all those who respect this post  :salute

Although sometimes I let myself slip, I don't do it on open vox, (though I have hit the wrong transmit button, thinking I was on squad) and had to apologize afterwards.

I let my nephew play AH when his parents visited me last year and had a very similar thing happen.  Of course, when I complained about it, there was a very serious push on here to get me thrown off the game for violating terms of service (by some of the same folks commenting on this thread now) and letting another person utilize my account.  I complained about this 10 year old kid getting PM'd and told he was a "blankety blank" after he shot someone down.  Next thing I know, people at the top are telling me that's a TOS violation and my IP address may be permanently blocked.  All because I complained about the very same thing.

Title: Re: Young Players
Post by: Dichotomy on August 08, 2010, 04:02:20 PM
Offline I can curl your hair with a string of expletives that I'm capable of spewing.  Online or in public I have an off switch.  Jacking with a kid is dead wrong I don't care if you're cussing or not.
Title: Re: Young Players
Post by: Masherbrum on August 08, 2010, 04:06:20 PM
Although sometimes I let myself slip, I don't do it on open vox, (though I have hit the wrong transmit button, thinking I was on squad) and had to apologize afterwards.

I let my nephew play AH when his parents visited me last year and had a very similar thing happen.  Of course, when I complained about it, there was a very serious push on here to get me thrown off the game for violating terms of service (by some of the same folks commenting on this thread now) and letting another person utilize my account.  I complained about this 10 year old kid getting PM'd and told he was a "blankety blank" after he shot someone down.  Next thing I know, people at the top are telling me that's a TOS violation and my IP address may be permanently blocked.  All because I complained about the very same thing.

You'll never see me PM'ing someone in anger Vox or Text.   But unfortunately, your "negative persons" have a very large following of weak-minded lemmings.

Title: Re: Young Players
Post by: uptown on August 08, 2010, 04:10:27 PM
I concur with Panzerace  :salute
Title: Re: Young Players
Post by: bj229r on August 08, 2010, 04:12:42 PM
I'm sure I've let a few slip out over the years, (though I REALLY try not to) We curse so much on our channel it's easy to forget which one you're on. As for kids squeaking, I usually don't say anything about it, just squelch their voice, (There's always the remote possibility they might type something I need to know) it's not their fault that vox accentuates their young voices in a most decidedly bad way
Title: Re: Young Players
Post by: Money on August 08, 2010, 04:39:38 PM
Post here the names of players doing this?  We will take care of them  :rock

That would include the names of a few of the squeakers themselves.  Last night i was witness to one of the 10 year old mouths that everyone thinks is so innocent.  His language was more like that of a seasoned sailor.

Letting the players police and avoid is the best solution.  Adding perma squelch to the already awesome squelch feature allows the game to be filtered to their personal liking better.  Less work for mods, customers, and in the end HTC.  Everyone wins
Title: Re: Young Players
Post by: ZetaNine on August 08, 2010, 04:42:22 PM
in my VERY first hour here years ago...(of live -fire flying)...I had my nephew sitting with me.....and I saw a fellow rook tangling with an enemy con below.......swooped right on down in front of my fellow rook...and proceded to record my first kill.  I had no idea that was not acceptable.  within three seconds...I did.  I got so many F Bombs hurled at me that I though I was at a gay orgy. I learned two valuable lessons simultaniously.  people drop the F bomb here...a lot....and never rob a kill.

I was still pissed a the guy the next night..and told him so..and why..and he was nothing but cordial and very cool about it once I told him I had my nephew sitting with me the night before.  we both apologized and that was that. ( was you pal...and I have not seen you in a long time...but if you still fly here.. <S>

I've never sworn far as I know.  and I don't think I ever would.  it's not only uncool because of the kids.....but it diminishes the game itself.
Title: Re: Young Players
Post by: ZetaNine on August 08, 2010, 04:44:54 PM
.  grrr...why cant we delete posts on this board?
Title: Re: Young Players
Post by: Masherbrum on August 08, 2010, 04:50:01 PM
in my VERY first hour here years ago...(of live -fire flying)...I had my nephew sitting with me.....and I saw a fellow rook tangling with an enemy con below.......swooped right on down in front of my fellow rook...and proceded to record my first kill.  I had no idea that was not acceptable.  within three seconds...I did.  I got so many F Bombs hurled at me that I though I was at a gay orgy. I learned two valuable lessons simultaniously.  people drop the F bomb here...a lot....and never rob a kill.

I was still pissed a the guy the next night..and told him so..and why..and he was nothing but cordial and very cool about it once I told him I had my nephew sitting with me the night before.  we both apologized and that was that. ( was you pal...and I have not seen you in a long time...but if you still fly here.. <S>

I've never sworn far as I know.  and I don't think I ever would.  it's not only uncool because of the kids.....but it diminishes the game itself.

At A19?   I was too busy busting your balls after getting your Spixteen from my smokin' Panzer.   You and I have had go arounds in the past, more from miscommunication than anything.   But to cuss, is beyond comprehension for me.   

<<S>> Zeta, to more of our ball busting in the future.  :rock
Title: Re: Young Players
Post by: Dichotomy on August 08, 2010, 05:05:21 PM
it's not only uncool because of the kids.....but it diminishes the game itself.

This.. I'll take it a step further.  The way I present myself online reflects not only on me but my friends and my squad mates.  I try hard not to embarrass the people I associate with because I value their friendship more than I can say. 

I'm profane, I tend to be a clown, I like to laugh, and I like to make people laugh.  But, to me, there is no reason to expose kids, wives, family, or friends of people I don't and probably will never know to my bawdiest humor or a tirade when things aren't going well for me.  There are places online where you can 'let your hair down' so to speak but AH isn't the place.  When I hear somebody spouting expletives online here I put them in my 'you're not worth my time' file until I see and / or hear a difference in their behavior. 
Title: Re: Young Players
Post by: maus92 on August 08, 2010, 06:51:46 PM
I have no problem with people reporting inappropriately abusive language, but I suggest that you first let the person know that he/she has stepped over the line - I'd bet a reasonable person will apologize.  Sometimes we slip up, and we we know we made a mistake.  Others may live in an atmosphere where "relaxed" language is commonplace and accepted.  I'd hate to have someone banned unnecessarily.  However, for those who refuse to get it, a visit to the principle's office is warranted.  

Since I've been back, only once has somebody b.t.hed at me - for a collision.  He PM'ed me with some poo, but I replied from my perspective, I flew over him and he pulled up into me.  He shut up.  Curious that it was one of the very few times where my opponent died as a result of a collision and I got the kill - go figure.

Title: Re: Young Players
Post by: Jayhawk on August 08, 2010, 06:59:58 PM
I'm not going to get involved in someone's rant, a few minutes or hours on mute is a pretty effective way of letting them know they crossed the line.
Title: Re: Young Players
Post by: jamdive on August 08, 2010, 07:04:47 PM
Oh goody, another soccer mom post.
Title: Re: Young Players
Post by: Dadsguns on August 08, 2010, 07:27:00 PM
Oh goody, another soccer mom post.

 :rofl  You know some of these little rug rats cuss more than a drunken sailor when their mommy ain't around.....
Title: Re: Young Players
Post by: BaldEagl on August 08, 2010, 07:41:04 PM
Frankly I find it difficult to understand why anyone would purposley hit the transmit button to swear.  I cuss most times I get shot down but I don't have any desire, much less an uncontrollable urge, to transmit it to everyone in the arena.
Title: Re: Young Players
Post by: TequilaChaser on August 08, 2010, 07:49:47 PM
I have no problem with people reporting inappropriately abusive language, but I suggest that you first let the person know that he/she has stepped over the line - I'd bet a reasonable person will apologize.  

I would agree with this for the most part......... unless it is a habitual offender that everyone knows.... who continously keeps on with the verbage

Yes, the community of online players should step up and inform the unknowing that they have crossed the line....... but then sometimes, this might just cause a riot to break out by the "one profanity filled porkbelly" and maybe their flock of anklehumping lemmings.... then chaos begins all across the arena on both country channel and public cross country channel 200

so sometimes it is just best to do the .report vox or .report text function as well as get it on film if possible.... or perhaps open he text buffer larger and start taking screenshots of what comes back at you if you are asking them to watch their language.....

is a fine line on which way to go about it...... but calling them on it on local vox range and having other Peers follow up helping you, then yes hopefully most will offer up an apology and see the error of their ways.....

