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General Forums => Hardware and Software => Topic started by: Pigslilspaz on August 09, 2010, 11:26:55 PM

Title: Want to build my first computer
Post by: Pigslilspaz on August 09, 2010, 11:26:55 PM
Hey, wanted to build a machine, but have never really done it before. What prior knowledge should I have before even buying anything?
Title: Re: Want to build my first computer
Post by: Chalenge on August 09, 2010, 11:36:32 PM
The first thing you have to know is how much you can afford.
Then you have to know what you can recycle (if you want to recycle).
Then you have to know what will work together well so you dont create a problem for yourself.

If you can screw in a light bulb you can probably put a computer together. If you break a lot of bulbs then you dont want to try this.
Title: Re: Want to build my first computer
Post by: kilo2 on August 09, 2010, 11:39:47 PM
I built one with no real prior knowledge. I found some videos on the net asked people here and asked my friends and was able to do it. You can find package deals on newegg for mother board and cpus. I also spent time before hand gaining an idea of what I should look for and look out for. So I would say no prior knowledge is needed.

I will say after you build your own you feel a great sense of accomplishment. I will never buy a prepackaged desktop again.

Good luck.
Title: Re: Want to build my first computer
Post by: Plazus on August 10, 2010, 12:34:08 AM
I agree to both previous posts. I built a machine myself, and am proud of it. Granted, it isnt a top end computer, but it meets my expectations. Once you build your first computer, its hard not to ever want to build another one. I love homebuilt computers and feel they are worth the money and the experience. I feel that a homebuilt computer is far superior to a prepackaged one as long as it is built correctly.

It was easy for me to build one, given that I had several computer classes in college beforehand. But no real education/experience is needed though. Just some common sense.

Check this site out:

Basically sums up everything there is to building a computer.
Title: Re: Want to build my first computer
Post by: Pigslilspaz on August 10, 2010, 01:17:54 AM
how much should i expect to pay?
Title: Re: Want to build my first computer
Post by: Plazus on August 10, 2010, 01:30:21 AM
how much should i expect to pay?

It really depends on what kind of system youre looking for...

Cheap build - looking around to about $300 as a full system.
Middle of the road build - anywhere from $400-700
Top of the line build - as low as $700 to as high as $3000

Are you looking for a top of the line gaming computer? A multi-purpose machine that can run most games without too much trouble? Or are you looking for a cheap computer that is good for browsing the internet and checking email?
Title: Re: Want to build my first computer
Post by: guncrasher on August 10, 2010, 01:34:41 AM
how much should i expect to pay?

do you want the latest processors (i7)? or will you settle for something along the lines of the e8400.  which is what i have and can play with fr at 2400 (or whatever).  it really depends on how much money you can afford.  i7 will probably be around 1k e8400 about 2 or 300 less.

Title: Re: Want to build my first computer
Post by: kilo2 on August 10, 2010, 01:38:26 AM
I spent 1300 and it plays any game out there fine at max graphics.
Title: Re: Want to build my first computer
Post by: Pigslilspaz on August 10, 2010, 04:12:55 PM
something that will play this and Fallout 3 at max prettyness settings
Title: Re: Want to build my first computer
Post by: Dragon on August 10, 2010, 04:48:58 PM
something that will play this and Fallout 3 at max prettyness settings

Think around 1 grand.  But be prepared to move up or down a bit from there.  If getting a new monitor, keyboard, etc., the price goes up accordingly.
Title: Re: Want to build my first computer
Post by: cattb on August 10, 2010, 05:04:12 PM
plan on getting a decent case also if you don't hve one, something that will last many years to come.
Title: Re: Want to build my first computer
Post by: Pigslilspaz on August 10, 2010, 07:46:40 PM

Think around 1 grand.  But be prepared to move up or down a bit from there.  If getting a new monitor, keyboard, etc., the price goes up accordingly.