Title: Re: Young Players
Post by: stealth on August 08, 2010, 07:55:50 PM
To what age limit do you call kid?
Title: Re: Young Players
Post by: Dichotomy on August 08, 2010, 09:39:23 PM
Oh goody, another soccer mom post.

Elaborate if you will.  Are you in favor of having no rules or codes of conduct regarding the use of profanity on vox or in the text buffer?

Title: Re: Young Players
Post by: Money on August 08, 2010, 09:51:52 PM
is a fine line on which way to go about it...... but calling them on it on local vox range and having other Peers follow up helping you, then yes hopefully most will offer up an apology and see the error of their ways.....

With all due respect TC, the line is not fine at all.  Parents know the language adults use in this game, at school, and on the play ground.  To subject their kids to unfiltered language is their choice and their responsibility to handle.  I simply suggest HTC give them an easy tool to help them along.  Perma squelch.  Then parents could use their "years" of experience to shelter their kid as the see fit with a simple copy and paste of their perma squelch list into the kids account.
Title: Re: Young Players
Post by: grumpy37 on August 08, 2010, 09:57:50 PM
This is the exact reason why I do not allow my 13 year old son to play the game....   
Title: Re: Young Players
Post by: Muzzy on August 08, 2010, 10:39:15 PM
Honestly I don't appreciate profanity no matter who is involved.  I understand accidentally saying something if you get shot down, but using it to cuss someone out or in casual conversation is completely unacceptable.
Title: Re: Young Players
Post by: Dichotomy on August 08, 2010, 10:45:16 PM
With all due respect TC, the line is not fine at all.  Parents know the language adults use in this game, at school, and on the play ground.  To subject their kids to unfiltered language is their choice and their responsibility to handle.  I simply suggest HTC give them an easy tool to help them along.  Perma squelch.  Then parents could use their "years" of experience to shelter their kid as the see fit with a simple copy and paste of their perma squelch list into the kids account.

In all 'fairness' most parents these days are completely disinterested in what their children are doing so long as it doesn't scratch the beemer or make a 'mess'.  And yes a lot of the younger players are potty mouthed little generals. Does that mean it's okay to spew profanity at them or, for that matter, anybody? Frankly I think this community as a whole is better than that.  If you feel like it's your God given right to tell someone to 'insert expletive here' that's on you.  Frankly I'll just look at you and think you're an idiot that needs to go on permasquelch. 
Title: Re: Young Players
Post by: mensa180 on August 08, 2010, 10:47:14 PM
All teenagers should be banned.
Title: Re: Young Players
Post by: Dichotomy on August 08, 2010, 10:53:40 PM
Please tell me you're not serious
Title: Re: Young Players
Post by: xbrit on August 08, 2010, 10:57:21 PM
To what age limit do you call kid?
Anyone under 30.
Title: Re: Young Players
Post by: BulletVI on August 08, 2010, 11:03:32 PM
I say they deserve the respect and admiration we got as new player's. Remember we all started with the likes of F22 Raptor and Microsoft Flight Simulator 95 and SU-27 flanker. These where just some of the premium combat and flight Sim's around at the time. Now times have changed and Now Ace's High II is up there on the top list. So these young counterparts of us need to start out some where and since when we started internet wasn't even a glimmer in it's creator's eye's thus no swearing or rudeness happened.

So we also should provide a safe and comfortable surroundings for them to play the game. and not just tell them GO TO THE TRAINING ARENA if they ask for help as i see we old player's are the trainer's and should set an example to them. And if they get over exited and start talking on the radio and not stopping hey what the heck we where all kids once.

So they deserve our respect and attention as these kids will be the ones playing Ace's High 45 in the future thus keeping people like Dale's future offspring in a job and much more.

  :salute :salute
Title: Re: Young Players
Post by: bj229r on August 08, 2010, 11:07:13 PM
I'd prefer they went away, and came back in 10 years....mebbe then they wouldn't be so pack-oriented
Title: Re: Young Players
Post by: guncrasher on August 08, 2010, 11:23:26 PM
All teenagers should be banned.

do you realize that your name "mensa" means a "stupid girl" in at least 5 languages.  and you just reinforced that  :rofl.

Title: Re: Young Players
Post by: TequilaChaser on August 08, 2010, 11:28:56 PM
With all due respect TC, the line is not fine at all.  Parents know the language adults use in this game, at school, and on the play ground.  To subject their kids to unfiltered language is their choice and their responsibility to handle.  I simply suggest HTC give them an easy tool to help them along.  Perma squelch.  Then parents could use their "years" of experience to shelter their kid as the see fit with a simple copy and paste of their perma squelch list into the kids account.

maybe a bad choice of wording on my part, Money.... good to see ya btw  :cheers:

the online community has the ability to police itself...... whether it does or not and in what way and how far the online community ( players in the game ) wants to take it is the line I was talking about....

does the community do it, like when a player calls someone out on using explicit language on VOX or in the text buffer by masking it , it might work sometimes, then sometimes it might just cause more fussing about it......... other players should step up and back the person calling out the "foul mouthed person" in letting the person know that the community does not appreciate it...

whoever the MODS are in game, apparently are not in every arena 24/7........ I do see where people come across on open channel 200 or country channel ( green channel ) mocking or talking back at MODS..... then there are times when I see things being said, typed, talked about and it seems no one is calling them out on it, or the word filter is not picking up on it or whatever.....

Money, I am not speaking specifically of "Adults" either...... the foul mouthed verbage comes from 8 yr old players all the way up to 70 yr old players.....

I am just speaking of what this Aces high Community feels like accepting, wants to accept, does not want to accept...... and the possible backlash of what could possibly come from the effects of a player calling out another player in front of others in the game......

geez...... I feel like I should have just stayed out of this whole thread/topic now...... never planned on typing so much in this thread....

so, either the players on line can help each other police their on line game play and association with others with the helpful tools that HTC has provided for everyone to use when the occasion arises ........ and everyone can all help educate some on line game players who think holding down a button to "speak" to make sure everyone knows that that certain individual is "ignorant" regardless of age ( ignorant <--- meaning lacks a solid vocabulary so must use profanity to make up for their short comings in their vocabulary base )

or can otherwise ask HTC to provide us with a new Permasquelch list that never gets reset unless one manually does it....... to me that is the same as the thought of "either Stand on your feet and fight" or "run with your feet and flee"

people either fight for their community and help mold it and pick out the bad seeds so we can grow a good crop.....or people say to heck with it and accept any and all change regardless if it is right, wrong, good, bad, rotten etc.....

now I feel like I have lost track of what I was trying to convey....... I hope someone gets what I was aiming at here...

I have heard and seen it all, and from all ages..... it is up to the players right now, today...... that determines how the next group of players will play the game, what type of etiquette the new incoming players will end up learning to play with and how much camaraderie, respect, gratitude they will end up passing on down the line........ to the next group of new comers..... and so on.....

maybe this will get through to some of you.... hopefully.....

Title: Re: Young Players
Post by: Tupac on August 08, 2010, 11:29:28 PM
All teenagers should be banned.

Mensa is just upset that he gets killed by the teenagers all the time.

:rofl  You know some of these little rug rats cuss more than a drunken sailor when their mommy ain't around.....

This is true
Title: Re: Young Players
Post by: Guppy35 on August 08, 2010, 11:36:08 PM
All teenagers should be banned.

Unless they are a one eyed, peg-legged girl just about to turn 18.

Title: Re: Young Players
Post by: texasmom on August 08, 2010, 11:38:11 PM
I love the little squeakers - I got a few of my own :)

All three of my sons play.  When they're playing (especially my littlest one) I'm nearby.  I've only once (in 5 years) booted my kid as a result of other players language. 

X-box, on the other hand...  I usually tell the kids at LEAST three times a week to switch rooms as a result of the terrible and foul language on that game.

Not bad stats if you ask me! :)  Not bad at all!

Thanks to all of you great and respectful people out there who make AH a fun game not just for me, but also for my whole family! <S>!
Title: Re: Young Players
Post by: Tupac on August 08, 2010, 11:41:27 PM
X-box, on the other hand...  I usually tell the kids at LEAST three times a week to switch rooms as a result of the terrible and foul language on that game.

I quit xbox because of the gamer culture on there. I dont like the whole "Internet tough guy" thing, it doesnt sit well with me.

edit: spelling
Title: Re: Young Players
Post by: jamdive on August 08, 2010, 11:50:01 PM
It wont be long and we will all hear Barney singing in the back ground.
Title: Re: Young Players
Post by: DMGOD on August 08, 2010, 11:53:05 PM
Sorry but in my personal opinion I think it is in bad taste to permit your child (say under 14 [weird number i guess] ) to play Aces High UN supervised. In this world we live in I do not believe it is a good idea for little children to be associating with grown men and women in the environment that AH is. While I think it's great that my 10 year old daughter Noelle may share some of my enthusiasm for WW2 as I do I will only allow her to fly off line. It is my opinion that Aces High maybe start an arena for children where they can interact with people their own age and not be subjected to people like me in the M.A's  :angel:
Title: Re: Young Players
Post by: TonyJoey on August 09, 2010, 12:10:39 AM
Not saying it is right, but, personally, I've been cussed at by coaches playing high-level hockey as long as I can remember. :lol Never seemed to be a problem here, but that is just me. I definately do understand the concern, though.

PS: I guess you're right Dm, I lose a lot of brain cells reading your posts. :D
Title: Re: Young Players
Post by: rvflyer on August 09, 2010, 01:11:52 AM
Elaborate if you will.  Are you in favor of having no rules or codes of conduct regarding the use of profanity on vox or in the text buffer?


 :airplane: To allow preteens to play in a game that is primarily  a teen to old adult game is unrealistic IMO. While a lot of us play for fun and relaxation it
still can create high tension and ruffled feelings which in turn can mean ruff language. But having said that I can guarantee you that any kid that
is in any public school in the US has heard language that is at least as bad or worse than any language heard on AH. I have had 5 year old kids cuss me out because
I have ask then not to walk across my grass. I had one neighbour kid stopped in the middle of the road to where I live ask me what the F*** I was going to do about it when
him to move his bike out of the way. Kids now days probably know more cuss word and more about sex than any of us OLD codgers did at their age.
So all you parents that have 5 and 7 year olds playing this game should really get a reality check because your little angels are probably not as innocent as you think.
That has been proven to be right by some of the language I have heard from the squeekers here playing the game also some of the PMs from known Squeekers I have received
for shooting them down.  :old:
Title: Re: Young Players
Post by: rvflyer on August 09, 2010, 01:14:11 AM
Sorry but in my personal opinion I think it is in bad taste to permit your child (say under 14 [weird number i guess] ) to play Aces High UN supervised. In this world we live in I do not believe it is a good idea for little children to be associating with grown men and women in the environment that AH is. While I think it's great that my 10 year old daughter Noelle may share some of my enthusiasm for WW2 as I do I will only allow her to fly off line. It is my opinion that Aces High maybe start an arena for children where they can interact with people their own age and not be subjected to people like me in the M.A's  :angel:

 :airplane: Whoa I bet we adults would be embarrassed to hear the conversations in that arena.
Title: Re: Young Players
Post by: Panzerace on August 09, 2010, 01:34:11 AM
Wow, for the most part this has remained a series and good conversation, of course their are the ones who insist on being more juvenile then my 7 year old son (Jamdrive).  I have thoroughly read all rules and requirement of this game and have found nothing stating an age limit. Everyone is entitled to their opinion, but if I choose to allow my son to play this game that's no ones business but mine.  If you choose to continue talking to my son with a trash mouth, you will be hearing from. 
Title: Re: Young Players
Post by: Airborne on August 09, 2010, 06:41:52 AM
Anyone under 30.

Thats laughable, considering I know many early to mid/late 20 year olds more responsible and adult than people in their 30's  :old:

But for the rest, I admit, I've let em slip on occasion, I do my best tho not to become excessive with it because I know how negative (and against the rules) it is- shot down after a hot fight or not, and normally its when I'm doing the finger jockey between my 2 and sometimes 3 voice channel buttons.... however, to berate a child/kid/w/e is unacceptable... But at the same time, I also admit I am one to "egg on" a kid who cusses more than I do (IRL) but I don't cuss them out, more of a "tell us how you really feel!" type thing  :rofl  I'm not here to "police" the kids, I agree it's the parents responsibility, plus I'm one of those guys who believe if you're old enough to talk back you're old enough to get your jaw rapped on.... but this is the internet  :devil

To be honest, I think the worse is the chat box- it's the only thing I .report on because it can be see globally, regardless of range. People on there like to use little symbols and crap to get around the chat filter, (which maybe HTC can fix?)
Title: Re: Young Players
Post by: uptown on August 09, 2010, 08:04:32 AM
Regardless of whether anyone approves of children playing this game, the fact is they do and will continue to. It's just common courtesy not to cuss in front of someone elses kids.
Title: Re: Young Players
Post by: NCLawman on August 09, 2010, 08:09:47 AM
First off, let me start by agreeing with the OP -- to a degree.   I agree, in that people OF ALL AGES should not have to be exposed to a tirade of f-bombs and mother-effers every other word.  This does not apply to just children, but many adults are put-off by that language as well.  That having been said, HTC does have moderators and there is a process for reporting such frequent abusive/abrasive players.  The system may not catch everything, but it does catch some and I do know that players (some frequently) get "muted".

Now, with that in mind, I also think some responsibility lies with YOU, the PARENT.   You have to understand that:  
    1.  this is the internet (there are tards, and turds all over the world who have access); and,  
    2.  The player base in AH is a majority of adults.  And with adults comes adult conversations.  If you only want your child to hear talk about Barney the Dinosaur and Hanna Montana, maybe he should be OUTSIDE playing with kids his/her OWN AGE.  As an example... would you send your child into a BAR to hang out and interact with adults?  AH is much like that.  There are adults who are interacting with other adults and many are often times consuming alcohol.  there are things that are going to be said that children should not hear for another 20 years.  (It certainly does not make it right, but it is a fact that it is going to happen).  So whose responsibility is it to protect your child?  HTC or yours?

So, before I can get flamed, let me reiterate....  I do agree with the OP.  But I also understand that language is going to be communicated.  All the buffered text and moderators in the world cannot change that.  Even if they figure out a way to stop one action or word, innovative cussers will find a way to get around the filter.  You cannot change the behavior of adults all over the world and AH cannot filter all language except check-6 and Barney-the-Dinosaur topics.  So you must ask yourself.... is quality of the game for the child worth exposing him to DRINKING ADULTS all over the world?  If the answer is NO, then you might consider let him/her play OFFLINE or askign HTC for an age-range specific arena (to use the slang vernacular.. Squeeker Arena).  I would seriously doubt that many adult players would join into the young-player arena.  Of course, there is still no way to keep the young players from cussing like adults but at least there will be some Hanna Montana topics too.

Title: Re: Young Players
Post by: xbrit on August 09, 2010, 08:58:11 AM
^--what he said.
Title: Re: Young Players
Post by: Rino on August 09, 2010, 09:21:39 AM
Please tell me you're not serious

     Since he turns 18 soon, Mensa may just be serious  :D
Title: Re: Young Players
Post by: jamdive on August 09, 2010, 10:38:35 AM
Wow, for the most part this has remained a series and good conversation, of course their are the ones who insist on being more juvenile then my 7 year old son (Jamdrive).

 Sorry, soccer mom is a mentality not a juvenile statement btw, but thanks for the flame. Now I feel the need to explain: Parents who blame the environment for bad things happening and not themselves. Let me add in an analogy to help things sink in. I don't let childred cross the street by themselves just because there is a crosswalk sign and a stop light. I myself know better. There is a chance a car may run the light.

I have thoroughly read all rules and requirement of this game and have found nothing stating an age limit. Everyone is entitled to their opinion, but if I choose to allow my son to play this game that's no ones business but mine.  If you choose to continue talking to my son with a trash mouth, you will be hearing from. 

You obviously missed the part that explains that it is your sole responsibility who uses your account. As far as my opinion on this whole tirade, I'm old school. Children do not belong on the internet. Lesson one I teach, DONT TALK TO STRANGERS. There is a reason for it.
Title: Re: Young Players
Post by: BulletVI on August 09, 2010, 11:31:49 AM

Well maybe just maybe if you all get together and do a survey of how many kids play the game. And show Hitech and the team that we have say 345 kids under the age of 16 or 18. Then just maybe he may be willing to open up 2 new arena's for kids of that age to play in and be away from all the Adult talk. But in reality that should never be the case as if you are over the age of 18 then you should have the common sense to watch your mouth and realise that a child of seven can be on the game playing. And any parent should also tell their child that if you hear some bad word's tell me and i will deal with it by going to the mic and asking other player's to keep the language at bay as my 7 year old sun is playing.