I know of keyboards that cost way more, lol

plan on getting a decent case also if you don't hve one, something that will last many years to come.
my friend who builds his own machines and is a metal worker was gonna help me convert either an old military radio or 1-2 WWII ammo cans
Title: Re: Want to build my first computer
Post by: 230G on August 11, 2010, 04:59:42 AM
  I just built a system for around $650. Including all new components and an operating system. Easily runs this game with graphics maxed out. Also runs COD World at War with amazing graphics. should be your new best friend.
Title: Re: Want to build my first computer
Post by: mbailey on August 11, 2010, 06:13:57 AM
Heres a silly question, once he has all the componants together and turns it on, what then? Will it ask you to load the OS (xp vista ect) Will he have to load all the drivers for all the componants? Does it do these things automatic? Will the computer walk him thru what to upload and in what order? This is the single biggest hesitation i have in building one as i am far from computer literate. I know i could assemble it, but getting it to work once i turn it on is another thing
Title: Re: Want to build my first computer
Post by: 230G on August 11, 2010, 06:44:43 AM
Heres a silly question, once he has all the componants together and turns it on, what then? Will it ask you to load the OS (xp vista ect) Will he have to load all the drivers for all the componants? Does it do these things automatic? Will the computer walk him thru what to upload and in what order? This is the single biggest hesitation i have in building one as i am far from computer literate. I know i could assemble it, but getting it to work once i turn it on is another thing

 I was VERY hesitant to build my own system, but it's really quite simple. After you turn it on, you just pop in your operating system install disk, answer a few questions, then kick back and let it install. Once the OS is installed, you can install drivers for things like printers, joystocks, etc. in any order you like.
Title: Re: Want to build my first computer
Post by: guncrasher on August 11, 2010, 09:59:18 AM
With win7 64 you don't have to download any drivers, it will auto scan your system and give u the latest drivers.  But not bios updates , I think.  32 bit does the same.  The Os itself only takes about 20 minutes.

Title: Re: Want to build my first computer
Post by: cattb on August 11, 2010, 05:15:39 PM
I install the motherboard drivers first, then the OS. I then willl make a image or shadow copy. I will then install updates for the OS and and the drivers or updated drivers, then I will once again make a image or a shadow copy, which ever you want to call it.I will load my most important application software and then again make a image file.( sometimes a image file can also be bad)
When I get done I will have 4 images.
Maybe this sounds like a hassle. The last computer I had for 6 years I only installed windows one time. If I ever had a problem when I needed to reinstall I would use a shadow copy or image file. It is a great time saver and a great way to back up.

I am not saying that anyone else should do this, just offering what I do for what its worth.
Title: Re: Want to build my first computer
Post by: Tigger29 on August 11, 2010, 07:50:55 PM
Heres a silly question, once he has all the componants together and turns it on, what then? Will it ask you to load the OS (xp vista ect) Will he have to load all the drivers for all the componants? Does it do these things automatic? Will the computer walk him thru what to upload and in what order? This is the single biggest hesitation i have in building one as i am far from computer literate. I know i could assemble it, but getting it to work once i turn it on is another thing

When the computer is first turned on, it will POST (like any other computer) and if there is no disk in the cd/dvd drive, it will "Invalid System Disk or Disk error".  At this point you will put in your windows disk and reboot the system (power switch or ctrl+alt+del).  Then you just follow the menus to install windows.  Once windows is loaded then you can install the drivers.  A disk will come with your motherboard which will have drivers for the motherboard itself, USB, sound (if integrated), network (if integrated), and video (if integrated).  Sometimes windows will automatically load drivers for you and sometimes they are the correct ones, and other times they are 'generic' ones.. but it's a crapshoot.  I like to install the proper drivers.

If I have network connectivity at this time then I will throw away the motherboard disk and download drivers directly from the website for the motherboard.  The ones on the disk are usually out of date by the time you get it out of the box anyway.  If I don't have internet, then I'll install only the drivers I need to get on the internet, and then download whatever I need... or ideally you'll want to use another computer to download whatever you need onto a flash drive, and then use that to install the new system.. *IF* you're that paranoid about viruses.

If you have any add-on cards (video cards, sound cards, etc.) again forget about the disk and download the drivers from their websites.  Once all the proper drivers are loaded, then do your windows updates... you can wait for it to do them automatically, but I like to do it manually if I can on a new system.  Once windows updates are all complete, unplug the internet, reboot the system again and then this would be the perfect time to make a hard drive image for backup purposes.