Now i did this in the D/A and we all know that arena is the most widely cursed in arena of the lot. But i had my we cousin visiting for the weekend and he is only 6 and he wanted a shot so i asked and typed in that my wee cousin was playing and he is only 6 so can you all watch the language.
And i tell you i got the shock of my life for an hour and a half there was no bad mouthing no bad text or symbol's every one was nice.
Even on the radio it was like " OH POOH I GOT KILLED " and i was pleased. So do let others know and they shall be considerate to your wishes.
  :D :)
Title: Re: Young Players
Post by: Wiley on August 09, 2010, 02:01:43 PM
We've already got the tools to deal with most of the issue from both sides.  .squelch, .report are already there.  I don't understand the mentality and desire for grown men to browbeat kids for being kids.  I admit, kids being generals or giving a blow by blow of what's going on around them get under my skin.  A few simple keystrokes after I notice them, they go blissfully silent and I go on about my business.  I am happy, they are happy.  Everybody is happy.

I could make a case pretty easily for permasquelch being a good thing.  There are people you know what they're about and don't want to hear what they have to say at all, you should be able to just perma mute them.  It hurts nobody, and gives you a reasonable amount of control over what you want to be exposed to, regardless of whether it's you, your kid, your nephew, dog, or whatever.  Sure, people can change handles.  There will also be new people to add to the list.  Same difference.

However, with that said, a parent that lets their kid game online has to accept that profanity will occur.  This place is a nunnery compared to most other online games, warts and all.

To the people who are suggesting a 'kids arena', you're joking right?  People under 18 in their own arena?  Are you proposing that arena have no comms?  The ones that are mature enough not to yell at people because they got shot down are going to get mightily sick of putting up with the ones that aren't.

I'm really not seeing a need to change anything other than possibly adding permasquelch to the users capabilities.

Title: Re: Young Players
Post by: SIK1 on August 09, 2010, 02:17:40 PM
You know this is a question of civility.

There is no reason a kid shouldn't be able to play AH, and it's really sad that parents have to monitor there kids because people don't have the common courtesy to behave in a civilized manner.

Pressing the transmit button , or worse yet sending a PM to go on a profanity laced tirade because someone slighted you in some way playing a video game speaks volumes to your own self worth.

If I hear you cussing at me or at no one in particular you better bet that I'm going to report you. The only exception to that is squad channel, but even then if every other word out of your mouth is an F bomb I will ask you too stop.
Title: Re: Young Players
Post by: jamdive on August 09, 2010, 02:42:56 PM
You know this is a question of civility.
Its a question of reality. The world is not full of fluffy bunnies.

There is no reason a kid shouldn't be able to play AH, and it's really sad that parents have to monitor there kids because people don't have the common courtesy to behave in a civilized manner.
Yes, it is sad. Yes children should be supervised when using the internet at all times.

Pressing the transmit button , or worse yet sending a PM to go on a profanity laced tirade because someone slighted you in some way playing a video game speaks volumes to your own self worth.
A vast majority of profane pm's that I have received have come from the kids. Another reason for monitoring your child while he/she is using the internet. It works both ways, its not just the adults.

If I hear you cussing at me or at no one in particular you better bet that I'm going to report you. The only exception to that is squad channel, but even then if every other word out of your mouth is an F bomb I will ask you too stop.
There should be no exception.
Title: Re: Young Players
Post by: crazyivan on August 09, 2010, 02:43:19 PM
Well, I don't think I've cussed a kid in this game yet :rolleyes: but have been cussed at by afew. :lol Personally I like the disable vox idea. Shows alittle responsibility on the users end.
Title: Re: Young Players
Post by: Panzerace on August 09, 2010, 02:49:50 PM
No one "Flamed you".  Its a simple fact of you making dumb comment on a serious post which is what usually happens.  Report my flaming to HiTech and let them deal with me.  As I said before, there is no age limit written or anywhere on the HiTech website. Yes I do monitor my son when he is on the internet.  I also make sure he gets across the street ok. I do not rely on the crosswalk, because I know there are inconsiderate people driving that do not pay attension to such things as that just like in the game.  This is a game, a cartoon game and nothing more.  It is not a bar or nightclub.  This is a simple request not to cuse at children.  Is that so hard?  Its always the same stuff here, you try to make a serious post and it turns into a bunch of crap like it has by some.  
Title: Re: Young Players
Post by: dkff49 on August 09, 2010, 02:50:48 PM
There is really no reason for foul language in a game like this especially if those of you are using the "mainly adult " reasoning. A group of civilized adults that do not really know each other pretty well should not be using such language towards each other let alone berating each other whether it be with such language or not.

Those that are arguing to keep it on a level that kids can play, I believe are simply trying to say that it should not be that way just for the kids but that we are adults and don't need to speak to each other like that anyway. I use a great deal of less than appropriate language but only when I am around people that I know very well and in such a place that everybody in the world can't hear me. Not because I want to hide who I am but to respect who they are (adults or children) and those that don't have no respect or others.

There is a final reasoning:  It is in the rules and everyone that operates under the "it is ok to cuss like a sailor" mentality will get reported and squelched every time I witness it.
Title: Re: Young Players
Post by: Shuffler on August 09, 2010, 03:18:20 PM
On Squad vox we just have to deal with Soulyss, when in the middle of a sea of red , screaming.... OH GOD OH GOD!!!!!!!!!!

We dive in to save him and usually all auger or hit trees. We misjudge the ground through the tears.  We can't really help him through the tears of laughter.
Title: Re: Young Players
Post by: jamdive on August 09, 2010, 03:28:26 PM
Ah, so pointing out the truth is juvenile and anyone else who post in contradiction is making a crappy post.

Don,t get me wrong, I agree with you. It takes a small person to cuss at little kids. But, it may not be a bar or a nightclub but it is still the internet and my views on children on the internet still stand.

Title: Re: Young Players
Post by: Ghastly on August 09, 2010, 03:42:20 PM
A vast majority of profane pm's that I have received have come from the kids.

Just curious - if it's a PM how can you tell the age of the sender?

Title: Re: Young Players
Post by: NCLawman on August 09, 2010, 04:11:58 PM
There is really no reason for foul language in a game like this especially if those of you are using the "mainly adult " reasoning. A group of civilized adults that do not really know each other pretty well should not be using such language towards each other let alone berating each other whether it be with such language or not.

You are exactly right.  Civilized adults should not be speaking to each other that way.  However, we all know that in fact it does happen, because not everyone is 'fully civilized.'  Furthermore, if the person is not 'civilized' enough to respect that children might be present and say something untoward, then I assure you that posting a comment about uncivilized behavior on this BBS is NOT going to help the problem.  If that person does not care to avoid cussing about our around children they don't care what you think either.

That having been said, if you have developed a way to change the behavior of men and women all over the world to behave responsibly, then I would personnally like to be the first person to nominate you to both the US Congress and the United Nations.  You can single handedly get the idiots in Congress to stop spending all my money on the moron down the street who refuses to work, and you can stop all world terrorism.  We can all sit and sing Cum-by-yah hand in hand.

Back to the point --  I am not justifying bad behavior.  The OP is correct in his anger and frustration.  The point; however, is that bad bahvoir is going to happen.  It is our responsibility as parents to protect them from potential harm.  Take for example Playboy magazine.  We would not want our children thumbing through Playboy because that is stuff they don't need to know yet.  So, we keep them from getitng into our (adult) secret stash.  Have you written Playboy to complain that their material is not appropriate to juveniles?  Likely not... you just don't let your child read it.

Same thing here...  Yes, AH is NOT an adult only game.  But adults are here and they are drinking -- that is a fact.  And, until a moderator hears the potty-mouth and mutes him/her, your child may get exposed to vulgar language -- that also is a fact.

Again, let me reiterate... the OP is correct in his anger and desire to keep this language from his child.  But, you are not going to change the behavior of the ill-hearted.  So, you must take other steps to protect YOUR child.  This is YOUR responsibility not HTC's.  

And to the others who complained that they should not have to monitor their children on the internet......  :huh :huh  REALLY????????    Again tards and turds the world over have access to say and do anything they want in front of your child and YOU DON'T THINK YOU SHOULD HAVE TO MONITOR THEM??????    :huh :huh  Holy Crap...  I don't think I have ever heard something so stupid in my life.
Title: Re: Young Players
Post by: dkff49 on August 09, 2010, 04:47:50 PM
I only posted because it seemed others (not you law) seemed to be trying to say that children should not be allowed into game at all because of the mainly adult mentality.

As far as your example of Playboy they are there one purpose and that has no business with children at all. There are however rules about such profane vocabulary and we may not be able to change those people but they can be mitigated to a degree and for the most part I think they do a decent job.

my main thing is report/report/report
Title: Re: Young Players
Post by: bj229r on August 09, 2010, 04:56:57 PM
Might not be a bad idea to have a thing show up in your text buffer which STATES you've been reported....if ya only find out a day or 3 later, the punishment is far less effective, and difficult to associate with original behavior
Title: Re: Young Players
Post by: NCLawman on August 09, 2010, 05:01:03 PM
     Agree with both last 2 posts.
Title: Re: Young Players
Post by: lulu on August 09, 2010, 06:44:16 PM
To Pancerace,



Title: Re: Young Players
Post by: Dadsguns on August 09, 2010, 06:59:41 PM
You are exactly right.  Civilized adults should not be speaking to each other that way.  However, we all know that in fact it does happen, because not everyone is 'fully civilized.'  Furthermore, if the person is not 'civilized' enough to respect that children might be present and say something untoward, then I assure you that posting a comment about uncivilized behavior on this BBS is NOT going to help the problem.  If that person does not care to avoid cussing about our around children they don't care what you think either.

That having been said, if you have developed a way to change the behavior of men and women all over the world to behave responsibly, then I would personnally like to be the first person to nominate you to both the US Congress and the United Nations.  You can single handedly get the idiots in Congress to stop spending all my money on the moron down the street who refuses to work, and you can stop all world terrorism.  We can all sit and sing Cum-by-yah hand in hand.

Back to the point --  I am not justifying bad behavior.  The OP is correct in his anger and frustration.  The point; however, is that bad bahvoir is going to happen.  It is our responsibility as parents to protect them from potential harm.  Take for example Playboy magazine.  We would not want our children thumbing through Playboy because that is stuff they don't need to know yet.  So, we keep them from getitng into our (adult) secret stash.  Have you written Playboy to complain that their material is not appropriate to juveniles?  Likely not... you just don't let your child read it.

Same thing here...  Yes, AH is NOT an adult only game.  But adults are here and they are drinking -- that is a fact.  And, until a moderator hears the potty-mouth and mutes him/her, your child may get exposed to vulgar language -- that also is a fact.

Again, let me reiterate... the OP is correct in his anger and desire to keep this language from his child.  But, you are not going to change the behavior of the ill-hearted.  So, you must take other steps to protect YOUR child.  This is YOUR responsibility not HTC's.  

And to the others who complained that they should not have to monitor their children on the internet......  :huh :huh  REALLY????????    Again tards and turds the world over have access to say and do anything they want in front of your child and YOU DON'T THINK YOU SHOULD HAVE TO MONITOR THEM??????    :huh :huh  Holy Crap...  I don't think I have ever heard something so stupid in my life.

I was going to say the exact same thing earlier today, even using the playboys as an example.....  :lol 

Your absolutely correct and I didnt want to bring it up fearing he would take it in a negative way. 
Its a parenting issue for starters.   I have two children myself and do all I must do to protect them from things that may not be acceptable by my standards, if keeping them off this game because of some cursing may slip out well thats the risk I must take or keep them off the game, but also use the tools that are in place to report the incident, not bring it here to complain about your risk that you took and lost.
Title: Re: Young Players
Post by: jamdive on August 09, 2010, 07:43:20 PM
Just curious - if it's a PM how can you tell the age of the sender?


There is a little thing that pops up next to the private message that tells you the players name. Been playing quite a while and I do know who the squeakers are. It doesn't take rocket science.
Title: Re: Young Players
Post by: ZetaNine on August 09, 2010, 09:02:19 PM
You and I have had go arounds in the past, more from miscommunication than anything.   But to cuss, is beyond comprehension for me.

thanks pal.  the odd thing about me is that if I don't like someone...they don't exist.  I rarely if ever speak to or with them.  conversly..if I dig someone..and especially if I think they're good at the art of flingin' poo...I enjoy flingin' it back with them.  I always dug our exchanges....and you're actually most of the reason I monitor ch 200.....I'm of a big fan of the way you can set people up..then set them off there.  I think you could have done well in talk radio actually.

more importantly though...your musical tastes are spot-on.  it's like you raided my old album collection.

and oh by the way...Cheap Trick added new dates in september to their live Sgt pepper the Paris hotel in was scheduled to end...and they added some dates next month.  I know you dig robin and the boys...and seeing them do this show with a full nothing short of amazing.  I highly recommend you get out there to see the show before it's gone for good.

check it out:
Title: Re: Young Players
Post by: dkff49 on August 09, 2010, 09:04:28 PM
I was going to say the exact same thing earlier today, even using the playboys as an example.....  :lol 

Your absolutely correct and I didnt want to bring it up fearing he would take it in a negative way. 
Its a parenting issue for starters.   I have two children myself and do all I must do to protect them from things that may not be acceptable by my standards, if keeping them off this game because of some cursing may slip out well thats the risk I must take or keep them off the game, but also use the tools that are in place to report the incident, not bring it here to complain about your risk that you took and lost.

Personally I did not take the OP as a complaint as much as a warning to those guilty of the offenses. Now the thing that goes with that is most of the offenders of such actions are not necessarily going to be on the BB's. I don't issue warnings for these actions. As far as I am concerned you got your warning when you agreed to the rules put in place by HTC and excessive foul language and berating other players is something that I report immediately and not just for the kiddies but because there are many adults who find those things offensive as well and don't want to hear it.
Title: Re: Young Players
Post by: llama on August 09, 2010, 09:48:31 PM
I posted this in 2007 for what was essentially the same situation. I still think it's relevant, so here it is:


Now then. When I was a kid, (and by that, I mean, under 10 years old) I was a gifted athlete. I played both soccer and baseball with adults in an adult "fun league" on the weekends, with my parents blessings.

My parents were told that if I acted like a child, I wouldn't be invited any more, and then that's what they told me.

My parents also told me that I'd probably hear a lot of swearing and that I'd see people drinking beer after games, but that swearing was inappropriate for a child so if I was caught swearing myself they'd stop me from playing. No beer either; same rules.

I played in that league for 3 or 4 years, so I guess I acted OK as far as other players and my parents were concerned.

So with that all said, I'm going to to out on a limb and say that Aces High really is an adult game, much like those fun leagues I used to play in, regardless of how HiTech markets the game.  (However: Aces High is advertised on The History Channel, not Cartoon Network or Fox Kids -- think about it.)

Certainly, kids are welcome to play, but no one wants to deal with childish behavior. In the absence of parents to complain to, childish kids (and childish adults, for that matter) are going to take the brunt of other people's frustration themselves because we can't call their parents and tell them to make their child behave.

Similarly, parents who let children play Aces High should be aware that their kids will be exposed to adult discussions and jokes. I'm pretty sure you'd tell your kid that if they were playing sports with other adults.

Finally, in my experience with this game and other online games, kids only get subjected to truly nasty adult behavior when they start acting childish - and usually they have to act VERY childish over a period of time.  When kids don't act childish, they normally fit in just fine.

(text about that 2007 incident edited)

If true, as a parent, it is *your* responsibility to see to it that your kid doesn't act in such a way to incur the wrath of others.

If not true, and you kid was truly spoken to this way out of the blue and for no reason, then I'm sorry. Really. No sarcasm intended.


As you described it, it sounds like your kid got swore at by a jerk for no real reason, and that's a shame. When I usually hear folks laying into a kid, however, the kid has been pressing everyone's buttons for a while by acting like a brat, and I have no sympathy for the kid in these situations, and I hope you as a doting parent are objectively looking at what your kid was doing when someone laid into him.