Once a backup image is made, then this is the time you'll want to install your anti-virus software, flash (if you want), java (if you want), aces high, firefox, and whatever else you use.
Title: Re: Want to build my first computer
Post by: BaldEagl on August 11, 2010, 11:22:35 PM
Building a computer is easy.  Assembly will take about three hours.  Longer if you mod the case to hide all the wiring but the best time to do it is during the build.  Then plan on 3-5 hours to install the OS, drivers, updates, applications and transfer any files from your old computer to the new one.  This, of course, depends on how many apps and files you have.  At the end of a long day you are the proud owner of a piece of self-made art. 

Now you'll have the confidence and curiosity to try to overclock it for more performance.  This is self revelation part 2 and is really fun.  Pretty soon you'll have that 3 GB CPU humming along at 3.6 GB or higher but you'll begin to be limited by the heat it's generating so you'll upgrade the CPU fan/heatsink to get more out of it (so you may as well plan for this and do it when you build).

Next, that slower RAM you bought won't sync with the CPU clock anymore so you'll want to upgrade that and buy more.  Again, plan ahead.  While you could try to OC the slower RAM it's not worth the effort so just get the faster stuff right away.

Now it's on to OCing the video card or going to a Crossfire/SLI setup or both.  Oops... not enough power.  Must... have... bigger... PSU.

Really.  This is what you're getting yourself into.  You think I'm kidding.

When I built my last machine I researched parts, theory and engineering for 3 months before placing my parts order and I still went through some of this.  I can't stress the research part enough.  You want to plan for future needs and with the experience and confidence you'll gain by the initial build the future will be tomorrow.

Good luck and have fun.  Come back with any questions.
Title: Re: Want to build my first computer
Post by: Getback on August 12, 2010, 12:55:18 AM
If you played with Legos as a kid you can build a computer. The only difference is you get to turn it on. To be a pro like TD you have to put some work into it. I mean a lot of work.
Title: Re: Want to build my first computer
Post by: Pigslilspaz on August 12, 2010, 02:15:42 AM
Heating will prolly not be a problem, seeing as I might make an open frame and submerge it in constantly chilled mineral oil. My friend suggested it to me, and if i cant get the military surplus parts I want for a mod case, i will do that instead
Title: Re: Want to build my first computer
Post by: Tigger29 on August 13, 2010, 12:37:24 AM
Heating will prolly not be a problem, seeing as I might make an open frame and submerge it in constantly chilled mineral oil. My friend suggested it to me, and if i cant get the military surplus parts I want for a mod case, i will do that instead

Has it been done?  Yes.

Does it work?  Yes.

Do you want to do something like this for a first build?  I wouldn't recommend it.
Title: Re: Want to build my first computer
Post by: Viperius on August 13, 2010, 02:13:57 AM
Just keep in mind to always properly ground yourselve aswell as the machine while working on the parts.

This will be beneficial in the long run as you don't have to deal with ESD related problems.

Don't know what ESD is here a quick read: (
Title: Re: Want to build my first computer
Post by: TilDeath on August 13, 2010, 10:16:29 AM
Heating will prolly not be a problem, seeing as I might make an open frame and submerge it in constantly chilled mineral oil. My friend suggested it to me, and if i cant get the military surplus parts I want for a mod case, i will do that instead
Hard drives will not work in this application.  The platters will not spin at speed.  A bubbler is a nice added effect, you know the diver and the treasure chest.

Title: Re: Want to build my first computer
Post by: MADe on August 13, 2010, 10:57:25 AM
Get online an act as if you were gonna buy a $10,000 game rig. Many sites have build your own rigs...... anyway find the one you want, for what you want to do with it. Now note the specific components and research them. Its a little backward engineering and you will find out component relationships, costs and where to take your shortcuts.

Title: Re: Want to build my first computer
Post by: Tigger29 on August 13, 2010, 03:22:29 PM
I should troll open a new thread "HOW DO I CONVERT MY FISH TANK TO A COMPUTER CASE?"   :rofl