But when all is said and done, this is really a game populated by adults that just happens to have some kid players, not the other way around. You should have known what your kid might be exposed to in this game and probably should have even talked to him/her about it beforehand. Asking people to "be nice" only gets you so far, and reporting bad behavior doesn't prevent your child's Virgin Ears from hearing this in the first place.


Title: Re: Young Players
Post by: bagrat on August 09, 2010, 10:10:31 PM
really wat did your kid do to get people to swear at him? sometimes i like to get under peoples skin just because im bored and i think the worst thing anyone ever said to me was "ratbag"  heck i really dont recall any harsh profanity, ur kid must of really been goobin it up....but if not well this is the interdnet, maybe u can invest in a profanity filtering hearing aid that your innocent child can wear :D

actually i think ive stumbled onto a gold mine! what if little kids wore hearing aids that replaced words of profanity with wonderful little fortune cookie sayings.

for example.
bad person: little billy you are a real %$#^#@%!.

hears what billy hear:little billy you are a real "a dollar saved is a dollar earned"!

yeah ill make millions. dont jack my idea
Title: Re: Young Players
Post by: 321BAR on August 09, 2010, 11:28:43 PM
i have a full blown squeek in my crew. he understands he can annoy people so rarely uses vox instead types most. i also have a few under 18s. none of the above ever annoy me... <S> to mature squeeks.
Title: Re: Young Players
Post by: stealth on August 09, 2010, 11:39:37 PM
Well I'm leaving the game for awhile because other adults have used foul language on me. That's besides the point though. I've seen fellow friends younger then me. Getting beat up about his age. I had to help em,even recomend them squads such as Claim Jumpers to help them out. Thankfully there we're squads such as Claim Jumpers and guys like Panzerace to help them. The point is I see teenagers and little kids getting picked on. Infact sometimes they say don't join my mission. Which as far as I'm aware all they did was ask a little question.
Title: Re: Young Players
Post by: fbWldcat on August 09, 2010, 11:42:50 PM
Although there are some really good squads for younger players... *Hint hint, nudge nudge* Sometimes we have to come to the unfortunate conclusion that they do in fact start it, and sometimes, like Stealth was saying, they are shown the wrath of the ordinary Joe and his short temperment.
Title: Re: Young Players
Post by: stealth on August 09, 2010, 11:58:20 PM
True some kids get easily offended and start a little temper tantrume. Long the adults don't use foul language or act the same age as the other person.
Title: Re: Young Players
Post by: zack1234 on August 10, 2010, 01:51:25 AM
My 7 year old nephew is not allowed to play this game, he shoots more planes then me :old:
Title: Re: Young Players
Post by: Threeup on August 10, 2010, 04:07:56 AM
if you really want to hear some bad language buy an X-Box and go on-line for a while.

That stuff will curl your toes and most of it comes with a high C pitch.

Point being there is a lot worse out there - but that doesn't mean it's OK in this game. Report people over and over again and don't tell them you're doing it. Send films by e-mail without notice.

But why complain in this forum? Surely your efforts could be better spent in getting the providers attention rather than broadcasting your frustration here amongst your peers. No-one is going to post and say "I swear and I'm not going to stop for you" or "I'm sorry it won't happen again". It just seems a wasted effort. And if the provider thinks it is a large enough problem we will all hear about it.

But everyone is tough behind a keyboard aren't they? Young crew are just like the rest of us - trying to get a bit of fun happening in the cartoon skies. Nothing wrong with that. It's also inclusive to spray "squeakers" at every point and makes you "one of the boys".

And maybe it's a good opportunity to point things out to a seven year old about taking the high moral ground and not going with the herd.
Title: Re: Young Players
Post by: ZetaNine on August 10, 2010, 09:35:57 AM
of course kids get offended......they're kids.

if any adult here actually says "don't join this mission"..or continually bullies any kid here..they're wrong for doing so.  I've jumped in a few times and reminded people I was flying with to knock it off.
I've also reminded chatty VOX squeekers that they were talking on a military channel..and said VOX is not for chatting.

there's equal opportunity morons on both sides of the issue...they just need be reminded.
Title: Re: Young Players
Post by: bj229r on August 10, 2010, 09:36:35 AM
if you really want to hear some bad language buy an X-Box and go on-line for a while.

That stuff will curl your toes and most of it comes with a high C pitch.
+1, I hope you don't have one of those Stealth ;)
Title: Re: Young Players
Post by: JOACH1M on August 10, 2010, 02:52:48 PM
50$$ says that check7 was the colprate,
Title: Re: Young Players
Post by: Jayhawk on August 10, 2010, 03:08:21 PM
50$$ says that check7 was the colprate,

Title: Re: Young Players
Post by: Nemisis on August 10, 2010, 03:33:15 PM
Wouldn't be supprised. He seems to think that anything more than 50mi away from him is irrelivant. Hell, he squelched me once for warning of a low alt bomber hoard.
Title: Re: Young Players
Post by: Sunka on August 10, 2010, 03:40:45 PM
Though i don't abide bad language,i don't abide a lot of things people do on here and i always thought aces high Vox was tame compared to other on line games.But this is like the whole world packed in a box and if you would not let your 5 or 7 year old kid walk through a bar type place with mostly adult language ,i would not let them play aces high a mostly adult game eather.
You are not going to stop all the overreacting and hot handedness in this game ever,freedomes come at a price.
In closing yes we need perma squelch
Title: Re: Young Players
Post by: dtango on August 10, 2010, 05:40:35 PM
My sons (9 and 6) have grown up watching their dad fly Aces High.  Through this process they’ve both began their love and admiration for WW2 warbirds and the associated history.  We’ve amassed countless die cast metal and plastic planes over the years.  When some kids were learning their alphabet and numbers, my oldest was identifying warbirds instead.  It’s only been natural for them to either sit and watch me fly or take to the skies themselves in AH supervised by me. 

They’ve also collected several beautiful aircraft books by their request on visits to the book store.  My oldest wanted for a long time to go tell HTC about the airplanes he likes and hoped to see in the game.  He wanted to show Mr. Pyro and Mr. HiTech his “airplane science book”.  Back in March 2007 on Spring Break we went to visit my in-laws who live 10 minutes away from Grapevine TX.  I told my then 7 year old to choose the airplane book he wanted to bring on the trip and told him we would try and fulfill his request if we had time.

Well we got to stop by HTC briefly to let our 7 year old show them his “airplane science book”.  With excitement and nervousness he flipped through his book to show “Mr Pyro” the planes he liked.  I had no idea which pages he would flip to.  If I recall we looked at the Me 410, the Gigant, P-39, the Kingfisher, maybe the Hs 129.  I remember he spent some time pointing out the B-25 and particularly the diagrams in his book on B-25’s skip bombing ships which Pyro took some interest discussing.  I know it was memorable moment for my son.  As a dad I was full of pride and joy: pride that my son knew his planes, was forming his own opinions about them and sharing his intererst in them with others  -  joy that I get to share a common interest with him in airplanes (at least for awhile!).

The real kicker was later that week Pyro announced the vote to the community in March 2007 for which new plane to add to AH.  You should have seen the look on my son’s face when he found out that some of the very planes he showed Pyro were on the list to be voted on!

What’s my point in telling this story?  First some of us as parents do use AH as a medium to introduce our kids to WW2 warbirds in hopes that we can pass on our love and passion for these legendary planes and the brave men who flew them to the next generation.  2nd playing on Aces High with our kids is a way for some of us parents to develop common bonds and interests with them. 

Until HTC says otherwise, AH isn’t an adults only game.  There is no ESRB rating posted to suggest otherwise.  There are no limitations posted by HTC on age restrictions.  Perhaps this thread will bring some awareness to folks who’ve never considered this social aspect of AH before.  Maybe even a few may choose to behave differently when they realize that the AH arenas are more like public pools instead of nightclubs.  Who knows?  Maybe when HTC implements skip bombing in AH, it might have been a 7 year olds suggestion to them that tipped the balance.


Title: Re: Young Players
Post by: longtime on August 10, 2010, 06:36:19 PM
This game is about as safe as it gets for youngsters. HTC has done what it can in my opinion.
If you don't agree, don't let your kids play it.
Title: Re: Young Players
Post by: sax on August 10, 2010, 06:39:13 PM
No need for it no matter what age is playing.
Title: Re: Young Players
Post by: pluck on August 10, 2010, 07:06:26 PM
if you really want to hear some bad language buy an X-Box and go on-line for a while.

That stuff will curl your toes and most of it comes with a high C pitch.

Point being there is a lot worse out there - but that doesn't mean it's OK in this game.

ya, xbox live is just very foul, quite a bit of racism too.  Don't play much on there, but when I do, it is without the headset.  Of course with xbox and the huge subscription base, it's probably near pointless to even attempt to moderate.  At least in AH there is some moderation from both developers and community.  This would be a good situation for perma squelch, to take care of the rest.
Title: Re: Young Players
Post by: jamdive on August 10, 2010, 07:58:27 PM
ya, xbox live is just very foul, quite a bit of racism too.  Don't play much on there, but when I do, it is without the headset.  Of course with xbox and the huge subscription base, it's probably near pointless to even attempt to moderate.  At least in AH there is some moderation from both developers and community.  This would be a good situation for perma squelch, to take care of the rest.

So, now after you get your perma-squelch feature, what will be the next "we need whine"? A seperate "warn me buffer" so all the people you perma-squelched have a way to tell you theres a tank hiding in the weeds or theres 10 flights of buffs headed to your base?

Naw, we don't need anymore nanny care features. A majority of the people in here are pretty decent folks. This community does a pretty good job of getting down on ill behavior anyways. This game is tame compared to the every day events that happen just leaving your house and heading on into work. The only time ive ever seen kids get reamed is when they are going out of their way to be annoying. Shooting smoke at other team mates, continuously firing thier pintle gun, or anything else for that matter, at thier team mates, driving in circles around thier team mates vehicles continuously, the list goes on. The parents who are supposed to be watching them need to step up and put a stop to this before it comes to some guy blowing his stack. I would prefer that there was some way to let the parents know that there little angel needs to go sit in the corner for a while.
Title: Re: Young Players
Post by: dkff49 on August 10, 2010, 08:08:59 PM
The only time ive ever seen kids get reamed is when they are going out of their way to be annoying. Shooting smoke at other team mates, continuously firing thier pintle gun, or anything else for that matter, at thier team mates, driving in circles around thier team mates vehicles continuously, the list goes on.

hey i do those things now and i have not lived at home for over 20 years. i guess my mom needs to be over while i play AH.
Title: Re: Young Players
Post by: Nemisis on August 10, 2010, 10:33:14 PM
OK, now I'm going to be specificly targeting the panzers and M4's that are throwing smoke randomly across the battlefield. I may also investigate the smoke untill you cipher out a pattern and use this to ambush me.
Title: Re: Young Players
Post by: Guppy35 on August 10, 2010, 11:45:14 PM
We're all responsible for what we say and do.  There are no 'slips", in particular in type, but also on VOX.   My oldest son started flying with me in Airwarrior.  He probably knew more about the planes then most of the players based on all the books at his disposal.  He was a Luftwheenie, but I didn't hold it against him :)  He made the transition to AH and I still have films of flying with him in this game.  No reason we shouldn't get to share this with them if they are interested.

Expecting players to be responsible for their actions and respectful of those around them is not asking to much.

Some day my little guy will up a cartoon plane for the first time.  No doubt like his big brother he'll be a far better cartoon pilot then his dad.  I look forward to that day.

Seems like we'd want to pass this on to our kids if for no other reason then to learn a bit of history around the airwar we pretend to fly.
Title: Re: Young Players
Post by: dtango on August 10, 2010, 11:47:44 PM
We're all responsible for what we say and do.  There are no 'slips", in particular in type, but also on VOX.   My oldest son started flying with me in Airwarrior.  He probably knew more about the planes then most of the players based on all the books at his disposal.  He was a Luftwheenie, but I didn't hold it against him :)  He made the transition to AH and I still have films of flying with him in this game.  No reason we shouldn't get to share this with them if they are interested.

Expecting players to be responsible for their actions and respectful of those around them is not asking to much.

Some day my little guy will up a cartoon plane for the first time.  No doubt like his big brother he'll be a far better cartoon pilot then his dad.  I look forward to that day.

Seems like we'd want to pass this on to our kids if for no other reason then to learn a bit of history around the airwar we pretend to fly.

:aok  absolutely!
Title: Re: Young Players
Post by: Wiley on August 11, 2010, 10:18:24 AM
So, now after you get your perma-squelch feature, what will be the next "we need whine"? A seperate "warn me buffer" so all the people you perma-squelched have a way to tell you theres a tank hiding in the weeds or theres 10 flights of buffs headed to your base?

That's a choice you make when you squelch someone.  You give up any tactical info they might give you.  You don't see people calling for a separate 'warn me buffer' with the current squelch system, right?  Permasquelch wouldn't be anything different than the current system other than you wouldn't have to refresh it every time you noticed the person.

I just don't see a reason not to do it.

Title: Re: Young Players
Post by: Money on August 11, 2010, 07:23:04 PM
maybe a bad choice of wording on my part, Money.... good to see ya btw  :cheers:

Good to see ewe as well! 

What email is best to contact you at?
Title: Re: Young Players
Post by: Money on August 11, 2010, 07:27:47 PM
So, now after you get your perma-squelch feature, what will be the next "we need whine"? A seperate "warn me buffer" so all the people you perma-squelched have a way to tell you theres a tank hiding in the weeds or theres 10 flights of buffs headed to your base?

We already have the squelch feature.  The "perma squelch list" would just make using it easier.
Title: Re: Young Players
Post by: stealth on August 11, 2010, 08:32:43 PM
Well perma-squelch I can see some problems with that. Lets say you we're the Co of a squad a big one with 30people or more. Then theres someone you just don't like or wanna listen to. He tells other people in the Cos squad to unsquelch me. The Co hears this from other people. He had enough so he tells everybody to perma squelch that person then others do. Until probably all his friends perma-squelched him. Then he quits the game. That looses people on the game and makes people very sad. When all you half to do the next day is fix the problem and be friends. If you don't do this by the time the perma squelch reaches half a dozen people it's unfixible. Those people will have you squelched forever and always. Like money said it just makes squelching easyer.
Title: Re: Young Players
Post by: jamdive on August 11, 2010, 09:01:46 PM
Stealth, the main reason I squelch people is because I like to hear whats driving up on me. Its really hard to do if you have some guy Howard Coselling every thing they do in their tank over the range channel. Some guys will jibber jabber ya till your ears start bleeding. Half the time what they are rambling on about has nothing to do with the current situation. If I squelch somebody its because they probably are on their 3rd pitcher of koolaide and cant control the sugar buzz.

Title: Re: Young Players
Post by: Money on August 11, 2010, 11:27:15 PM
Well perma-squelch I can see some problems with that. Lets say you we're the Co of a squad a big one with 30people or more. Then theres someone you just don't like or wanna listen to. He tells other people in the Cos squad to unsquelch me. The Co hears this from other people. He had enough so he tells everybody to perma squelch that person then others do. Until probably all his friends perma-squelched him. Then he quits the game. That looses people on the game and makes people very sad. When all you half to do the next day is fix the problem and be friends. If you don't do this by the time the perma squelch reaches half a dozen people it's unfixible. Those people will have you squelched forever and always. Like money said it just makes squelching easyer.

If this is your example of how such a great tool would be a problem for a squad's CO, I would say that CO is basically teaching a 13th grade class and has many other issues to contend with besides "perma squelch".
Title: Re: Young Players
Post by: SIK1 on August 11, 2010, 11:39:38 PM
If this is your example of how such a great tool would be a problem for a squad's CO, I would say that CO is basically teaching a 13th grade class and has many other issues to contend with besides "perma squelch".

 :rofl  :aok
Title: Re: Young Players
Post by: stealth on August 12, 2010, 03:42:11 AM
Well honestly whats the point of perma squelch. Unless the guy has a major issue with someone squelching you like the end of the world. With in a day or at most a week the guy wouldn't remember your name. If you squelch him once he probably knows you'll do it again so he just won't bother. Also if your just squelching a guy because of his voice or he talks allot. Theres no real reason to perma squelch in that case eather.
Title: Re: Young Players
Post by: Wiley on August 12, 2010, 09:52:16 AM
Stealth-  Why is squelching someone because their voice annoys you or more importantly, the amount and volume of their speaking is messing with your chi with regards to operating your plane not valid?  That seems to me to be the best reason to squelch.

For me, I don't really care what the guy thinks about it, I don't think I've ever even announced 'I'm squelching you.' because frankly it's not important to me to tell them.  The reason I squelch people most of the time is in line with Jamdive's.  If I can't hear my squaddies or most of the other sounds in my plane over someone, I squelch.  The people I've noticed do it tend to do it habitually.  What is permasquelch harming in that case?

Sometimes, there are people who seem like all they ever do is talk the same, uninspired crap on 200.  I have no real desire to listen to some of them because they're just plain boring.  If someone's sole contribution to 200 is 'nice ho/pick/vulch' every single time they're shot down, where's the harm if I want to have their voice cease to exist in my world?

Again, the people who make me wish for this feature generally speaking aren't harmful exactly, aren't breaking any rules, they're just either too prolific in their use of range vox or they're just plain boring.  My point is, they aren't going to change, they shouldn't even necessarily have to change.  I just don't want to listen to them because either the useful stuff they might mention is at a 1:100 signal to noise ratio, or I've never heard them say anything useful.

It's not about them, it's about me.  I just don't see a reason not to have this feature.

Title: Re: Young Players
Post by: VonMessa on August 12, 2010, 10:24:16 AM
As a customer just like everyone else on here I pay my monthly fee.  That being said I have the right to allow my 7 year old son play. I know that squeakers annoy people and that is fine.  What I do not appreciate is people dropping the F bomb at my son. You pay your fees as I do, but who the heck are you to think you have the right to use your foul mouth to give my son a hard time?  I am speaking of few people who have done this to my son and I am not at all to happy about it. Lets try growing up and acting your age. Please do not do this again to any of our young players who share our interest.  You do not own the game, the arenas or the radio channels.  If need be try squelching, that is why its there, otherwise lay off.  I am guilty of using not such nice words sometimes in the heat of the moment, but to blatantly attach a child like this is an unacceptable act.  I am sure someone will reply with a negative post and tell me why I am wrong for posting this.  Lets try for once to let a series post stay that way and get some results and not negative waves.  To all those who respect this post  :salute

No you do not (

Rule #1

I'm not saying you are wrong for posting this, just saying that the first statement is false.
Title: Re: Young Players
Post by: USNA4J on August 12, 2010, 10:50:22 AM
 On Squad, The "F" bombs are a great way to vent and forget today's worries in the real world, we know our audience, and it is acceptable. I was in a mission recently, and we were tuned to the mission vox and I let one slip...I immediately apologized to the mission group..
as for "squeakers".. there are a lot of people that are annoying on vox.. just squelch them and go on. Sometimes I see or hear public discussion of who is being squelched.. if it is a kid, that's pretty low... it seems we have quite a few "tough" guys in here hiding behind their pc monitors...
just my thoughts...
Title: Re: Young Players
Post by: MerlinVI on August 12, 2010, 11:45:09 AM
I have allways hated the kid bashers.  My motto has allways been:  "Today's Rookie Tomorrow's Superstar"

Around the Jan of 2001 our squad signed up a 11 year old kid because his father played.  His Father grew bored and quit Aces,  his son  (Die) flew with us  until he went to College.  The young man got his private pilots licence and last i heard was going for his instrument rating.  He was a heck of a great kid and a darn good stick.  Frankly I miss flying with him.  So the next time you think some kid is squeaker, remember he may achieve more in his/her life then you will.  Show some respect some leadership ....set an example for young people to follow.

Helm ...out

Well said sir a commendable attitude indeed :salute :old:
Title: Re: Young Players
Post by: pluck on August 12, 2010, 04:26:51 PM
So, now after you get your perma-squelch feature, what will be the next "we need whine"? A seperate "warn me buffer" so all the people you perma-squelched have a way to tell you theres a tank hiding in the weeds or theres 10 flights of buffs headed to your base?

Naw, we don't need anymore nanny care features..... I would prefer that there was some way to let the parents know that there little angel needs to go sit in the corner for a while.
I usually never squelch, doesn't really bother me all that much.  Others it does, for many different reasons.  I support this idea for the only reason that you can squelch anyone at anytime anyway. If someone is constantly annoying to you, what's the harm of making it easier to not have to listen to them?
I really don't know why you read into what I posted.  I also find it quite ironic that you call an idea that allows others to decide what content they wish to recieve nanny care.  At the same time, you prefer a way to inform the parents that the children are behaving badly...isn't that nanny care?  What if it's an adult?  Do we contact their parents as well?  What about "it's my $15?" Also, I'm not sure why I would expect someone who is a constant moron to give usefull information.  And if they do, who's fault is it you missed it?  What's the difference between loggin on and squelching the same people over and over again...other than it's a pain?  I don't know, I just don't follow you.

I usually never squelch, doesn't really bother me all that much.  Other people it does, for many different reasons.  I support this idea for the only reason that you can squelch anyone at anytime anyway. If someone is constantly annoying to you, what's the harm of making it easier to not have to listen to them?
Title: Re: Young Players
Post by: stealth on August 12, 2010, 09:23:20 PM
We all have our reasons to squelch if there be someone talking allot or just plan annoying you. Just make sure you make the right choices when using squelch or dealing with a kid. All in all it just a game so don't over do it.
Title: Re: Young Players
Post by: texasmom on August 12, 2010, 10:44:47 PM
... I would prefer that there was some way to let the parents know that there little angel needs to go sit in the corner for a while.

I'd love that.  Ask Hitech to record a "check kid" message and instead of "check six," we can hit a button that announces "check kid" to parents who stopped being attentive.

On second thought, maybe not. Just in the time it took to type that out I thought of about 10 people I'd be pinging with that thing.
Title: Re: Young Players
Post by: Dichotomy on August 12, 2010, 11:35:34 PM

Okay I called the coroner and I found the card that said 'no heroic measures should be taken' :)
Title: Re: Young Players
Post by: Viperius on August 13, 2010, 12:46:47 AM
Title: Re: Young Players
Post by: texastc316 on August 15, 2010, 12:29:24 PM
Id like to see yet another arena for the kids, call it the Kiddie Pool, I know I know DA lake is called that, but seriously. An actual arena for all kids to hang out with like minded adults capturing bases and blowing stuff up and ordering everyone around. Wait, we have the 2 LW arenas for that dont we? nevermind.
Title: Re: Young Players
Post by: FALCONWING on August 15, 2010, 12:44:25 PM
I agree.

I have a 9 y/o son who likes to play sometimes.

But, I dont let him talk on vox. He wants to. He wants to get into the game. But won't let him talk. For the reasons you stated.

Unfortunatly we dont have an arena wide squelch. We should be able to toggle off all voice comms if we want too.

It is unfortunate that some players treat the young ones with such disrespect.

I will say that many "squeakers" do talk too much and say irrelevant things. When they talk too much that is a problem.

But when you know its a young player we shouldnt treat them like adults who get drunk and mouth off.

Im not sure what to do as this is a mostly an adult game. But I think we should act like adults toward the young players and not treat them like we do adult players who mouth off.

Why cant folks understand this??????  This is an adult environment in fine with a kid playing but why should mostly adults have to play babysitter for your kid???  Do you let him go into AOl chatrooms unsupervised????  You choose for your kid to play this game...there are many fine offline games that are ww2 air combat...why would ANY responsible parent allow their child to game online unsupervised AND have conversations with strangers???  Forget vulgarity...what do YOU really know about most guys in here anyway??? Its the guys who buddy up to the kid i  would worry about the most.... :old:
Title: Re: Young Players
Post by: sky25 on August 15, 2010, 01:02:14 PM
After reading the comments on this post. I would have to say that I would rather see my child playing Aces High on the internet than doing some of the other things that kids do on the internet.. There are many young kids who play that are very respectful and well mannered. One  kid comes to mind as one of them. He played on our vox awhile back and conducted himself well.

As for the foul language. There are a few regulars who use that on everybody they disagree with.. Kids these days listen to bad language in their music, on tv, and from other kids.. It is a sad part of today's youth I guess. But playing Aces High is certainly safer for them than surfing the internet, and using Face book.. Maybe a young kid would learn a little about aviation and decide to make it a career.

Nothing wrong with kids playing Aces High IMHO..
Title: Re: Young Players
Post by: jamdive on August 15, 2010, 02:19:03 PM